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Le Pseudo-Denys à la Renaissance : actes du colloque, Tours, 27-29 mai 2010
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ISSN: 12622869 ISBN: 9782745328779 2745328778 Year: 2014 Volume: 24 Publisher: Paris: Honoré Champion,

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Denys constitue déjà avant la Renaissance un corpus alternatif par rapport aux schèmes dominants que véhiculent les courants augustiniens et aristotéliciens. Pour la Renaissance - après les travaux de pionniers comme Renaudet, Emery, Beierwaltes, Stinger ou Monfasani - il convient de faire le point sur les apports plus récents de l'historiographie et d'ouvrir de nouvelles voies. Une première partie du livre s'intéresse à des lectures que l'on pourrait qualifier de post-scolastiques dans plusieurs contextes européens : France, Espagne, Allemagne, Italie. La deuxième est consacrée à Nicolas de Cues et aux disputes de son temps. C'est essentiellement la Florence du XVe siècle qui est au cœur de la troisième partie de ce livre ; tandis que la dernière regroupe des communications concernant l'influence de Denys sur la Renaissance Française, particulièrement en littérature et chez des philosophes français du XVIe siècle trop peu étudiés comme Josse Clichtove et Charles de Bovelles.

El hombre que parecía un caballo y otros cuentos
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8489666288 9788489666283 Year: 1997 Volume: 29 Publisher: Paris: ALLCA XX,

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No sin cierta distracción, la mayor parte de los críticos literarios señalan en Rafael Arévalo Martínez (Guatemala, 1884-1975) al creador de la novela "psicozoológica": el hallazgo de rasgos animales en algunos de sus personajes, en virtud de su conformación psíquica. El narrador guatemalteco no es solamente eso y su importancia no se reduce al encasillamiento con una etiqueta afortunada cuanto vacía de significación. Se trata de uno de los narradores fantásticos más importantes de América Latina cuya mejor producción comienza en el final mismo del movomiento modernista. Amigo de Darío y de Santos Chocano, Arévalo Martínez logra un registro personalísimo derivado de su lectura directa de los clásicos españoles y de los decadentes franceses. Si bien es cierto que la obra que ahora presentamos, El hombre que parecía un caballo y otros cuentos, ha hecho la fortuna crítica de nuestro autor, hay que reconocerle una copiosa obra, no toda del mismo nivel, entre las que sobresalen sus novelas utópicas Viaje a Ipanta y El reino de los Maharachías, pero sobre todo, su monumental biografía del dictador Estrada Cabrera, Ecce Pericle, extraordinario ejemplo de crónica novelada de compromiso cívico. En su momento, Arévalo Martínez fue considerado el mayor poeta nacional guatemalteco, y sigue siendo considerado uno de los más grandes escritores hispanoamericanos. El género fantástico no puede prescindir de este genial autor. La edición crítica de El hombre que parecía un caballo y otros cuentos rinde homenaje al conjunto de cuentos que más fama le han dado. Después de 16 ediciones a lo largo de 80 años, se había llegado a formar un corpus de cinco libros de contenido diferente bajo el mismo título. Se hacía necesario, por tanto, establecer cuál era el texto definitivo del libro de cuentos, y por qué motivos había habido tan extraordinarios cambios. Una vez fijado el texto, se estimó necesario publicar también los cuentos que, en una u otra edición, se habían amparado bajo aquel título. A la edición se suman los principales estudios críticos realizados desde la publicación de la obra hasta nuestros días, más un conjunto de críticas hechas por el equipo de la Colección Archivos especialmente para esta edición. De este modo, el lector tiene ahora, en sus manos, la más exhaustiva y fidedigna edición de El hombre que parecía un caballo y otros cuentos que se haya publicado hasta la fecha.

Categorical topology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0387095039 0387095047 3540095047 3540351914 3540095039 3540351930 9783540095033 9783540095040 Year: 1979 Volume: 720. Publisher: Berlin: Springer,

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Intended to follow the usual introductory physics courses, this book has the unique feature of addressing the mathematical needs of sophomores and juniors in physics, engineering and other related fields. Many original, lucid, and relevant examples from the physical sciences, problems at the ends of chapters, and boxes to emphasize important concepts help guide the student through the material. Beginning with reviews of vector algebra and differential and integral calculus, the book continues with infinite series, vector analysis, complex algebra and analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations. Discussions of numerical analysis, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and the Dirac delta function provide an introduction to modern topics in mathematical physics. This new edition has been made more user-friendly through organization into convenient, shorter chapters. Also, it includes an entirely new section on Probability and plenty of new material on tensors and integral transforms. Some praise for the previous edition: "The book has many strengths. For example: Each chapter starts with a preamble that puts the chapters in context. Often, the author uses physical examples to motivate definitions, illustrate relationships, or culminate the development of particular mathematical strands. The use of Maxwell's equations to cap the presentation of vector calculus, a discussion that includes some tidbits about what led Maxwell to the displacement current, is a particularly enjoyable example. Historical touches like this are not isolated cases; the book includes a large number of notes on people and ideas, subtly reminding the student that science and mathematics are continuing and fascinating human activities." --Physics Today "Very well written (i.e., extremely readable), very well targeted (mainly to an average student of physics at a point of just leaving his/her sophomore level) and very well concentrated (to an author's apparently beloved subject of PDE's with applications and with all their necessary pedagogically-mathematical background)...The main merits of the text are its clarity (achieved via returns and innovations of the context), balance (building the subject step by step) and originality (recollect: the existence of the complex numbers is only admitted far in the second half of the text!). Last but not least, the student reader is impressed by the graphical quality of the text (figures first of all, but also boxes with the essentials, summarizing comments in the left column etc.)...Summarizing: Well done." --Zentralblatt MATH.


Mathematical physics -- Problems, exercises, etc. --- Mathematical physics -- Study and teaching. --- Mathematical physics. --- Mathematical physics --- Applied Physics --- Physics - General --- Physics --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Study and teaching. --- Physical mathematics --- Mathematics --- Fréchet spaces. --- Fréchet spaces --- Espaces nucléaires (Analyse fonctionnelle) --- 515.142.2 --- General topological categories. Categories whose objects are topological spaces subject to various general restrictions, and whose morphisms are either continuous mappings or homotopy classes of such mappings. Other closely related categories --- 515.142.2 General topological categories. Categories whose objects are topological spaces subject to various general restrictions, and whose morphisms are either continuous mappings or homotopy classes of such mappings. Other closely related categories --- Physics. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Analysis (Mathematics). --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Mathematical Methods in Physics. --- Analysis. --- Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering. --- 517.9 --- 517.9 Differential equations. Integral equations. Other functional equations. Finite differences. Calculus of variations. Functional analysis --- Differential equations. Integral equations. Other functional equations. Finite differences. Calculus of variations. Functional analysis --- 512.58 --- 512.58 Categories. Category theory --- Categories. Category theory --- Analytical spaces --- Algebraic topology --- Categories (Mathematics) --- Topology --- Congresses. --- Linear operators. --- Nuclear spaces (Functional analysis). --- Nuclear spaces (Functional analysis) --- Linear operators --- Opérateurs linéaires --- Global analysis (Mathematics). --- Mathematical and Computational Engineering. --- Engineering --- Engineering analysis --- Mathematical analysis --- Analysis, Global (Mathematics) --- Differential topology --- Functions of complex variables --- Geometry, Algebraic --- Fréchet, Espaces de. --- Fréchet spaces. --- Topologie --- Catégories (mathématiques) --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis --- Natural philosophy --- Philosophy, Natural --- Physical sciences --- Dynamics --- Espaces nucléaires (analyse fonctionnelle) --- Fréchet, Espaces de. --- Espaces nucléaires (analyse fonctionnelle) --- Topology. --- Catégories (mathématiques) --- Topologie generale --- Analyse fonctionnelle --- Espaces particuliers --- Espaces de suites

Paulo Freire-Oskar Negt : methoden voor bewustwording
ISBN: 9024410215 Year: 1978 Publisher: Bloemendaal Nelissen

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De conscientisatiemethode van Paulo freire en de exemplarische methode van oskar negt worden samen behandeld als methodieken voor bewustwording en emancipatie van achtergeblevenen en onmondigen.

Names and naming in early modern Germany
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1789202116 9781789202113 9781789202106 1789202108 Year: 2019 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Berghahn,

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Throughout the many political and social upheavals of the early modern era, names were words to conjure by, articulating significant historical trends and helping individuals and societies make sense of often dramatic periods of change. Centered on onomastics—the study of names—in the German-speaking lands, this volume, gathering leading scholars across multiple disciplines, explores the dynamics and impact of naming (and renaming) processes in a variety of contexts—social, artistic, literary, theological, and scientific—in order to enhance our understanding of individual and collective experiences.

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