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During late Middle Ages the space corresponding to Papal State showed some features similar to those of Central-Northern Italy, sharing others with the Southern Kingdom. This interesting mix can be tested observing statutory law, that, regarding this period, has abundantly survived, although revealing remarkable regional differences. The interplay between cities and villages in this situation is complicated by Papal power, which participates in that relationship, affecting it with a varying intensity and continuity.In this book we try to specify the “three parts game” that happened during the legislative process, considering also other players action, such rural lords. The work includes four essays about the four lands forming the Papal State and other three about nearer lands, i.e. Florentine Tuscany, Siennese one and the Sicilian Kingdom (reserving a special attention at Abruzzo), and suggests useful comparisons, one of the project paramount aims. The scholars invited to join the enterprise, each specialist of a single land, during their research considered other’s results, notwithstanding the physical distance among each other. Thus, we try to offer a homogeneous picture, at least regarding powers interplay dynamics. Lo spazio territoriale dello Stato della Chiesa nel tardo Medio Evo mostra alcune caratteristiche proprie dell’Italia centro-settentrionale, ma al contempo se ne distingue per altre che lo avvicinano al Regno meridionale. Questa interessante miscela può essere verificata nella normativa statutaria, che si è conservata abbondante per il periodo, anche se con alcune notevoli differenze regionali. L’interazione fra i centri urbani e quelli rurali trova qui una complicazione nella presenza del potere pontificio, che si inserisce nel rapporto fra i due soggetti condizionandolo, anche se con differente intensità e continuità.In questo volume si cerca di dettagliare il “gioco a tre” che l’attività normativa delle campagne comportava, senza dimenticare la possibile presenza di altri attori, come i signori rurali. Dedicando quattro studi alle quattro realtà regionali comprese nello Stato della Chiesa e altri tre a realtà finitime, cioè la Toscana fiorentina, quella senese e il Regno di Sicilia (con un’attenzione particolare all’Abruzzo), il libro suggerisce proficui confronti, che sono stati comunque una delle idee portanti del progetto. I singoli studiosi che sono stati invitati a partecipare all’iniziativa, ognuno specialista di una specifica area, pur non lavorando in stretto contatto, hanno comunque tenuto presenti i risultati delle ricerche condotte dagli altri, in modo da fornire un quadro il più possibile omogeneo, almeno per quanto riguarda le dinamiche dell’interazione fra i tre poteri.
Stato della Chiesa --- Statuti --- Tardo Medioevo --- Toscana --- Abruzzo --- Città-campagna --- Papal State --- Statutes --- Late Middle Age --- Tuscany --- City-countryside
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La papauté connaît, entre XIVe et XVIIe siècle, des évolutions remarquables qui coïncident avec l'affirmation de l'État en Europe occidentale. La recherche collective internationale dont le présent volume se veut l’écho, aspire à renouveler ce sujet historiographique déjà amplement labouré. Elle tente tout d’abord d’être un pont dressé entre les continents médiévaux et modernes, trop souvent isolés. Elle s’efforce ensuite d’enrayer une tendance traditionnelle à l’analyse distincte que l'on fait de la Curie et de l'État, de la ville de Rome, d'Avignon et des territoires placés sous la souveraineté temporelle du souverain pontife. Le thème retenu a été celui de la difficile et complexe notion de charge publique et d’office, du service du prince au service de l’État et de l’Église. Cette approche ciblée repose sur des études institutionnelles, biographiques ou prosopographiques et permet d’approfondir de manière inédite et originale nos connaissances de cette forme de pouvoir unique qu’est la papauté médiévale et de l’âge moderne.
Civil service positions --- Papacy --- Offices (Histoire) --- Papauté --- History --- Congresses --- Histoire --- Congrès --- Catholic Church. --- Papal States --- Etats de l'Eglise --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Religion --- Philosophy & Religion --- Christianity --- Mediaeval history --- Papal state --- Rome (Italy) --- Church history --- Papal state. --- Papauté --- Congrès --- Holy See --- See, Holy --- Popes --- Curia Romana --- Römische Kurie --- Roman Curia --- Kuria Rzymska --- Rome (Italy : Commune) --- Rome (Italy : Governatorato) --- Rūmah (Italy) --- Roma (Italy) --- Rom (Italy) --- Rím (Italy) --- Rzym (Italy) --- Comune di Roma (Italy) --- Rome --- History. --- Church history. --- Rome (Italy : Comune) --- Papacy - History - Congresses. --- EGLISE CATHOLIQUE --- PAPAUTE --- GOUVERNEMENT --- ADMINISTRATION
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Jews --- History --- Papal States --- Ethnic relations --- -Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- -Ethnic relations --- -History --- Hebrews --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa --- Ethnic relations. --- Jews - Italy - Papal States - History - Congresses --- Papal States - Ethnic relations
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Popes --- Enlightenment --- Historiography --- History. --- 945.631 --- Geschiedenis van de Pauselijke Staten. Vaticaanstad --- 945.631 Geschiedenis van de Pauselijke Staten. Vaticaanstad --- Holy See --- See, Holy --- Papacy --- Aufklärung --- Eighteenth century --- Philosophy, Modern --- Rationalism --- Historiography&delete& --- History --- Papal States --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa --- Popes - Historiography - History. --- Enlightenment - Historiography - History.
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History of Italy --- Christian church history --- anno 1800-1899 --- #GROL:SEMI-27<492> '186' --- #gsdb8 --- Papal States. Esercito. Zuavi pontifici --- -History --- Papal States --- -Papal States --- -History, Military --- History --- -Papal States. --- History. --- History, Military. --- -#GROL:SEMI-27<492> '186' --- Papal States. --- Papal Zouaves --- Zuavi pontifici --- Zouaves pontificaux --- Tirailleurs franco-belges --- Pauselijke Zouaven --- France. --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa
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Papacy --- Cardinals --- History --- Sources. --- 262.133 --- Pauselijke diensten:--organisatie --- 262.133 Pauselijke diensten:--organisatie --- Holy See --- See, Holy --- Popes --- History&delete& --- Sources --- Papal States --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa --- Court and courtiers --- Papal courts --- 17th century --- Papacy - History - 17th century. --- Cardinals - Italy - Papal States - History - 17th century. --- Papacy - History - 17th century - Sources. --- Cardinals - Italy - Papal States - History - 17th century - Sources.
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Papal states --- History --- Papal States --- Church history --- Sources --- Officials and employees --- Archives --- Catalogs --- Bibliography --- -Papal States --- -Officials and employees --- -Archives --- -Catalogs --- -Sources --- -Bibliography --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa --- Catalogs. --- Papal States - Officials and employees - Archives - Catalogs --- Papal States - History - 1417-1605 - Sources - Bibliography - Catalogs --- Papal States - History - 1605-1799 - Sources - Bibliography - Catalogs --- Papal States - History - 1799-1865 - Sources - Bibliography - Catalogs
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262.133 --- Festivals --- -Papacy --- -Rome (Italy) --- -Holy See --- See, Holy --- 262.133 Pauselijke diensten:--organisatie --- Pauselijke diensten:--organisatie --- History --- Social life and customs --- Papal States --- -Social life and customs --- Fasts and feasts --- Papacy --- Fêtes religieuses --- Papauté --- History. --- Catholic Church --- Histoire --- Eglise catholique --- Rome (Italy) --- Rome (Italie) --- Etats pontificaux --- Social life and customs. --- Moeurs et coutumes --- Popes --- Days --- Manners and customs --- Anniversaries --- Pageants --- Processions --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa
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262.13 "15/16" --- Pausschap. Heilige Stoel. Vaticaan. Paus als soeverein--?"15/16" --- Conferences - Meetings --- 262.13 "15/16" Pausschap. Heilige Stoel. Vaticaan. Paus als soeverein--?"15/16" --- Elite (Social sciences) --- Papacy --- Holy See --- See, Holy --- Popes --- Elites (Social sciences) --- Leadership --- Power (Social sciences) --- Social classes --- Social groups --- History --- Papal States --- Rome (Italy) --- Rome (Italy : Commune) --- Rome (Italy : Governatorato) --- Rūmah (Italy) --- Roma (Italy) --- Rom (Italy) --- Rím (Italy) --- Rzym (Italy) --- Comune di Roma (Italy) --- Rome --- Church States --- States of the Church --- Legazioni --- Stato pontificio --- Kirchenstaat --- Papal State --- Stati pontifici --- Stati della Chiesa --- 1566-1799 --- Congresses --- Italy --- 1420-1798 --- 1417-1605 --- 1605-1799 --- Rome (Italy : Comune)
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Papacy --- Church history --- Schism, The Great Western, 1378-1417. --- Papauté --- Eglise --- Grand Schisme d'Occident, 1378-1417 --- History --- Histoire --- Avignon (France) --- Church history. --- Histoire religieuse --- 27 "13/14" --- Kerkgeschiedenis--?"13/14" --- Papauté --- French Papal State --- 14th Century --- Avignon, Popes at --- Babylonian captivity, Papal --- Schism, The Great Western, 1378-1417 --- Christianity --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Avenio (France) --- Avenio Cavarum (France) --- Aveniona (France) --- Avenionis Urbs (France) --- Avenneca Civitas (France) --- Avennio (France) --- Avinio (France) --- Aviniona (France) --- Avinionum (France) --- Avinum (France) --- Avio (France) --- Aviona (France) --- Avennica Civitas (France) --- Avignon (Papal city) --- PAPAUTE --- PAPES --- AVIGNON (FRANCE) --- HISTOIRE --- XIVE-XVE SIECLE --- RELATIONS EXTERIEURES --- FRANCE --- 14E-15E SIECLES
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