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Adult education. Lifelong learning --- Wallonia --- Brussels --- Continuing education --- Education permanente --- Éducation permanente --- Formation continue
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Technical, artistic and vocational education --- Adult education. Lifelong learning --- Documentation and information --- Library education (Continuing education) --- Bibliothèques --- Bibliothéconomie --- Handbooks, manuals, etc --- Personnel --- Formation --- Étude et enseignement (Éducation permanente) --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- -Continuing education --- Library education --- -Handbooks, manuals, etc --- Bibliothèques --- Bibliothéconomie --- Étude et enseignement (Éducation permanente) --- Continuing education --- Library education (Continuing education) - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
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No detailed description available for "Human development".
Library management --- Documentation and information --- Bibliotheconomie --- Bibliotheekwetenschap --- Informatiewetenschappen --- Information [Sciences de l'] --- Library education (Continuing education) --- Library employees --- Bibliothécaires --- In-service training --- Etude et enseignement (Education permanente) --- Formation en cours d'emploi --- Personnel --- Bibliothécaires --- Personnel management --- Adult education. Lifelong learning --- Librarians --- Bibliothéconomie --- Bibliothèques --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Library science --- Information science --- Communication --- Information literacy --- Continuing education --- Library education --- Study and teaching (Continuing education)
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Education permanente --- Enseignement --- Onderwijs --- Permanente vorming --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- Continuing education --- Teaching --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- EJEDUCA EJETUDE EPUB-ALPHA-E EPUB-PER-FT LIGENSEDU-E --- School management --- Wallonia
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No detailed description available for "Continuing Professional Education for the Information Society".
Adult education. Lifelong learning --- Documentation and information --- Library education (Continuing education) --- Information scientists --- Information society --- Information literacy --- Bibliotheconomie --- Training of --- Congresses. --- Etude et enseignement (Education permanente) --- 002.001 --- 006 IFLA --- Informatiewetenschap. Informatiekunde --- Normalisatie en normen. Standaardisatie. Normschriften. Normbladen--IFLA --- 006 IFLA Normalisatie en normen. Standaardisatie. Normschriften. Normbladen--IFLA --- 002.001 Informatiewetenschap. Informatiekunde --- Continuing education --- Library education --- Scientists --- Literacy, Information --- Information science --- Library education (Continuing education) - Congresses. --- Information scientists - Training of - Congresses. --- Information society - Congresses --- Information literacy - Congresses. --- Bibliotheconomie - Etude et enseignement (Education permanente) - Congres.
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No detailed description available for "Delivering Lifelong Continuing Professional Education Across Space and Time".
Information scientists --- Library employees --- 027 --- 374.7 --- Professional education --- Librarians --- Information science --- Education, Professional --- 374.7 Education permanente. Permanent education. Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen nen --- Education permanente. Permanent education. Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen nen --- Communication --- Information literacy --- Library science --- Libraries --- Career education --- Education, Higher --- Technical education --- Personnel management --- Documentation and information --- Library education (Continuing education) --- Training of --- Information services --- Bibliothèques --- In-service training --- Congresses --- Employees --- Personnel --- Formation en cours d'emploi --- Congrès --- Scientists --- Continuing education --- Library education --- 374.7 Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen --- Volksontwikkeling. Vormingswerk voor volwassenen --- 374.7 Education and training out of school. Further education for adults --- Education and training out of school. Further education for adults --- Library education (Continuing education) - Congresses. --- Information scientists - Training of - Congresses.
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Tout au long de son existence, Marcel Deprez s'est livré à l'analyse critique de la société et du monde et a cherché des voies nouvelles pour instaurer une véritable démocratie dans tous les domaines de la société. Fort de son expérience de Résistant, il milite sa vie durant en faveur d'une société plus juste. A la Communauté française, où il termine sa carrière en tant qu'inspecteur général pour la Culture, il est un ardent défenseur des principes de l'éducation populaire, puis de l'éducation permanente. "Résistance ! Entraînement citoyen" vous propose de (re)découvrir 22 textes de Marcel Deprez sélectionnés autour de quatre thématiques : "Etre citoyen, c'est être résistant", "Rester ami de la Chine", "Qui pourrait arrêter d'apprendre ?" et "L'art ne serait pas politique ?", morceaux choisis d'une production riche, audacieuse et souvent à l'avant-garde. Nous avons proposé à des militants d'hier et d'aujourd'hui d'y réagir. Grâce à ces regards croisés, le présent ouvrage entend ouvrir le dialogue, susciter le débat et remettre en question nos certitudes.
History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Sociology of work --- Metallurgy --- Liege (Prov.) --- Metal-workers --- Labor unions --- History. --- Fédération générale du travail de Belgique. --- History --- Métallurgistes --- Histoire sociale --- Syndicats --- Histoire. --- Fédération générale du travail de Belgique. --- Citizenship --- Continuing education --- Citoyenneté --- Education permanente --- Deprez, Marcel --- Political activity --- 20th century --- Fédération générale du Travail belge
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These papers focus on the topic of leadership in the library and information professions, providing an overview of institutes, programs and activities occurring around the world. Some are described in detail, outlining learning objectives, structure, recruitment and evaluation strategies; others summarise national and international initiatives.They will provide valuable insights to anyone interested in workforce planning strategies aimed at addressing current shortages of library leaders, as well as those who may have experienced difficulties recruiting to leadership positions and now want to
Library administrators --- Library personnel management --- Library administration --- Leadership --- Training of --- Psychology --- libraries --- Information science --- Continuing education --- Management by objectives --- quality assurance --- Adult education. Lifelong learning --- Library management --- BPB0710 --- 025.1 --- 025.1 Bibliotheek: leiding, directie. Bibliotheekorganisatie. Bibliotheekmanagement --- Bibliotheek: leiding, directie. Bibliotheekorganisatie. Bibliotheekmanagement --- Library education (Continuing education) --- Information scientists --- Librarians --- Career development. --- Bibliothéconomie --- Spécialistes de l'information --- Bibliothécaires --- Plan de carrière --- In-service training. --- Étude et enseignement (Éducation permanente) --- Formation en cours d'emploi --- Library personnel management. --- Administrators, Library --- Library administration. --- Leadership. --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Libraries --- Management --- Personnel management --- Executives --- Library employees --- Training of. --- Psychology. --- Administration --- Organization --- Library administrators - Training of --- Library administrators - Psychology --- Bibliothèques --- Documentalistes --- Éducation permanente --- Personnel --- Direction
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Didactics of Dutch --- Brussels --- Flanders --- Dutch language --- Adult education --- Study and teaching --- Foreign speakers --- Directories. --- Directories --- 803.93-07 --- -Dutch language --- -Adult education --- -#N9011 --- #KVHA:Taalonderwijs; Nederlands --- #KVHA:Nederlands voor anderstaligen --- Adults, Education of --- Education of adults --- Education --- Continuing education --- Open learning --- Flemish language --- Netherlandic language --- Germanic languages --- Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- -Foreign speakers --- -Directories --- 803.93-07 Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- #N9011 --- Study and teaching&delete& --- Foreign speakers&delete& --- Dutch language - Study and teaching - Foreign speakers - Directories --- Dutch language - Study and teaching - Belgium - Directories --- Adult education - Belgium - Directories
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Dutch language --- Adult education --- Study and teaching --- Foreign speakers --- Directories. --- Directories --- 803.93-07 --- -Dutch language --- -Flemish language --- Netherlandic language --- Germanic languages --- Adults, Education of --- Education of adults --- Education --- Continuing education --- Open learning --- Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- -Foreign speakers --- -Adult education --- -Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- -803.93-07 --- 803.93-07 Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- -803.93-07 Nederlands: taalonderwijs; taalverwerving --- Flemish language --- Didactics of Dutch --- Netherlands --- Study and teaching&delete& --- Foreign speakers&delete& --- Dutch language - Study and teaching - Foreign speakers - Directories --- Dutch language - Study and teaching - Netherlands - Directories --- Adult education - Netherlands - Directories
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