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Antonius : onsterfelijke icoon van de monnik
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789460360626 Year: 2013 Volume: 6 Publisher: Budel Damon

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Traités contre les Ariens : introductions et notes de Lucian Dîncă; traduction Charles Kannengiesser et al.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782204131544 9782204131551 2204131547 2204131555 Year: 2019 Volume: 598-599 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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Les trois Traités contre les ariens d'Athanase, rédigés vers le milieu du IVe siècle, sont non seulement la plus grande oeuvre théologique qu'il nous a laissée, mais l'une des pièces majeures du grand débat trinitaire du temps. Arius faisait du Fils de Dieu la première des créatures, et non l'égal du Père. Athanase prend au sérieux cette position et entreprend, l'un des tout premiers, de la démonter pièce par pièce.Reprenant tout le dossier biblique sur lequel Arius s'appuyait, il réinterprète chaque verset et montre les enjeux du débat : si le Fils venu nous sauver n'est pas Dieu, alors nous ne sommes pas sauvés. Tout en réfutant Arius avec véhémence, Athanase construit une catéchèse biblique et dogmatique très cohérente, dans la ligne d'Irénée et d'Origène. Ce premier volume fournit l'introduction générale et le premier Traité, où sont combattus les grands slogans ariens comme : "Dieu n'était pas Père depuis toujours" et "Il y eut une fois où le Fils n'était pas".Qu'est-ce qu'engendrer, pour Dieu ? Comment comprendre l'Ecriture quand elle parle de l'abaissement du Fils de Dieu et de son exaltation ? L'Epître aux Hébreux fait-elle du Christ un ange ? Athanase guide ainsi son lecteur dans les méandres des versets bibliques et de leur interprétation.

Intertextualität in den Mönchsviten des Athanasios und des Hieronymus : Eremiten zum Dialog bestellt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110699746 3110699745 9783110700169 9783110700237 3110700166 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin Boston De Gruyter

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Hieronymus reagiert mit seinen drei in lateinischer Sprache verfassten Mönchsviten intertextuell auf Athanasios als seinen griechischsprachigen Vorläufer. Insofern dessen Prätext die Motive, Themen, Problemstellungen und Figuren der Viten des Hieronymus beeinflusst, entsteht ein vielseitiger Dialog, mit dem Hieronymus seine Helden vom großen Vorbild Antonius abrückt, ohne ihre geistige Verwandtschaft zu leugnen. Einerseits weiß sich Hieronymus dem griechisch-römischen Literaturerbe verpflichtet. Andererseits erlaubt ihm die Perspektive seiner Eremiten, entscheidende christliche Glaubenswahrheiten zu markieren, die den absoluten Wert eines auf Enthaltsamkeit ausgerichteten Lebensideals betonen.

La théologie trinitaire d'Athanase d'Alexandrie
ISSN: 11587032 ISBN: 9782851212139 2851212133 Year: 2006 Volume: 180 Publisher: Paris: Institut d'études augustiniennes,

Le Christ et la trinité chez Athanase d'Alexandrie
Authors: ---
ISSN: 07638647 ISBN: 9782204096935 2204096938 Year: 2012 Volume: *41 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

Vitae Antonii Versiones latinae : vita beati Antonii abbatis Euagrio interprete
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503577487 2503577482 Year: 2018 Volume: 170 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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The two ancient Latin translations of the Life of Antony. Shortly after the death of Egypt's most famous hermit in 356, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote the Life of Antony, a text that had an immediate as well as enduring influence on monastic life and thought. While Athanasius's vivid description of the life of Antony the Great initiated the genre of the saint's life in Christian literature, his inclusion of many of his own theological ideas also provides insight into the turbulent doctrinal disputes of the fourth century. The significance of the Life of Antony is demonstrated by its having been translated into Latin twice within two decades of its composition. The first version, prepared by an anonymous translator shortly after Athanasius completed his Greek text, provides a literal translation that is extant in only one complete manuscript. The literary translation prepared by Evagrius of Antioch in 373 was rapidly and widely transmitted throughout the Latin West. New editions of both translations are presented in this volume, with the edition of Evagrius's translation based on 28 manuscripts dating from the ninth to the eleventh century

Zwei Schriften gegen die Arianer ; Geschichte der Arianer (Historia arianorum) : Verteidigungsschrift gegen die Arianer (Apologia contra arianos)
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3777206059 9783777206059 3777206259 Year: 2006 Volume: 65 Publisher: Stuttgart Anton Hiersemann

Lettre sur les synodes. Synodale d'Ancyre. Traité sur la foi
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISSN: 07501978 ISBN: 9782204101356 2204101354 Year: 2013 Volume: 563 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

Athanasius of Alexandria : bishop, theologian, ascetic, father
ISBN: 9780199210954 9780199210961 0199210969 0199210950 Year: 2013 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Athanasius of Alexandria (c.295-373) is one of the greatest and most controversial figures of early Christian history. His life spanned the period of fundamental change for the Roman Empire and the Christian Church that followed the conversion of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor. A bishop and theologian, an ascetic and a pastoral father, Athanasius played a central role in shaping Christianity in these crucial formative years. As bishop of Alexandria (328-73) he fought to unite the divided Egyptian Church and inspired admiration and opposition alike from fellow bishops and the emperor Constantine and his successors. Athanasius attended the first ecumenical Council of Nicaea summoned by Constantine in 325 and as a theologian would be remembered as the defender of the original Nicene Creed against the 'Arian' heresy. He was also a champion of the ascetic movement that transformed Christianity, a patron of monks and virgins and the author of numerous ascetic works including the famous Life of Antony. All these elements played their part in Athanasius' vocation as a pastoral father, responsible for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of his congregations. This book offers the first study in English to draw together these diverse yet inseparable roles that defined Athanasius' life and the influence that he exerted on subsequent Christian tradition. The presentation is accessible to both specialists and non-specialists and is illuminated throughout by extensive quotation from Athanasius' many writings, for it is through his own words that we may best approach this remarkable man.

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