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Austrian lives
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3902811617 3903122351 1608010929 1608011402 9781608011407 9783902811615 9783903122352 9781608010929 Year: 2012 Publisher: New Orleans, Louisiana : Innsbruck, Austria : University of New Orleans Press ; Innsbruck University Press,

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Writing biographies for a long time had been a male hegemonic project. Ever since Plutarch and Sueton composed their vitae of the greats of classical antiquity, to the medieval obsession with the hagiographies of holy men (and a few women) and saints, Vasari's lives of great Renaissance artists, down to the French encyclopedists, Dr. Johnson and Lytton Strachey, as well as Ranke and Droysen the genre of biographical writing has become increasingly more refined. In the twentieth century male predominance has become contested and the (collective) lives of women, minorities and ordinary people are now the focus of biographical writing. This volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies offers a cross-section of Austrian lives and biographical approaches to recent Austrian history. Here are what may be called traditional biographies of leading political figures through the twentieth century. We also suggest that the intellectual biographies of thinkers and professionals are fertile soil for biographical study. Moreover, the prosopographical study of common folks in the Austrian population lifts these lives from the dark matter of anonymous masses and gives rich insight into the lives that ordinary Austrians have been leading. We present an array of political lives, including that of Ignaz Seipel and Therese Schlesinger-Eckstein, as well as "Lives of the Mind" which capture the lives of fascinating intellectual figures in pre- and post-World War II Vienna such as Viktor Frankl and Eugenie Schwarzwald. The approaches to writing biography taken in this volume also suggest that much work needs to be done to shed light on the lives of ordinary Austrians. In this volume we have biographical accounts detailing the lives of soldiers, prisoners of war, and farming families. The writing of lives is always situated between fact and fiction, ascertainable data and the imagination of the biographer. This volume of Austrian Lives offers an intimate look into the lives of intriguing individuals while illuminating the touching lives of ordinary Austrians in wartime Vienna.

Global Austria : Austria's place in Europe and the world
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 390281120X 3903122408 1608010627 1608011380 9781608011384 9783903122406 9781608010622 Year: 2011 Publisher: Innsbruck, Austria : New Orleans, Louisiana : Innsbruck University Press ; University of New Orleans Press,

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After the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria transformed itself from an empire to a small Central European country. Formerly an important player in international affairs, the new republic was quickly sidelined by the European concert of powers. The enormous losses of territory and population in Austria’s post-Habsburg state of existence, however, did not result in a political, economic, cultural, and intellectual black hole. The essays in the twentieth anniversary volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies argue that the small Austrian nation found its place in the global arena of the twentieth century and made a mark both on Europe and the world. Be it Freudian psychoanalysis, the “fin-de-siècle” Vienna culture of modernism, Austro-Marxist thought, or the Austrian School of Economics, Austrian hinkers and ideas were still wielding a notable impact on the world. Alongside these cultural and intellectual dimensions, Vienna remained the Austrian capital and reasserted its strong position in Central European and international business and finance. Innovative Austrian companies are operating all over the globe. This volume also examines how the globalizing world of the twentieth century has impacted Austrian demography, society, and political life. Austria’s place in the contemporary world is increasingly determined by the forces of the European integration process. European Union membership brings about convergence and a regional orientation with ramifications for Austria’s global role. Austria emerges in the essays of this volume as a highly globalized country with an economy, society, and political culture deeply grounded in Europe. The globalization of Austria, it appears, turns out to be in many instances an “Europeanization.” Der Zerfall der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie hatte zur Folge, dass die einstige Großmacht der Habsburger zu einem Kleinstaat im Herzen Europa wurde. Der enorme Verlust an Territorium und die Verringerung der Bevölkerung hinterließ allerdings keineswegs ein politisches, wirtschaftliches, kulturelles oder intellektuelles Vakuum. Die Aufsätze des 20. Jubiläumsbandes der Contemporary Austrian Studies zeigen vielmehr, dass die Republik Österreich ihren Platz in Europa und der Welt halten konnte: Sei es die Psychoanalyse von Freud, das Wien des fin-de-siècle oder der Austro-Marxismus, österreichische Ideen fanden weltweit Anklang. Auch in der internationalen Geschäfts- und Finanzwelt konnte sich Wien als Hauptstadt behaupten. Heute bestimmen der EU-Beitritt, der europäische Integrationsprozess sowie die Globalisierung das wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Leben Österreichs.

Austrian journal of earth sciences
ISSN: 20727151 Publisher: AUSTRIA Austrian Geological Society

Über die Produktion von Tönen : Beziehungen von Arbeit und Musizieren, Österreich 1918-1938
ISBN: 3205232747 3205208021 9783205232742 Year: 2019 Publisher: Böhlau

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Die vielfältigen Formen des Musizierens in der österreichischen Zwischenkriegszeit wurden in Konflikten um legitime und illegitime Musizierpraktiken immer wieder neu verhandelt. Im Zusammenhang zeitgenössischer Kategorien der Neudefinition und Neuorganisation von Arbeit mit technischen Entwicklungen und neuen Musikgenres wurden unterschiedliche Musizierformen höchst unterschiedlich praktiziert und behandelt. Durch eine systematische Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Musizierformen, die bislang meist nur getrennt untersucht wurden, werden Hierarchien von Musizieren und Musizierenden zwischen (Nicht-)Kunst und (Nicht-)Beruflichkeit klar, die teilweise auch Jahrzehnte danach noch öffentliche Wahrnehmungen und wissenschaftliche Kategorisierungen von Musik beeinflussten.

Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs
ISBN: 1280758570 0191535869 142947095X 9781429470957 9786610758579 6610758573 0199281440 9780199281442 9780199541621 0199541620 9780191535864 Year: 2006 Publisher: Oxford New York Oxford University Press

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These elegantly written essays by the leading historian of the Austro-Hungarian empire explore the political and religious history of the Habsburg lands, Europe's only true multinational state. They illuminate key aspects of the evolution towards modern statehood and national awareness in Central Europe over more than two centuries of cultural and social transition. - ;This book address a number of interrelated themes over two hundred years and more in the political, religious, cultural, and social history of a broad but often neglected swathe of the European continent.

Zeitgeschichte in Bewegung
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 8024625288 9788024625287 9788024625256 Year: 2013 Publisher: Prague, Czech Republic

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Rakouský výzkum dejin 20. století (Zeitgeschichte in Bewegung. Die österreichische Erforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts) popisuje vývoj a situaci rakouské historiografie soudobých dejin a klade si za cíl nabídnut širšímu okruhu zájemcu vhled do rakouské „krajiny" výzkumu zejména dejin nacistického a poválecného období. Jirí Pešek strucne nacrtl kontury vývoje oboru. Následující dve studie (Hanns Haas a Maria Mesner) venují pozornost relativne novým tematickým polím výzkumu: regionálním soudobým dejinám a historiografii žen. Druhou cást publikace tvorí tri interview s výraznými, pritom zamerením badatelských zájmu odlišnými - vídenskými - protagonisty oboru (Gerhard Botz, Gernot Heiss, Oliver Rathkolb). Knižní soubor obsahuje ceské i nemecké vydání knihy.

Über die österreichische Geschichte hinaus
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3402195119 9783402195116 9783402130100 3402130106 Year: 2012 Publisher: Münster

Historical dictionary of Austria
ISBN: 1282519891 9786612519895 0810863103 9780810863101 9780810855922 0810855925 9781282519893 6612519894 Year: 2009 Publisher: Lanham, Md. Scarecrow Press

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This second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Austria has been thoroughly updated and greatly expanded. Greater attention has been given to foreign affairs, economic institutions and policies, Austrian financial and commercial relations with the countries of the former Soviet bloc, social issues, religion, and politics.

Freud in his time and ours
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0674974514 0674974522 9780674974524 9780674659568 0674659562 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Élisabeth Roudinesco offers a bold and modern reinterpretation of the iconic founder of psychoanalysis. Based on new archival sources, this is Freud’s biography for the twenty-first century—a critical appraisal, at once sympathetic and impartial, of a genius greatly admired and yet greatly misunderstood in his own time and in ours. Roudinesco traces Freud’s life from his upbringing as the eldest of eight siblings in a prosperous Jewish-Austrian household to his final days in London, a refugee of the Nazis’ annexation of his homeland. She recreates the milieu of fin de siècle Vienna in the waning days of the Habsburg Empire—an era of extraordinary artistic innovation, given luster by such luminaries as Gustav Klimt, Stefan Zweig, and Gustav Mahler. In the midst of it all, at the modest residence of Berggasse 19, Freud pursued his clinical investigation of nervous disorders, blazing a path into the unplumbed recesses of human consciousness and desire. Yet this revolutionary who was overthrowing cherished notions of human rationality and sexuality was, in his politics and personal habits, in many ways conservative, Roudinesco shows. In his chauvinistic attitudes toward women, and in his stubborn refusal to acknowledge the growing threat of Hitler until it was nearly too late, even the analytically-minded Freud had his blind spots. Alert to his intellectual complexity—the numerous tensions in his character and thought that remained unresolved—Roudinesco ultimately views Freud less as a scientific thinker than as the master interpreter of civilization and culture.

University of Vienna law review.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 25213962 Year: 2017 Publisher: Wien, Austria : University of Vienna Law Faculty,

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