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Sexology --- Huldeboeken --- Mélanges --- Schotte, J. --- Social psychology --- Academic collection --- #GSDBP --- #GOSA:XVII.PSY.M --- #GBIB:CBMER --- seksualiteit (sexualiteit) --- voortplanting (reproductie) --- psychologie (psychologische aspecten) --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Psychology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- sexualité --- procréation (reproduction) --- psychologie (aspects psychologiques) --- Festschrift - Libri Amicorum --- Schotte, Jacques, --- Social psychology. --- Schotte, Jacques
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Technology evolves at a dazzling speed, and nowhere more so than in the field of genetic engineering, where the possibility of directly changing the genes of one's children is quickly becoming a reality. The public is rightly concerned, but interestingly, they have not had much to say about the implications of recent advancements in human genetics. "Playing God?" asks why and explores the social forces that have led to the thinning out of public debate over human genetic engineering. John H. Evans contends that the problem lies in the structure of the debate itself. Disputes over human genetic engineering concern the means for achieving assumed ends, rather than being a healthy discussion about the ends themselves. According to Evans, this change in focus occurred as the jurisdiction over the debate shifted from scientists to bioethicists, a change which itself was caused by the rise of the bureaucratic state as the authority in such matters. The implications of this timely study are twofold. Evans not only explores how decisions about the ethics of human genetic engineering are made, but also shows how the structure of the debate has led to the technological choices we now face. Technology evolves at a dazzling speed, particularly in the field of genetic engineering. But the public has not had much to say about the advancements in human genetics. This text asks why and explores the social forces that have led to the thinning out of public debate over genetic engineering.
genetische engineering (manipulatie) --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- gentherapie --- voortplanting (reproductie) --- génie génétique (ingénierie génétique) --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- thérapie génique --- procréation (reproduction) --- Bioethics. --- Genetic engineering --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Bioethics --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Science
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Louisa Brown, de eerste proefbuisbaby, sloeg iedereen met verstomming. Dat was het begin van schijnbaar onbegrensde mogelijkheden: van kersverse moeders met de leeftijd van oma's en embryo's ontstaan uit eicellen van geaborteerde vrouwen tot zwarte vrouwen die een blank kind willen omwille van een betere toekomst... Paul Schotsmans wandelt rond in de labo's van infertiliteitsklinieken en tast de grenzen af van wat kan, nog niet kan en ook niet wenselijk is. Hij luistert naar collega's wetenschappers die uitgebreid én verstaanbaar de nieuwste evoluties uiteenzetten. Maar ook denkt hij na over de status van het embryo en het welzijn van het kind, de voorwaarden tot verantwoord ouderschap, het recht op kinderen... Dit is geen boek gevuld met juichkreten maar een doordachte bezinning met behoedzaam geformuleerde antwoorden. Zich bewust van de draagwijdte van zijn stellingen, analyseert de auteur kritisch de kerkelijke standpunten met het oog op waarachtige menswaardigheid. Een moedig boek over een delicaat onderwerp.
ouderschap --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- IVF (in vitrofertilisatie) --- Christian moral theology --- Sexology --- seksualiteit --- fertiliteit --- bio-ethiek --- bevruchting --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Gynaecologie --- Gynécologie --- Hérédité --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (bevruchting in vitro, proefbuisbaby's) --- zwangerschap --- kunstmatige inseminatie --- erfelijkheid --- ethiek --- genetica --- invitrofertilisatie --- vruchtbaarheid --- 241.64*8 --- 174.2 --- Academic collection --- #gsdb5 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #GGSB: Fundamentele moraal --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Medische ethiek --- #SBIB:1H30 --- #SBIB:014.GIFT --- 17 --- 612.663 --- $?$95/12 --- 17.023.33 --- 614.253 --- 618.17.08 --- #A9412A --- 176 --- 612.6 --- 241 --- 613.88 --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- medische ethiek --- 615.56 --- geneeskunde --- Ethiek en vruchtbaarheid --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- Kunstmatige inseminatie --- Medische ethiek --- Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen --- C6 --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- 179.7 --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- fécondation in vitro (fertilisation in vitro, FIV, fécondation in vitro et embryo transfert, FIVETE) --- 61 --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Filosofie van de mens, wijsgerige antropologie --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Fysiologie: voortplanting & ontwikkeling. Levensperioden --- Christelijke moraaltheologie --- Seksuologie --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- Opvoeding, onderwijs, wetenschap --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- In vitro fertilisatie : ethiek --- 618.17 --- 179 --- 605.7 --- biomedische ethiek --- fertiliteit (gez) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (gez) --- seksuologie (gez) --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Fundamentele moraal --- Bio-ethiek --- Child wish --- Involuntary childlessness --- Medical ethics --- In vitro fertilisation --- Law --- Sexuality --- Reproductive technology --- Fertility --- Book
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Nearly all the works Aristotle (384-322 BCE) prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as practical; logical; physical; metaphysical; on art; other; fragments.
Philosophy & Religion --- Philosophy --- Reproduction. --- Zoology --- Logic --- Philosophy, Ancient --- Rhetoric, Ancient --- Science, Ancient --- Ancient science --- Science, Primitive --- Science --- Ancient rhetoric --- Classical languages --- Greek language --- Greek rhetoric --- Latin language --- Latin rhetoric --- Ancient philosophy --- Greek philosophy --- Philosophy, Greek --- Philosophy, Roman --- Roman philosophy --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Psychology --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- Pre-Linnaean works of zoology --- Pre-Linnean works of zoology --- Amphimixis --- Generation --- Pangenesis --- Procreation --- Biology --- Life (Biology) --- Physiology --- Sex (Biology) --- Embryology --- Generative organs --- Theriogenology --- Pre-Linnean works. --- Rhetoric --- Methodology
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