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In confinio duorum populorum. Studi su Petrarca
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789464753141 9464753145 9789464753158 Year: 2024 Publisher: Gent: Lysa,

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Il volume raccoglie sedici saggi di Carla Maria Monti consacrati al suo autore d"elezione, Francesco Petrarca, testimonianza di una lunga dedizione, viva e feconda nel corso degli anni. Sono stati scelti i contributi petrarcheschi più significativi che, pubblicati in diverse sedi editoriali, toccano diverse tematiche, focalizzandosi in particolare sullo studio dei classici e della Bibbia da parte del grande letterato trecentesco. In confinio duorum populorum contiene saggi pubblicati fra il 1989 e il 2021, riproposti in una nuova veste editoriale. Essi sono preceduti dalla bibliografia completa degli scritti di Carla Maria Monti. La pubblicazione onora il momento in cui la studiosa lascia la cattedra di Filologia medievale e umanistica presso l"Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, dove ha insegnato con passione per molti anni, con l"auspicio che questi saggi, elaborati nel solco del magistero di Giuseppe Billanovich, si rivelino fecondi per ulteriori sviluppi negli studi petrarcheschi.

Les triomphes
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782600015462 2600015469 Year: 2012 Volume: 495 Publisher: Genève: Droz,

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Tout amateur de poésie connaît Pétrarque qui, pour l'Europe entière, fut un modèle de perfection formelle dans le domaine de la poésie amoureuse. Si son Canzoniere a été admiré et imité par les poètes français au milieu du XVIe siècle, ce sont les Trionfi qui furent le premier de ses textes en vers et en italien à susciter l'intérêt des lettrés français. Dans ce long poème, Pétrarque met en scène son amour pour Laura, tout en abordant les thèmes qui lui tiennent le plus à cœur, comme la fuite du temps effaçant l’amour, la gloire, la renommée. Vers 1500, bien avant la vague du pétrarquisme français, Simon Bourgouin a fourni une traduction française des Trionfi, en vers alexandrins, diffusée sous forme de manuscrits richement décorés et parfois bilingues. Rhétoriqueur et valet de chambre du roi, auteur de la moralité de l’Homme juste et l’homme mondain, Bourgouin s’essaya aussi à la traduction en français de textes en latin, dont quelques-unes des Vies de Plutarque. Témoignage de la fortune du Pétrarque italien au delà des Alpes, les Triomphes offrent aussi un bel échantillon de langue française inconnu des spécialistes. Une première édition critique de cette traduction est proposée ici, avec la transcription du texte italien présent dans deux des témoins conservés.

Petrarch's English laurels, 1475-1700 : [a compendium of printed references and allusions]
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781409401186 9781351911627 1351911627 9781315246963 1315246961 9781351911610 1351911619 9781351911634 1351911635 1409401189 Year: 2012 Publisher: Farnham ; Burlington, VT Ashgate

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Lettres de la vieillesse
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2251344667 2251344675 2251344853 9782251344904 225134473X 9782251344676 9782251344737 9782251344850 225134474X 9782251344669 225134490X Year: 2013 Volume: 13, 16, 26, 42 Publisher: Paris: Les Belles Lettres,

My secret book
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780674003460 0674003462 Year: 2016 Volume: 72 Publisher: Cambridge ; London Cambridge The I Tatti Renaissance Library Harvard University Press

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"It was by his own account during this period, sometime in 1342-43, when he was still resident at Vaucluse, that Petrarch was visited by a beautiful woman whom he quickly identified as Truth personified. They were immediately joined by an elderly man who turned out to be St Augustine (354-430 AD), to whose writings Petrarch had long been devoted. These facts are related in the Secretum, his Secret Book, which he apparently did not intend for publication, and to which he gives the subtitle "The private conflict of my thoughts." It records the extended discussion that took place in the silent presence of Truth between himself and the Saint, or more exactly between two characters named Franciscus and Augustinus: an intense but somewhat inconclusive three-day dialogue divided into three books and ranging widely over Petrarch's unhappiness and personal problems. Like most of his writings, and in particular those in Latin, the Secretum contains significant elements of autobiography; indeed it is the most intimate and the most fascinating of Petrarch's essays in self-scrutiny. Like most of his accounts of himself, it reveals a writer carefully crafting the image that he will bequeath to posterity, and in this respect is closely complementary to his vernacular lyrics, his letters, and the less personal representations of himself in his Latin treatises. And finally, like almost all his works, it shows evidence of an extended period of composition and revision, and thus obliges us to recognize the chronological distance between the events and the final form in which they are described."--Provided by publisher.

Italy's three crowns : reading Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781851243013 Year: 2007 Publisher: Oxford Bodleian Library

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Song and counter-song : Scève's Délie and Petrarch's Rime
ISBN: 0917058496 Year: 1983 Publisher: Lexington French Forum

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Échanges épistolaires autour de Pétrarque et Boccace
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782745357380 2745357387 9782745357397 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris Honoré Champion

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Des analyses philologique, paléographique, littéraire et historique des échanges épistolaires entre les deux écrivains Pétrarque et Boccace. Leurs réseaux culturels, politiques et familiaux sont mis en lumière.

Pétrarque en Europe, XIVè -XXè siècle : actes du XXVIè congrès international du CEFI, Turin et Chambéry, 11-15 décembre 1995
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2745303635 Year: 2001 Volume: 30 Publisher: Paris Champion

Zentren der Petrarca-Rezeption in Deutschland (um 1470-1525) : Rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studien und Katalog der lateinischen Drucküberlieferung
ISBN: 3895002712 Year: 2002 Publisher: Wiesbaden Reichert Verlag

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