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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.
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Für die Herstellung von 1,4-Butandiol haben neben dem technisch ausgereiften Reppe-Prozess in den letzten Jahren neue Synthesetechnologien an Bedeutung gewonnen. Hierzu zählt die Gasphasenhydrierung von Dimethylmaleat, der Davy-Prozess.Vorteile sind die milden Reaktionsbedingungen und die kombinierte Herstellung von 1,4-Butandiol mit den Folgeprodukten g-Butyrolacton und Tetrahydrofuran. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war die gezielte Vermeidung von ungewollter Polymerbildung bei der einstufigen Prozessführung der Gasphasenhydrierung von Dimethylmaleat. Zudem wurden mit einem Cu/ZnO/Al2O3-Katalysator detaillierte kinetische Messungen durchgeführt und eine qualitative und quantitative Beschreibung der Reaktionskinetik mit Hilfe eines möglichst einfachen Reaktionsnetzes realisiert.
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This open access book addresses the idea that there are two ways to go about achieving a safe working environment. The text challenges the prevailing notion that compliance with a rule system, imposed from the top of an organization and designed to anticipate possible hazards in system operation, is really incompatible with the idea that the professional expertise of front-line workers is what promotes safe outcomes despite inevitable unanticipated perturbations. The contributors, drawn from academic and industrial backgrounds, demonstrate that rather than being at odds with each other, rules-compliance and proactivity are in fact complementary resources the coexistence of which increases safety. Furthermore, the implications of this approach extend beyond safety, being relevant to business performance, strategies for innovation and system resilience as well. The book steps back from an exclusive focus on front-line work to explore the way in which complianceand initiative are articulated at different levels within the hierarchy of a firm, right up to that of top management. Further, the contributors analyze the way in which safety authorities, the justice system, and the general public perceive and interpret such strategies, in particular in the aftermath of major events. This book deals with issues of interest to researchers and graduate students in safety science and organization studies and to members of expert bodies and experts in industry and consultancy concerned with similar subjects.
Industrial Management. --- Management. --- Industrial policy. --- Industrial organization. --- Regulation and Industrial Policy. --- Industrial Organization. --- Industrial management.
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This open access book addresses relationships that develop from the complex set of legislative, regulatory, and institutional arrangements that arise in the governance of high-hazard industries, especially those connected with safety. It analyses the difference in practices between high-hazard sectors such as nuclear power, chemical processing, and transport with those in the finance and healthcare sectors. The relationship between regulating and regulated entities is important in ensuring that safety is not subordinated to other concerns and in maintaining public confidence. As a result, the brief addresses various pressures and trade-offs inherent in that relationship, trade-offs between such considerations as: cost of the oversight activity and its effectiveness; regulator independence and its level of competency and understanding of the risks involved; ability to provide advice on meeting regulatory goals and being able to criticize decisions made; and effectiveness and intrusion in operational activities. The contributors show how, over time, a more horizontal or “decentred” approach to regulatory oversight has appeared, with a larger degree of delegation of certain decisions to industry and a greater role for a range of third parties such as certification bodies, auditors, insurers, industry associations and NGOs. This book is of interest to academics working in the fields of safety science or organizational management and to practitioners, regulators and policy-makers concerned with health and safety and critical infrastructure.
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Das vorliegende Open Access Buch umfasst Beiträge der Projekte aus dem Verbundprojekt Modelle ressourcenorientierter und effektiver Führung digitaler Projekt- und Teamarbeit (vLead) . Im Rahmen des Förderschwerpunkts „Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung wurden in den Projekten Entwicklungen im Transformationsprozess der Arbeitswelt analysiert, Lösungsansätze entwickelt und diese wissenschaftlich begleitet. In den Beiträgen werden Einblicke in die erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse und entwickelten Konzepte der Projekte gegeben. Hieraus lassen sich für Akteure aus Politik und Wirtschaft Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten und es ergeben sich neue Forschungsimpulse für die Wissenschaft. Die Herausgeber Prof. Dr. Conny H. Antoni ist seit 1997 Professor für Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie an der Universität Trier. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen in den Forschungsfeldern Teamarbeit, Organisationsentwicklung, Führung, Reward Management, Stress und Work-Life-Balance (WLB). Er ist Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Consulting Editor des European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Mitglied des Editorial Boards der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) sowie Mitglied des Advisory Board der Zeitschrift Team Performance Management Prof. Dr. phil. Ulrike Hellert ist Dipl. Kauffrau und promovierte Arbeitspsychologin. Seit 2008 ist sie Hochschullehrerin an der FOM Hochschule in Nürnberg sowie wissenschaftliche Gründungsdirektorin des iap Institut für Arbeit & Personal an der FOM Hochschule. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen vor allem die Themen Arbeits(zeit)gestaltung, Stresskompetenz sowie diversitätsförderliches Personalmanagement. Weiter ist sie Geschäftsführerin der Unternehmensberatung Moderne Arbeitszeiten. Dr. rer.soc Erich Latniak ist seit 2007 Sozialwissenschaftler am Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (IAQ) der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Forschungsschwerpunkt „Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsorganisation“, arbeitet u.a. zu Arbeitsgestaltung, Organisations- und Personalentwicklung sowie zu Stressprävention, insbesondere im IT-Bereich. .
Industrial Management. --- Strategic planning. --- Leadership. --- Industrial organization. --- Business Strategy and Leadership. --- Industrial Organization. --- Industrial management.
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The EU Industrial Structure analyzes the competitiveness of the EU economy from a sectoral perspective. It provides evidence of performance across Member States and sectors. It yields insights into the competitiveness of different sectors and how they are affected by business fluctuations. It covers the EU industries and compares them to some other key countries like the US, Japan or the BRIC countries. The production of EU industrial structure is a response to the increasing interest in analysing the competitiveness of the EU economy from a sectoral perspective. This publication provides insight into the relative performance of individual industries, and contributes to explaining the competitiveness of the EU economy at large. The publication covers market sectors, from mining to market services, although, wherever necessary, it refers to the whole economy, including primary sectors and non-market services. The work is empirical and data oriented and consists of the creation and analysis of a system of statistical indicators on various facets of sectoral performance and competitiveness. The indicators cover fields of relevance to gain insight into the economics and policy issues of EU sectors. The publication applies the same set of indicators to all sectors and uses input–output data to go beyond the analysis of individual sectors separately buy capturing sectoral interrelations, such as those between manufacturing and services sectors. From a geographical point of view the publication covers the EU-27 as a whole and individual Member States and it also makes comparisons with other countries, such as the US, Japan and BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), wherever possible. The 2011 edition of EU industrial structure covers the following topics: the recent economic downturn and its fragile recovery, EU sectoral structure, EU sectoral growth and the international competitiveness of EU industry. This publication follows the path laid by EU sectoral competitiveness indicators (2005) and EU industrial structure 2007 and EU industrial structure 2009.
Industrial organization --- Economic history. --- Industrial organization. --- European Union --- European Union. --- European Union countries --- Europe --- Economic conditions --- Yearbooks --- Industrial economics --- Union européenne --- Industrial policy --- Economic policy --- Commercial policy
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This book explores how members of an organization or group speak to and with each other. An expansion of the author’s previous research on fallibility in organizations, the concept of communication climate is related to those of voice climate and psychological safety, both of which focus on the risk of speaking up and raising concerns at work. In this book the author addresses the scope for criticism, dissent and disagreement, but also for praise and encouragement. Beginning with a clear explanation of how and why communication climate is important in organizations, the author introduces the concept of critical quality moments, i.e. situations where a verbal intervention can crucially change the course of events for the better. The book then goes on to describe seven elements that characterize well-functioning communication climates before exploring the concept of communication ethics, and the balance between freedom of speech on the one hand, and speech responsibility on the other. It concludes with suggestions for further studies of communication climate at work. This is an open access book. Øyvind Kvalnes is Professor in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School, Norway. He has facilitated workshops and seminars on communication climate in a range of organisations in the private and public sectors. He is the author of Fallibility at Work (2017), Digital Dilemmas (2020) and Moral Reasoning at Work (2019), all published by Palgrave Macmillan, Øyvind's main research interests are in communication climate, , ethics, moral psychology, leadership, and excellence in organizations.
Management. --- Industrial organization. --- Organization. --- Industries --- Organization --- Industrial concentration --- Industrial management --- Industrial sociology --- Administration --- Industrial relations
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Dieser Open-Access-Band fokussiert das „magische Dreieck“ aus Arbeit, Zivilgesellschaft und Politik. Wie diese Drei den gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen eine transformativ-demokratische Grundrichtung geben können, darauf suchen die Autorinnen und Autoren Antworten. Die Essays reflektieren das drohende Scheitern des Projekts der Moderne, das im Zeichen von Aufklärung und Fortschritt, mit Visionen von Freiheit, Gleichheit und Brüderlichkeit aufbrach. Heute stehen die Nationen, alles andere als vereint, erneut unter dem Eindruck von Krise, Krieg und Katastrophe. Die Bevölkerung sieht sich konfrontiert mit zerstörten Umwelten, Hunger und Flucht, sozialen Existenzängsten in vielen Familien und unermesslichen Reichtümern in wenigen Händen. Die wissenschaftlichen Analysen, schriftstellerischen Exkursionen und politisch-utopischen Skizzen des Bandes wenden sich an alle in Wissenschaft, Politik und Kultur, deren Interesse an engagierten, undogmatischen Diskursen und emanzipatorischen Praktiken ungebrochen ist. Die Herausgeber Jupp Legrand ist Geschäftsführer der Otto Brenner Stiftung in Frankfurt am Main. Benedikt Linden ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Referat Wissenschaftsförderung und Projektsteuerung der Otto Brenner Stiftung in Frankfurt am Main. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Arlt arbeitet als Publizist und Sozialwissenschaftler zu den Themenschwerpunkten Kommunikation, Arbeit und Kommunikationsarbeit und lehrt strategische Kommunikationsplanung an der Universität der Künste Berlin.
Industrial sociology. --- Sociology of Work. --- Sociology --- Industrial organization --- Industries --- Social aspects --- Transformation. --- Leipziger Beiträge zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
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Access to the radio spectrum is vital for modern digital communication. It is an essential component for smartphone capabilities, the Cloud, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, and multiple other new technologies. Governments use spectrum auctions to decide which companies should use what parts of the radio spectrum. Successful auctions can fuel rapid innovation in products and services, unlock substantial economic benefits, build comparative advantage across all regions, and create billions of dollars of government revenues. Poor auction strategies can leave bandwidth unsold and delay innovation, sell national assets to firms too cheaply, or create uncompetitive markets with high mobile prices and patchy coverage that stifles economic growth. Corporate bidders regularly complain that auctions raise their costs, while government critics argue that insufficient revenues are raised. The cross-national record shows many examples of both highly successful auctions and miserable failures. Drawing on experience from the UK and other countries, senior regulator Geoffrey Myers explains how to optimise the regulatory design of auctions, from initial planning to final implementation. Spectrum Auctions offers unrivalled expertise for regulators and economists engaged in practical auction design or company executives planning bidding strategies. For applied economists, teachers, and advanced students this book provides unrivalled insights in market design and public management. Providing clear analytical frameworks, case studies of auctions, and stage-by-stage advice, it is essential reading for anyone interested in designing public-interested and successful spectrum auctions.
Digital communications. --- Auctions. --- Radio. --- Radio frequency allocation. --- Cell phone systems --- Industrial organization (Economic theory) --- Law and legislation.
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At present, how to develop industries is a burning issue in Africa, where population growth remains high and economic development has thus far failed to provide sufficient jobs for many, especially young people and women. The creation of productive jobs through industrial development ought to be a central issue in steering economic activity across the continent. The authors of this book, consisting of two development economists and five practitioners, argue that the adoption of Kaizen management practices, which originated in Japan and have become widely used by manufacturers in advanced and emerging economies, is decisively the most effective first step for industrial development in Africa. This open access book discusses what Kaizen management is, why it is applicable to Africa, and why it can provide Africa with a springboard for sustainable economic growth and employment generation. Keijiro Otsuka is Professor at the Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, Japan, and Chief Senior Researcher at the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan. Kimiaki Jin is Senior Assistant Director of the Industrial Development and Public Policy Department at the Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan. Tetsushi Sonobe is Vice President and Chair of the PhD Program Committee, Director of the GRIPS Global Governance Program and Professor of Development Economics at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan.
Industrial organization. --- Leadership. --- Development economics. --- Africa—Economic conditions. --- Labor economics. --- Industrial Organization. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Development Economics. --- African Economics. --- Labor Economics. --- Economics --- Economic development --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Industries --- Organization --- Industrial concentration --- Industrial management --- Industrial sociology --- Africa --- Economic conditions. --- Management science --- Industrial organization --- Leadership --- Development economics --- Africa—Economic conditions --- Labor economics
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