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Mit dem Ölpreisschock des Jahres 1973 ging ein Zeitabschnitt zu Ende, der durch Wachstum, Wohlstand und Vollbeschäftigung gekennzeichnet war. Die schwierige, mitunter krisenhafte Wirtschaftslage der 1970er und 1980er Jahre führte zur Rückkehr eines fast schon vergessenen Phänomens: der Massenarbeitslosigkeit. Allein in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland stieg die Zahl der Arbeitslosen zwischen 1973 und 1985 auf 2,3 Millionen. Historiker, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Soziologen und Sozialpsychologen analysieren in diesem Band die Ursachen der Arbeitslosigkeit, ihre Erscheinungsformen, ihre Auswirkungen sowie die Gegenmaßnahmen der Politik und ordnen dabei die Entwicklung in der Bundesrepublik in den europäischen Zusammenhang ein. So werden die historischen Voraussetzungen eines Problems deutlich, das bis heute zu den größten innenpolitischen Herausforderungen zählt.
Unemployment --- Labor market --- Germany (West) --- Economic conditions --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Supply and demand
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Les étrangers ont été longtemps les grands absents des enquêtes sur la mobilité sociale en France. Anne-Sophie Bruno retrace le destin des migrants de Tunisie. Elle pose la question du poids de l'origine dans l'intégration professionnelle. À l’aide des méthodes statistiques les plus récentes, Anne-Sophie Bruno propose une nouvelle manière d’appréhender le marché du travail et les trajectoires socioprofessionnelles. Dans son étude quantitative tout en finesse s’entrecroisent les évolutions personnelles, les changements dans le fonctionnement du marché du travail, les mutations des secteurs et les ruptures de la législation sur l’immigration. À la croisée de l’histoire du travail et de l’histoire des migrations, elle éclaire un des grands enjeux de nos sociétés contemporaines : les phénomènes de mobilité professionnelle et d’inégalités socioéconomiques, fondées en particulier sur des critères de nationalité et de genre.
Tunisians --- Labor market --- Social conditions. --- History. --- History --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Ethnology --- Supply and demand --- Migration --- immigration & emigration --- migrants --- France --- lemac
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Im Jahr 1943 wurde die 1926 gegründete "Abteilung Westen" des Instituts für Konjunkturforschung, Berlin (heute: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, DIW) als "Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V." (RWI) verselbstständigt. Rainer Fremdling untersucht im ersten Teil bis 1945 die Umorientierung von der Konjunkturforschung in der Weimarer Republik zur Raumforschung unter dem Nationalsozialismus und der Kriegswirtschaft, wobei die enge Verzahnung des RWI und des DIW mit dem NS-Herrschaftssystem deutlich wird. Toni Pierenkemper widmet sich der Geschichte des RWI seit Kriegsende. Hierzu gehört die Wiederbegründung und Neuorientierung des RWI (1945 bis 1952) ebenso wie die Rolle des Instituts im wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel und in der neuen Wirtschafts- und Währungsordnung (1952 bis 1974), in den Krisen der folgenden Jahre (1974 bis 2000) und schließlich die Neuausrichtung im neuen Jahrtausend (2000 bis 2018). Die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Wirtschaft, Politik und wirtschaftspolitischer Beratung werden dabei offenbar. Ziel des Projekts ist es, nicht nur die Geschichte des RWI zu dokumentieren, sondern diese in die jeweiligen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen einzubetten. Das so entstehende umfassende Bild geht weit über eine reine "Institutshistorie" hinaus und lässt die deutsche Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftspolitik im Untersuchungszeitraum lebendig werden. This title documents the history of the Rhenish-Westphalian Institute for Economic Research (RWI), re-founded in 1943 as the "Western Division" of the German Institute for Economic Research. Starting from the initial founding in 1926, it includes the post-war re-founding and reorientation of the Institute, its redirection in the new millennium through 2018, and describes the changing economic, political, and scientific contexts of the times.
Demography. --- Labor market --- HISTORY / Social History. --- Economics research. --- Labor market. --- Spatial research. --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Historical demography --- Social sciences --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Supply and demand
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Regional planning --- Labor market --- Regional disparities --- European Union countries --- Economic integration --- Economic policy --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Regional development --- State planning --- Human settlements --- Land use --- Planning --- City planning --- Landscape protection --- Supply and demand --- Government policy
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This book presents new theories and international empirical evidence on the state of work and employment around the world. Changes in production systems, economic conditions and regulatory conditions are posing new questions about the growing use by employers of precarious forms of work, the contradictory approaches of governments towards employment and social policy, and the ability of trade unions to improve the distribution of decent employment conditions. The book proposes a 'new labour market segmentation approach' for the investigation of issues of job quality, employment inequalities, and precarious work. This approach is distinctive in seeking to place the changing international patterns and experiences of labour market inequalities in the wider context of shifting gender relations, regulatory regimes and production structures.
Labor market. --- Discrimination in employment. --- Bias, Job --- Employment discrimination --- Equal employment opportunity --- Equal opportunity in employment --- Fair employment practice --- Job bias --- Job discrimination --- Race discrimination in employment --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Supply and demand --- Employment (Economic theory) --- Markets --- Affirmative action programs --- economics --- employment --- new labour --- inequalities --- new approach --- work --- Collective bargaining --- Minimum wage --- Unemployment --- Working time
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The study addresses the question of how the Kurdistan Regional Government can improve the private-sector labor market in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq (KRI). Doing so will involve creating mechanisms by which job-seekers can develop the right skills and find employers who will hire them, employers can find the employees they need, and the government can create an enabling environment in which the best matches between job-seekers and employers can be made. The study estimates the likely number and education levels of new job-seekers through 2020. It conducts an original, scientific survey to learn about employer perceptions of skill gaps in the KRI. Then, it investigates sectoral employment growth in comparison economies to identify promising growth sectors. Finally, it outlines policy steps for the government to take to improve the functioning of the private-sector labor market.
Labor market --- Economic surveys --- Employment forecasting --- Manpower policy --- Economic surveys. --- Employment forecasting. --- Labor market. --- Manpower policy. --- Iraq --- Employment policy --- Human resource development --- Labor market policy --- Manpower utilization --- Labor policy --- Labor supply --- Trade adjustment assistance --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Forecasting, Employment --- Economic forecasting --- Surveys --- Government policy --- Law and legislation --- Supply and demand --- Forecasting
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Labor market --- Economic aspects. --- Social aspects. --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Supply and demand --- Labor laws and legislation. --- Employment law --- Industrial relations --- Labor law --- Labor standards (Labor law) --- Work --- Working class --- Industrial laws and legislation --- Social legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation
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La recherche sur la définition de l'aire d'extension de la métropole bordelaise propose de déterminer les limites du champ d'influences maximales, celui qui est sous l'influence directe de la métropole, et qui est de ce fait, le plus touché par les fonctions métropolitaines de Bordeaux. Les deux premières approches utilisées, migrations quotidiennes de travail et superficies fournies par les permis de construire suivant l'affectation des sols, par zone d'emploi, font apparaître un renforcement de l'attractivité de Bordeaux-zone centrale, entre 1975 et 1990. La troisième approche, synthétique, permet de reclasser les communes du département de la Gironde en fonction de leur degré de métropolisation et aboutit à la délimitation précise de la zone d'influence métropolisée de Bordeaux, qui englobe en 1990, une grande partie du département. Cette croissance va justement dans le sens de l'évolution rendue nécessaire par l'ouverture des frontières et ce n'est donc pas la région qui devrait en souffrir mais au contraire en bénéficier, puisque Bordeaux est au cœur de l'Arc Atlantique. La qualité de vie, le désenclavement de l'aire métropolitaine (TGV, nouveaux ponts...), les grands projets en cours de réalisation (Cité mondiale du Vin, World Trade Center, Cité Internationale des Affaires...) font de Bordeaux une eurométropole qui entend bien devenir le centre de gravité de la façade Atlantique. Cette recherche apporte une pierre à la DATAR pour la construction de sa nouvelle politique d'aménagement du territoire.
Urbanization --- Labor market --- Bordeaux (Aquitaine, France) Metropolitan Area. --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Cities and towns, Movement to --- Urban development --- Urban systems --- Cities and towns --- Social history --- Sociology, Rural --- Sociology, Urban --- Urban policy --- Rural-urban migration --- Supply and demand --- métropolisation --- migration quotidienne --- désenclavement --- qualité de vie --- métropole --- zone d’emploi --- attractivité
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De economie verandert in een hoog tempo. Het scheppen en schrappen van banen die de economische dynamiek met zich meebrengt, vraagt een grote mobiliteit van mensen op de arbeidsmarkt. Tegelijkertijd staat het aanpassingsvermogen door de vergrijzing juist onder druk. Welke gevolgen heeft dit, met name voor de arbeidsmarkt? Dit rapport besteedt aandacht aan de instituties en regelgeving die is opgetrokken om een aanvaardbare balans te vinden tussen de onvermijdelijke baten en lasten van deze veranderingen. Er is daarbij bijzondere aandacht voor de positie van ouderen. Bij het rapport hoort de ve
Arbeidsmarkt 331.52 --- Arbeidsmobiliteit 331.55 --- Nederland (492) --- Labor market --- Job vacancies. --- Employment opportunities --- Job openings --- Employment (Economic theory) --- Employment agencies --- Labor supply --- Unemployed --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Supply and demand --- public administration --- sociology --- sociologie --- bestuurskunde --- politicologie --- political science --- Job security --- Politics and government --- Nederland
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The monograph disseminates the very topical issue of retirement and its timing as the key to one of the greatest challenges facing ageing societies. Postponing retirement is now almost universally regarded as indispensable in order to relieve European welfare states from the demography-related financial pressures. This seminal study, derived from a statistical analysis of a large-scale survey data, provides a thorough understanding of the micro- and macro-level determinants of retirement timing in contemporary Western Europe. The book is the first monograph to combine the analysis of the retirement attitudes with the analysis of the retirement behaviour within one research. It tackles the question as to whether early retirement can be explained by "early exit culture", triangulating life course theory with a social stratification approach. The author used a novel and innovative approach to obtain the results. The methodology includes: tobit models of proscriptive age norms; simulations of the impact of class structure on a country's average retirement age; competing risks models of different work-exit modalities; duration selection models of retirement timing.
Retirement age --- Labor market --- Age of retirement --- Pension age --- Age and employment --- Retirement, Mandatory --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Supply and demand --- Life course, ageing, social stratification, gender, social norms, Western Europe, international comparison, event-history analysis. --- Europe occidentale. --- Espagne. --- Allemagne.
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