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"This book employs scholarly analysis to ground practical tools for applying the EU Trade Mark law (EUTM) functionality refusal grounds to address business needs when registering trade marks consisting of product characteristics. The study comprehensively examines the absolute grounds for a refusal of registration of functional signs under EUTM. It interprets the functionality refusal grounds through objective tests, focusing on the pro-competition rationale of denying trade mark exclusivity on product features that are technically or aesthetically important for competitors' ability to trade in alternative products. The work takes a comparative approach looking at the US trade dress functionality doctrine, and a law and economics perspective on the role of trade marks and brands in the marketplace. It explores how competition rules related to market definition and the substitutability of products, as well as marketing and design findings related to branding and aesthetics, could be integrated into the legal assessment of EUTM functionality. The volume will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of Intellectual Property Law, Trade Mark and Design Law, EU Law, Comparative Law, and Branding"--
Trademarks --- Functionality (Trademark law) --- Law and legislation
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Anthocyanins are natural plant pigments, responsible for many of the orange/red/purple/blue colors of many flowers, fruits, and vegetables. These colorants play important roles in plants, such as conferring UV protection and antimicrobial properties, and they are also implicated to have many potential human health-promoting properties. Research works and epidemiological studies have indicated these plant pigments to be beneficial in the reduction of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For these reasons, there is increasing interest in their incorporation in foods, drugs, cosmetics, and dietary supplements as naturally derived colorants and health-promoting compounds. There is a large natural diversity in the chemical composition of anthocyanin pigments. More than 700 unique anthocyanin structures have been identified, and each has unique colorimetric, reactivity, and health-promoting properties. With such a great number of unique anthocyanins and increasing interest in their use, there is a considerable need to better understand the factors affecting their production and accumulation in plants, the factors affecting their stability and colorimetric properties, and their metabolism and mechanisms for disease alleviation. This Special Issue includes several new research works dedicated to these topics and a review of the current knowledge of anthocyanin chemistry affecting their application in food and nutrition.
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Food --- Aliments --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Food. --- Foods --- food technology --- food chemistry --- food quality and functionality --- Dinners and dining --- Home economics --- Table --- Cooking --- Diet --- Dietaries --- Gastronomy --- Nutrition --- Chemistry --- Chemical Engineering --- nutrition --- Primitive societies
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This book examines the alternation between accusative-dative and dative-accusative order in Old Florentine clitic clusters and its decline in favor of the latter. Based on an exhaustive analysis of data collected from medieval Florentine and Tuscan texts we offer a novel analysis of the rise of the variable order, the transition from one order to the other, and the demise of the alternation that relies primarily on iconicity and analogy. The book employs exophoric pragmatic iconicity, a language-external iconic relationship based on similarity between linguistic structure and the speaker/writer's conceptualization of reality, and endophoric iconicity, a language-internal iconic relationship where the iconic ground is construed between linguistic signs and structures. Analogy is viewed as a productive process that generalizes patterns or extends grammatical rules to formally similar structures, and obtains the form of the analogical relationship between the masculine singular definite article and the third person singular accusative clitic, which shared the same phototactically constrained distribution patterns. The data indicate that exophoric pragmatic iconicity exploits and maintains the alternation, whereas endophoric iconicity and analogy conspire to end it.
Italian language --- Iconicity (Linguistics) --- Clitics. --- Pronoun. --- Grammar, Historical. --- Iconism (Linguistics) --- Icons (Linguistics) --- Linguistics --- Semiotics --- Romance languages --- Clitics --- Pronoun --- Grammar, Historical --- E-books --- Dialectology --- Historical linguistics --- Tuscany --- Analogy. --- Clitic Pronouns. --- Iconicity. --- Pragmatic Functionality.
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A comprehensive account of the neurobiological basis of language, arguing that species-specific brain differences may be at the root of the human capacity for language.
Cognitive grammar --- Cognitive learning --- Cognitive science --- Brain --- Psycholinguistics --- Language, Psychology of --- Language and languages --- Psychology of language --- Speech --- Cerebrum --- Mind --- Brain function localization --- Cerebral localization --- Localization of cerebral functions --- Cognitive linguistics --- Localization of functions --- Physiology --- Locations of functionality --- Psychological aspects --- Psychology --- Functional localization --- Cognitive psychology --- Linguistics --- Thought and thinking --- Central nervous system --- Head --- Neurophysiology --- Phrenology --- Science --- Philosophy of mind --- Learning --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Cognitive grammar. --- Cognitive learning. --- Cognitive science. --- Psycholinguistics. --- Localization of functions. --- Language. --- Physiology. --- Locations of functionality. --- LINGUISTICS & LANGUAGE/General --- NEUROSCIENCE/General --- COGNITIVE SCIENCES/Psychology/Cognitive Psychology
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Due to the increased focus on circular bioeconomies, the full utilization of marine biomasses, including side streams from the seafood processing industry, as well as the utilization of hitherto unexploited biomasses, such as star fish, mussels, seaweed, and microalgae, are receiving increased attention from both academia and the industry. These marine biomasses contain a wide array of bioactive compounds with beneficial and/or functional health properties, which can be exploited for applications in food, feed, dietary supplements, or pharma. New technologies are being developed for the recovery and preservation of bioactive compounds from these resources. Technologies for preserving perishable bioactive compounds are particularly important during the storage of seafood side streams before extraction as well as during the extraction, concentration, purification, and storage of the extracted compounds. Advanced application refers to new applications of the bioactive compounds in, for example, food products or new technologies for the incorporation of these bioactive compounds in food, feed, dietary supplements, or drugs.
green crab --- protein hydrolysates --- enzymatic hydrolysis --- type 2 diabetes --- anti-hyperglycemia --- antiradical activity --- hydrolysates --- hydrothermal extracts --- A. broughtonii --- omega-3 --- microencapsulation --- spray-drying --- whey protein --- lipid oxidation --- food fortification --- sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) --- seaweed --- blanching --- freezing --- iodine --- nutrients --- bioactives --- antioxidant activity --- emulsifying properties --- statistical modelling --- optimization --- protein emulsifiers --- physical stability --- oxidative stability --- algae --- industrial seaweeds --- vegan protein --- combined extraction --- bioactive compounds --- sustainability --- bioeconomy --- functionality --- n/a
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The advent of additive manufacturing (AM) processes applied to the fabrication of structural components creates the need for design methodologies supporting structural optimization approaches that take into account the specific characteristics of the process. While AM processes enable unprecedented geometrical design freedom, which can result in significant reductions of component weight, on the other hand they have implications in the fatigue and fracture strength due to residual stresses and microstructural features. This is linked to stress concentration effects and anisotropy that still warrant further research. This Special Issue of Applied Sciences brings together papers investigating the features of AM processes relevant to the mechanical behavior of AM structural components, particularly, but not exclusively, from the viewpoints of fatigue and fracture behavior. Although the focus of the issue is on AM problems related to fatigue and fracture, articles dealing with other manufacturing processes with related problems are also be included.
milling process --- part functionality --- surface integrity --- research progress --- non-proportional mixed mode loading --- fractography --- mode II stress intensity factor --- finite element analysis --- rail steel --- wheel steel --- monolithic zirconia crown --- dental implant abutment --- cyclic loading --- mode III stress intensity factor --- FEA --- adaptive control --- fatigue testing --- simply supported bending --- mini specimen --- additive manufacturing --- 304L stainless steel --- LCF --- crack propagation --- blade-disc-Franc3D --- mixed-mode cracking --- fatigue life improvement --- materials characterization --- ultrasonic impact treatment --- DMLS --- fatigue --- fracture --- finite element method (FEM)
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In current times, highly complex and urgent policy problems-e.g., climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services, land rights, and massive human resettlement-challenge citizens, NGOs, private corporations, and governments at all levels. These policy problems, often called 'wicked', involve multiple causal factors, anticipated and unanticipated effects, as well as high levels of disagreement among stakeholders about the nature of the problem and the appropriateness of solutions. Given the wickedness of such policy problems, interdisciplinary and longitudinal research is required, integrating and harnessing the diverse skills and knowledge of urban planners, anthropologists, geographers, geo-information scientists, economists, and others. This Special Issue promotes innovative concepts, methods, and tools, as well as the role of geo-information, to help (1) analyze alternative policy solutions, (2) facilitate stakeholder dialogue, and (3) explore possibilities for tackling wicked problems related to climate change, rapid urbanization, equitable access to key services (such as water and health), land rights, and human resettlements in high-, middle-, and low-income countries in the North and South. Such integrative approaches can deepen our understanding of how different levels of government and governance reach consensus, despite diverging beliefs and preferences. Due to the particularly complex spatiotemporal characteristics of wicked policy problems, innovative concepts, alternative methods, and new geo-information tools play a significant role.
spatial data infrastructures --- n/a --- water point mapping --- complex adaptive systems --- FCM (Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping) --- spatial data infrastructure (SDI) --- Danube region --- longitudinal analysis --- geospatial data --- administrative technologies --- data gaps --- SDI development --- functionality --- key services --- interactive mapping tools --- the Netherlands --- coordination --- New York City --- renewable energy --- energy governance --- social acceptance --- large-scale base map --- Citizen Science --- self-organisation --- European Union Strategy for the Danube Region --- dashboard --- climate change --- Flanders --- information communication technologies (ICTs) --- heat wave --- Tanzania --- vulnerability --- rural water supply --- ICT4D --- income groups --- water points --- e-services --- information infrastructure --- Belgium --- mobile phone --- maptable --- climate governance --- governance --- rural water governance
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We think of the Enlightenment as an era dominated by ideas of progress, production, and industry--not an era that favored the lax and indolent individual. But was the Enlightenment only about the unceasing improvement of self and society? The Pursuit of Laziness examines moral, political, and economic treatises of the period, and reveals that crucial eighteenth-century texts did find value in idleness and nonproductivity. Fleshing out Enlightenment thinking in the works of Denis Diderot, Joseph Joubert, Pierre de Marivaux, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Jean-Siméon Chardin, this book exp
Laziness. --- Enlightenment --- Indolence --- Sloth --- Deadly sins --- Personality --- Bonnet de nuit. --- Bulles de savon. --- Cartesian thought. --- Denis Diderot. --- Diderot. --- Enlightenment thinking. --- Enlightenment. --- Georges-Jacques Danton. --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau. --- Jean-Simon Chardin. --- Joseph Joubert. --- Louis-Sbastien Mercier. --- Michel Foucault. --- Pierre Carlet de Marivaux. --- Pierre de Marivaux. --- Rameau's Nephew. --- alternative subjectivation. --- authority. --- bourgeois. --- contemplation. --- domestic interiors. --- dsoeuvrement. --- efficiency. --- effort. --- eighteenth century. --- functionality. --- idleness. --- idler. --- industrialization. --- journalist. --- labor. --- laziness. --- leisure. --- modernity. --- moralist. --- nonproductivity. --- philosopher. --- philosophical writings. --- philosophy. --- pillow. --- political philosopher. --- politics. --- productivity. --- sensory cogito. --- solid reality. --- subjectivity. --- subtlely. --- utopia. --- writing.
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Für erwachsene ehemalige "PISA-Risikoschüler" und -schülerinnen bestätigen Forschungsstudien wiederkehrend die Feststellung, dass diese Personengruppe nicht über die funktionalen Lesekompetenzen - "vor dem Komma" - verfügt und daher linear-kausal höchstwahrscheinlich nicht in sämtlichen Lebensbereichen teilhaben kann. Erlauben jedoch die psychometrischen Tests tatsächlich eine Aussage über die Inklusion in Arbeit im Beschäftigungssystem der tätigkeitsbezogenen qualifizierten Arbeitsplätze? Kann die Relation von Bildung und Teilhabe (in Arbeit) lediglich über den Voraussetzungscharakter von Bildung erschlossen werden? Dieser übergeordneten Perspektive folgend, wird das Lesen kulturwissenschaftlich verortet und werden die dahinterliegenden Verarbeitungsmodelle von arbiträren Zeichen erweitert, um textuellen Anforderungen on-the-job überhaupt ressourcenorientiert empirisch nachgehen zu können. Abschließende empirische Studien beschäftigen sich mit der Annäherung, ob "PISA-Risikoschüler" und -schülerinnen über die Lesekompetenz multikodaler Texte und Textkomplexe (aus zuvorderst kategorialen Tabellen, Grafiken etc. und einzelnen Wörtern bis kurzen Absätzen) verfügen, mit denen sie sich in einer Auswahl von Arbeitsplätzen konfrontiert sehen.
Sonderpädagogik --- PISA-Risikoschüler --- Heterogenität --- Multikodales Lesen --- Lernen --- Erwachsenenbildung --- Lesekompetenz --- Arbeitswelt --- Entwicklungsförderung --- Inklusion --- soziale Benachteiligung --- Lesen --- Leseschwäche --- Einfach(st)arbeitsplätze --- Diversität --- Teilhabe --- Reading competence, Adolescent, Adult education, Adult training, Disadvantaged background, Social disadvantage, Education, Notion of culture, Inclusion, Occupational integration, Reading weakness, Vocational Education, Text comprehension, Vocational pedagogics, Functionality, Special Educational Needs, National Vocational Qualification, Occupational qualification, Vocational qualification, Germany, Literalität, Lesen, Lesekompetenz, Jugendlicher, Erwachsenenbildung, Soziale Benachteiligung, Partizipation, Bildung, Kulturbegriff, Arbeitsplatz, Inklusion, Berufliche Integration, Leseschwäche, Berufliche Kompetenz, Berufsbildung, Niedrig qualifizierte Arbeit, Text, Textverständnis, Textart, Berufspädagogik, Funktionalität, Sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf, Berufliche Qualifikation, Interview, Deutschland
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