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"The first edition of this book (2014) was developed during a period of economic recovery from what has become known as the "Great Recession". Like many economic downturns, research has hiThe first edition of this book (2014) was developed during a period of economic recovery from what has become known as the "Great Recession". Like many economic downturns, research has highlighted that individuals with disabilities were disproportionately affected by the "Great Recession" and experienced more difficulty regaining access to the labor market. To highlight this disproportionate effect, the first edition's Preface highlighted a personal relationship that I developed with an individual who had diabetes and lost his job during the recession, and as a result started to experience the negative effects of unemployment both physically and psychologically. To date, this individual has not recovered physically, emotionally, and vocationally from losing his position as a seasonal laborer"--
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"Chapter 1 of this book aims to describe and analyze all literature reviews about perceptions of people with disabilities about vocational rehabilitation programs and their employment. Chapter 2 reports research studies which were designed to verify whether the wide range of attitudes toward people with disabilities and disability models are attributable not only to contextual variables but also to universal psychological mechanisms. Chapter 3 examines salient workplace factors that contribute to the overall positive or negative experiences that autistic youth and young adults encounter on the job, specifically in a competitive employment environment. Chapter 4 explores how and when young people with autism disclose their condition and request workplace accommodations; and how employers have disclosure discussions and provide accommodations. The objective of Chapter 5 was to analyze the implications of disability in health care processes. Chapter 6 seeks to elucidate the themes of the authors' experiences as disabled drama therapists in training and subsequently aims to offer a call to action to consider ways of redefining the paradigms around disability research"--
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Disability Management orientiert sich an den Stärken eines Mitarbeiters. Es setzt sich für eine gleichberechtigte partizipative Eingliederung und Inklusion möglichst vieler Menschen in die Arbeitswelt ein; losgelöst von bekannten Differenzkategorien wie Alter, Beeinträchtigung. Es fußt auf den Grundlagen der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention. Aufgrund aktueller gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen ist Disability Management ein neues, sehr relevantes, brisantes und aktuelles Thema im Human Resource Management. Mit einem Gastbeitrag von Donal McAnaney Der Inhalt Ursprung des Disability Managements Definition Disability Management und Prozessgestaltung UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention als Grundlage Gleichberechtigte partizipative Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben Essentieller Perspektivenwechsel, Voraussetzungen, Vorteile, mögliche Widerstände Best Practice Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aller Fachrichtungen mit den Schwerpunkten Unternehmensführung und Personalwesen Fach- und Führungskräfte, Disability Manager, Wissenschaftler, Experten, Interessierte Die Autorin Prof. Dr. Anne Rosken ist German Expert im Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED), sowie Ass. Professorin für Disability Management an der Universität St. Gallen. Zuvor war sie Professorin an der Universität Hamburg und Programmdirektorin sowie Professorin an der Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. Anne Rosken zählt zu den führenden Disability Experten in Europa. Überdies ist sie Unternehmensberaterin, Coach und Autorin. .
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Biographical note: Prof. Dr. Karin Tiesmeyer, Professorin für angewandte Pflegewissenschaft, Fachbereich Heilpädagogik und Pflege an der Evangelischen Hochschule Rheinland Westfalen Lippe. Dr. Friederike Koch, Referentin für Unternehmensentwicklung im Stiftungsbereich Bethel.regional, v. Bodelschwinghsche Stiftung Bethel. Long description: Die Möglichkeit der freien Bestimmung der Lebensführung und damit auch des Wohnens für Menschen mit Behinderung wird durch den § 19 UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention festgelegt. Trotz einer starken Ausweitung individueller Unterstützungssettings profitieren jedoch Menschen mit Komplexer Behinderung bislang kaum von diesem Anspruch. Das Werk befasst sich mit der Frage, wie und mit welchen Methoden es gelingen kann, Wohnwünsche von Menschen mit Behinderung, die sich verbalsprachlich nicht oder kaum äußern (können), zu erfassen. Auch auf die Neuregelung des Bundesteilhabegesetzes (BTHG), das die Eingliederungshilfe im Bereich der Sozialen Teilhabe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wunsch- und Wahlrechts neu fasst, nimmt das Werk Bezug. Es bietet wichtige Impulse für Wissenschaft und Praxis im Hinblick auf die Begleitung, Partizipation und Selbstbestimmung von Menschen mit Komplexer Behinderung.
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Examines ableist structures in academia that inherently create obstacles to full-time employment for people with a disability. Based on historical and contemporary scholarship, it has been shown how disclosure of a disability can have profound repercussions for a scholar with a disability. Scholars with a disability are often inhibited from applying to or being promoted in academia because of direct discrimination, negative perception towards people with a disability, inaccessible physical and performance conditions, and social models of disability that characterize disability as unproductive, abnormal, and risky. While scholarship has addressed ableism in academia, it has not strongly focused on the specific difficulties and barriers that a person with a disability faces when applying for a full-time academic position. This book seeks to provide a resource that brings to light ableist conditions in the academic hiring process through the lived experiences of scholars with a disability, with hope to implement change in these situations. This collection presents a combination of personal narrative and scholarship from academics with a disability who have navigated the academic job market, with additional contributions from non-disabled allies who have advocated for change in academic structures. The collection begins by expressing the concerned experiences of students entering the academic job market, followed by scholars who have more fully lived through the obstacles of the academic market in both contingent and tenure track positions. A vital focus of this collection is on intersectionality as chapters draw from interactions between disability and race, gender, and sexuality across international contexts. Important topics discussed throughout the collection include systemic ableism, disclosure, the job interview, academic workaholism, and lack of accommodations.
People with disabilities--Employment. --- E-books --- People with disabilities --- Employment.
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Inclusive for People with Disabilities by Maya Jordan explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing accessibility and supporting individuals with disabilities. The book covers a wide range of disabilities, including physical, cognitive, sensory, and emotional, and discusses how AI can offer tailored solutions to improve independence and quality of life. It highlights practical applications, such as AI-powered assistive technologies, smart assistants, and healthcare innovations, while addressing the ethical, technical, and societal challenges involved. By involving users in the development process, the book advocates for inclusive design practices to ensure technologies meet the needs of their intended audience. Intended for educators, healthcare professionals, and tech enthusiasts, it provides insights into creating a more inclusive future through AI.
People with disabilities. --- Artificial intelligence. --- People with disabilities --- Artificial intelligence
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This book, 'Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM: Promoting the Success of People with Disabilities in the STEM Workforce', documents the proceedings of a workshop series organized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It focuses on addressing ableism in STEM fields and promoting the inclusion and success of individuals with disabilities. The book explores policies and practices that can enhance education and workforce opportunities in STEM for people with disabilities. It aims to provide insights and recommendations for educators, policymakers, and organizations committed to increasing diversity and accessibility in STEM. The book is intended for an audience of educators, policymakers, and advocates interested in diversity and inclusion in STEM fields.
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One in seven working-age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries, a share that is also substantial and growing among young people (8% in 2019). Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement.
People with disabilities --- Employment. --- Labor --- Business & Economics
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