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Die Idylle an der Ostseeküste des heutigen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern trog. Auch die dortige See- und Küstenfischerei blieb von den großen Systemumbrüchen des 20. Jahrhunderts nicht verschont. In der Weimarer Republik galt das Auf und Ab der Marktgesetze, in der NS-Zeit dominierten Lenkung und Zwang, während in der DDR alles im Zeichen von Planwirtschaft und Kollektivierung stand. Susanne Raillard zeigt in einer anspruchsvollen historischen Langzeitstudie, wie sich das traditionelle Fischereigewerbe immer neuen politischen und ökonomischen Herausforderungen stellen musste. Insbesondere in der Zeit der DDR entwickelten die Fischer beachtliche Beharrungskräfte - die ideologische Überzeugungsarbeit der SED blieb buchstäblich im Ostseesand stecken.
Fishing --- Angling --- Recreational fishing --- Sport fishing --- Sportfishing --- Aquatic sports --- Wildlife-related recreation --- Fishes
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“In spite of political despair, a possibility of change arises if young people's will to participate in rebuilding solidarity is taken seriously. The book brings hope to the table without turning a blind eye to unevenly distributed structural uncertainties and the simultaneous presence of different suggestions for how to repair fractures in the social fabric—from pressures to assimilate to cosmopolitanism.” —Anna Lund, Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden "The material studied in this book is diverse and gives a nice sociological dimension to the question explored and in relation with youth and belonging in multicultural and global contexts. It proposes a nuanced account of youth and crisis in multicultural societies." —Hervé Tchumkam, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies, Southern Methodist University, USA This book explores disrupted youth cohesion in France within the context of multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anticosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience "vivre ensemble" (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.
Sociology. --- Social theory --- Social sciences --- Social groups. --- Youth --- Culture. --- Europe --- Comparative government. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Youth Culture. --- Sociology of Culture. --- European Politics. --- Comparative Politics. --- Social life and customs. --- Politics and government. --- Comparative political systems --- Comparative politics --- Government, Comparative --- Political systems, Comparative --- Political science --- Gay culture Europe --- Cultural sociology --- Culture --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Popular culture --- Association --- Group dynamics --- Groups, Social --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Social participation --- Social aspects
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"In spite of political despair, a possibility of change arises if young people's will to participate in rebuilding solidarity is taken seriously. The book brings hope to the table without turning a blind eye to unevenly distributed structural uncertainties and the simultaneous presence of different suggestions for how to repair fractures in the social fabric-from pressures to assimilate to cosmopolitanism." -Anna Lund, Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University, Sweden "The material studied in this book is diverse and gives a nice sociological dimension to the question explored and in relation with youth and belonging in multicultural and global contexts. It proposes a nuanced account of youth and crisis in multicultural societies." -Hervé Tchumkam, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of French and Postcolonial Studies, Southern Methodist University, USA This book explores disrupted youth cohesion in France within thecontext of multiple ongoing global economic, migratory, social, political, and security-related crises. While these trends can be observed in numerous Western societies, France provides a unique case study of various anticosmopolitan and anti-Enlightenment movements shaping youth conditions and reconfiguring relationships between the individual, the group, and society. The authors undertook in-depth interviews with French young people between the ages of 18 to 30 years old to inquire into how they experience "vivre ensemble" (living together) in a time of rising economic inequalities and multicultural tensions. Through these findings, they invite decision-makers, politicians, educators, and parents to propose a renewed narrative of social cohesion for youth who are not disillusioned, but deeply on edge.
Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Sociology of culture --- Age group sociology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sociology --- Political systems --- Politics --- sociologie --- cultuur --- politiek --- gezin --- jongerencultuur --- Europese politiek --- Europe --- Sociology. --- Social groups. --- Youth --- Culture. --- Comparative government. --- Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. --- Youth Culture. --- Sociology of Culture. --- European Politics. --- Comparative Politics. --- Social life and customs. --- Politics and government.
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'Hiding the Guillotine' examines the question of state involvement in violence by tracing the evolution of public executions in France. Why did the state move executions from the bloody and public stage of the guillotine to behind prison doors? The book exposes the rituals and theatrical form of the death penalty and tells us who watched, who participated in, and who criticized (and ultimately brought an end to) a spectacle that the state called 'punishment.'
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« Écrire en situation bilingue », c’est aussi bien pratiquer le « bilinguisme d’écriture » (qui relève du choix du seul individu) que « écrire en situation diglossique » (c’est-à-dire de l’inégalité socialisée des langues), mais c’est de toute manière œuvrer sur l’hétérogène, alors que les institutions du monde (entre autre la/les littérature/s) se prétendent homogènes. La thématique est envisagée sous trois modalités complémentaires : le « choix » d’une langue d’écriture (choisit-on ? en fonction de quoi ?) ; les stratégies d’écriture bilingue (comment intégrer à un texte deux langues ou plus ?) ; la problématique de la réception (édition, lectorat : quelle diffusion, quel retour, en fonction des choix opérés ?). Le propos est ici, par delà la diversité des terrains et des individus, de tenter de repérer les récurrences, voire les invariants dans la production et la réception de fictions narratives et poétiques. Des Mapuche du Chili aux Chicanos des États-Unis, en passant par l’Argentine et ses élites, par le Paraguay bilingue, ou par les Antilles créolisées ; de l’Algérie et de Tanger à Madagascar, en passant par le Mali ou l’Angola ; des territoires de langue occitane et des Catalognes du nord et du sud, jusqu’en Galice, en passant par le Pays Basque, près d’une vingtaine de langues, écrites ou confinées dans l’oralité, véhiculaires ou vernaculaires, dominantes et dominées, mais méritant toutes le label de « langues de culture », se rencontrent, s’unissent et se télescopent dans le texte de création littéraire, optant pour mimer les conditions sociolinguistiques du réel environnant ou bien pour introduire le lecteur dans un univers imaginaire et fantasmé. Les deux volumes édités se complètent : le volume 1 regroupe 38 textes de communications ; le volume 2, 16 interventions au cours de 3 tables rondes, prononcées au cours du colloque qui s’est tenu à l’Université de Perpignan les 20, 21 et 22 mars 2003.
Literature (General) --- littérature --- diglossie --- bilinguisme
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