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Pierre d’Aillys Insolubilia, verfasst um 1372 an der Universität von Paris, sind ein wichtiges Zeugnis in der Geschichte der Logik und Philosophie des späten Mittelalters. Sie erfreuten sich bereits eine Generation nach ihrer Entstehung aufgrund ihres klaren Stils großer Beliebtheit bei zeitgenössischen Autoren und stießen noch über das 15. Jahrhundert hinaus auf reges Interesse. Ihr Thema – semantische Antinomien wie die berühmte Antinomie des Lügners – wurde seit dem späten 12. Jahrhundert für mehr als drei Jahrhunderte an den Artes-Fakultäten kontrovers diskutiert, eine reich überlieferte Insolubilia-Literatur entstand. Indem Antinomien wie der „Lügner“ mit dem aristotelischen Gesetz vom Widerspruch in Konflikt stehen, fordern sie die traditionelle Logik in einem ihrer wichtigsten Prinzipien heraus. Die sophismatische Disputation solcher Non-Standard-Materialien führte so zur Analyse der fundamentalen Begriffe des Satzes, der Wahrheit und der Bedeutung. Abhandlungen wie die Insolubilia Pierre d’Aillys geben damit einen Einblick in die zur Zeit des Autors vertretenen Positionen zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Geist und Wirklichkeit. Die vorliegende Edition ist die erste moderne, textkritische Edition der Insolubilia und basiert auf Grundlage aller Zeugen des Textes. Sie bietet dem heutigen Leser erstmals einen zuverlässigen und authentischen Text des Traktats.
Medieval Latin literature --- Petrus de Alliaco --- Insolubilia (Logic) --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Antinomy --- Antinomie --- Sémantique (philosophie) --- Édition critique --- Ailly, Pierre d',
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Mathematics --- -Liar paradox --- Antinomy of the liar --- Epimenidean paradox --- Liar antinomy --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Logic --- Paradox --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Math --- Science --- Philosophy --- Liar paradox --- Logic of mathematics --- Mathematics, Logic of --- Philosophy. --- Mathematics - Philosophy
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Logic, Medieval. --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Liar paradox. --- Logic, Medieval --- Liar paradox --- #GROL:SEMI-1'13/14' --- Antinomy of the liar --- Epimenidean paradox --- Liar antinomy --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Logic --- Paradox --- Intension (Philosophy) --- Logical semantics --- Semantics (Logic) --- Semeiotics --- Significs --- Syntactics --- Unified science --- Language and languages --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Logical positivism --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philosophy, Modern --- Semiotics --- Signs and symbols --- Symbolism --- Analysis (Philosophy) --- Definition (Philosophy) --- Medieval logic --- Scholasticism --- Addresses, essays, lectures
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Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Reference (Philosophy) --- Referring, Theory of --- Theory of referring --- Philosophy --- Antinomy of the liar --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Logic --- Paradox --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Liar paradox.
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Semantic and soritical paradoxes challenge entrenched, fundamental principles about language - principles about truth, denotation, quantification, and, among others, 'tolerance'. Study of the paradoxes helps us determine which logical principles are correct. So it is that they serve not only as a topic of philosophical inquiry but also as a constraint on such inquiry: they often dictate the semantic and logical limits of discourse in general. Sixteen specially written essays by leading figures in the field offer new thoughts and arguments about the paradoxes
Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Liar paradox. --- Paradox. --- Figures of speech --- Logic --- Contradiction --- Antinomy of the liar --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Semantics (Philosophy)
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Die in diesem Band zusammengefassten Beiträge stellen die wesentlichen Forschungsergebnisse der internationalen Münchner Konferenz "100 Jahre Russell-Paradoxon" im Jahr 2001 dar, auf der an die Entdeckung des berühmten Russell Paradoxons vor 100 Jahren erinnert wurde. Die 31 Beiträge und der Einführungsessay des Herausgebers wurden alle - bis auf zwei Ausnahmen - ursprünglich für diesen Band verfasst. The papers collected in this volume represent the main body of research arising from the International Munich Centenary Conference in 2001, which commemorated the discovery of the famous Russell Paradox a hundred years ago. The 31 contributions and the introductory essay by the editor were (with two exceptions) all originally written for the volume. The volume serves a twofold purpose, historical and systematic. One focus is on Bertrand Russell's logic and logical philosophy, taking into account the rich sources of the Russell Archives, many of which have become available only recently. The second equally important aim is to present original research in the broad range of foundational studies that draws on both current conceptions and recent technical advances in the above-mentioned fields. The volume contributes therefore, to the well-established body of mathematical philosophy initiated to a large extent by Russell's work.
Paradox. --- Liar paradox. --- Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Antinomy of the liar --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Logic --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Figures of speech --- Contradiction
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Liar paradox. --- Truth. --- Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Truth --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Vérité --- Waarheid --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Conviction --- Belief and doubt --- Philosophy --- Skepticism --- Certainty --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Pragmatism --- Antinomy of the liar --- Paradox of Russell --- Paradox of the liar --- Russell's paradox --- Logic --- Paradox --- Semantics (Philosophy)
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Besteht die Materie aus dem Einfachen oder ist sie ins Unendliche teilbar? Dies ist die Fragestellung der zweiten Antinomie der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. In dieser ersten umfassenden systematischen Untersuchung zur Teilungsantinomie werden ihre Herleitung, die Beweise für Thesis und Antithesis sowie die Auflösung analysiert. Erörtert werden dabei auch die entwicklungsgeschichtlichen und historischen Dimensionen des Themas unter Berücksichtigung gegenwärtiger naturphilosophischer Probleme. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Teilungsantinomie zwar einerseits Metaphysikkritik ist, aber gleichwohl ein für Kants Transzendentalphilosophie positives Resultat erzielt: Die Auflösung der Antinomie stellt zum einen eine konzeptionelle Schärfung von Realismus und Idealismus sowie des transzendentalen Erscheinungsbegriffes dar. Zum anderen zeigt sie, dass die Struktur der Materie durch apriorische Bestimmungsleistungen von Vernunft und Verstand bedingt ist. Diese Erkenntnisse haben nicht nur für das Kant'sche Unternehmen einer apriorischen Begründung der Naturwissenschaften, sondern auch für das Problem der Seele höchste Relevanz. Does matter consist of simple substances, or is it infinitely divisible? This is the question in the second antinomy in the Critique of Pure Reason. This first comprehensive systematic study of the antinomy of divisibility analyses its derivation, the proofs of the thesis and antithesis, and their resolution. The developmental and historical dimensions are also discussed, taking present-day problems in the philosophy of nature into account. The study demonstrates that the antinomy of divisibility is on the one hand a critique of metaphysics, but at the same time gains a positive result for Kant's transcendental philosophy. The resolution of the antinomy presents firstly a conceptual sharpening of realism and idealism and of the transcendental concept of phenomena. Secondly it shows that the structure of matter is dependent on a priori determinations by reason and understanding. These insights are highly relevant not only for Kant's project of establishing an a priori foundation for the natural sciences but also for the problem of the soul.
Antinomy. --- Kant, Immanuel, --- Philosophy --- Kant, Immanuel --- Kant, I. --- Kānt, ʻAmmānūʼīl, --- Kant, Immanouel, --- Kant, Immanuil, --- Kʻantʻŭ, --- Kant, --- Kant, Emmanuel, --- Ḳanṭ, ʻImanuʼel, --- Kant, E., --- Kant, Emanuel, --- Cantơ, I., --- Kant, Emanuele, --- Kant, Im. --- קאנט --- קאנט, א. --- קאנט, עמנואל --- קאנט, עמנואל, --- קאנט, ע. --- קנט --- קנט, עמנואל --- קנט, עמנואל, --- كانت ، ايمانوئل --- كنت، إمانويل، --- カントイマニユエル, --- Kangde, --- 康德, --- Kanṭ, Īmānwīl, --- كانط، إيمانويل --- Kant, Manuel,
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Russell, Bertrand --- Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Théorie des types --- Type theory --- Typentheorie --- Types [Théorie des ] --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Philosophy, English --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Mathematics --- Logic, Modern --- Paradoxes --- Philosophie anglaise --- Logique symbolique et mathématique --- Mathématiques --- Logique moderne --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Russell, Bertrand, --- Criticism and interpretation --- Critique et interprétation --- Logique symbolique et mathématique --- Mathématiques --- Critique et interprétation --- Russell, Bertrand Russell --- Contributions in logic --- Russell, Bertrand, - 1872-1970
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"The fourteenth-century thinker Thomas Bradwardine is well known in both the history of science and the history of theology. The first of the Merton Calculators (mathematical physicists) and passionate defender of the Augustinian doctrine of salvation through grace alone, he was briefly archbishop of Canterbury before succumbing to the Black Death in 1349. This new edition of his Insolubilia, made from all thirteen known manuscripts, shows that he was also a logician of the first rank. The edition is accompanied by a full English translation. In the treatise, Bradwardine considers and rejects the theories of his contemporaries about the logical puzzles known as 'insolubles,' and sets out his own solution at length and in detail. In a substantial introduction, Stephen Read describes Bradwardine's analysis, compares it with other more recent theories, and places it in its historical context. The text is accompanied by three appendices, the first of which is an extra chapter found in two manuscripts (and partly in a third) that appears to contain further thoughts by Bradwardine himself. The second contains an extract from Ralph Strode's Insolubilia, composed in the 1360s, repeating and enlarging on Bradwardine's text; and the third consists of an anonymous text that applies Bradwardine's solution to a succession of different insolubles"--P. [4] of cover.
Antinomy (Logic) --- Argument du menteur --- Avocat [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Barbier [Paradoxe du ] --- Begrippen --- Concepten --- Concepts --- Epimenidean paradox --- Imprédicable de Grelling [Paradoxe de l' ] --- Leugenaar [Paradox van de ] --- Liar antinomy --- Liar paradox --- Menteur [Paradoxe du ] --- Paradox of Epimenides --- Paradox of Russel --- Paradox of the Liar --- Paradox van de leugenaar --- Paradoxe d'Épiménide --- Paradoxe de Russell --- Paradoxe de Sancho Pança --- Paradoxe de l'avocat --- Paradoxe de l'imprédicable de Grelling --- Paradoxe de violation de lois internes --- Paradoxe des relations --- Paradoxe du barbier --- Paradoxe du menteur --- Relations [Paradoxe des ] --- Russel's paradox --- Russell [Paradoxe de ] --- Sancho Pança [Paradoxe de ] --- Semantics (Philosophy) --- Semantiek (Filosofie) --- Sémantique (Philosophie) --- Violation de lois internes [Paradoxe de ] --- Épiménide [Paradoxe d' ] --- Insolubilia (Logic) --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Logic --- Language and languages --- Manuscripts --- Catalogs --- Philosophy --- Intension (Philosophy) --- Logical semantics --- Semantics (Logic) --- Semeiotics --- Significs --- Syntactics --- Unified science --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Logical positivism --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Philosophy, Modern --- Semiotics --- Signs and symbols --- Symbolism --- Analysis (Philosophy) --- Definition (Philosophy) --- Insolubles (Logic) --- Logic, Medieval --- Concept formation --- Abstraction --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Perception --- Psychology --- Manuscripts&delete& --- Early works to 1800 --- Manuscripts [Medieval ] --- Insolubilia (Logic) - Manuscripts - Catalogs --- Manuscripts, Medieval - Catalogs --- Logic - Early works to 1800 --- Language and languages - Philosophy
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