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Faisal Abdu'allah : El arte de la dislocación / The Art of Dislocation
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9788492579235 Year: 2012 Publisher: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria : Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderne-CAAM,

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Attack ! : Fotografie op het scherpst van de snede
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9052405255 9789052405254 Year: 1999 Publisher: Antwerpen Baarn Houtekiet De Prom

African cosmologies : photography, time, and the other
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789053309322 9053309322 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam Schilt Publishing

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Curated by renowned London-based curator, Mark Sealy MBE, the FotoFest Biennial 2020, 'African Cosmologies: Photography, Time, and the Other' brings together over 30 artists from around the globe whose works challenge traditional notions of Blackness and transnational histories in relation to concepts of liberty, rights, and representation. Taking its cues from John Coltrane's avant-garde jazz oeuvre, wherein formal modernisms of the past are made complex by radical imagination and black-futurity, this presentation of diverse ideas, artistic approaches, and material histories proposes a cosmological exploration of Africa and the contemporary African diaspora; one that defies easy categorization and spatial and temporal boundaries. In their unique practices, the featured artists turn an eye to social, cultural, and political conditions that inform and influence concepts of representation as they pertain to image production and circulation in Africa and beyond. These artists question the ways in which subjectivity is constructed and deconstructed by the camera, and in the process, reveal legacies of resistance by those who defy traditional ideas of sexual, racial, gender-based, and other marginalized identities.Produced in conjunction with the FotoFest Biennial 2020 exhibition, the 'African Cosmologies' book will feature essays by leading scholars in the fields of contemporary art, photography, and cultural studies. Images of installations, photography, film, and video works by artists will highlight the range of interdisciplinary approaches that are represented in the Biennial exhibition.

Post-capital : a reader
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9788867494774 Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan Mousse Publishing

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Arakawa, Ei ; Fei, Cao ; Denny, Simon ; Laser, Liz Magic ; Pattison, Yuri ; Rowland, Cameron ; Syms, Martine ; Bourouissa, Mohamed ; Xiao, Guan ; Hiorns, Roger ; Novitskova ; Owens, Laura ; Pryde, Josephine ; Turato, Nora ; Favaretto, Lara ; GCC ; Habib Allah, Shadi ; Laric, Oliver ; Perry, Sondra ; Relph, Nick ; Steyerl, Hito

The 90's : a family of man ? exposition au Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain et à la Galerie Nei Liicht, Dudelange, du 2 octobre au 30 novembre 1997
ISBN: 2919893076 2959988612 Year: 1997 Publisher: Casino Luxembourg,

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Abdu'Allah, Faisal ; Araki, Nobuyoshi ; Auerbacher, Dominique ; Baltz, Lewis ; Boltanski, Christian ; Burson, Nancy ; Clegg & Guttmann ; Coplans, John ; Cowin, Eileen ; Dijkstra, Rineke ; Dillenkofer, Sinje ; Ellena, Veronique ; Faigenbaum, Patrick ; Fischer, Roland ; Fleischer, Alain ; Freisager, Katrin ; Garnell, Jean Louis ; Goldin, Nan ; Haacke, Hans ; Kempadoo, Roshini ; Krims, Les ; Lafontaine, Marie-Jo ; van Lamsweerde, Inez ; Niedermayr, Walter ; Orlan ; Plessi, Fabrizio ; Rault, Jean ; Raynaud, Patrick ; Serrano, Andres ; Streuli, Beat ; Struth, Thomas ; Tillmans, Wolfgang ; Toscani, Oliviero ; Trémorin, Yves ; Waplington, Nick

De islam : kritische essays over een politieke religie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789054877837 Year: 2010 Publisher: Brussel ASP

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32 eminente auteurs uit binnen- en buitenland geven een kritische kijk op de essentie van de islam als politieke religie. De rode draad door de uiteenlopende beschouwingen heen: wegens zijn fundamentele uitgangspunten kan de islam nooit compatibel zijn met de liberale democratische rechtsorde. Het werk wordt een referentiepunt in het islamdebat dat ook in onze contreien een apocalyptische scheiding der geesten teweeg heeft gebracht.Vandaag spreekt Abdelwahab Meddeb erg mild over de actuele ziekte van de islam, noemt Ayaan Hirsi Ali Mohammed een perverse tiran, en zegt de Turkse premier Erdogan dat de islam niet kan worden onderverdeeld in gematigd en niet-gematigd. Het is dan ook verbijsterend dat de postmoderne politiek correcte elite het spook van de islam dat door Europa waart zo geestdriftig omarmt. Allicht komen sommige postmoderne verlangens overeen met de naïeve dromen van 30 jaar geleden: zoals progressieven ooit hoopten op een zogenaamd eurocommunisme, zo duimen westerse linkse fellowtravellers vandaag voor een euro-islam. Maar net zoals het communisme haaks stond op de waarden van het Westen, zo kan ook de islam, die zoals elk ander stelsel een onwrikbare essentie heeft, nooit compatibel zijn met de liberale rechtsorde. Anders dan de politiek correcte intellectuelen die de islam omarmen met dezelfde kracht waarmee ze ooit het katholicisme bekampten, zijn de auteurs van dit boek geen dhimmi's, maar rationele onderzoekers met een open geest. Ze zien allen de islam als een imminent gevaar dat voor de zoveelste keer Europa tracht binnen te dringen en daarbij sluipenderwijs allerlei methodes aanwendt. Want dat is ab initio de missie van de islam: het streven naar een wereldkalifaat, en de verwende narcistische en gutmenschliche Europeaan slaapt - naar het woord van Bruce Bawer -, ingedommeld als hij is door zijn eigen goedmenend en weldenkend humanistisch gezoem


Islam --- Islam en maatschappij --- Islam en het Westen --- Islam and politics --- BPB1012 --- islam --- #GGSB: Islam --- 081 Godsdienst --- Politics and Islam --- Political science --- 2 --- Political aspects --- 217.6 --- #SBIB:316.331H300 --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- #SBIB:39A10 --- Islam in het Westen --- Godsdienst en samenleving: algemeen --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Antropologie: religie, riten, magie, hekserij --- Godsdienst --- Politiek --- Kritiek --- islám --- ισλαμισμός --- Iżlam --- islamas --- islams --- islamismo --- iszlám --- ислям --- ислам --- mahomedanism --- islamism --- moslimský veriaci --- islámské náboženství --- sunita --- islámská církev --- mohammedanisme --- šíita --- mohamedanizmus --- muslimi --- muhamedanisme --- mohamedánstvo --- Mohammedanism --- muhameedlus --- suna --- muhamedānisms --- muslimské náboženství --- muhamettilaisuus --- mahometonybė --- mešita --- Muhamedanizëm --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Maatschappij --- Seksualiteit --- Theater --- Wetenschap --- Architectuur --- Man --- Film --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Media --- Kleuter --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Ioslam --- politiek --- mondiale islam --- José Ortega y Gasset --- Tariq Ramadan --- Europa --- Allah --- India --- Koran --- islamofobie --- Andalusië --- dhimmi --- Jihad --- oorlog --- Sharia --- vrijheid --- vrede --- de Arabische wereld --- islamisering --- het Islamitisch Manifest --- Jodendom --- de christelijke Arameëers --- mensenrechten --- slavernij --- Devsirme --- het Midden-Oosten --- fascisme --- democratie

Radikale Bilder. 2. Österreichische Triennale zur Fotografie 1996 / Radical Images. 2nd Austrian Triennial on Photography 1996
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3900508178 Year: 1991 Publisher: Graz Camera

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Abdu'Allah, Faisal ; Allen, Clive ; Art in Ruins ; Barbier, Gilles ; Billingham, Richard ; Bitter, Sabine ; Weber, Helmut ; Blume, Anna & Bernhard Johannes ; Bond, Henry ; Bublex, Alain ; Buetti, Daniele ; Burkart, Manuela ; Chadwick, Helen ; Ensemble, Critical Art ; Csikvári, Petér ; Demand, Thomas ; Fritz, Darko ; Ganahl, Rainer ; G.R.A.M. ; Hofstetter, Michael ; Kaap, Gerald Van Der ; Kepenek, Ali ; Keser, Ivana ; Klauke, Jürgen ; McCollum, Allan ; Simmons, Laurie ; Miller, John ; Nebel, Christoph ; Neshat, Shirin ; Oursler, Tony ; Passow, Beate ; Pierson, Jack ; Prince, Richard ; Ristelhueber, Sophie ; Rondinone, Ugo ; Scherubel, Klaus ; Serralongue, Bruno ; Serrano, Andres ; Sherman, Cindy ; Sjöberg, Martin ; Westerlund, Sven ; Willats, Stephen

Missing Link : Menschen-Bilder in der Fotografie (Ausstellung Bern, Kunstmuseum, 3. September bis 14. November 1999)
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3906628221 3908163110 Year: 1999 Publisher: Bern Bern : Kunstmuseum Bern Edition Stemmle,

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Abdu'Allah, Faisal ; Abramovic, Marina ; Araki, Nobuyoshi ; Banz, Stefan ; Bara, Tina ; Barbier, Gilles ; Barney, Matthew ; Beecroft, Vanessa ; Billingham, Richard ; Breuning, Olaf ; Brus, Günter ; Buetti, Daniele ; Burkhard, Balthasar ; Byars, James Lee ; Clark, Larry ; Coplans, John ; Dettwiler, Erik ; Dijkstra, Rineke ; Dillenkofer, Sinje ; Dokoupil, Jiri Georg ; Export, Valie ; Fleury, Sylvie ; Freisager, Katrin ; Gac, Jean Le ; General Idea ; Gilbert & George ; Goldin, Nan ; Henning, Anton ; Hirakawa, Noritoshi ; Hubbard & Birchler ; Jones, Sarah ; Klauke, Jürgen ; Koohn, Steffen ; Lucariello, Saverio ; Lüthi, Urs ; Manon ; Mapplethorpe, Robert ; Marclay, Christian ; Markowitsch, Rémy ; Michailov, Boris ; Moffatt, Tracey ; Mori, Mariko ; Morimura, Yasumasa ; Nauman, Bruce ; Pane, Gina ; Pierre et Gilles ; Pierson, Jack ; Plessen, Magnus ; Post, Liza May ; Prince, Richard ; Rondinone, Ugo ; Ruff, Thomas ; Samore, Sam ; Saudek, Jan ; Schwarzkogler, Rudolf ; Serrano, Andres ; Sherman, Cindy ; Shonibare, Yinka ; Shuravlev, Anatolij ; Steinbrecher, Erik ; Strba, Annelies ; Streuli, Beat ; Strunk, Marion ; Struth, Thomas ; Tillmans, Wolfgang ; Villiger, Hannah ; Wall, Jeff ; Warhol, Andy ; Wegman, William ; Wick, Cecile ; Witkin, Joel-Peter ; Wurm, Erwin ; Zhuang Hui ; diCorcia, Philip-Lorca ; van Lamsweerde, Inez


Homo sapiens [species] --- zelfportretten --- Photography --- photography [process] --- Iconography --- fotografie --- menselijk lichaam --- Photography [Artistic ] --- Exhibitions --- human figures [visual works] --- Wurm, Erwin --- Shonibare, Yinka --- Warhol, Andy --- Klauke, Jürgen --- Michailov, Boris --- Morimura, Yasumasa --- Pane, Gina --- Manon --- Pierre et Gilles --- Abdu'Allah, Faisal --- Banz, Stefan --- Bara, Tina --- Barbier, Gilles --- Breuning, Olaf --- Clark, Larry --- Coplans, John --- Dettwiler, Erik --- DiCorcia, Philip-Lorca --- Freisager, Katrin --- Henning, Anton --- Hirakawa, Noritoshi --- Jones, Sarah --- Abramovic, Marina --- Lucariello, Saverio --- Markowitsch, Rémy --- Post, Liza May --- Shuravlev, Anatolij --- Steinbrecher, Erik --- Strunk, Marion --- Byars, James L. --- Villiger, Hannah --- Plessen, Von, Magnus --- Wick, Cécile --- Zhuang Hui --- Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler --- Koohn, Steffen --- Sherman, Cindy --- Export, Valie --- Wall, Jeff --- Beecroft, Vanessa --- Mapplethorpe, Robert --- Tillmans, Wolfgang --- Dijkstra, Rineke --- Barney, Matthew --- Gac, le, Jean --- Fleury, Sylvie --- Gilbert and George --- Goldin, Nan --- Mori, Mariko --- Nauman, Bruce --- Rondinone, Ugo --- Štrba, Annelies --- Streuli, Beat --- Araki, Nobuyoshi --- Lamsweerde, van, Inez --- Saudek, Jan --- Moffatt, Tracey --- Burkhard, Balthasar --- Billingham, Richard --- Brus, Günther --- Buetti, Daniele --- Dillenkofer, Sinje --- Dokoupil, Jirí Georg --- Lüthi, Urs --- Marclay, Christian --- Pierson, Jack --- Ruff, Thomas --- Samore, Sam --- Schwarzkogler, Rudolf --- Serrano, Andres --- Wegman, William --- Struth, Thomas --- Prince, Richard --- Witkin, Joel-Peter --- General Idea --- Stedelijke Musea (Sint-Niklaas). --- collecties.

Art and photography
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0714842869 Year: 2003

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"Art and Photography" surveys a rich and important history, from the 1960s to the 21st century. Arranged thematically, it presents works by the most significant international artists who have explored and extended the boundaries of photography. This influential body of work by over 160 artists over four decades is contextualised in the "Documents" section by original artist's statements and interviews, as well as lucid reflections on photography by major thinkers of our era such as Roland Barthes and Jean Baudrillard. Today photography is art's pre-eminent medium. Photography pervades our visual culture. It has become what painting was in previous centuries: a universal language. Today's photographers are internationally admired as "the painters of modern life". Yet, it took the whole of the 20th century for photography to reach this status. On its invention, the photograph was derided as a purely mechanical, "artless" medium which could never be considered among the fine arts. As the 20th century unfolded, Modernist movements experimented with the photograph and expanded its limits, yet still the art establishment held out. Only recently have the majority of art museums begun acquiring works of photography. In 1976, when the Museum of Modern Art, New York - one of the first institutions to collect photographs - staged a retrospective of the American colour photographer William Eggleston, this was a groundbreaking event: it was the first time colour photography had been exhibited, as art, in a major museum. This moment in the 1970s marked a dramatic sea change, but the tides had begun to turn in the early 1960s, when artists such as Andy Warhol, Ed Ruscha and Gerhard Richter used the everyday, mass-produced quality of the snapshot as a basis for their work.


77 "19" --- 7.01 "19" --- 316.772.22 --- 316.772.22 Audio-visuele, visuele communicatie. Beeldcommunicatie--(communicatiesociologie) --- Audio-visuele, visuele communicatie. Beeldcommunicatie--(communicatiesociologie) --- 7.01 "19" Esthetica. Kunstfilosofie. Kunsttheorie. Algemene problemen inzake kunst--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Esthetica. Kunstfilosofie. Kunsttheorie. Algemene problemen inzake kunst--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- 77 "19" Fotografie--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Fotografie--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Art and photography --- Photography, Artistic --- Photography in art --- Gursky Andreas --- Haller Susan --- Hamilton Richard --- Hanzlova Jitka --- Haxton David --- Heinecken Robert --- Hernandez Anthony --- Hilliard John --- Höfer Candida --- Horn Roni --- Huebler Douglas --- Kennard Peter --- Knorr Karen --- Kosuth Joseph --- Kruger Barbara --- kunst --- kunst en fotografie --- Lawler Louise --- Leonard Zoe --- Levine Sherrie --- Levinthal David --- LeWitt Sol --- Lomax Yve --- Long Richard --- Lum Ken --- Lüthi Urs --- Mahr Mari --- Malraux André --- Mandel Mike --- Mann Sally --- Mapplethorpe Robert --- Matta-Clark Gordon --- McMurdo Wendy --- Mendieta Ana --- Messager Annette --- Meyerowitz Joel --- Michals Duane --- Mikhailov Boris --- Misrach Richard --- Molinier Pierre --- Mulvey Laura --- Muniz Vik --- Nauman Bruce --- Neshat Shirin --- Opie Catherine --- Orozco Gabriel --- Owens Bill --- Owens Craig --- Penone Giuseppe --- Pippin Steven --- Pollard Ingrid --- Prince Richard --- Proust Marcel --- Ray Charles --- Richon Olivier --- Richter Gerhard --- Ristelhueber Sophie --- Robbe-Grillet Alain --- Rosler Martha --- Rousse Georges --- Ruff Thomas --- Rugoff Ralph --- Ruscha Edward --- Samaras Lucas --- Sato Tokihiro --- Schmid Joachim --- Schneemann Carolee --- Segalove Ilene --- Sekula Allan --- Serrano Andres --- Sherman Cindy --- Shore Stephen --- Sieverding Katharina --- Simpson Lorna --- Smith Richard --- Smithson Robert --- Snow Michael --- Spence Jo --- Starkey Hannah --- Stehli Jemima --- Sternfeld Joel --- Stezaker John --- Strba Annelies --- Streuli Beat --- Struth Thomas --- Sugimoto Hiroshi --- Sultan Larry --- Tabrizian Mitra --- Tillmans Wolfgang --- twintigste eeuw --- 760.4 --- Wall Jeff --- Warhol Andy --- Wearing Gillian --- Webb Boyd --- Weems Carrie Mae --- Wegman William --- Welling James --- Weski Thomas --- Wilke Hannah --- Williams Gilda --- fotografie --- Witkin Joel-Peter --- Wodiczko Krzysztof --- Wollen Peter --- Woodman Francesca --- 77(03) --- Fotografie ; 2de helft 20ste eeuw ; naslagwerken --- Fotografie + kunst --- kunstfotografie --- wijsbegeerte --- 7.038 --- 77.038 --- Abdu'Allah Faisal --- Acconci Vito --- Adams Dennis --- Adams Mac --- Ader Bas Jan --- Ajamu --- Andre Carl --- Antin Eleanor --- Antoni Janine --- Appelt Dieter --- Arnatt Keith --- Baldessari John --- Baltz Lewis --- Barrow Thomas --- Barthes Roland --- Barth Uta --- Bate David --- Baudrillard Jean --- Becher Bernd --- Becher Bernd & Hilla --- Becher Hilla --- Benjamin Walter --- Bernard Cindy --- Blakely George --- Blees Luxemburg Rut --- Blume Anna --- Blume Anna & Bernhard --- Blume Bernhard --- Bochner Mel --- Boltanski Christian --- Bryson Norman --- Buchloh Benjamin H.D --- Burden Chris --- Burgin Victor --- Cadieux Geneviève --- Calle Sophie --- Carucci Elinor --- Casebere James --- Cavell Stanley --- Chandra Mohini --- Close Chuck --- Cohen Lynne --- Coleman James --- Collins Hannah --- Coplans John --- Crewdson Gregory --- Crimp Douglas --- Cumming Donigan --- Danto Arthur C --- Dean Max --- Derrida Jacques --- Dibbets Jan --- Dicorcia Philip-Lorca --- Divola John --- Doherty Willie --- Durand Régis --- Edited by David Campany --- Eggleston William --- Evans Jason --- Export Valie --- Fairbrother Trevor --- Fani-Kayode Rotimi --- Fischli & Weiss --- Floyer Ceal --- Fontcuberta Joan --- Friedlander Lee --- Fuss Adam --- Ghirri Luigi --- Goldin Nan --- Grace Della --- Graham Dan --- Graham Paul --- Grassie Andrew --- Greenberg Clement --- Artistic photography --- Photography --- Photography, Pictorial --- Pictorial photography --- Art --- Photography and art --- fotografie als kunst --- Fotografie ; encyclopedieën --- Aesthetics --- Acconci, Vito, --- hedendaagse kunst --- photography [process] --- Contemporary [style of art] --- Art and photography. --- Photography in art. --- Photography, Artistic. --- Photographie artistique --- Photographie dans l'art --- Art et photographie --- Photography [Artistic ]

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