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AA / International- internationaal --- 305.4 --- 333.403 --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen. --- Monetaire theorieën. Kwantitatieve theorie. Theorie van de incasso's. Optiek van de uitgaven en inkomens. --- Money. Monetary policy --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Monetaire theorieën. Kwantitatieve theorie. Theorie van de incasso's. Optiek van de uitgaven en inkomens
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This edition of Ronald Miller and Peter Blair's classic textbook is an essential reference for students and scholars in the input-output research and applications community. The book has been fully revised and updated to reflect important developments in the field since its original publication. New topics covered include SAMs (and extended input-output models) and their connection to input-output data, structural decomposition analysis (SDA), multiplier decompositions, identifying important coefficients, and international input-output models. A major new feature of this edition is that it is also supported by an accompanying website with solutions to all problems, wide-ranging real-world data sets, and appendices with further information for more advanced readers. Input-Output Analysis is an ideal introduction to the subject for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in a wide variety of fields, including economics, regional science, regional economics, city, regional and urban planning, environmental planning, public policy analysis and public management.
National accounts --- Input-output analysis --- Analyse input-output --- Input-output analysis. --- Economie --- Input-output-model --- AA / International- internationaal --- 305.4 --- 330.3 --- 339.23 --- Interindustry economics --- Economics, Mathematical --- National income --- Input-output tables --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen. --- Methode in staathuishoudkunde. Statische, dynamische economie. Modellen. Experimental economics. --- Accounting --- Economie. --- Input-output-model. --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Methode in staathuishoudkunde. Statische, dynamische economie. Modellen. Experimental economics --- Economics. --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Business, Economy and Management --- Economics
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Wassily Leontief (1905-1999) was the founding father of input-output economics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1973. This book offers a collection of papers in memory of Leontief by his students and close colleagues. The first part, 'Reflections on Input-Output Economics', focuses upon Leontief as a person and scholar as well as his personal contributions to economics. It includes contributions by Nobel Laureate Paul A. Samuelson who shares his memories of a young Professor Leontief at Harvard and ends with the last joint interview with Wassily and his wife, to date previously unpublished. The second part, 'Perspectives of Input-Output Economics', includes theoretical and empirical research inspired by Leontief's work and offers a wide-ranging sample of the state of interindustry economics, a field Leontief founded. This is a strong collection likely to appeal to a wide range of professionals in universities, government, industry and international organizations.
National accounts --- Leontief, Wassily --- Economics --- Economists --- Economics, Mathematical --- Business cycles --- Input-output analysis. --- History --- History. --- Mathematical models --- Leontief, Wassily W., --- Business, Economy and Management --- AA / International- internationaal --- 305.4 --- -Economists --- -Economics, Mathematical --- -Business cycles --- -Input-output analysis --- 339.23092 --- Interindustry economics --- National income --- Input-output tables --- Economic cycles --- Economic fluctuations --- Cycles --- Financial crises --- Mathematical economics --- Econometrics --- Mathematics --- Social scientists --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen. --- -History --- Accounting --- Methodology --- Input-output analysis --- Mathematical models&delete& --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Leontief, Wassily, --- Leontʹev, Vasiliĭ, --- Leontʹev, V. --- Economics - United States - History - 20th century. --- Economists - United States - Biography. --- Economics, Mathematical - History. --- Business cycles - Mathematical models - History. --- Leontief, Wassily W., - 1906-1999
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Input-output analysis is the main tool of applied equilibrium analysis. This textbook provides a systematic survey of the most recent developments in input-output analysis and their applications, helping us to examine questions such as: which industries are competitive? What are the multiplier effects of an investment program? How do environmental restrictions impact on prices? Linear programming and national accounting are introduced and used to resolve issues such as the choice of technique, the comparative advantage of a national economy, its efficiency and dynamic performance. Technological and environmental spillovers are analysed, both at the national level (between industries) and the international level (the measurement of globalisation effects). The book is self-contained, but assumes some familiarity with calculus, matrix algebra, and the microeconomic principle of optimizing behaviour. Exercises and review questions are included at the end of each chapter, and solutions at the end of the book.
Input-output analysis. --- Input-output analysis --- 305.4 --- 339.0 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 330.5 --- Interindustry economics --- Economics, Mathematical --- National income --- Input-output tables --- 330.5 Volksvermogen. Gemeenschappelijk produkt --- Volksvermogen. Gemeenschappelijk produkt --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Algemeenheden. Nationale rekeningen --- Accounting --- National accounts --- Diversification in industry. --- Industrial diversification --- Product diversification --- Barriers to entry (Industrial organization) --- Multiproduct firms --- Business, Economy and Management --- Economics
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Saving and investment --- Economic History --- Business & Economics --- 305.4 --- 305.5 --- 339.311.0 --- 339.320 --- AA / International- internationaal --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Econometrie van de variaties van de vraag. Verbruiksfunctie. Econometrie van het gedrag van de verbruiker --- Sparen: algemeenheden --- Consumptie: algemeenheden. Wet van de vraag in verband met de consumptie. Consumptiebehoefte. Behoeftetheorie
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Income Elasticity and Economic Development: Methods and Applications is mainly concerned with methods of estimating income elasticity. This field is connected with economic development that can be achieved by reducing income inequality. This is highly relevant in today's world, where the gap between rich and poor is widening with the growth of economic development. Income Elasticity and Economic Development: Methods and Applications provides a good example in showing how to calculate income elasticity, using a number of methods from widely available grouped data. Some of the techniques presented here can be used in a wide range of policy areas in all developed, developing and under-developed countries. Policy analysts, economists, business analysts and market researchers will find this book very useful.
Econometrics. --- Elasticity (Economics) --- Consumption (Economics) --- Income distribution. --- Econometric models. --- Economics, Mathematical --- Statistics --- Distribution of income --- Income inequality --- Inequality of income --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Disposable income --- Coefficient of elasticity --- Demand elasticity --- Elasticity, Coefficient of --- Elasticity of demand --- Price elasticity of demand --- Demand (Economic theory) --- Economics --- Development economics. --- Macroeconomics. --- Statistics. --- Economic growth. --- Economic policy. --- Development Economics. --- Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics//Financial Economics. --- Statistics for Business, Management, Economics, Finance, Insurance. --- Economic Growth. --- Economic Policy. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Economic development --- Income distribution --- 305.4 --- 339.20 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Econometric models --- Econometrie van de inkomensvorming, de spaarvorming, de kapitaalvorming. Input-output tabellen --- Verdeling van de goederen en van de inkomens: algemeenheden --- Statistics .
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VENNOOTSCHAPPEN - Naamloze vennootschap(NV) - Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (BVBA) - Kapitaal (vennootschap) - Kapitaalbescherming - Alarmprocedure - Kapitaalvermindering - Winstuitkering - Wettelijke reserve - vennootschap N.V. B.V.B.A. kapitaalvermindering kapitaalverlies proefschrift & inleiding & uitkering(en) aan de aandeelhouder(s) dividend interimdividend tantiemes verkrijging eigen effecten kruisparticipatie steunverlening bij verkrijging effecten door derde inpandgeving (pand) eigen effecten - algemeen overzicht van de wettelijke regeling van de hier besproken uitkeringen - de voor uitkering vatbare bedragen - tijdstip waarop mag worden uitgekeerd - bevoegd orgaan - sancties in geval van onrechtmatig(e) beding(en) & de wettelijke reserve & kapitaalvermindering - historiek - evolutie van het wetgevend kader in Belgie - kapitaalvermindering naar geldend recht & verlies van het maatschappelijk kapitaal - inleiding - situering binnen de regels inzake kapitaalbescherming - de eigenlijke alarmbelprocedure: verplichte bijeenroeping van de algemene vergadering met het oog op de ontbinding - daling van het netto-actief beneden het wettelijk minimumkapitaal & algemeen besluit & bibliografie
E-books --- Corporation law --- Sociétés --- Droit --- 347.724 <493> --- 347.725 <493> --- Academic collection --- BPB0605 --- winst --- financieel beheer ondernemingen --- kapitaal --- aandeelhouders --- nv --- pvba --- vennootschapsrecht --- belgie --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.71 --- 347.728.2 --- 347.725 --- 347.728.1 --- 347.724 --- U36 - Droit des sociétés - Vennootschappenrecht --- BVBA's --- bedrijfsfinanciering --- naamloze vennootschappen --- recht, vennootschappen --- 347.725 <493> Naamloze vennootschap. NV--België --- Naamloze vennootschap. NV--België --- 347.724 <493> Vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid. Besloten vennootschap. Eenpersoonsvennootschap--België --- Vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid. Besloten vennootschap. Eenpersoonsvennootschap--België --- benefice --- gestion financiere des entreprises --- capital --- actionnaires --- sa --- sprl --- droit des societes --- belgique --- Daden van koophandel. Kooplieden. Handelsinstellingen en -boekhouding --- Kapitaalvorming. Kapitaalvermeerderingen en -verminderingen --- Naamloze vennootschappen --- Rekeningen, balansen, inventarissen, winst-en verliesrekeningen. Reserves. Schattingen. Afschrijvingen. Wederinkoop van aandelen --- Vennootschappen met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (recht) --- Droit économique et commercial --- Belgique --- groupement --- SA-SPRL --- fonctionnement --- modification --- réduction --- prise de bénéfices --- Bedrijfsrecht
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Economic growth, low inflation, and financial stability are among the most important goals of policy makers, and central banks such as the Federal Reserve are key institutions for achieving these goals. In Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, leading scholars and practitioners probe the interaction of central banks, asset markets, and the general economy to forge a new understanding of the challenges facing policy makers as they manage an increasingly complex economic system. The contributors examine how central bankers determine their policy prescriptions with reference to the fluctuating housing market, the balance of debt and credit, changing beliefs of investors, the level of commodity prices, and other factors. At a time when the public has never been more involved in stocks, retirement funds, and real estate investment, this insightful book will be useful to all those concerned with the current state of the economy.
Capital assets pricing model. --- Capital investments. --- Investment analysis - Mathematics. --- Investment analysis -- Mathematics. --- Monetary policy. --- Securities - Prices. --- Securities -- Prices. --- Speculation. --- Monetary policy --- Securities --- Speculation --- Capital assets pricing model --- Investment analysis --- Capital investments --- Finance --- Business & Economics --- Money --- Prices --- Mathematics --- Prices. --- Mathematics. --- Capital expenditures --- Capital improvements --- Capital spending --- Fixed asset expenditures --- Plant and equipment investments --- Plant investments --- Analysis of investments --- Analysis of securities --- Security analysis --- Capital asset pricing model --- CAPM (Capital assets pricing model) --- Pricing model, Capital assets --- Bucket-shops --- Commercial corners --- Corners, Commercial --- Monetary management --- Investments --- Capital --- Gambling --- Commodity exchanges --- Contracts, Aleatory --- Stock exchanges --- Economic policy --- Currency boards --- Money supply --- Mathematical models --- E-books --- 339.53 --- 333.846.5 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Verband tussen de geld-, bank- en kredietpolitiek en de besparingen, kapitaalvorming, verdeling van vermogens --- economics, economy, growth, inflation, finances, financial, policy makers, central banks, federal reserve, asset markets, housing market, debt, credit, investors, commodity pricing, stocks, retirement funds, real estate, securities, prices, speculation, math, mathematics, investment, analysis, macroeconomics, expectations, learning, borrowing, exchange rate, monetary.
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'Eigenlijk hebben we in dit boek alles neergeschreven wat we zelf hadden willen weten toen we nog jong waren. Dan leg je immers de basis voor een zorgeloze financiële toekomst en bouw je stilletjes een spaarpot(je) op. Want wie van in het begin verstandig omspringt met geldzaken, doet daar heel zijn leven voordeel mee.'- Michaël Van Droogenbroeck en Ewald PironetVoor alles is er een eerste keer. Dat geldt ook voor financiële zaken. Denk maar aan je eerste spaarboekje (is dat nog wel iets waard?), je eerste loon (hoe onderhandel je en wat doe je ermee?), je eerste belastingaangifte (waar moet je op letten?), je allergrootste aankoop, een woning (of toch eerst huren?), je eerste vaste partner (welke afspraken maak je?), je eerste kind (wat kost en levert die kleine koter op?), je eerste stapjes op de beurs (of toch beter bitcoins?) enzovoort. Dit boek zet je op weg.Een vlot leesbaar en goed gedocumenteerd boek voor al wie in het echte leven stapt én voor jonge ouders.Met getuigenissen van bekende Vlamingen, van Annelies Verlinden, Eva De Bleeker en Lorin Parys, over Stijn Baert, Yasmien Naciri en Ine Van Wymersch tot Imke Courtois, Sven De Leijer en Xavier Taveirne.Een essentiële handleiding voor wie verstandig wil omgaan met geld in de eerste helft van zijn leven.Bron:
Geldbeheer --- Kapitaal (vermogen) --- Sparen --- Geld --- Winst --- Intrest --- Financieel management --- Financiële markt --- Belegging --- Beurs (financiewezen) --- Economie --- Toekomstvisie --- spaartegoed --- loon --- gezin --- durfkapitaal --- 362 --- investeren --- beurs --- beleggen --- Financiering --- Bee Collection --- Beleggingsadvies - eindwerk --- financiën --- geld --- sparen --- horizoncollectie --- Kapitaalvorming --- risparmio finanziario --- tesaurizzazione --- investimento del risparmio --- заштедени средства --- propensione al risparmio --- ahorro --- säästud --- megtakarítások --- épargne --- заштеда --- ietaupījumi --- savings --- sparmedel --- tfaddil --- úspory --- santaupos --- спестявания --- coigilteas --- Ersparnis --- poupança --- oszczędności --- opsparing --- economisire --- säästöt --- αποταμίευση --- risparmio --- kursime --- štednja --- штедња --- prihranki --- üzleti angyal --- rizikos kapitalo fondas --- pääomasijoitusrahasto --- poslovni angel --- fond rizikového kapitálu --- riskipääomarahasto --- risicodragende belegging --- risikokapital --- enkelisijoittaja --- fundo de capital de risco --- sklad tveganega kapitala --- inversión de riesgo --- riskirahasto --- бизнес ангел --- neformalus investuotojas --- caipiteal riosca --- επιχειρηματικά κεφάλαια --- riskikapitalifond --- kockázatitőke-alap --- ризична инвестиција --- kockázati tőkealap --- fondo di venture capital --- fond għall-kapital ta' riskju --- durfkapitaalfonds --- capital-risque --- investitor providențial --- ταμείο επιχειρηματικού κινδύνου --- venturekapitalfond --- riskvilligt kapital --- risikovillig investering --- rizični kapital --- ризичен капитал --- investisseur providentiel --- investitur informali --- επενδύσεις επιχειρηματικού κινδύνου --- fonds de capital-risque --- riskplacering --- претприемачки капитал --- investitore informale --- business angel --- fondo di capitale di rischio --- poslovni anđeo --- risicodragend kapitaal --- επιχειρηματικοί άγγελοι --- placement à risque --- uzņēmējdarbības aizgādnis --- äriingel --- podnikateľský anjel --- venture capital fund --- inversor providencial --- Wagniskapital --- bisnesenkeli --- investiții cu risc --- neformální investor --- riziková investícia --- risk capital --- affärsängel --- aplicação de capitais de risco --- kapital rreziku --- investimento di rischio --- фонд за рискови инвестиции --- riska kapitāla fonds --- Venture-Capital --- durfinvesteerder --- komerceņģelis --- fond cu capital de risc --- ciste caipitil fiontair --- anjo investidor --- Venture Capital --- venture capital --- riska kapitāls --- poduzetnički kapital --- riskipääoma --- κεφάλαια επιχειρηματικού κινδύνου --- предузетнички капитал --- capital de risc --- rizikos kapitalas --- tvegani kapital --- riskkapital --- capital de risco --- капитал на вложување --- rizikový kapitál --- capital de riesgo --- kapital riskimi --- kapital ta' riskju --- рисков капитал --- risikovillig kapital --- Risikokapital --- capiteal fiontair --- kockázati tőke --- riskikapital --- capitaux à risque --- capitali di rischio --- klein gezin --- kernefamilie --- nukleáris család --- rodina s nezaopatřenými dětmi --- jadro rodiny --- ydinperhe --- ambiente familiare --- pamatģimene --- фамилија --- milieu familial --- családi élet --- семејно опкружување --- ambito familiare --- šeimos aplinka --- perekeskkond --- потесно семејство --- kärnfamilj --- perheympäristö --- Angehörige --- tuumperekond --- családmag --- familje bërthamore --- medio familiar --- rodinné prostředí --- mjedisi i familjes --- malá rodina --- familia nuclear --- gezinsmilieu --- family environment --- οικογενειακός πυρήνας --- famiglia nucleare --- ambiente familiar --- familjemiljö --- családi környezet --- οικογενειακό περιβάλλον --- rodinné prostredie --- pagrindinė šeima --- Familienangehörige --- nukleārā ģimene --- familiekreds --- gezinskern --- família nuclear --- mediu familial --- családtag --- nuclear family --- tėvai ir vaikai --- nukleární rodina --- orientační rodina --- famille nucléaire --- perhe --- familie --- famille --- семейство --- породица --- perekond --- familia --- teaghlach --- família --- Familie --- familje --- familja --- obitelj --- család --- семејство --- family --- famiglia --- familj --- rodina --- οικογένεια --- rodzina --- šeima --- ģimene --- družina --- bezoldiging --- laika alga --- jornal --- salary --- entrata lorda --- sueldo --- bér --- gage --- výplaty --- záloha na mzdu --- lønning --- osobni dohodak --- nómina --- paga --- Entgelt --- mzdový základ --- alga --- tasu --- hyvitys --- Bezüge --- salariu --- plat --- atlīdzība --- avlöning --- výplatní páska --- remuneration --- remunerazione --- Gehalt --- надница --- ημερομίσθιο --- mēnešalga --- личен доход --- надомест за труд --- remunerație --- заработка --- traitement (salaire) --- rémunération --- ansio --- trattamento salariale --- Besoldung --- lefuri --- atlyginimas --- löneutbetalning --- wages --- remuneração --- výdělek --- remunerácia --- rroga --- μισθός υπαλλήλου --- samaksa --- stipendio --- salaris --- Verdienst --- Vergütung --- aflønning --- nadnica --- retribuzione --- illetmény --- ersättning för utfört arbete --- paie --- Dienstbezüge --- massa salariale --- remuneración --- лични доходак --- paye --- wedde --- αποδοχές --- töötasu --- vencimento --- заплащане --- плата --- plată --- pagë --- díjazás --- lön --- plača --- palkka --- løn --- plaća --- salario --- darbo užmokestis --- pá --- płaca --- mzda --- μισθός --- salário --- pay --- Lohn und Gehalt --- palk --- atalgojums --- salaire --- financieringsleer, financiële vraagstukken
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