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Measuring and Enhancing the Student Experience provides insights on how student experience measures could be used to inform improvements at institutional, course, unit of study and teacher level. The book is based on a decade of research and practitioner views on ways to enhance the design, conduct, analysis, reporting and closing the loop on student feedback data. While the book is largely based on Australian case studies, it provides learning experiences for other countries where student experience measures are used in national and institutional quality assurance. Consisting of 13 chapters, the book includes a wide range of topics including the role and purpose of student feedback, the use of student feedback in staff performance reviews, staff and student engagement, a student feedback and experience framework, the first year experience, use of qualitative data, engaging transnational students in feedback, closing the loop on feedback, student engagement in national quality assurance, use of learning analytics and the future of the student experience. Mahsood Shah is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) with School of Business and Law at CQUniversity, Australia. In this role Mahsood is responsible for enhancing the academic quality and standard of courses. Mahsood is also responsible for learning and teaching strategy, governance, effective implementation of policies, and enhancement of learning and teaching outcomes across all campuses. In providing leadership for learning and teaching, Mahsood works with key academic leaders across all campuses to improve learning and teaching outcomes of courses delivered in various modes including face-to-face and online. At CQUniversity, he provides leadership in national and international accreditation of academic courses. Mahsood is also an active researcher. His areas of research include quality in higher education, measurement and enhancement of student experience, student retention and attrition, student engagement in quality assurance, international higher education, widening participation and private higher education. Chenicheri Sid Nair is the incoming Executive Director, Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), Mauritius. Prior to joining TEC, he was Professor, Higher Education Development at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth where his work encompassed the improvement of the institutions teaching and learning. Before this appointment to UWA, he was Quality ...
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Analyticko-srovnávací studie je čtvrtou publikací řady Školní vzdělávání v zahraničí. Předchozí tři publikace jsou Školní vzdělávání v Německu, Školní vzdělávání ve Velké Británii a Školní vzdělávání ve Švédsku. Část studie, vypracovaná českými autorkami, zprostředkuje na školní vzdělávání "pohled zvenku", který lze považovat za "objektivní", "neutrální", pouze minimálně ovlivněný přímými zkušenostmi. "Pohled zevnitř" přináší závěrečná kapitola ruských spoluautorek. Těžiště studie tvoří problémy, které se jeví jako zásadní v ruském školním vzdělávání a jsou aktuální také pro rozvoj českého školního vzdělávání. Skládá z devíti kapitol. První kapitola uvádí do širšího kontextu země, v němž změny školního vzdělávání probíhají. Ve druhé kapitole, věnované vzdělávací politice, se pozornost obrací ke kodifikaci nového pojetí vzdělávání a vývoji legislativy od 90. let minulého století. Třetí kapitola posuzuje současný vzdělávací systém Ruska, orientuje v jeho diverzifikované struktuře a podstatných dimenzích, v nichž došlo k zásadním změnám. Obsahem čtvrté kapitoly jsou pedagogické experimenty, alternativní pedagogické koncepce a autorské školy. Pátá kapitola je věnována problematice kurikula s důrazem na federální vzdělávací standardy. Šestá kapitola seznamuje se systémem evaluace a problémy souvisejícími se zaváděním pro ruské prostředí netradičních forem a nástrojů hodnocení. Specifiky multinárodnostního ruského státu a jeho mnohojazyčné společnosti, která jsou pro Ruskou federaci příznačná a mají důsledky pro vzdělávací politiku a praxi, se zabývají kapitoly sedmá a osmá. V poslední, deváté kapitole dostávají prostor ruské autorky, prezentující vnitřní pohled na ruskou vzdělávací reformu. Studie je určena výzkumníkům a odborníkům v oblasti vzdělávání, vyučujícím i studentům pedagogických fakult a dalších fakult připravujících učitele, představitelům Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky i dalším pracovníkům působícím ve státní správě zabývajícím se vzděláváním.
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"The general theme of this book is to encourage the use of relevant methodology in data mining which is or could be applied to the interplay of education, statistics and computer science to solve psychometric issues and challenges in the new generation of assessments. In addition to item response data, other data collected in the process of assessment and learning will be utilized to help solve psychometric challenges and facilitate learning and other educational applications. Process data include those collected or available for collection during the process of assessment and instructional phase such as responding sequence data, log files, the use of help features, the content of web searches, etc. Some book chapters present the general exploration of process data in large-scale assessment. Further, other chapters also address how to integrate psychometrics and learning analytics in assessment and survey, how to use data mining techniques for security and cheating detection, how to use more assessment results to facilitate student's learning and guide teacher's instructional efforts. The book includes both theoretical and methodological presentations that might guide the future in this area, as well as illustrations of efforts to implement big data analytics that might be instructive to those in the field of learning and psychometrics. The context of the effort is diverse, including K-12, higher education, financial planning, and survey utilization. It is hoped that readers can learn from different disciplines, especially those who are specialized in assessment, would be critical to expand the ideas of what we can do with data analytics for informing assessment practices"--
Educational evaluation --- Psychometrics --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Methodology. --- Data processing.
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Comment l’institution scolaire s’insère-t-elle dans un contexte plus englobant et en quoi les processus de formalisation, de standardisation introduits par l’institution scolaire modifient-ils les formes mêmes de la transmission et les valeurs ? Cette question est abordée sous l’angle anthropologique et ethnologique par huit études portant sur quatre pays du sud-est asiatique : Inde, Chine, Indonésie, Thaïlande, pays différents par l’histoire, les traditions, la forme des institutions, le poids de l’État. La grande diversité ethnico-culturelle de ces pays donne naissance à un dialogue entre les savoirs traditionnels et la scolarisation organisée par l’État. Dans le contexte asiatique, le corps est l’objet principal des préoccupations éducatives. En Chine, cela a pu prendre l’apparence d’un contrôle étatique des corps à travers la discipline corporelle, la gymnastique collective, mais aussi l’art de la calligraphie.
Education --- Educational evaluation --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- éducation --- apprentissage --- Asie
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"Classroom Assessment and Educational Measurement explores the ways in which the theory and practice of both educational measurement and the assessment of student learning in classroom settings mutually inform one another. Chapters by assessment and measurement experts consider the nature of classroom assessment information, from student achievement to affective and socio-emotional attributes; how teachers interpret and work with assessment results; and emerging issues in assessment such as digital technologies and diversity/inclusion. This book uniquely considers the limitations of applying large-scale educational measurement theory to classroom assessment and the adaptations necessary to make this transfer useful. Researchers, graduate students, industry professionals, and policymakers will come away with an essential understanding of how the classroom assessment context is essential to broadening contemporary educational measurement perspectives" --
Educational evaluation. --- Educational tests and measurements --- Evaluation. --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation
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Hauptbeschreibung Den Humanressourcen einer Volkswirtschaft kommt im globalen Wettbewerb und mit stetig schnelleren Innovationszyklen eine immer größere Bedeutung im Hinblick auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Nationen und Unternehmen zu. Nationale Bildungseinrichtungen stellen einen wichtigen Faktor zur Schaffung und Erhaltung des erforderlichen Humankapitals dar. Aufgrund der seit vielen Jahren schwierigen öffentlichen Haushaltslage haben die Bildungsbudgets mit den gestiegenen Anforderungen aber kaum Schritt halten können, so dass einer effizienten Verwendung der eingesetzten Mitte
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Educational evaluation. --- Educational evaluation --- Evaluation en éducation --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- educational assessments --- educational testing --- Evaluation --- Educational sciences
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Educational evaluation --- School environment --- Curriculum evaluation --- Curriculum evaluation. --- Educational evaluation. --- Evaluation --- Evaluation. --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation of curriculum --- Environment, School --- Educational sociology
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Current conventions in school evaluation focus on accountability, control and compliance. New Zealand offers a distinctive, systemic alternative to school self-evaluation, with developmental and negotiated approaches ingrained throughout the education system, from school inspection to major government schooling improvement initiatives. In New Zealand there is no national testing, other than a Ministry-sponsored (voluntary) formative assessment system designed for school and teacher self-evaluation. This is a form of professional and program evaluation where there is shared power and responsibility between evaluators and those being evaluated. Through a detailed national case study of New Zealand, together with commentaries from international specialists, this volume examines the successes and challenges of this approach to programme evaluation and its generalizability to other educational and professional review settings, and show how education systems can recover a balance between an achievement agenda and a focus on educational quality.
Educational evaluation. --- Educational assessment --- Educational program evaluation --- Evaluation research in education --- Instructional systems analysis --- Program evaluation in education --- Self-evaluation in education --- Evaluation --- Education --- Organization & management of education. --- Examinations & assessment. --- Curricula. --- Testing & Measurement. --- Educational Policy & Reform --- General.
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