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Les contes de Perrault, des frères Grimm, et d'Andersen sont parmi les plus connus du genre, mais leur rapprochement masque parfois le fait qu'ils n'ont pas été écrits à la même époque, ni dans la même culture, et qu'ils comportent de nombreuses différences. Avec une double approche linguistique et comparatiste, l'ouvrage propose un nouveau regard sur ces textes et s'attache à montrer que les auteurs construisent des manières de raconter particulières, des stratégies narratives qui doivent être mises en relation avec un « projet discursif ». L'analyse des différences entre Perrault, les Grimm et Andersen permet en outre de construire une poétique du genre : le conte apparaît comme un enchevêtrement de voix où un conteur relate une histoire déjà racontée auparavant, comme s'il rapportait la voix d'un autre conteur, s'inscrivant ainsi dans une tradition où l'on parle toujours à la suite de quelqu'un.
Contes. --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Histoire et critique --- Perrault, Charles --- Grimm, Jacob --- Grimm, Wilhelm --- Andersen, Hans Christian --- Style --- Style. --- Contes --- Analyse du discours narratif. --- Histoire et critique.
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The categories of classical narratology have been successfully applied to ancient texts in the last two decades, but in the meantime narratological theory has moved on. In accordance with these developments, Narratology and Interpretation draws out the subtler possibilities of narratological analysis for the interpretation of ancient texts. The contributions explore the heuristic fruitfulness of various narratological categories and show that, in combination with other approaches such as studies in deixis, performance studies and reader-response theory, narratology can help to elucidate the content of narrative form. Besides exploring new theoretical avenues and offering exemplary readings of ancient epic, lyric, tragedy and historiography, the volume also investigates ancient predecessors of narratology.
Greek literature --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- History and criticism. --- History. --- History and criticism --- History --- Rhetoric --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Narratees (Rhetoric) --- Greek Literature. --- Latin Literature. --- Narratology. --- Narration --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Littérature antique --- Histoire et critique --- Littérature antique
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82-3 --- 82-3 Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Discourse analysis, Narrative. --- Emotions in literature. --- Narration (Rhetoric). --- Fiction --- Thematology --- Literary rhetorics --- Psychological study of literature --- Littérature --- Sentiments --- Émotions --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Thèmes, motifs --- Dans la littérature --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Emotions in literature --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Narrative (Rhetoric) --- Narrative writing --- Rhetoric --- Narratees (Rhetoric) --- Narrative discourse analysis --- Analyse du discours narratif. --- Thèmes, motifs. --- Dans la littérature. --- 82-3 Fiction. Prose narrative --- Fiction. Prose narrative --- Sentimentalisme (littérature)
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This collection of essays looks at two important manifestations of postclassical narratology, namely transmedial narratology on the one hand, and unnatural narratology on the other. The articles deal with films, graphic novels, computer games, web series, the performing arts, journalism, reality games, music, musicals, and the representation of impossibilities. The essays demonstrate how new media and genres as well as unnatural narratives challenge classical forms of narration in ways that call for the development of analytical tools and modelling systems that move beyond classical structuralist narratology. The articles thus contribute to the further development of both transmedial and unnatural narrative theory, two of the most important manifestations of postclassical narratology.
Fiction --- Literary rhetorics --- Mass communications --- Narration --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Médias et langage --- Médias --- Mass media. --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Storytelling in mass media. --- Discourse analysis, Narrative. --- Mass media and language. --- 82-3 --- Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Erzähltheorie --- Intermedialität --- Narration. --- Médias et langage. --- Analyse du discours narratif. --- Médias. --- Narration (Rhetoric). --- 82-3 Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Erzähltheorie. --- Intermedialität. --- Language and mass media --- Language and languages --- Narrative discourse analysis --- Mass media --- Narrative (Rhetoric) --- Narrative writing --- Rhetoric --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Narratees (Rhetoric) --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Communication --- 82-3 Fiction. Prose narrative --- Fiction. Prose narrative --- Narrative theory. --- film studies. --- literary studies. --- media studies. --- Médias et langage. --- Médias.
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Dans Figures de l'étranger dans la littérature française, Abdelkebir Khatibi place Marguerite Duras aux côtés de Segalen, de Jean Genet et de Roland Barthes, de ces écrivains qui ont transformé leurs voyages en une plongée dans l'étrangeté et en une expérience initiatique riche et féconde. Avec Marguerite Duras, aussi bien pour l'écrivain que pour le lecteur, ce n'est pas seulement la découverte d'un ailleurs géographique, culturel et/ ou mental, mais exploration des zones inconnues et ténébreuses de soi-même.
Authors, French --- French literature --- Other minds (Theory of knowledge) in literature --- Ecrivains français --- Littérature française --- Altérité dans la littérature --- Themes, motives --- Thèmes, motifs --- Duras, Marguerite --- Étrangeté --- Étrangers --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Dans la littérature --- Duras, Marguerite, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Ecrivains français --- Littérature française --- Altérité dans la littérature --- Thèmes, motifs --- Duras, Marguerite. --- Themes, motives. --- Other (Philosophy) in literature --- Analyse du discours narratif. --- Dans la littérature. --- Duras, Marguerite - Criticism and interpretation --- Other (Philosophy) in literature. --- étrangeté --- altérité --- discours narratif
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Storytelling is a fundamental mode of everyday interaction. This book is based upon the Narrative Corpus (NC), a specialized corpus of naturally occurring narratives, and provides new paths for its study. Christoph Rühlemann uses the NC's narrative-specific annotation and XPath and XQuery, query languages that allow the retrieval of complex data structures, to facilitate large-scale quantitative investigations into how narrators and recipients collaborate in storytelling. Empirical analyses are validated using R, a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. Using this unique data and methodological base, Rühlemann reveals new insights, including the discovery of turntaking patterns specific to narrative, the first investigation of textual colligation in spoken data, the unearthing of how speech reports, as discourse units, form striking patterns at utterance level, and the identification of the story climax as the sequential context in which recipient dialogue is preferentially positioned.
Anglais (langue) --- Discourse analysis, Narrative. --- Conversation analysis. --- Storytelling. --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Storytelling --- Erzähltechnik. --- Erzählperspektive. --- Konversationsanalyse. --- Oral interpretation of fiction --- 802.0-56 Engels: syntaxis; semantiek --- Engels: syntaxis; semantiek --- Conversation analysis --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- 802.0-56 --- Story-telling --- Telling of stories --- Oral interpretation --- Children's stories --- Folklore --- Narrative discourse analysis --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Analysis of conversation --- CA (Interpersonal communication) --- Conversational analysis --- Oral communication --- Performance --- Fiction --- English literature --- English language --- Pragmatics --- Englisch. --- Discourse analysis. --- Analyse du discours narratif. --- Discourse analysis --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- English language - Discourse analysis
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In this paper, we show how the intersection of chains of multimodal cohesive ties with choices of relations among sequences of filmic units provides a strong foundation for constructing filmic narrative. Until now bridging the gap between narrative concerns and fine-grained analysis of complex multimodal artefacts such as films has been difficult: fine-grained analyses tend to lose themselves in the wealth of detail revealed and high-level narrative analyses are often pulled towards subjective interpretations. Our definition and use of the constructs of multimodal filmic cohesion and of logical sequential filmic relations establishes functional analytic categories anchored both below, in the fine-grained detail of film, and above, in the range of interpretations that they delimit. We propose this as one way in which we can move towards a more empirically-grounded notion of transmedial narration.
Literary rhetorics --- Pragmatics --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Digital media --- Narration --- Discours narratif --- Médias numériques --- Congresses. --- Congresses --- Influence --- Congrès --- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --- Communication Studies --- Languages & Literatures --- Literature - General --- Electronic media --- New media (Digital media) --- Mass media --- Digital communications --- Online journalism --- Narrative discourse analysis --- Médias numériques --- Congrès --- Rhetoric --- Narratees (Rhetoric) --- Analyse du discours narratif
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Indices, traces, symptômes... Qu’est-ce qui fait signe dans le roman ? Quel rapport le roman du XIXe siècle entretient-il avec la question herméneutique ? Dans une société hantée par le spectre de l’opacité et de l’insignifiance, le déchiffrement et l’interprétation des signes offrent, en même temps qu’une traversée du réel, un accès véritable à la connaissance. Le présent ouvrage étudie les mille et une formes narratives prises au XIXe siècle par le « paradigme indiciaire » (Carlo Ginzburg), chez Stendhal comme chez Huysmans, chez Gautier comme chez Flaubert, dans la représentation des corps comme dans la conduite de l’intrigue.
French fiction --- Hermeneutics --- Criticism --- History and criticism --- History --- French fiction - 19th century - History and criticism --- Criticism - History --- Literature, Romance --- roman --- signe --- littérature --- nouvelle --- conte --- Roman --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Interprétation (philosophie) --- Sémiotique et littérature --- Herméneutique --- 19e siècle --- Histoire et critique
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Much of our daily lives are spent talking to one another, in both ordinary conversation and more specialized settings such as meetings, interviews, classrooms, and courtrooms. It is largely through conversation that the major institutions of our society - economy, religion, politics, family and law - are implemented. This book Emanuel Schegloff, the first in a series and first published in 2007, introduces the findings and theories of conversation analysis. Together, the volumes in the series constitute a complete and authoritative 'primer' in the subject. The topic of this first volume is 'sequence organization' - the ways in which turns-at-talk are ordered and combined to make actions take place in conversation, such as requests, offers, complaints, and announcements. Containing many examples from real-life conversations, it will be invaluable to anyone interested in human interaction and the workings of conversation.
Conversation analysis --- Discourse analysis, Narrative --- Sequence (Linguistics) --- Conversation analysis. --- Discourse analysis, Narrative. --- Sequence (Linguistics). --- Sequencing (Linguistics) --- Sequentiality (Linguistics) --- Narrative discourse analysis --- Analysis of conversation --- CA (Interpersonal communication) --- Conversational analysis --- #KVHA:Taalkunde --- #KVHA:Conversatieanalyse --- #KVHA:Sequentieorganisatie --- Discourse analysis --- Linguistics --- Order (Grammar) --- Narration (Rhetoric) --- Oral communication --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Analyse de la conversation
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Gegenstand des Buches ist der in den Kulturwissenschaften ebenso verbreitete wie umstrittene Begriff des implied author, der seit seiner Einführung vor einem halben Jahrhundert Anlass für literaturtheoretische Kontroversen gewesen ist. Die ersten Kapitel der Studie untersuchen die Geschichte des Begriffs: die Prägung des Konzepts in Wayne C. Booths Rhetoric of Fiction, die vielstimmige Diskussion in Narratologie, Interpretationstheorie und Interpretationspraxis, und die bekanntesten Konkurrenzkonzepte wie Umberto Ecos Modell-Autor oder Wolfgang Isers impliziten Leser. Das Schlusskapitel widmet sich der Frage, wie mit dem implied author in Zukunft umgegangen werden sollte; im Vordergund steht dabei die Analyse und Evaluation von Vorschlägen der Klärung bzw. Ersetzung des Konzepts im Rahmen intentionalistischer Interpretationstheorien.
Implied author (Rhetoric) --- Implied author (Rhetoric). --- Literary rhetorics --- 82-3 --- 82-3 Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Proza. Fictie. Narratologie --- Rhetoric --- 82-3 Fiction. Prose narrative --- Fiction. Prose narrative --- Analyse du discours narratif --- Literary theory. --- narration technique. --- narration. --- narratology. --- narrator (in literature). --- Implicite (linguistique)
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