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Language and World : [Proceedings of the 32th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2009].

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This second of two volumes brings together invited papers of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium (Kirchberg/W. (Austria), 2009). The collection not only contains articles related to some of Wittgenstein's central arguments but also holds contributions that deal with the role and function of signs, as well as with the relations between language and action, consciousness and metaphysics. An interdisciplinary workshop was dedicated to "Wittgenstein and Literature", an area of study which has been prominent in the philosophical discourse of the last decade. Contributors to this volume are Anat Biletzki, Michael Dummett, Laurence Goldstein, Peter Janich, Brian McGuinness, Marjorie Perloff, David Schalkwyk, Joachim Schulte, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, David Stern, Eike von Savigny among others.

Wittgenstein : the philosopher and his works
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110328593 1299721982 3110328917 Year: 2006 Volume: n.s., v. 2 Publisher: Frankfurt : Ontos Verlag,

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This wide-ranging collection of essays contains eighteen original articles by authors representing some of the most important recent work on Wittgenstein. It deals with questions pertaining to both the interpretation and application of Wittgenstein's thought and the editing of his works. Regarding the latter, it also addresses issues concerning scholarly electronic publishing. The collection is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction which lays out the content and arguments of each contribution. Contributors: Knut Erik Tranøy, Lars Hertzberg, Georg Henrik von Wright, Marie McGinn, Cora Dia

La naturalización de las emociones : anotaciones a partir de Wittgenstein
ISBN: 9587387244 9587387236 9789587387247 Year: 2016 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editorial Universidad del Rosario

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En la literatura sobre las emociones una de las teorías con mayor fuerza es la llamada "teoría James-Lange". En esta obra se intenta hacer una crítica a dicha teoría a partir de algunas observaciones de Wittgenstein sobre el uso de conceptos psicológicos, sacando a la luz dos confusiones gramaticales que surgen en ella. Para ello, se construye primero la categoría de "programa de naturalización de las emociones" que recoge las teorías del Descartes, James y Prinz, siguiendo la metodología de Lakatos. Luego, se identifica como problema central el de la naturalización de la intencionalidad. Para luego exponer algunas herramientas de Wittgenstein para estudiar la gramática de la pregunta por el objeto y la intencionalidad las emociones, mostrando que las respuestas del programa de naturalización no son satisfactorias y no respetan las reglas de ciertos usos del lenguaje.

Grenzen grammatischer Willkür bei Wittgenstein
ISBN: 3110328534 3110328836 Year: 2013 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Wittgenstein's grammar term is strangely broad, meaning that it not only contains the rules for the arrangement of words, but ultimately everything that adds to the meaning of a term. Wittgenstein sees grammar as equally related to the arbitrary and the non-arbitrary, whereby the arbitrariness is limited by human nature and social practices. This book examines precisely these limits with the means and results of the latest linguistic and cognitive research in order to examine Wittgenstein's arguments, which at first seem quite speculative, for the possibility of alternative grammars in areas such as colors, arithmetic and others.

Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts : Proceedings of the 33rd International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 311033013X 3110330512 Year: 2011 Publisher: De Gruyter

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What is an image? How can we describe the experience of looking at images, and how do they become meaningful to us? In what sense are images like or unlike propositions? Participants of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium--philosophers as well as historians of art, science, and literature--provide many stimulating answers. Some of the contributions are dedicated to Wittgenstein's thoughts on images while others testify to the important role notions coined or inspired by Wittgenstein--"seeing as", "picture games" and the dichotomy of "saying and showing"--play in the field of picture theory today. This first volume of the Proceedings of the 2010 conference addresses readers interested in the history and theory of images, and in the philosophy of Wittgenstein.

Language and World : [Proceedings of the 32th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2009].
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110330199 3110330598 Year: 2010 Publisher: De Gruyter

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This first of two volumes brings together invited papers of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium (Kirchberg/W. (Austria), 2009). The relation between language and the world was undoubtedly one if not the central issue in Wittgenstein's whole philosophical oeuvre. His one hundred and twentieth birthday provided an occasion for foregrounding this aspect of his work. A special workshop was dedicated to new aspects of Wittgenstein's Nachlass. In this volume Frank Cioffi, Peter Hacker, Ian Hacking, Roy Harris, Lars Hertzberg, Jaakko Hintikka, Marie McGinn, Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Hans Sluga among others provide substantial contributions on various aspects of Wittgenstein's writings such as the philosophy of mathematics, the problem of rule following or the relation between meaning and use.

Time and History : Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2005
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3110333023 311033321X Year: 2006 Publisher: De Gruyter

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This wide-ranging collection of essays contains eighteen original articles by authors representing some of the most important recent work on Wittgenstein. It deals with questions pertaining to both the interpretation and application of Wittgenstein's thought and the editing of his works. Regarding the latter, it also addresses issues concerning scholarly electronic publishing. The collection is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction which lays out the content and arguments of each contribution. Contributors: Knut Erik Tranøy, Lars Hertzberg, Georg Henrik von Wright, Marie McGinn, Cora Dia

Uma confer encia sobre etica
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9892609514 9892609506 Year: 2015 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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Uma Conferência sobre Ética (A Lecture on Ethics) de Ludwig Wittgensteinconstitui uma importante reflexão sobre o problema da ética. Ocupa um lugarcentral entre as tomadas de posição relativas a este problema – e não seráexagero dizer que representa, sem dúvida, uma das mais notáveis no pensamentodo século XX. Mas o mais importante não é propriamente a relevância histórica.O mais importante é que este texto – o complexo dos problemas e perspectivasque desenha, a interpelação de que é portador – representa um elementoincontornável, que não pode deixar de ser considerado por quem quiserconfrontar-se com o problema da ética. Ou seja, este é um texto indispensávelpara quem quiser “instruir o processo” da ética (do seu cabimento, do seusentido, das suas implicações) de forma efectivamente crítica – i. e., a pensarpor si mesmo, mas ao mesmo tempo também com a preocupação de não deixar de foranada que, mesmo que observado por outrem, possa ser relevante e ter peso para aapreciação do problema na sede própria do pensar por si.

Wittgenstein and aesthetics
ISBN: 1108944299 1108950523 1108946453 110893112X 9781108944298 9781108950527 9781108946452 9781108931120 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press,

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This Element argues that aesthetics broadly conceived plays a significant role in Wittgenstein's philosophy. It traces a continuous line of thought pertaining to a non-conceptual form of encounter with reality and contributes to Wittgenstein's understanding of language and the method of philosophy throughout his career.

Wittgensteins Sprachphilosophie in den "Philosophischen Untersuchungen" : Eine kommentierende Ersteinführung
ISBN: 3110328097 311032850X 9783868380323 Year: 2009 Volume: n.s., v. 9 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Bei der Studie handelt es sich um eine Paragraphen für Paragraphen erläuternde Interpretation der ""Philosophischen Untersuchungen"". Sie wendet sich an alle an Wittgensteins Philosophie Interessierte, insbesondere an Studierende und Schüler. Inhaltlich setzt sie einen Schwerpunkt auf die Sprachphilosophie. Didaktisch versucht sie, den Text Schritt für Schritt verständlich zu machen, und Wittgensteins - oft implizit bleibende - Auseinandersetzungen mit anderen philosophischen Positionen (der philosophischen Tradition und der analytischen Sprachphilosophie) deutlicher hervortreten zu lassen. Da

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