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Gerry St. Germain's story begins in Petit Canada" on the shores of the Assiniboine, growing up with his two younger sisters, his mother and his fathera shy Metis trapper and construction worker who sometimes struggled to put food on the table. St. Germain was initially troubled in school, scrapping with classmates and often skipping out to shoot pool, but an aunt and uncle funded his tuition to Catholic school, where a nun recognized his aptitude for math and encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He would go on to become an air force pilot, undercover policeman and West Coast chicken farmer. Business gave way to politics, and in 1988 he became one of a tiny number of Aboriginal Canadians named to a federal cabinet. That milestone was just one of many for a man who played a critical role in Canada's Conservative movement for a generation. From the Brian Mulroney era to the roller-coaster leadership of Kim Campbell, then to the collapse of the Progressive Conservative Party in 1993 and the subsequent rebuilding of the movement under Stephen Harper, St. Germain remained a trusted confidant of prime ministers and a crucial and often daring behind-the-scenes broker in bringing warring factions together. But he is most proud of his efforts during his later years in the Senate, when he was a quiet hero to Canada's Aboriginal community. He spearheaded major Senate reports on key issues like land claims and on-reserve education during the Harper era, when there were few friendly faces for First Nations leaders on Parliament Hill. That role reflected St. Germain's profound determination to help people who are still dealing today with the brutal legacy of residential schools and the paternalistic Indian Act. Memories of his humble beginnings, and the shame he once felt over his Metis heritage bubbled to the surface in his final address to Canada's Parliament in 2012, when he said in a voice quaking with emotion: I am a Metis.".
Politicians --- Legislators --- Métis --- Parlementaires --- Hommes politiques --- St. Germain, Gerry, --- St. Germain, Gerry. --- Canada.
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L’Autunno caldo, segnato dalle grandi lotte per il rinnovo dei contratti di numerose categorie di lavoratori, costituisce il culmine di una stagione di mobilitazioni che modificò profondamente gli assetti economici e sociali in Italia. Oltre a evidenziare un diverso equilibrio di potere tra industriali e organizzazioni dei lavoratori, quel ciclo di lotte mise in primo piano una classe operaia giovane e combattiva, portatrice di rivendicazioni e di desideri volti a contrastare un «Miracolo» che non era alla portata di tutti. Il presente volume nasce dalle riflessioni del convegno «1969-2019 – 50 anni di Autunno caldo: tra storiografia, eredità e testimonianza» organizzato all’Université Grenoble Alpes e all’Université Paris Nanterre tra il 15 e il 18 ottobre 2019, e dà largo spazio sia a storici e specialisti affermati, che a giovani ricercatori impegnati nello studio della stagione di lotta degli anni Sessanta e Settanta italiani. I saggi ripercorrono i dibattitti interni alla Sinistra, la nascita dei gruppi extraparlamentari, le conquiste giuridiche dei lavoratori, prendendo anche in considerazione la circolazione delle idee e delle lotte al di là del triangolo industriale e al di fuori della fabbrica. Il volume invita più generalmente a riflettere sulle tracce lasciate dall’Autunno caldo nell’immaginario individuale e collettivo di varie generazioni fino ai giorni nostri
History --- Sociology --- lotte dei lavoratori --- 1969 --- gruppi extraparlamentari --- luttes ouvrières --- groupes extra-parlementaires --- workers' struggles --- extra-parliamentary groups --- Italy --- Politics and government
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Walking a Gendered Tightrope analyzes the gendered expectations for women in high offices through the examples of British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Even at their highest positions, and while completing their greatest achievements, both May and Pelosi faced gendered critiques and intraparty challenges to their leadership. While other books have analyzed the barriers to higher office that women face, this book reveals how women in positions of power are still forced to balance feminine stereotypes with the perception of power as masculine in order to prove their legitimacy. By examining intraparty dynamics, this book offers a unique comparison between a majoritarian presidential and Westminster parliamentary system. While their parties promoted Pelosi and May to highlight their progressive values, both women faced continually gendered critiques about their abilities to lead their caucuses on difficult policy issues, such as the Affordable Care Act and two Trump impeachment votes for Nancy Pelosi, or finishing Brexit for Theresa May. Grounded in the legislative literature from the United States and Britain, as well as historical accounts and personal interviews, Walking a Gendered Tightrope contributes to the fields of gender and politics, legislative studies, American politics, and British politics.
Comparative Government --- Women --- Political Science --- Women legislators --- Femmes parlementaires --- Femmes --- members of Congress. --- Political activity --- Activité politique --- May, Theresa, --- Pelosi, Nancy, --- Great Britain --- United States
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Working together across religious, ethnic, and class divisions, African women are helping to formulate legislation and foster democracies more inclusive of womens' interests. Women in African Parliaments explores this phenomenon, examining the impact and experiences of African women as they seek increased representation in national legislatures. The authors' carefully constructed case studies allow cross-national comparisons of the range of strategies that African women have used to achieve greater involvement in national politics. A unique feature of the work is the voices of African women themselves, who explain how they achieved or continue to fight for electoral success, how they learned to work with lifelong adversaries, and how they have begun to transform their parliaments.
Government --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Africa --- Women --- Women legislators --- Femmes --- Femmes parlementaires --- Political activity --- Activité politique --- Afrique --- Politics and government. --- Politique et gouvernement --- Activité politique --- Congresswomen --- Legislators --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity
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À rebours d’une histoire nationale souvent résumée en un affrontement irréversible entre politique et religion, jusqu’à aboutir au régime de laïcité que l’on connaît aujourd’hui, la présence d’hommes d’Église, catholiques et protestants, dans les assemblées parlementaires a été un fait minoritaire peut-être, mais constant depuis 1789. Cette assiduité s’explique par la place qu'occupent les Églises au sein de la société, mais aussi par les sociabilités provinciales qui servent de cadre aux circonscriptions électorales de la France métropolitaine et de l’outremer. Elle illustre en outre la volonté de représenter les idéaux et les intérêts propres aux différentes confessions et sensibilités religieuses de l’opinion publique et des citoyens. Ce livre, écrit par les meilleurs spécialistes d’histoire religieuse et politique de la France contemporaine, invite à découvrir la contribution des Églises à l’apprentissage de la démocratie parlementaire.
Religion --- History --- Parlement --- parlementaires --- ecclésiastiques --- loi de séparation --- laïcité --- Assemblée nationale --- Sénat --- Chambre des pairs --- Révolution française --- Église --- Consulat --- Empire --- Restauration --- Monarchie de Juillet --- Second Empire --- Deuxième République --- Alsace-Lorraine --- pouvoir législatif
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"This book contributes to the debates around the presence and activity of women in politics, as well as the part which language plays in shaping and developing political activity. Footitt argues that, in a world of shifting roots and multiple identities, the stories we tell, the ways in which we understand the relationships between us, and the communities we imagine ourselves belonging to, are of ever-increasing political importance. At the centre of the study are the women from 12 European Union countries who participate in the transnational political site of the European Parliament. Using interviews with female Members of the European Parliament from the late 90s and early 00s, and a close textual study of speeches in the European Parliament, Hilary Footitt argues that women have created a language of politics that transcends nationalities and political parties and contributes to engendering democracy, defining citizenship and imagining the community of Europe. Politics, she argues, is multilingual, and an understanding of the varieties of vocabularies and grammars that are potentially available to us may help us to create a more inclusive and dynamic political process."--
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sociolinguistics --- European Parliament [Brussels] --- Language and languages --- Women legislators --- Langage et langues --- Femmes parlementaires --- Political aspects. --- Language. --- Aspect politique --- Langage --- European Parliament. --- Congresswomen --- Legislators --- Political aspects --- Language --- European Communities. Parliament --- Language and languages Political aspects
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L'homme politique doit-il être choisi pour sa compétence, parmi les plus savants et les plus intelligents des candidats, sélectionné par l'Université et les grandes écoles ? Ou bien, au contraire, le Parlement doit-il, pour bien représenter la nation, refléter dans sa composition les catégories culturelles, sociales et professionnelles du pays ? Et à quoi servent, dans les allées du pouvoir, ces connaissances acquises pendant les années de formation ? Ces questions, faussement naïves, sont posées par l'électeur et le citoyen. L'historien apporte ici son analyse propre concernant une époque (IIIe et IVe Républiques) où le Parlement détenait le pouvoir d'État. À travers les biographies et les récits d'enfance des députés, en étudiant les classes culturelles représentées à l'Assemblée, il cherche à comprendre les liens qui, en France, unissent culture et politique. Le résultat n'est pas sans surprises.
History of France --- anno 1910-1919 --- anno 1930-1939 --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1950-1959 --- anno 1920-1929 --- Legislators --- Political culture --- Representative government and representation --- Parlementaires --- Culture politique --- Gouvernement représentatif --- Education --- History --- Intellectual life --- Histoire --- Vie intellectuelle --- France --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Gouvernement représentatif --- History. --- Lawmakers --- Legislatures, Members of --- Members of legislatures --- Members of parliaments --- Parliaments, Members of --- Statesmen --- Culture --- Political science --- Parliamentary government --- Political representation --- Representation --- Self-government --- Constitutional history --- Constitutional law --- Democracy --- Elections --- Republics --- Suffrage --- député --- pouvoir --- politique --- culture
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No detailed description available for "Planning the Administrative Library".
Library management --- Administratieve bibliotheken --- Administrative libraries --- Bibliotheekplanning --- Bibliotheken [Officiele ] --- Bibliotheken [Overheids] --- Bibliotheken--Planning --- Bibliothèques gouvernementales, administratives, etc. --- Bibliothèques ministérielles --- Bibliothèques officielles --- Bibliothèques parlementaires --- Bibliothèques--Planification --- Deelregeringsbibliotheken --- Departementsbibliotheken --- Départements [Bibliothèques des ] --- Federal libraries --- Gouvernement [Bibliothèques du ] --- Gouvernements régionaux [Bibliothèques des ] --- Government libraries --- Libraries [Governmental, administrative, etc ] --- Library planning --- Ministeriebibliotheken --- Ministeries--Bibliotheken --- Ministeriële bibliotheken --- Ministères [Bibliothèques des ] --- Ministères--Bibliothèques --- Official libraries --- Overheidsbibliotheken, administratieve bibliotheken, enz. --- Parlementaire bibliotheken --- Parlementsbibliotheken --- Parliamentary libraries --- Regeringsbibliotheken --- Bibliothéconomie Bibliotheekwetenschap --- Science administrative Bestuurswetenschappen --- Administrative agency libraries --- Libraries, Governmental, administrative, etc. --- Special libraries --- Planning.
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Until recently, the study of legislative leadership has been the study of men. Scholars have taught students that legislative leadership is transactional, a kind of competitive bargaining procedure to broker particular interests. When Women Lead: Integrative Leadership in State Legislatures brings to light the important contributions that women as legislative leaders make to the institutions in which they operate. Cindy Simon Rosenthal shows us how (and where) women are "integrating" the ranks of the legislative hierarchy, a forum in which they have been all but absent. She also argues that wo
Women --- Women legislators --- Leadership in women --- Femmes --- Femmes parlementaires --- Leadership chez la femme --- Political activity --- Activité politique --- Activité politique --- Sociology of organization --- Sociology of occupations --- Politics --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- United States --- Leadership in women. --- Legislative bodies. --- Women in politics. --- Women legislators. --- Social Science. --- Legislative bodies --- Gender Studies & Sexuality --- Gender & Ethnic Studies --- Social Sciences --- Bicameralism --- Legislatures --- Parliaments --- Unicameral legislatures --- Constitutional law --- Estates (Social orders) --- Representative government and representation --- Women's leadership --- Congresswomen --- Legislators --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Leadership --- Committees --- Psychology --- United States of America --- Management --- Politicians --- Book --- Sex differences --- Leadership. --- Committees.
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While the number of think tanks active in American politics has more than quadrupled since the 1970s, their influence has not expanded proportionally. Instead, the known ideological proclivities of many, especially newer think tanks with their aggressive efforts to obtain high profiles, have come to undermine the credibility with which experts and expertise are generally viewed by public officials. This book explains this paradox. The analysis is based on 135 in-depth interviews with officials at think tanks and those in the policy making and funding organizations that draw upon and support their work. The book reports on results from a survey of congressional staff and journalists and detailed case studies of the role of experts in health care and telecommunications reform debates in the 1990s and tax reduction in 2001.
Policy sciences --- Policy scientists --- Research institutes --- Nonprofit organizations --- Expertise --- Political planning --- Legislative hearings --- Sciences de la politique --- Analystes de la politique --- Centres de recherche --- Associations sans but lucratif --- Savoir-faire --- Politique publique --- Commissions parlementaires --- Research --- Political aspects --- Recherche --- Aspect politique --- Audiences --- Social Sciences --- Political Science --- Specialization --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Ability --- Corporations, Nonprofit --- Non-profit organizations --- Non-profit sector --- Non-profits --- Nonprofit sector --- Nonprofits --- Not-for-profit organizations --- NPOs --- Organizations, Nonprofit --- Tax-exempt organizations --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Analysts, Policy --- Policy analysts --- Public policy experts --- Government consultants --- Political scientists --- Social scientists --- Policy-making --- Policymaking --- Public policy management --- Congressional hearings
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