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Nevşehir 1913 Salnamesi
Year: 2021 Publisher: Nevşehir

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Yearbooks are the books that play an important role in increasing the social and cultural level of the Greek community in the provinces of the Ottoman society and are published annually. Its content usually includes social events, science, medicine, geography, history, interesting articles, useful information, anecdotes, stories, proverbs and religious texts with advices.This yearbook has been prepared as a resource for researchers studying the Karamanli language and the history of Nevşehir. The works written in Karamanli language are generally of religious content, though few in number. Therefore most valuable works to be examined to understand the social life of the period are yearbooks, due to such quality. This book, being the first of the two yearbooks issued for Nevşehir, has been prepared for the Turkish speaking Greek community living in Anatolia, in order to enable them to obtain information on the present, past and future, to keep the customs and traditions alive and to present general information. This work, prepared and compiled in 1912 and presented to its readers in 1913, has been translated into modern Turkish and submitted to all researchers, academicians and readers. Salnameler; Osmanlı toplumu içerisindeki Rum cemaatinin yaşadığı illerdeki sosyal ve kültürel düzeylerinin artmasında önemli rol oynayan ve yılda bir çıkarılan kitaplardır. İçeriğinde genellikle toplumsal olaylar, ilim, fen, tıp, coğrafya, tarih, ilginç makaleler, faydalı bilgiler, fıkralar, öyküler, atasözleri ve öğüt içerikli dinsel metinler yer alır.Bu salname, Karamanlıca yazı dili ve Nevşehir tarihi üzerine çalışmalar yürüten araştırmacılara bir kaynak olarak hazırlanmıştır. Karamanlıca yazılı eserler, sayıca az olmakla birlikte genellikle dini içeriklidir. Bu niteliğinden dolayı, döneminin sosyal yaşamını anlamak için incelenecek en değerli eserler salnamelerdir. Nevşehir için çıkarılan iki salnameden ilki olan bu kitap, Anadolu’da yaşayan ve Türkçe konuşan Rum cemaatin içinde bulundukları zaman, geçmiş ve gelecek ile ilgili bilgiler edinmesi, örf ve adetlerin yaşatılması, genel bilgilerin sunulması amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. 1912 yılında hazırlanıp derlenen ve 1913 yılında okuyucusuyla buluşan bu eserin bu kitap aracılığıyla sunulan günümüz Türkçesine çevirisi; tüm araştırmacı, akademisyen ve okurlara sunulmuştur.


Nevşehir --- Yearbook --- Cappadocia --- 1913 --- Greek --- Ottoman --- salname --- Kapadokya --- Rum --- Osmanlı

Das Weltsozialforum : Eine Institution der Globalisierungskritik zwischen Organisation und Bewegung
ISBN: 3839429676 3837629678 1336219181 9783839429679 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Das Weltsozialforum (WSF) ist das Relikt globalisierungskritischer Bewegungen der Jahrtausendwende. Auch über ein Jahrzehnt nach dem ersten WSF 2001 in Porto Alegre (Brasilien) ziehen die Protest-Events zehntausende Gegner_innen neoliberaler Weltordnung an. Mit seiner umfassenden ethnografischen Forschung verfolgt Christian Schröder die Spuren des WSF vom Ursprung bis zum WSF 2013 in Tunesien. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, wie es dem WSF - anders als vielen anderen Bewegungen - gelingt, so lange fortzubestehen, ohne seinen Bewegungscharakter zu verlieren. Basierend auf umfangreichen Analysen wird das Prinzip der Transpoiesis herausgearbeitet, demzufolge Bewegungen dann überdauern, wenn sie zwischen Zerfall und Institutionalisierung oszillieren. »Die Lektüre dieses Buches ist für alle empfehlenswert, die sich mit Sozialforen, Protestcamps und anderen sogenannten Freiräumen in sozialen Bewegungen beschäftigen. Schröders Bezugnahme auf Forschungsansätze außerhalb der Bewegungsforschung macht das Buch auch für eine breite Leserschaft interessant, die nicht in der Literatur der Bewegungsforschung heimisch ist.« Micha Fiedlschuster, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 28/3 (2015) »[Der Autor] legt insgesamt einen gewissenhaft recherchierten Beitrag vor, der insbesondere aus organisationssoziologischer Perspektive absolut zu empfehlen ist.« Björn Wagner, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 10.09.2015 »Ein ordentlich ausgeführtes, methodologisch einwandfreies Meisterstück, das für Soziologen, Politikwissenschaftler, politische Aktivisten (und vielleicht auch für Geheimdienste) von Interesse sein könnte.« Georg Auernheimer,, 03.06.2015 Besprochen in: WDR - Funkhaus Europa, 24.03.2015, Martina Sabra Contraste, 10 (2015), Bernd Hüttner

Observing Protest from a Place
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9089647805 9048525802 9789048525805 Year: 2015 Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

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Social movements throughout the world have been central to history, politics, society, and culture. Observing Protest from a Place examines the impact of one such campaign, the global justice movement, as seen from the southern hemisphere. Drawing upon a collective survey from the 2011 World Social Forum in Dakar, the contributions explore a number of vital issues, including the methodological problems of studying international activist gatherings and how scholars can overcome those challenges. By demonstrating the importance of the global justice movement and the role of non-governmental organizations for participants in the southern hemisphere, this volume is an important addition to the literature on community action.

Diversity of belonging in Europe : public spaces, contested places, cultural encounters
Authors: ---
ISBN: 100319169X 1000830160 9781003191698 1032042389 Year: 2022 Publisher: London ; New York, New York : Routledge,

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"Diversity of Belonging in Europe analyses conflicting notions of identity and belonging in contemporary Europe. Addressing the creation, negotiation and (re)use of diverse spaces and places of belonging, the book examines their fascinating complexities in the context of a changing Europe. Taking an innovative interdisciplinary approach, the volume examines renegotiations of belonging played out through cultural encounters with difference and change, in diverse public spaces and contested places. Highlighting the interconnections between social change and of culture, heritage and memory, chapters analyse multilayered public spaces and the negotiations over culture and belonging that are connected to them. Through analyses of diverse case studies, the editors and authors draw out the significance of the participation or exclusion of differing community, grassroots and activist groups in such practices and discourses of belonging in relation to the contemporary emergence of identity conflicts and political uses of the past across Europe. They analyse the ways in which people's sense of belonging is connected to cultural, heritage and memory practices undertaken in different public spaces, including museums, cultural and community centres, city monuments and built heritage, neglected urban spaces, and online fora. Diversity of Belonging in Europe provides a valuable contribution to the existing bodies of work on identities, migration, public space, memory and heritage. The book will be of interest to scholars and students with an interest in contested belonging, public spaces and the role of culture and heritage"-- Provided by publisher.


Group identity. --- Group identity --- Collective identity --- Community identity --- Cultural identity --- Social identity --- Identity (Psychology) --- Social psychology --- Collective memory --- Europe. --- public space. --- museum. --- cultural heritage. --- cultural identity. --- social behaviour. --- iompraíocht shóisialta --- κοινωνική συμπεριφορά --- zachowanie społeczne --- comportament social --- socialinis elgesys --- Sozialverhalten --- sociālā uzvedība --- општествено однесување --- társadalmi viselkedés --- социално поведение --- social adfærd --- comportement social --- sjellje sociale --- imġiba soċjali --- socialno vedenje --- socialt beteende --- sociálne správanie --- sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen --- sotsiaalne käitumine --- друштвено понашање --- comportamento sociale --- društveno ponašanje --- comportamiento social --- sociaal gedrag --- sociální chování --- comportamento social --- антисоцијално однесување --- социјално однесување --- társadalmi magatartás --- asociaal gedrag --- општествени норми на однесување --- kulturní identita --- féiniúlacht chultúrtha --- identitet kulturor --- identità culturale --- kultuuriidentiteet --- πολιτιστική ταυτότητα --- kulturel identitet --- kulturelle Identität --- културни идентитет --- kulttuuri-identiteetti --- identitate culturală --- културен идентитет --- tożsamość kulturowa --- културна идентичност --- identidad cultural --- kulturna prepoznavnost --- kultūras identitāte --- kulturális identitás --- kultúrna identita --- kulturell identitet --- kulturni identitet --- identidade cultural --- kultūrinė tapatybė --- culturele identiteit --- identità kulturali --- identité culturelle --- kultūras patība --- pagastu sadarbība --- kulturális önazonosság --- pašvaldības iestāžu sadarbība --- kultūrinis tapatumas --- kulturarv --- kultuuripärand --- dziedzictwo kultury --- cultureel erfgoed --- kultúrne dedičstvo --- wirt kulturali --- kulturális örökség --- oidhreacht chultúrtha --- kulttuuriperintö --- πολιτιστική κληρονομιά --- kulturní dědictví --- културно наследство --- patrimonio culturale --- kulturna dediščina --- kulturelles Erbe --- kultūras mantojums --- património cultural --- patrimonio cultural --- trashëgimi kulturore --- културно наслеђе --- patrimoine culturel --- patrimoniu cultural --- kulturna baština --- kultūros paveldas --- sprachliches Erbe --- nyelvi örökség --- werelderfgoed --- πνευματική κληρονομιά --- patrimonio letterario --- dokumentárne dedičstvo --- literarisches Erbe --- patrimoine de l'humanité --- linguïstisch erfgoed --- patrimoniu literar --- kirjallinen perintö --- valodas mantojums --- bibliographic heritage --- linguistic heritage --- litteraturarv --- literárne dedičstvo --- språkligt arv --- trashëgimi njerëzore --- património linguístico --- žmoniškasis paveldas --- literarna baština --- patrimonju kulturali --- trashëgimi bibliografike --- patrimonio literario --- dokumentinis paveldas --- literārais mantojums --- património documental --- jazykové dědictví --- patrimoine linguistique --- bibliografisch erfgoed --- rahvuslik kultuuripärand --- literair erfgoed --- βιβλιογραφικό υλικό --- literární dědictví --- tietoperintö --- litterärt arv --- litterær kulturarv --- kalbos paveldas --- julkaisuperintö --- Kulturerbe --- lingvistiskais mantojums --- писмено наследство --- documentary heritage --- kulturel arv --- baština čovječanstva --- trashëgimi letrare --- книжевно наследство --- пишано наследство --- patrimoine bibliographique --- kansanperintö --- κληρονομιά της ανθρωπότητας --- patrimonio bibliográfico --- bibliografijos paveldas --- Kulturbesitz --- συλλογές τεκμηρίωσης --- patrimoine littéraire --- historisk bygningsværk --- irodalmi örökség --- patrimonio de la humanidad --- dokumentarisches Erbe --- sprogskat --- patrimonio bibliografico --- literatūros paveldas --- patrimonio lingüístico --- patrimonio documental --- patrimoniu lingvistic --- trashëgimi gjuhësore --- patrimonio documentale --- património literário --- keelepärand --- sproglig arv --- kieliperintö --- kulturní památka --- património bibliográfico --- human heritage --- trashëgimi dokumentare --- Literaturgut --- наследство на човештвото --- patrimonio linguistico --- γλωσσική κληρονομιά --- mündliche Überlieferung --- Sprachgut --- јазично наследство --- ľudské dedičstvo --- литературно наследство --- patrimonio dell'umanità --- dokumentarkiv --- pisana baština --- världsarv --- λογοτεχνική κληρονομιά --- documentair erfgoed --- jazykové dedičstvo --- kirjanduslik pärand --- bibliografické dedičstvo --- kulturno nasljeđe --- jezična baština --- menneskehedens kulturarv --- dokumendipärand --- patrimoine documentaire --- literary heritage --- inimpärand --- património da Humanidade --- seværdighed --- bibliográfiai örökség --- lingvistinis paveldas --- musée --- músaem --- музеј --- museo --- múzeum --- muzeu --- mużew --- μουσείο --- muuseum --- museu --- muzej --- muze --- museum --- музей --- muzeum --- Museum --- muzejs --- muziejus --- galerie --- muzejska građa --- galerija --- pinacoteca --- galleria d'arte --- offentlig plats --- spazju pubbliku --- közterület --- spazio pubblico --- spațiu public --- espaço público --- przestrzeń publiczna --- openbare ruimte --- javni prostor --- обществено пространство --- verejne prístupný priestor --- δημόσιος χώρος --- julkinen tila --- viešoji erdvė --- öffentlicher Raum --- offentligt rum --- veřejné prostory --- avalik ruum --- espacio público --- sabiedriska vieta --- spás poiblí --- espace public --- javno dostopni prostor --- yleinen paikka --- allmän plats --- javno mesto --- javno područje --- Eiropa --- An Eoraip --- Europe --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Europa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder

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