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Die Produktion besonderer Arbeitskräfte : Auseinandersetzungen um den häuslichen Dienst in Österreich (1880-1938)
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ISBN: 9783110633351 3110633353 3110633361 Year: 2024 Publisher: Mnchen ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Mit der Dienstbotenfrage Ende des 19. Jh.s mehrten sich die Debatten und Konflikte um den häuslichen Dienst. Waren Hausbedienstete als ArbeiterInnen oder eher als Haushaltsangehörige zu sehen? Wie sollten ihre Dienste reguliert und bewertet werden? Die Arbeit untersucht die Auseinandersetzungen multiperspektivisch und diskutiert, wie sich der häusliche Dienst in Österreich bis zum Anschluss an das nationalsozialistische Dt. Reich verändert hat. The "servant question" in the late nineteenth century led to the proliferation of debates and conflicts regarding domestic work. Were household servants to be viewed as workers or as members of the household? How should their work be regulated and assessed? This volume examines these debates from multiple perspectives and discusses how domestic service had changed by the time Austria entered into Anschluss with the National Socialist German.

Des champs aux cuisines : histoires de la domesticité en Rhône et Loire (1848-1940)
ISBN: 9791036201363 9791036201387 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris: École normale supérieure,

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Ce livre sur la domesticité rémunérée en France, du milieu du XIXe au milieu du XXe siècle, s'intéresse particulièrement aux cas du Rhône et de la Loire. D'inspiration féministe, il interroge la catégorie de « domestiques », fabriquée par l'État et le patronat français, comme moyen d'exploitation privilégié des femmes et des classes populaires. Il évoque les rémunérations, les conditions de travail et de vie, qu'il compare au reste du monde ouvrier et paysan. Il traite conjointement domesticité rurale et urbaine, hommes et femmes, dans un contexte économique varié (des bassins industriels et des villages agricoles). S'appuyant sur des sources judiciaires, administratives et privées, l'auteure s'attache à sortir du topos littéraire de la jeune domestique soumise et impuissante et retrace dans un style vif et clair des parcours de vie de domestiques tout en produisant des analyses originales à destination d'un large public.

Scripts of Servitude : Language, Labor Migration and Transnational Domestic Work
ISBN: 1783099011 1783099003 1783098988 1783098996 9781783099016 9781783099009 Year: 2017 Publisher: Blue Ridge Summit, PA : Multilingual Matters,

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This book examines how language is a central resource in transforming migrant women into transnational domestic workers. Focusing on the migration of women from the Philippines to Singapore, the book unpacks why and how language is embedded in the infrastructure of transnational labor migration that links migrant-sending and migrant-receiving countries. It sheds light on the everyday lives of transnational domestic workers and how they draw on their linguistic repertoires, and in particular on English, as they cross geographical and social spaces. By showing how the transnational mobility of labor is dependent on the selection and performance of particular assemblages of linguistic resources that index migrants as labor and not as people, the book provides a powerful lens with which to examine how migration contributes to relationships of inequality and how such inequalities are produced and challenged on the terrain of language.

Migration and Domestic Work : IMISCOE Short Reader.
ISBN: 3031114663 3031114655 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access short reader offers a systematic overview of the scholarly debate on the experiences of migrant domestic workers at a global level, in the past as well as in present time. It tackles the nexus between migration and domestic work with a multi-layered approach. The book looks into the issue of (paid) domestic work in migratory contexts by investigating the feminization of migration, thereby considering the larger framework within which this specific phenomenon takes place. The author explains notions such as the “international division of reproductive labor” or “global care chains” which emphasize the inequality in the way care and domestic tasks are distributed today between middle-class women in receiving nations and migrant domestic workers. Moreover, the book shows how women migrating to work in the domestic work and private care sector are facing a complex landscape of migration and labor regulations that are extremely difficult to navigate. At the same time, this issue also addresses employers’ households who cannot find appropriate or affordable care among declining welfare states and national workers reluctant to take the job, whilst legal regulations make difficult to hire a domestic worker who is a third country national. As such this book offers an interesting read to academics, policy makers and all those working in the field.

Der Preis der Autonomie: Wie sorgende Angehörige Live-in-Arbeitsverhältnisse ausgestalten
ISBN: 3966659611 3966650215 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich Academic Press

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Häusliche Pflege-Arrangements in Deutschland funktionieren häufig nur, weil eine ausländische Live-in-Pflegekraft beschäftigt wird. Der Bekanntheitsgrad dieses Versorgungsmodells steht seinem rechtlich unsicheren Kontext gegenüber. Wie werden die Arbeitsverhältnisse mit Live-in-Betreuungskräften von Angehörigen Pflegebedürftiger ausgestaltet? Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, welche Wissens- und Handlungsmuster die befragten Personen anleiten. Home care arrangements in Germany often only work because a live-in migrant care worker is employed in the private household. The level of awareness of this care model is diametrically opposed to a legally uncertain context. How are home employment relationships with live-in care workers structured by relatives of people in need of care? This book shows which patterns of knowledge and action exist in this grey labour market.

Das bisschen Haushalt : Zur Kontinuität traditioneller Arbeitsteilung in Paarbeziehungen - ein europäischer Vergleich
ISBN: 3966650088 3966659824 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich Academic Press

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"Das bisschen Haushalt": Wer in Paarbeziehungen welche Routine-Hausarbeiten übernimmt, ist nach wie vor eine Frage des Geschlechts. Die Studie setzt sich mit innerhäuslichen Arbeitsteilungsarrangements in Paarbeziehungen im Zusammenhang mit dem von Studien der Familiensoziologie mittlerweile vernachlässigten Machtaspekt auseinander. Um die Kontinuität der traditionellen Arbeitsteilung in europäischen Regionen erklären zu können, wird eine theoretische Macht-Typologie entwickelt, die empirisch anhand einer Mehrebenenanalyse überprüft wird. Who does the dishes and cleans the bathroom? In couple relationships it is still a question of gender who does the majority of housework. The study deals with domestic work arrangements in couple relationships in connection with the aspect of power, which has been neglected by studies of family sociology. In order to explain the continuity of the traditional division of labour in European regions, a theoretical typology of power is developed.

Dust and dignity
ISBN: 1501739468 1501739476 9781501739484 9781501739477 1501739484 9781501739453 150173945X Year: 2019 Publisher: Ithaca

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What makes domestic work a bad job, even after efforts to formalize and improve working conditions? Erynn Masi de Casanova's case study, based partly on collaborative research conducted with Ecuador's pioneer domestic workers' organization, examines three reasons for persistent exploitation. First, the tasks of social reproduction are devalued. Second, informal work arrangements escape regulation. And third, unequal class relations are built into this type of employment. Accessible to advocates and policymakers as well as academics, this book provides both theoretical discussions about domestic work and concrete ideas for improving women's lives.Drawing on workers' stories of lucha, trabajo, and sacrificio-struggle, work, and sacrifice-Dust and Dignity offers a new take on an old occupation. From the intimate experience of being a body out of place in an employer's home, to the common work histories of Ecuadorian women in different cities, to the possibilities for radical collective action at the national level, Casanova shows how and why women do this stigmatized and precarious work and how they resist exploitation in the search for dignified employment. From these searing stories of workers' lives, Dust and Dignity identifies patterns in domestic workers' experiences that will be helpful in understanding the situation of workers elsewhere and offers possible solutions for promoting and ensuring workers' rights that have relevance far beyond Ecuador.

The sex obsession : perversity and possibility in American politics
ISBN: 1479839426 1479846082 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

Parenting and work in Poland : a gender studies perspective
ISBN: 3030663035 3030663027 Year: 2021 Publisher: Springer Nature

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The open access book provides a critical account of parenthood in Polish society. It uses a qualitative perspective to show how mothers and fathers engage with parenthood and also function in the labour market. Parenting in contemporary Poland is not only affected by individual preferences and choices, but significantly by the institutional context, in particular the family policy system, as well as socio-cultural norms of how men and women should fulfill parental roles. The author distinguishes between different kinds of work done in connection to parenthood and shows how the existing institutional system reinforces gender and other forms of social inequalities even in a post-communist state like Poland. The author demonstrates that Polish society has different expectations and institutional norms related to work and gender norms compared to those in long-standing democracies in Europe and elsewhere. The book also shows that the experiences of parenthood in Poland are different between men and women, between single and coupled parents, and based on economic and other resources. This book is of interest to social science students and researchers of family studies, parenting, sociology of work, and social structure in post-communist societies. .

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