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The urban villa is a mid-size, multi-family housing type which originated in the 1800s and has since become a staple housing type in many European cities and beyond. Its distinguishing characteristics are its density and speculative nature. The urban villa was born in an attempt to resolve aspirations to suburban living with the pressure of land costs. Despite its somewhat controversial reputation, the urban villa has been a (commercial) success due its indisputable appeal to all kinds of dwellers. The goal of this study is twofold: to revisit the rather elusive history of the urban villa, and to develop this architectural type in opposition to its speculative origins by treating it as the most appropriate form for affordable, public and cooperative housing.
Private houses --- multiple dwellings --- urban areas --- communal housing --- Dogma [Brussels]
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Die Publikation untersucht die Möglichkeiten der raumstrukturellen Aktualisierung der im Bauboom zwischen 1960 und 1970 entstandenen Wohnungsgrundrisse der Nachkriegsmoderne. Die Autoren analysieren bestehende Grundrisstypologien im Kontext der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, die die Wohn- und Haushaltsformen inzwischen maßgeblich verändert haben: Inwieweit entsprechen die funktional optimierten Wohneinheiten den Anforderungen der heutigen Gesellschaft und wie anpassungsfähig sind sie für neue Wohnformen? Kann mit kleinen Eingriffen ein angemessenes Ergebnis erreicht werden? Im Theorieteil werden Thesen zu entwerferischen Strategien und politischen Transformationsprozessen zur Disposition gestellt, deren Bedeutung im Projektteil praxisnah anhand aktueller Beispiele verdeutlicht wird. The publication investigates the opportunities for upgrading the spatial structure of apartments created during the post-war building boom between 1960 and 1970. The authors analyze typical existing layouts in the context of social developments which, in recent decades, have led to significant changes in the form of living and in the structure of households. To what extent do the functionally optimized housing units meet the requirements of today’s society, and how adaptable are they to new forms of living? Is it possible to achieve a workable result with small interventions? In the theoretical part the authors discuss theories on design strategies and political transformation processes, the importance of which is demonstrated in the project part using practical contemporary examples.
Conservation. Restoration --- Architecture --- renovation --- dwellings --- architecture [object genre] --- Postmodern --- Apartment houses --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings --- Design and construction. --- Europe --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- Remodeling. --- Council of Europe countries --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia --- renovation [process]
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Apartment houses --- Housing --- 71.03 --- 721 --- 728.2 --- 728 --- Nederland --- Architectuur ; typologie ; woontypologieën ; handboeken --- Collectieve woningbouw ; woonblokken ; naslagwerken --- Gemengde woonvormen --- 728.2 Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings --- Stedenbouw (geschiedenis) --- Gebouwen (typologie) --- Appartementen (architectuur) --- Appartementsgebouwen --- Collectief wonen --- Meergezinswoningen --- Woningblokken --- Woonblokken --- Woningbouw (architectuur) --- Woningen (architectuur) --- Woningbouw ; woningblokken, meergezinshuizen, maisonettes --- Private houses --- dwellings --- woningen --- architecture [discipline] --- multiple dwellings
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Einfamilienhäuser werden mehr und mehr unzeitgemäß. Sie bieten keine Antwort auf den demografischen Wandel, und die Tatsache, dass es immer weniger lebenslange Beziehungen gibt. Für neue Familienmodelle oder Formen des Zusammenlebens sind sie meist zu unflexibel. Die Publikation stellt Projekte der letzten Jahre aus Japan vor, die auf die Frage nach neuen Wohnformen Antworten geben. Die Architekten entwickeln Lösungen, in denen die Bewohner zusammenleben, ohne sich zu viel Nähe aufzuzwingen. Die vorgestellten Wohnungstypen und ihre Anordnung erlauben vielfältige Lebensmodelle. Besonders spannend ist dabei der Umgang mit den Zwischenräumen, mit denen ein gradueller Übergang vom öffentlichen zum privaten Raum möglich wird - eine Art zu bauen, die nach Ansicht von Experten die westliche Wohnarchitektur revolutionieren könnte. Die Publikation veranschaulicht diese neuen Formen des Bauens und Wohnens an herausragenden japanischen Beispielen, unter anderem von Shigeru Ban, Sou Foujimoto oder Akihisa Hirata. Single-family houses are becoming increasingly outdated. They offer no response to demographic change or to the fact that there are fewer and fewer life-long relationships. They are often too inflexible for new family models or ways of cohabitation. This publication presents projects in recent years in Japan, which respond to the need for new forms of housing. The architects are developing solutions that allow residents to live together but still maintain enough distance and privacy. The presented apartment types and their layout allow for a variety of life models. Particularly interesting here is the use of spaces that provide a gradual transition from public to private space-an approach to building that, according to experts, could revolutionize western residential architecture. The publication portrays these new forms of building and living based on prominent Japanese examples that include Shigeru Ban, Sou Foujimoto, and Akihisa Hirata.
Apartment houses --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings --- History --- Immeubles d'habitation --- Petits espaces (habitations) --- 728.2 --- Japan --- 72.032.12 --- 72.037 --- 728.2 Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- Japanse architectuur --- Collectief wonen --- Collective housing --- Meergezinswoningen --- Appartementen (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Histoire --- 2000 - 2099 --- Japan.
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Apartmanlar, birçok ailenin bir arada yaşadığı konutlar olarak geleneksel Osmanlı evinin gelişim süreci içinde ciddi bir kopuşun örnekleri olarak görülmüşlerdir. Gerçekten de bu konutlar, bahçe içinde ahşap konaklara ilk bakışta hiç benzemezler. Çok katlıdırlar, sıkışık kıvnmlı dar sokaklarda yükselirler, kimi zaman karanlık iç mekânlara sahiptirler, bahçeleri yoktur ama geniş teras çatılan vardır. Çoğu sokağa veya caddeye yönlenmişrir, ama manzara imkânı varsa ondan da yararlanmayı ihmal etmezler. Bilinen ve çoğu zaman kabul gören anlayışa göre ilk apartmanlar batı mimarisinden model transferi ile açıklanır ve geleneksel Osmanlı konutundan da bu nedenle ayn tutulur. Ancak hiç kuşkusuz İstanbul'da konutlarda süregelen yaşam biçimlerini de sadece konaklar yansıtmamaktadır. Birçok kültürün yüzyıllarca bir arada yaşadığı bu şehirde çok zengin bîr konut birikimi olduğu açıktır. Aynca apartmanların ilk örneklerinin yapddığı 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısının, kent ve mekân algısında değişimlerin yaşandığı, yaşam biçimlerinde ilginç dönüşümlerin izlendiği bir süreç olduğu düşünüldüğünde, bu konut yapılarının daha detaylı bir incelemeyi hak ettiği ortadadır. Derin Öncel, Apartman'da Galata'da belirli bir alanda ve süreçte yapılan ilk örnekler olarak tanımladığı binalardan yola çıkarak ve hiçbirini bulunduğu "yer" ve dönemin dinamiklerinden ayrı değerlendirmeyerek, bu "yeni" konut tipini tanımaya çalışıyor. Apartmanlarda süregelen yaşam biçimine Osmanlı toplumunun nasıl uyum sağladığını, bu yeni yaşam pratiğine hangi süreçlerden geçilerek gelindiğini sorguluyor. Genel kabullerin dışına çıkarak apartmanları Osmanlı konut kültürünün gelişiminde önemli bir evrenin örnekleri olarak görüyor ve kısa bir zamanda İstanbul'un birçok mahallesinde inşa edilecek olan bu yapılar üzerine daha çok araştırma yapılmadan 20. yüzyıl konutunun sağlıklı i ncel enemeyeceğin i savunuyor. Derin öncel. Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Universitesi'nde öğretim üyesi. 19. yüzyıl Beyoğlu bölgesi kent…
Apartment houses --- Dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- History --- Galata (Istanbul, Turkey) --- Social life and customs --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- Architecture, Rural --- Domestic architecture --- Home design --- Houses --- One-family houses --- Residences --- Rural architecture --- Villas --- Architecture --- Domiciles --- Homes --- Residential buildings --- Single-family homes --- Buildings --- House-raising parties --- Household ecology --- Housing --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Galatasaray (Istanbul, Turkey) --- immeubles --- ville --- habitat --- aménagement --- logement
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Many communities in cities around the world do not like the growing number of residential towers, but they also realise that the detached house is not a sustainable urban solution. Between these two extremes, there is a "missing middle" of mid-rise apartment buildings that relate to the street and are within the height of trees. This book argues that the mid-rise way of urban living is an essential component of growing cities, demonstrating that the economics of this form of development are better than that of terrace houses or town houses. It begins by examining successful historic precedents of this housing type, such as the tenements of Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona and New York and successful mid-rise housing in London. The book then discusses reasons for the relative lack of contemporary mid-rise housing developments, including planning legislation, and the perception that it is a dull and uniform building type. It brings together and analyses a wide range of award-winning international contemporary examples by leading architecture firms, looks at the importance of location, the need for urban placemaking, visual interest and design diversity and mixed use precincts, and highlights the advantages, including demographic diversity, urban density, sociability and reduction of car use.
Apartment houses --- Housing --- 711.4(C) --- Affordable housing --- Homes --- Houses --- Housing needs --- Residences --- Slum clearance --- Urban housing --- City planning --- Dwellings --- Human settlements --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; vormgeving en analyse van de stad --- Social aspects --- 728.22 --- udc --- Stedenbouw ; architectuur ; middelhoge, halfhoge appartementen --- Woningbouw ; flatgebouwen, appartementen --- Urbanisme. --- Immeubles d'habitation. --- Urbanisme --- Immeubles d'habitation
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Apartment houses --- Immeubles d'habitation --- History --- Histoire --- Lion, Yves, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Architecture - Housing. --- Yves Lion (° 1945, Casablanca, Marokko) --- Architectuur ; vnl. Frankrijk ; 1973-2005 ; Yves Lion --- Woningbouw ; appartementen ; woningblokken ; hoogbouw --- 72.07 --- 72.038 --- 72.039 --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 2000 - 2050 --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings --- Architecture --- Architecture domestique --- Habitations --- Critique et interprétation.
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Apartment houses --- -Architecture --- -Row houses --- -Steden ; vormgeving ; analyse --- Stedenbouw ; woningtypes ; rijwoningen ; Nederland ; 1990-2000 --- Rijhuizen --- 711.4(C) --- Townhouses (Row houses) --- Dwellings --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; vormgeving en analyse van de stad --- Design and construction --- Architecture --- Row houses --- History --- Netherlands --- Steden ; vormgeving ; analyse
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In Het woongebouw worden zo’n zeventig ontwerpen gepresenteerd van woongebouwen die inmiddels klassiek zijn, en van recente complexen. Het centrale thema is de stapeling van wooneenheden in een blok. De klassieke gebouwen zijn gekozen omdat ze het uitgangspunt zijn voor recente plannen, die de oude ontwerpen soms letterlijk citeren en meestal bewerken. De ontwerpen zijn ingedeeld op basis van een aantal categorieën, zoals de blokvorm, de ontsluiting en de doorsnede, en van programmatische aspecten, zoals de indeling van een wooneenheid en het aantal inwoners per eenheid. In de hier gepresenteerde keuze zijn ook ontwerpen opgenomen van Nederlandse architectenbureaus die veel onderzoek doen naar nieuwe typen: MVRDV, DKV, de Architekten Cie (Frits van Dongen), Dick van Gameren architecten, Mecanoo, OMA en Rudy Uytenhaak architectenbureau
Apartment houses --- Dwellings. --- 72.036 --- 72.039 --- 728.2 --- 72.038 --- Woningbouw ; plannen en ontwerpen --- Woonblokken --- Woningbouw ; 20ste eeuw ; types --- Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- Woningbouw ; woningblokken, meergezinshuizen, maisonettes --- Architectuurgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 --- 728.2 Woningblokken. Meergezinshuizen. Etagewoningen. Flatgebouwen --- 72.036 Moderne bouwkunst. Architectuur van de 20e eeuw --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings
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Stedebouw ; Rotterdam ; J.J.P. Oud --- Stedebouw ; Berlijn ; Bruno Taut --- 72.07 --- (069) --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- (Musea. Collecties) --- Apartment houses --- Exhibitions. --- Oud, J. J. P. --- Taut, Bruno, --- Rotterdam (Netherlands) --- Berlin (Germany) --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- Apartment buildings --- Multi-family housing --- Multifamily housing --- Multiple dwellings --- Architecture, Domestic --- Dwellings --- Exhibitions --- ブルーノ・タウト, --- Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter, --- Oud, J. P., --- Stadt Berlin (Germany) --- Berlin (Germany : State) --- Berlim (Germany) --- Baralīna (Germany) --- Berolinum (Germany) --- Berlinum (Germany) --- Verolino (Germany) --- Land Berlin (Germany) --- Berlin State (Germany) --- Berlino (Germany) --- Berlijn (Germany) --- Berlin (Germany : West) --- Berlin (Germany : East) --- Buildings, structures, etc
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