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The book presents modern and efficient methods for solving Geodetic and Geoinformatics algebraic problems. Numerous examples are illustrated with Mathematica using the computer algebra techniques of Ring, Polynomials, Groebner basis, Resultants (including Dixon resultants), Gauss-Jacobi combinatorial and Procrustes algorithms, as well as homotopy methods. While these problems are traditionally solved by approximate methods, this book presents alternative algebraic techniques based on computer algebra tools. ¬ This new approach meets such modern challenges as resection by laser techniques, solution of orientation in Robotics, transformation and bundle block adjustment in Geoinformatics, densification of Engineering networks, analytical solution for GNSS-meteorology and many other problems. For Mathematicians, the book provides some practical examples of the application of abstract algebra and multidimensional scaling.
Geodesy --- Geoinformatics. --- Geomatics --- Astronomy & Astrophysics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Practical & Spherical Astronomy --- Mathematics. --- Mathematics --- Earth sciences --- Computer science --- Mathematical analysis. --- Mathematical models. --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical analysis --- Computer mathematics --- Discrete mathematics --- Electronic data processing --- Geosciences --- Degrees of latitude and longitude --- Geodetics --- Geography. --- Earth sciences. --- Geographical information systems. --- Remote sensing. --- Computer mathematics. --- Numerical analysis. --- Geographical Information Systems/Cartography. --- Earth Sciences, general. --- Numerical Analysis. --- Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis. --- Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry. --- Environmental sciences --- Physical sciences --- Geophysics --- Mathematical geography --- Surveying --- Cosmography --- World history --- Geographical information systems --- GIS (Information systems) --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Geography --- Remote-sensing imagery --- Remote sensing systems --- Remote terrain sensing --- Sensing, Remote --- Terrain sensing, Remote --- Aerial photogrammetry --- Aerospace telemetry --- Detectors --- Space optics
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While preparing and teaching ‘Introduction to Geodesy I and II’ to - dergraduate students at Stuttgart University, we noticed a gap which motivated the writing of the present book: Almost every topic that we taughtrequiredsomeskillsinalgebra,andinparticular,computeral- bra! From positioning to transformation problems inherent in geodesy and geoinformatics, knowledge of algebra and application of computer algebra software were required. In preparing this book therefore, we haveattemptedtoputtogetherbasicconceptsofabstractalgebra which underpin the techniques for solving algebraic problems. Algebraic c- putational algorithms useful for solving problems which require exact solutions to nonlinear systems of equations are presented and tested on various problems. Though the present book focuses mainly on the two ?elds,theconceptsand techniquespresented hereinarenonetheless- plicable to other ?elds where algebraic computational problems might be encountered. In Engineering for example, network densi?cation and robotics apply resection and intersection techniques which require - gebraic solutions. Solution of nonlinear systems of equations is an indispensable task in almost all geosciences such as geodesy, geoinformatics, geophysics (just to mention but a few) as well as robotics. These equations which require exact solutions underpin the operations of ranging, resection, intersection and other techniques that are normally used. Examples of problems that require exact solutions include; • three-dimensional resection problem for determining positions and orientation of sensors, e. g. , camera, theodolites, robots, scanners etc. , VIII Preface • coordinate transformation to match shapes and sizes of points in di?erent systems, • mapping from topography to reference ellipsoid and, • analytical determination of refraction angles in GPS meteorology.
Geodesy --- Geomatics. --- Mathematics. --- Earth sciences --- Information science --- Surveying --- Physical geography. --- Geography. --- Geographical information systems. --- Geophysics/Geodesy. --- Earth Sciences, general. --- Geographical Information Systems/Cartography. --- Geography, general. --- Geographical information systems --- GIS (Information systems) --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Cosmography --- World history --- Geography --- Geophysics. --- Earth sciences. --- Geosciences --- Environmental sciences --- Physical sciences --- Geological physics --- Terrestrial physics --- Physics
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East African states have historically shared several resources including energy and common heritage of its people. This book provides information on available sources of energy in the region and how the energy suppliers can exploit them in an integrated form to produce the right blend of energy for various applications e.g., industrial, domestic and recreational uses. We provide an in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources in-terms of environmental, industrialization, distribution costs and impacts. We hope that the book will contribute towards a sustainable exploitation of energy resources for the improvement of the people’s quality of life.
Power resources --- Renewable energy sources --- Alternate energy sources --- Alternative energy sources --- Energy sources, Renewable --- Sustainable energy sources --- Renewable natural resources --- Agriculture and energy --- Energy --- Energy resources --- Power supply --- Natural resources --- Energy harvesting --- Energy industries --- Regional economics. --- Geography. --- Environmental management. --- Political science. --- Energy Policy, Economics and Management. --- Regional/Spatial Science. --- Economic Geography. --- Environmental Management. --- Political Science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Environmental stewardship --- Stewardship, Environmental --- Environmental sciences --- Management --- Cosmography --- Earth sciences --- World history --- Economics --- Regional planning --- Regionalism --- Space in economics --- Energy policy. --- Energy and state. --- Spatial economics. --- Economic geography. --- Geography, Economic --- World economics --- Geography --- Commercial geography --- Spatial economics --- Regional economics --- Energy and state --- State and energy --- Industrial policy --- Energy conservation --- Government policy
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Recently, there has been, and continues to be, a tremendous interest on Lake Victoria and its environs, both locally and internationally. A casual browsing on the Internet indicates that the entries on the Lake have been rising phenomenally. At the same time, the issues discussed are as diverse as they are varied in their treatment of the subject, both in terms of depth and comprehensiveness. The information on Lake Victoria and its environ is scattered, isolated, and sometimes confusing even though documentation on the subject are available. Despite this situation, the fact remains that various people (e. g. , secondary and universitystudents,researchers,practitioners,etc. ,)wouldliketoaccess and know more about the Lake and its environs. Aware of the existing information gap about this world’s second largest fresh water Lake, this book is intended to provide readers with up-to-date information pertaining the Lake. The book gives an in-depth coverage of environmental issues, - source endowment, poverty amidst plenty, development opportunities, challenges and other related issues facing the Lake and its environs. It aims at providing information on the above variables, which hopefully will address the needs of various users. We have attempted to present the materials in a simple and straight forward way that will be und- standable to undergraduate students as well as advanced researchers. YetweareawarethatmostparametersoftheLakearechangingrapidly. We have therefore attempted to provide as accurate and up-to-date - formation up to the time of publishing.
Lake ecology --- Victoria, Lake --- Environmental conditions. --- Economic conditions. --- Lake Victoria --- Ukerewe (Lake) --- Victoria Nyanza --- Great Lakes (Africa) --- Lakes --- Freshwater ecology --- Reservoir ecology --- Ecology --- Environmental management. --- Environmental toxicology. --- Endangered ecosystems. --- Physical geography. --- Regional planning. --- Environmental Management. --- Ecotoxicology. --- Biogeosciences. --- Ecosystems. --- Physical Geography. --- Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning. --- Regional development --- Regional planning --- State planning --- Human settlements --- Land use --- Planning --- City planning --- Landscape protection --- Geography --- Threatened ecosystems --- Biotic communities --- Nature conservation --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Pollution --- Environmental health --- Toxicology --- Environmental stewardship --- Stewardship, Environmental --- Environmental sciences --- Management --- Government policy --- Geobiology. --- Urban planning. --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Population biology --- Biology --- Earth sciences --- Biosphere
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