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Dos chicos van al jardín botánico y al escuchar la historia de un alga que vive en un estanque, cuyo sueño era ser una flor. Con la lectura de este libro pondremos a prueba lo que los lectores saben sobre la evolución de las plantas, siendo invitados a responder algunas preguntas y a escribir y dibujar una pequeña historia.
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Algae --- Algae products
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"This book details the attractive features of algae as a sustainable third-generation feedstock for biorefineries. The commonly explored algal biofuels technologies such as pyrolysis, fermentation, transesterification, gasification, and briquetting/pelleting are assessed in a biorefinery concept and discussed based on resource utilization and sustainability considering biorefinery concepts. Process improvement options for sustainable algal biorefineries are also discussed in this book. Finally, the thermo-environmental sustainabilities of algal biorefineries using exergy and life cycle assessment (LCA) tools are reviewed and assessed based on literature data"--
Algae. --- Marine algae --- Biotechnology.
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Algae --- Biotechnology.
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"In view of tremendous development in the area of biotechnology, algal biotechnology is a fascinating field that has attracted many researchers in the past two decades. Considering its potential and future applications for human well-being, studies related to basics and applied aspects of commercially important microalgae need to be focused. Keeping this in mind, comprehensive details starting form culture collection to metabolite production in microalgae need to be addressed and hence, our book "Applied Algal Biotechnology" will definitely provide valuable information and exciting results-based techniques that will easily guide young researchers, PhD scholars and also UG and PG students. In the present research scenario, every plant sciences laboratories has a separate unit for microalgal biotechnology to better understand the basic concepts that make microalgae an alternate model system that can compete with Arabidopsis thaliana. The strategies starting from isolation, identification, medium preparation, culturing condition, metabolite production, novel gene isolation and its expression pattern under the influence of different biotic and abiotic stress condition, genetic transformation in homologous/heterologous host etc., are very much essential for the fruitful execution of research"--
Algae --- Biotechnology.
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Weit über 25.000 Arten von Mikroalgen stellen ein bislang kaum erschlossenes Potential für die Biotechnologie dar. Sie bilden vielfältige Produkte wie Farbstoffe, ungesättigte Fettsäuren, Polysaccharide und Antioxidanten mit interessanten Einsatzgebieten u.a. in der Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. Pharmazeutisch wirksame Produkte aus Mikroalgen sind bekannt, aber noch unzulänglich untersucht. Um ihre Bildung näher verstehen und in größerem Maßstab (scale up) durch geeignete Auswahl von Kultivierungsparametern beeinflussen zu können, wird ein mathematisches Modell entwickelt, welches das Wachstum und die Produktbildung einer einzelligen Mikroalge Porphyridium purpureum abbildet.Die Validierung des entwickelten mathematischen Modells erfolgt durch den Einsatz von geeigneten experimentell gewonnenen Kultivierungsdaten der Mikroalge Porphyridium purpureum in Abhängigkeit von Kultivierungsparametern wie der Lichtquantität oder -qualität in einem am Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik entwickelten Photobioreaktor. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen zu Wachstum und Produktbildung der Mikroalge sowie die Modellierung ihrer Stoffwechselaktivität zur besseren Vorhersagbarkeit und zur Auslegung von Pilotanlagen stellen die beiden Hauptschwerpunkte dieser Arbeit dar.
Algae --- Metabolism.
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This is the first monograph of its kind to identify the microalgal species present in Dal Lake of Kashmir, India. It studies the algal diversity of the lake through the latest digital microphotography and advanced software. It presents a comprehensive morphological and taxonomic description of the algal flora supported by authentic literature for the benefit of researchers, students, biologists and others interested in environmental sciences and phycology science. The book also includes 43 plates offering more than 200 coloured photographs of algal species, and this extensive analysis of the algal flora of Dal Lake will serve to stimulate interest in phycological sciences both locally and at a global level. A further interesting facet of the book is its presentation of the seasonal and locational distribution of each algal species and its consideration of the role of different researchers regarding the biological diversity of fresh water algal species.
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