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The Search for Wellbeing and Health between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period compiles a series of works on cosmetics and health care, covering different geographical areas of Europe. The studies also focus on different cultures, with some chapters dedicated to the Hebrew sphere, others to the Muslim world, and a larger percentage dealing with Christian society.
The contributions make use of some very important written sources: recipe books and treatises on medicine and cosmetics, especially those preserved from the Late Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries) onwards. These manuscripts reveal the raw materials used to make certain products, whose origin could be vegetable, animal or mineral. Many were used to combat various ailments, but also to take care of the body aesthetically. Thus, there are remedies to heal the eyes; to avoid problems with the teeth and to make them shine white; creams and soaps for the skin; hair dyes to avoid grey hair; lotions to combat baldness; and even diverse gastronomic recipes to obtain inner wellbeing.
Other contributions take a more practical perspective. Studies are included in which some of the ingredients and products are explored through experimental archaeology (chemical analysis) and faunal remains obtained from archaeological campaigns are analysed in the laboratory, showing the Christian diet.
Overall the book demonstrates the importance of healthcare and cosmetics in past societies that had very significant technical knowledge of a multitude of completely natural and sustainable products.
History / Europe / Medieval --- Health --- Medicine --- Experimental Archaeology --- Cosmetics --- Technical Knowledge --- Body Care --- Recipe books
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Natürlich, sanft und wirksam weist dieser Ratgeber den ganzheitlichen Weg zu einer gesunden Verdauung und einem vitalen Leben. Ob Heilpflanzen oder individuelle Ernährungstipps: Dr. Andrea Flemmer erläutert, wissenschaftlich fundiert, was dem Darm gut tut, ihn unterstützt und stärkt. Sie erklärt anschaulich, wie Verdauung funktioniert und welche Kräuter gegen Beschwerden wie Sodbrennen, Reizdarm oder Völlegefühl heilkräftig helfen.
Gastrointestinal system --- Cookbooks. --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Cooking --- Gastro-intestinal system --- Gastrointestinal tract --- GI tract --- Tract, Gastrointestinal --- Tract, GI --- Alimentary canal --- Digestive organs --- Diseases --- Diet therapy.
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European cookery has grown historically, and so has the Sienese Libro de la cocina. The book's origins are partly in Italy, partly in other cultures, combining recipes from Tuscan cuisine with those taken directly from the older Latin Liber de coquina, a cookery book from Naples which can be seen as a link between Oriental and Western European culinary literature. The Libro de la cocina reveals the complete range of the art of XIVth century Italian cooking: basic and elaborate vegetable, meat and fish dishes, desserts, and dietary preparations. Many of the almost 200 recipes are linked with their Oriental, French, English, and Italian precursors and successors. A complete critical glossary makes the texts accessible and, in addition, parallel vernacular and Latin texts are provided. Tutta la cucina europea, quindi anche il senese Libro de la cocina, è un prodotto della storia. Le sue origini sono da ricercare in parte in Italia e in parte in altre civiltà: esso propone infatti ricette della cucina toscana e altre attinte da un ricettario napoletano, il Liber de coquina, a sua volta punto di incontro della letteratura culinaria orientale con quella dell’Europa occidentale. Il Libro de la cocina (metà del Trecento) rivela tutta la ricchezza della cucina italiana medievale: cibi semplici o di elaborata preparazione, verdure, carni, pesci, dolci e ricette per malati. Molte delle circa 200 ricette hanno legami con piatti e testi orientali, francesi, inglesi e italiani, attestati in tempi precedenti e successivi. Un glossario critico chiarisce le ricette; vengono riportati inoltre passi paralleli di opere latine e volgari.
Cooking, Italian --- Cooking, European --- Cooking --- Cookbooks --- History. --- Tuscan style --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Cuisine --- Food preparation --- Food science --- Home economics --- Dinners and dining --- Food --- Gastronomy --- Table --- Cookery, European --- European cooking --- Cookery, Italian --- Italian cooking
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An iPad version of Food That Really Schmecks is now available. New material in the app includes photos and videos of Edna Staebler and the Waterloo Region countryside. Recipes are easily searchable, and users can upload photos and recipe comments and suggestions that will be shared to all users, just like your grandma's scribbles in the margins of the family cookbook. Enjoy the convenience of traditional recipes through mobile technology. You can easily search recipes and ingredients; add notes and comments to recipes, photos, and stories; upload your own pictures t
Mennonite cooking. --- Cooking, Canadian. --- Cookbooks --- Cooking --- Cookery --- Cuisine --- Food preparation --- Food science --- Home economics --- Dinners and dining --- Food --- Gastronomy --- Table --- Cook-books --- Recipe books --- Books --- Canadian cooking --- Cookery, Canadian --- Cookery, Mennonite --- Mennonite cookery
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In 1908 members of Chapter ""M"" of the P.E.O. in Knoxville, Iowa, compiled the P.E.O. Cook Book: Souvenir Edition, complete with 575 of the organization's best recipes, fully tested, and 24 original photographs of the Knoxville community. Now this charming cookbook, long out of print, is made available again in a facsimile edition as part of the Iowa Szathmáry Culinary Arts Series.The recipes in this remarkable cookbook take the modern cook back to a time when the ability to prepare attractive, delicious dishes with economy and innovation from a sometimes limited s
Cookbooks. --- Home economics. --- Domestic economy --- Domestic science --- Family and consumer sciences --- Household management --- Household science --- Family life education --- Home --- Consumer education --- Formulas, recipes, etc. --- Households --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Cooking
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Cookbooks offer a unique and valuable way to examine American life. Their lessons, however, are not always obvious. Direct references to the American Civil War were rare in cookbooks, even in those published right in the middle of it. In part, this is a reminder that lives went on and that dinner still appeared on most tables most nights, no matter how much the world was changing outside. But people accustomed to thinking of cookbooks as a source for recipes, and not much else, can be surprised by how much information they can reveal about the daily lives and ways of thinking of the people who wrote and used them. In this fascinating historical compilation, excerpts from five Civil War-era cookbooks present a compelling portrait of cooking and eating in the urban north of the 1860s United States.
Cooking, American --- Cookbooks --- Food --- Foods --- Dinners and dining --- Home economics --- Table --- Cooking --- Diet --- Dietaries --- Gastronomy --- Nutrition --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- American cooking --- Cookery, American --- History --- United States --- Social aspects. --- Primitive societies
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Cooking, American --- Cooking --- Cookbooks --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Cuisine --- Food preparation --- Food science --- Home economics --- Dinners and dining --- Food --- Gastronomy --- Table --- American cooking --- Cookery, American --- History --- Simmons, Amelia. --- United States --- Social life and customs.
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The topic of this book is practical knowledge in early modern Europe, interpreted widely as recipes containing art procedures or medical panaceas between 1400 and 1700. In this book, the 1) origin or creation, 2) transmission or dissemination, and 3) use or consumption are key subjects for understanding the place of practical knowledge in early modern European society. After a historiographical and theoretical approach, this book applies Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome metaphor to art technological literature. The first part ends with a study about medical practitioners and mediators who disseminate practical knowledge through the printing press. The second part of the book is entirely dedicated to the bookletA Very Proper Treatise (1573), using a microhistory approach to study it.
Creation. --- Biblical cosmogony --- Cosmogony --- Natural theology --- Teleology --- Beginning --- Biblical cosmology --- Creation windows --- Creationism --- Evolution --- Art technology --- Book history --- Contextualizing --- Early --- Europe --- Food history --- Knowledge --- Leemans --- Medical practitioners --- Modern --- Practical --- Recipe books --- Rhizomatic transmission --- 1450-1600 --- Renaissance Period --- 1450-1600.
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This collection of essays provides an overview of new scholarship on recipe books, one of the most popular non-fiction printed texts in, and one of the most common forms of manuscript compilation to survive from, the pre-modern era (c.1550-1800). This is the first book to collect together the wide variety of scholarly approaches to pre-modern recipe books written in English, drawing on varying approaches to reveal their culinary, medical, scientific, linguistic, religious and material meanings. Ten scholars from the fields of culinary history, history of medicine and science, divinity, archaeology and material culture, and English literature and linguistics contribute to a vibrant mapping of the aspirations invested in, and uses of, recipes and recipe books. By exploring areas as various as the knowledge economies of medicine, Anglican feasting and fasting practices, the material culture of the kitchen and table, London publishing and concepts of authorship and the aesthetics of culinary styles, these eleven essays (including a critical introduction to recipe books and their historiography) position recipe texts in the wider culture of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They illuminate their importance to both their original compilers and users, and modern scholars and graduate students alike.
Cookbooks. --- Food writers. --- Food writing. --- Cooking --- Cooking writing --- Food --- Food journalism --- Authorship --- Cooking writers --- Food critics --- Food journalists --- Restaurant critics --- Restaurant reviewers --- Reviewers, Restaurant --- Authors --- Critics --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Food writing --- Food writers --- Cookbooks --- Literature --- Literature: History & Criticism --- LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh --- Literature: history & criticism --- Boscawen family. --- English recipes. --- Foote sisters. --- The Compleat Housewife. --- The Ladies Directory. --- The Queen-Like Closet. --- archaeologists. --- authorship. --- celebrity. --- culinary recipes. --- domestic life. --- early modern recipe text. --- genre conventions. --- housewifery. --- medicinal advice. --- medicinal recipe. --- recipe books. --- recipe manuscripts.
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A History of Cookbooks provides a sweeping literary and historical overview of the cookbook genre, exploring its development as a part of food culture beginning in the Late Middle Ages. Studying cookbooks from various Western cultures and languages, Henry Notaker traces the transformation of recipes from brief notes with ingredients into detailed recipes with a specific structure, grammar, and vocabulary. In addition, he reveals that cookbooks go far beyond offering recipes: they tell us a great deal about nutrition, morals, manners, history, and menus while often providing entertaining reflections and commentaries. This innovative book demonstrates that cookbooks represent an interesting and important branch of nonfiction literature.
Cookbooks --- Manners and customs in literature. --- Cook-books --- Cookery --- Recipe books --- Books --- Cooking --- History. --- analyzing nutrition. --- best recipe. --- cultural heritage. --- detailed recipe. --- detailed recipes. --- food and cooking. --- food culture. --- foodies. --- gastronomist. --- history. --- late middle ages. --- plan a menu. --- recipe book history. --- western diet. --- Manners and customs in literature --- History
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