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Tiles --- Pavements, Tile --- Tile facades --- Tiles in interior decoration --- Floor coverings industry --- Carreaux --- Carrelages --- Façades en céramique --- Carreaux en décoration intérieure --- Revêtements de sol --- History --- Histoire --- Céramique architecturale --- Carreaux de ciment --- 691.4 --- 691.54 --- 693.7 --- Earth. Cob. Clayware. Stoneware. Ceramic building materials --- Cements. Pozzolanic materials --- Floor tiling. Wall tiling. Paving. Paviour's trade. Asphalt work --- 693.7 Floor tiling. Wall tiling. Paving. Paviour's trade. Asphalt work --- 691.54 Cements. Pozzolanic materials --- 691.4 Earth. Cob. Clayware. Stoneware. Ceramic building materials --- Façades en céramique --- Carreaux en décoration intérieure --- Revêtements de sol --- Belgium --- Pavements [Tile ] --- Floor coverings --- History.
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Tiles --- Tiles, Corinthian. --- Kilns --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Carreaux --- Carreaux corinthiens --- Fours --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- History. --- Histoire --- Corinth (Greece) --- Corinthe (Grèce) --- Antiquities. --- Antiquités --- Tiles, Roofing --- Roofing --- Roofing, Tile --- Archaeological digs --- Archaeological excavations --- Digs (Archaeology) --- Excavation sites (Archaeology) --- Ruins --- Sites, Excavation (Archaeology) --- Archaeology --- Corinth, Greece --- Kórinthos (Greece) --- Corinto (Greece) --- Corinthe (Greece) --- Antiquities --- Excavations (Archaeology) - Greece - Corinth --- Tiles, Roofing - Greece - Corinth --- Corinth (Greece) - Antiquities
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In de middeleeuwen werden er in de kuststreek van Duinkerken tot Hamburg vloertegels gemaakt met een decoratie die ingelegd werd met een contrasterende kleur klei. Deze techniek is ca. 1600 in het huidige Nederland verdwenen toen men als vloerbedekking gei͏̈mporteerd natuursteen ging gebruiken en voor wandtegels over ging op de tinglazuur-techniek waarbij de decoratie geschilderd werd. In Belgie͏̈/Noord-Frankrijk is de toen ouderwetse inlegtechniek blijven bestaan, hoewel dit soort tegels langzamerhand als vloertegel verdween en vanaf ca. 1700 als wandtegel werd gebruikt, in het bijzonder voor het haardvuur. Deze "late" ingelegde tegels (gemaakt tot 1950) zijn als verzamelobject over Europa verspreid en worden veelvuldig verward met middeleeuwse vloertegels en daardoor onjuist gedateerd. Een uitstekend gedocumenteerd en gei͏̈llustreerd boek dat velen een houvast zal bieden bij de determinering van deze tegels, een stuk ambachtskunst dat men als een overblijfsel uit de middeleeuwen kan beschouwen.
keramiek --- ceramics [object genre] --- tile [materials] --- hearths and hearth components --- Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- Flanders --- Flandre --- Kunstnijverheid --- Métiers d'art --- Vlaanderen --- Céramique, histoire --- Industrie de la faience --- Tiles --- -Building materials --- Themes, motives --- -Themes, motives --- Building materials --- Haardtegels. Frankrijk (Noord-). 18e-20e eeuw. --- Carreaux [Céramique] de cheminée. France septentrionale. 18e-20e s. --- Carreaux [Céramique] de cheminée. Flandre occidentale. 18e-20e s. --- Haardtegels. Westvlaanderen. 18e-20e eeuw. --- tile [material] --- 760 --- kunstnijverheid --- arts appliqués
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This book investigates the versatility and flexibility of ceramic materials through a selection of 32 works merging architecture, interior design, public spaces, and temporary places. This is a fascinating tour from concept to production of synergies between design, technology and innovation, new discoveries of ceramic material techniques for the needs of contemporary architecture. Including projects by Vazquez Consuegra, Francesco Mangado, Souto de Moura, Italo Rota, Cloud9, EMBT, Carlos Ferrater.
Ceramics in architecture. --- Tiles. --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural. --- Architecture --- Céramique en architecture --- Carreaux --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Details. --- Détails --- 691 --- 691.4 --- 72.037 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Keramiek --- Keramische bouwmaterialen --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- Ceramics in architecture --- Tiles --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- Céramique architecturale --- Céramique --- Décoration architecturale --- Détails (architecture) --- Details --- Céramique en architecture --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Détails --- Carreaux. --- Décoration architecturale. --- Céramique architecturale --- Céramique --- Décoration architecturale --- Détails (architecture)
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The first in a multi-volume overview of materials in architecture focuses on brick and tile. Besides highlighting more than 60 projects by 47 international teams of architects, it features brief statements from 27 architecture practices regarding their views on using brick and tile in buildings. Featuring Casanova + Hernandez, CEBRA, Studio Farris Architects, BIG, Carlos Lampreia, TAKK Architecture, Sunil Patil and Associates, BudCud, NL Architects, Nishizawa Architects, UNStudio, modostudio, and many more. The diverse range of international projects includes interior, residential, housing, education, commercial, installation, and public (urban and landscape).
Building, Brick --- Tile construction --- 693.2 --- 691.4 --- Baksteenarchitectuur ; 21ste eeuw --- Bouwmaterialen ; keramische --- Keramiek ; tegels ; architecturale toepassingen --- Hollow tile construction --- Building --- Brick building --- Masonry --- Metselwerk van baksteen --- Bouwmaterialen ; leem, klei, aardewerk --- Constructions en brique --- Carreaux --- Constructions en bois --- Construction en verre --- Constructions en brique. --- Carreaux. --- Constructions en bois. --- Construction en verre. --- Building, Wooden --- 691.11(03) --- Bouwmaterialen ; hout --- Houtarchitectuur ; 21ste eeuw --- Building with wood --- Wood construction --- Wooden architecture --- Wooden building --- Bouwmaterialen ; hout ; naslagwerken --- Glass construction --- Architecture --- 691.6 --- Bouwmaterialen ; glas --- Glasarchitectuur --- Architectural designs --- Designs, Architectural --- Architectural drawing --- Glass architecture --- Glass as structural material --- Glass in architecture --- Bouwmaterialen ; glas, vensterglas, spiegelglas --- Construction en brique --- Construction en tuiles --- Architecture - Dessins et plans
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tile [materials] --- French literature --- Portugal --- Tiles --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- Bestiaries. --- Carreaux --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Bestiaires --- History --- Themes, motives --- Histoire --- Thèmes, motifs --- Palãcio Fronteira (Benfica, Portugal) --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Thèmes, motifs --- Palácio Fronteira (Benfica, Portugal) --- Bestiaries --- Tile facades --- Facades --- Architectural decoration and ornament --- Architecture --- Stonework, Decorative --- Architectural design --- Exterior walls --- Illustrated books --- History&delete& --- Decoration and ornament --- tile [material]
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Parmi toutes les activités de production du Moyen Age et de l'époque moderne, c'est celle de terre cuite architecturale qui nous a laissé la documentation la plus riche, la plus complète et la plus variée, des sites de production et des fours jusqu'aux comptabilités de chantier de construction qui nous donnent le lieu d'origine, le prix et le mode d'utilisation des matériaux achetés et même parfois le coût d'aménagement et d'entretien des fours et des ateliers. Les fouilles de sites médiévaux et modernes produisent en abondance toutes sortes de terres cuites architecturales, avant tout des carreaux de sol, décorés ou non, des tuiles et des briques. On en trouve aussi beaucoup en place dans nombre de monuments médiévaux et modernes. Depuis le milieu du XIXe s., pratiquement seuls les carreaux de sol décorés ont été étudiés et le plus souvent dans une perspective d'historien d'art. Il est désormais nécessaire, pour traiter la masse documentaire produite par les fouilles, de fixer les modes de datation de la terre cuite architecturale, d'établir la typologie et la chronologie d'emploi de ces objets et une problématique de leur étude dans sa complexité et sa diversité. À ce prix, il est possible de faire de ces matériaux une précieuse source d'information sur le décor intérieur ou extérieur et la qualité du bâti médiéval : l'emploi de la tuile, de la brique ou des carreaux est un excellent marqueur socio-économique, leur utilisation, toujours associée à des constructions d'une certaine qualité étant à suivre avec soin dans le temps et dans l'espace. Soixante auteurs par le biais de quarante-trois articles exposent à partir des textes, de l'étude ethnographique et surtout des fouilles d'ateliers de production et de sites d'habitat l'intérêt et les méthodes d'étude de la terre cuite architecturale médiévale et moderne. Ils s'appuient sur les exemples de Paris et de l'Île-de-France, mais aussi sur les recherches conduites dans des régions proches comme la Normandie, la Champagne, la Bourgogne, l'Orléanais, la Picardie ou plus lointaine comme la Franche-Comté.
Architectural terra-cotta --- Pavements, Tile --- Tiles --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Terres cuites architecturales --- Carrelages --- Carreaux --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- 738 <44> --- Kunstkeramiek. Pottenbakkerskunst. Aardewerk. Boetseerkunst--Frankrijk --- 738 <44> Kunstkeramiek. Pottenbakkerskunst. Aardewerk. Boetseerkunst--Frankrijk --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Building materials --- Tile pavements --- Terra-cotta --- France --- Architectural terra-cotta - France --- Pavements, Tile - France --- Tiles - France --- Excavations (Archaeology) - France
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Tiles, Byzantine --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural --- Carreaux byzantins --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Exhibitions --- Expositions --- Walters Art Museum (Baltimore, Md.) --- Catalogs --- Décoration et ornement architecturaux --- Tiles --- Byzantine tiles --- Architectural decoration and ornament --- Architecture --- Stonework, Decorative --- Architectural design --- Exterior walls --- Building materials --- Decoration and ornament --- Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md. : 2001-) --- Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) --- Catalogs. --- Tiles, Byzantine - Turkey - Istanbul - Catalogs --- Decoration and ornament, Architectural - Turkey - Istanbul - Catalogs --- Tiles - Maryland - Baltimore - Catalogs
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Panoramas --- Tiles --- History --- Museu Nacional do Azulejo. --- Lisbon (Portugal) --- Building materials --- Cosmoramas --- Cycloramas --- Diorama --- Museu do Azulejo --- Musée national des carreaux de faïence de Lisbonne --- Tile Museum (Lisbon, Portugal) --- Musée national de l'azulejo à Lisbonne --- Lisboa (Portugal) --- Lissabon (Portugal) --- Olisipo (Portugal) --- Felicitas Julia (Portugal) --- Lisszabon (Portugal) --- Lisbonne (Portugal) --- لشبونة (Portugal) --- Lishbūnah (Portugal) --- Lisbona (Portugal) --- Lisimbã (Portugal) --- Лиссабон (Portugal) --- Горад Лісабон (Portugal) --- Horad Lisabon (Portugal) --- Лісабон (Portugal) --- Lisabon (Portugal) --- Лисабон (Portugal) --- Λισαβόνα (Portugal) --- Lisavona (Portugal) --- National Azulejo Museum --- National Tile Museum --- Lisbonne (portugal) --- Azulejo --- Anthologies --- 18e siecle
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Archaeometry is based on the necessary interdisciplinary relationship between diverse branches of the natural and social sciences. This relationship is essential in archaeology, since, from physical materials (objects), scholars have to face questions that go beyond the limits of the tangible and pertain instead to abstract and social concerns. Currently, archaeometric studies are fundamental to the accurate classification and characterization of archaeological materials, providing relevant data, among other aspects, about their production, function and social meaning. In this book, we present a set of papers that show the potential of mineralogical studies (e.g. petrography, mineral geochemistry, X-ray Diffraction) and multiproxy approaches to characterize the composition of a wide diversity of archaeological materials such as ceramics, terracotta, tiles, metals, glazes, glass and mortars related to several periods (Bronze Age, Roman, Middle Age, Modern period). In this sense, this book can be of interest for specialized researchers who seek specific case studies and are mainly concerned with certain kinds of materials, but also for those students, researchers and professionals who look for a practical overview of the chief methods that can be followed in the study of material culture.
Biography & True Stories --- Archaeology --- carreaux de pavement --- medieval pottery --- archaeometry --- mineralogical analysis --- plumbiferous glaze --- silicoaluminate engobe --- reddish paste --- ancient mortars --- analytical characterization --- Sorrento Peninsula --- glass production --- Spain --- 16th century --- µPIXE --- glass kiln --- production remains --- objects --- Italy --- military equipment --- bronze --- pXRF --- museum collections --- non-destructive analysis --- Roman mortars --- aqueduct --- microanalysis --- red pozzolan --- Sabatini Volcanic District --- copper minerals --- micro-XRF --- petrographic analysis --- rock fragment --- pottery --- ceramics --- Early Bronze Age --- Thrace --- Almohad period --- Al-Andalus --- lead glazes --- tin glazes --- SEM-EDS --- defensive structure --- stone masonry bedding mortar --- rammed earth --- air lime --- architectural heritage --- architectural terracottas --- production technology --- Alba Fucens --- technological choices --- petrography --- SEM-EDX --- WDXRF --- PXRD --- heat transfer properties --- fracture strength
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