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Philosophical anthropology. --- Social service --- Philosophy. --- Sociology of social care --- Philosophical anthropology --- maatschappelijke hulpverlening --- hulpverlening --- Philosophy --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- -filosofie van het welzijnswerk --- sociale filosofie --- antropologie --- 141.7 --- 364.4 --- Wijsgerige antropologie --- Benevolent institutions --- Philanthropy --- Relief stations (for the poor) --- Social service agencies --- Social welfare --- Social work --- Human services --- 361 --- 1 --- 008 --- filosofie van het welzijnswerk --- filosofische stelsels --- 14 --- Hulpverlening --- Filosofie --- Oudheid --- China --- Romeinse Rijk --- Hellenisme --- Griekenland --- Hellas --- Film --- Literatuur --- Muziek --- Schilderkunst --- Tekenkunst --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Vrouw --- -Philosophy
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Moslim zijn én een moderne Europeaan. Dat gaat volgens Omar Nahas goed samen. Maar dan moet je wel bereid zijn zelf je hersens te gebruiken bij de interpretatie van de Koran. De andere Jihad is een boek voor jong en oud, moslims en niet-moslims. In een ABC geeft Nahas een toegankelijke, moderne interpretatie van de belangrijkste begrippen uit de islam. Daarbij schuwt hij de dilemma's niet waar met name jonge moslims in Nederland en Vlaanderen voor staan. Waarin volgen ze de geloofsopvattingen van hun ouders en waarin niet? En hoe beantwoorden ze lastige vragen van niet-moslimvrienden over hun geloof en leefstijl?
Islam --- Islam in het Westen --- Koran --- BPB0707 --- C1 --- islam --- Vlaams Gewest [gewest in land België - BE] --- Nederland [land in werelddeel Europa] --- 297 <03> --- 297.12 --- 297 (492) --- Sociaal werk --- 297.12 Islam: theologie; doctrine --- Islam: theologie; doctrine --- Kerken en religie --- Islam. Mohammedanisme--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Islam. Mohammedanisme--Nederland --- Maatschappij --- Politiek --- Seksualiteit --- Theater --- Wetenschap --- Architectuur --- Film --- Godsdienst --- Cultuur --- Media --- Kleuter --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting
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Against the scholarly consensus that assumes early Christians were involved in a rivalry for converts with contemporary Jews, this book shows that the target of patristic writers was rather a symbolic Judaism, and their aim was to define theologically the young church's identity. In identifying and categorizing the hypotheses put forward by modern scholars to defend their view of a Jewish-Christian "conflict", this book demonstrates how current theories have generated faulty notions about the perceptions and motivations of ancient Christians and Jews. Beyond its relevance to students of the early church, this book addresses the broader question of Christian responsibility for modern anti-Semitism. It shows how the focus on a supposedly social rivalry, obscures the depth and disquieting nature of the connections between early anti-Judaism and Christian identity.
Judaism (Christian theology) --- Christianity and other religions --- Judaism --- Church history --- History of doctrines --- Judaism. --- Relations --- Christianity. --- History --- 296*811 --- Antisemitisme--in oudheid en middeleeuwen --- Simon, Marcel --- -Antisemitisme--in oudheid en middeleeuwen --- -Simon, Marcel --- 296*811 Antisemitisme--in oudheid en middeleeuwen --- Jews --- Religions --- Semites --- Apostolic Church --- Christianity --- Church, Apostolic --- Early Christianity --- Early church --- Primitive and early church --- Primitive Christianity --- Fathers of the church --- Great Apostasy (Mormon doctrine) --- Relations&delete& --- Religion --- Simon, Marcel, --- Theses --- Christian church history --- Jewish religion --- anno 1-499 --- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 A.D. --- Talmudic period, 10-425 --- Judaism (Christian theology) - History of doctrines - Early church, ca. 30-600. --- Church history - Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600. --- Judaism - History - Talmudic period, 10-425. --- Brotherhood Week --- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 --- Christianity and other religions - Judaism. --- Judaism - Relations - Christianity. --- Judaism (Christian theology) - History of doctrines - Early church, ca. 30-600 --- Christianity and other religions - Judaism --- Judaism - Relations - Christianity --- Church history - Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 --- Judaism - History - Talmudic period, 10-425
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61 p.
Depth psychology --- Personality development --- Gestalttherapie --- psychotherapie --- Psychology --- gestalttherapie --- #gsdbP --- 615.88 --- Psychotherapie --- 615.851 --- Psychotherapie. Pschychoanalyse als therapie --- 615.851 Psychotherapie. Pschychoanalyse als therapie --- 615.851 Psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis as therapy --- Psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis as therapy
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maskers --- volkskunst --- dood --- folk art [traditional art] --- Folklore --- masks [costume] --- thema's in de kunst --- theme --- Posada, José Guadalupe --- Mexico --- 7.045 --- 393 --- 393 Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- Dood. Dodengebruiken. Dodenritueel. Lijkverbranding. Begrafenis. Crematie. Rouw. Opbaren. Lijkstoet. Sterven. Dodenmaskers --- 7.045 Iconografie: allegorieen symbolen dodendansen emblemata --- Iconografie: allegorieen symbolen dodendansen emblemata --- Exhibitions --- Europalia 1993 Mexico --- Iconografie: allegorieen; symbolen; dodendansen; emblemata --- 7.045 Iconografie: allegorieen; symbolen; dodendansen; emblemata --- Posada, José Guadalupe, --- Europalia 1993 Mexico. --- Mexico. --- culturele antropologie --- iconografie --- Dood --- 393 Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Death. Treatment of corpses. Funerals. Death rites --- Posada, José Guadalupe. --- aquarellen --- 20ste eeuw.
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bijbel (ler) --- Bijbel --- Bible --- Didactiek van de godsdienst --- lager onderwijs 2de graad (doelgroep) --- lager onderwijs 3de graad (doelgroep) --- bijbelverhalen (genre) --- bijbel --- PXL-Education 2017 --- basisonderwijs --- godsdienstdidactiek --- Didactics of religion --- Bijbel algemeen --- Tekstuitgave --- Bijbelpastoraal --- Kinderbijbel
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Art --- Iconography --- Mary [s.] --- Christian special devotions --- iconography --- saints --- Maria --- kalender --- christelijke iconografie --- Maagd Maria --- kalender, almanak --- Brentano, Clemens --- Christian dogmatics --- Mariaverering --- iconografie --- Maagd Maria. --- kalender, almanak. --- christelijke iconografie. --- Maria. --- romantiek. --- geschiedenis. --- revolutie, revolte, opstand. --- socialisme. --- nationalisme. --- 1815 - 1848. --- 19de eeuw. --- Europa.
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