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Our families are our first and most important ethical training grounds. But what is the family? And what are our ethical commitments to our family members and to the broader moral community? After a brief introductory chapter on basic ethical concepts
Families --- Applied ethics. --- Practical ethics --- Ethics --- Casuistry --- Ethical problems --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Applied ethics --- 173 --- 241.621 --- 241.621 Theologische ethiek: relaties binnen het gezin --- Theologische ethiek: relaties binnen het gezin --- 173 Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Moral and ethical aspects
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Marriage is ordinarily a public practice, supported by, as well as supportive of, society. But it need not fall within the purview of the state. Public Practice, Private Law articulates a conception of marriage as a morally rich and important institution that ought to be subject to private rather than legislative or judicial ordering. It elaborates a robust understanding of marriage that captures what both different-sex and same-sex couples might see as valuable about their relationships. It explains why sexual ethics won't yield a normative model of marriage, and why the kind of marital love worth wanting, can. It goes on to show how an understanding of marriage as rooted in demanding commitments can allow for divorce before arguing that the state should cease to sponsor marriages. It concludes by suggesting that both state and non-state institutions should acknowledge the marriages of same-sex couples.
Marriage law --- 173.1 --- 347.62 --- 347.62 Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten --- Huwelijksrecht. Huwelijksvoorwaarden. Huwelijksformaliteiten. Nietigheid, aanvechtbaarheid van het huwelijk. Rechten en plichten van echtgenoten --- 173.1 Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- Law, Marriage --- Marriage --- Domestic relations --- Sex and law --- Husband and wife --- Social aspects. --- Law and legislation --- Prohibited degrees --- Social aspects
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Even in secular and civil contexts, marriage retains sacramental connotations. Yet what moral significance does it have? This book examines its morally salient features - promise, commitment, care, and contract - with surprising results. In Part One, ""De-Moralizing Marriage,"" essays on promise and commitment argue that we cannot promise to love and so wedding vows are (mostly) failed promises, and that marriage may be a poor commitment strategy. The book contends with the most influential philosophical accounts of the moral value of marriage to argue that marriage has no inherent moral signi
Marriage -- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Marriage -- Philosophy. --- Marriage law. --- Marriage --- Marriage law --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- Family & Marriage --- Law, Marriage --- Domestic relations --- Sex and law --- Husband and wife --- Married life --- Matrimony --- Nuptiality --- Wedlock --- Love --- Sacraments --- Betrothal --- Courtship --- Families --- Home --- Honeymoons --- Philosophy --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Law and legislation --- Prohibited degrees --- 173.1 --- 173.1 Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- Huwelijksethiek. Echtscheiding --- General ethics --- Ethics --- Feminist criticism --- Gay marriages --- Matrimonial law --- Non-monogamy --- Liberalism --- Polygamy --- Poverty --- Sexuality --- Care --- Book --- Property rights --- Philosophy. --- Moral and ethical aspects.
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'The Fragmenting Family' throws down a challenge to liberal consensus about personal relationships. The author maintains that the traditional family is fragmenting in Western societies, and that this fragmentation is a cause of serious social problems.
Families. --- Family policy. --- Reproductive technology --- ART (Assisted reproductive technology) --- Assisted reproduction --- Assisted reproductive technology --- Reproduction --- Reproductive techniques --- Biotechnology --- Families --- Families and state --- State and families --- Public welfare --- Social security --- Social policy --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Kinship --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Technological innovations --- Government policy --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Family policy --- 173 --- 173 Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Gezinsethiek. Huwelijk. Vrije liefde --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Family.
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Fundamentalism is seen as the major threat to world peace, a conclusion impossible to ignore since the events in New York on September 11 2001. This book investigates fundamentalism's historical, social, religious, political, and ideological roots and tackles the polemic and stereotypes surrounding this complex phenomenon.
Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Radicalism. --- Religious fundamentalism. --- Religion. --- Political Science. --- Religious fundamentalism --- Radicalism --- Religion --- Philosophy & Religion --- Religion - General --- 141.7 --- 301.173 --- 845 Religie --- Politieke filosofie. Sociale filosofie --- Sociologie van de cultuur --- Fundamentalism, Religious --- Fundamentalist movements, Religious --- Extremism, Political --- Ideological extremism --- Political extremism --- Political science
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433.9 --- echtscheidingen --- kinderen --- 430.4 --- echtscheiding --- opvoedingsondersteuning --- pedagogiek --- rouw --- 433 --- Echtscheiding --- Kinderen --- Relatie ouder - kind --- 173.1 --- Gezin --- Hulpverlening --- Verlies --- eenoudergezin --- kinderpsychologie --- ouder-kind relatie (moeder-kind relatie) --- pedagogiek (opvoedkunde) --- jokken, sinterklaas, zakgeld, overige onderwerpen --- Verzamelde opstellen --- Opvoeding in de praktijk --- (zie ook: psychologie) --- Opvoedingsondersteuning --- Kind --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie
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#KVHB:Gezinspsychologie --- #KVHB:KOPP-kinderen --- Gezin --- Gezinsbegeleiding (ouderbegeleiding) --- 173 --- Broers & zussen --- Gezinsproblemen --- Adoptie --- Homoseksualiteit --- gezin --- homoseksualiteit --- adoptie --- echtscheiding --- kinderen van psychiatrische patiënten --- kinderen van verslaafden --- 392.5 --- 392.63 --- 362.7 --- 392.3 --- 616.5 --- 613.8 --- gezinssociologie --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Age group sociology --- gezinsproblematiek --- kinderen
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Written after the middle of the 2nd century CE by an educated Christian, Tatian's ""Address to the Greeks"" is a powerfully eloquent and all-encompassing attack against both Hellenic culture and Hellenic gods. It is thus an important precursor of the vehement spiritual conflicts of the 4th century CE between traditional Graeco-Roman paganism and Christianity. The volume presents an introduction into the author and his writings as well as into the ""Address"" itself, followed by the original Greek text (which has been subjected to a thorough revision with regard to earlier editions), a new German translation with a thorough annotation elucidating the numerous details of content to be found in the work, and after that by a number of essays putting the ""Address"" in its theological, religious and generally ""ideological"" context and shedding light on its subsequent reception. Tatians nach der Mitte des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. entstandene ""Rede an die Griechen"" ist die wortgewaltige und inhaltlich vehemente Attacke eines gebildeten Christen gegen die gesamte hellenische Kultur- und Götterwelt; sie bildet damit bereits einen Vorläufer der umwälzenden geistigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen religiös-paganen Traditionen und Christentum im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Der Band bietet eine Einfhrung in den Autor und sein Werk sowie in seine hier im Mittelpunkt stehende Schrift, danach den griechischen Originaltext (gegenber frheren Ausgaben grndlich revidiert) und eine neue deutsche Übersetzung, eine grndliche Kommentierung der zahlreichen inhaltlichen Details, die die Schrift bietet, sowie - im zweiten Teil - eine Reihe von Essays, die die Schrift in ihren theologischen, religiösen und geistesgeschichtlichen Kontext stellen und auch ihre spätere Rezeption beleuchten.
Apologetics --- Apologetics. --- Tatian, --- Tatianus, --- Tatien. --- Oratio ad Graecos (Tatian). --- Religion --- Philosophy --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Theologie --- Christentum --- Bildung --- Religionsphilosophie --- Studienliteratur --- Editionen, Textausgaben --- Religionswissenschaft --- Religionsgeschichte --- Antike --- Alte Geschichte --- Lehrbücher --- Antike Philosophie --- Apologetics - Early works to 1800 --- Tatian, - approximately 120-173. - Oratio ad Graecos --- Religion.
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Dit boek gaat over Thomas, een jongen van 12. Zijn ouders scheiden. Thomas moet dit verwerken. Hij schrijft in zijn dagboek op wat er zich allemaal afspeelt en hoe hij zich. Zijn verhaal verloopt in drie grote fasen: veel ruzie tussen de ouders, de echtscheiding, de nieuwe relatie van moeder en het nieuw-samengestelde gezin.
echtscheiding --- Social policy and particular groups --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Social welfare methods --- Echtscheidingskinderen --- Echtscheiding --- 185.1 Scheiding --- 416.5 --- 159.922.74 --- kind en echtscheiding --- #GBIB:IDGP --- #KVHB:Echtscheiding --- kinderen en echtscheiding --- Kinderen en echtscheiding --- 159.922.74 Attitudes van kinderen --- Attitudes van kinderen --- 392.3 --- 433.9 --- Kinderen --- Overige onderwerpen --- 173.1 --- Gezin --- Relaties --- eenoudergezinnen
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