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Leven en laten leven : een kritische geschiedenis van de pandemie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789464369533 9789464369540 Year: 2022 Publisher: Aalter Erstberg

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De coronapandemie heeft een ongemakkelijke waarheid blootgelegd: er zijn grenzen aan het menselijke vermogen om de natuur te beheersen. Ons streven naar steeds langer en beter leven, botst op de harde werkelijkheid. Het coronavirus landde in een wereld die al erg gefocust was op virussen, gezondheid en lang leven. Bert De Munck schetst de geschiedenis van de technocratische middelen waarmee we het virus hebben proberen te bestrijden, en legt de onderliggende mentaliteiten bloot. Hij zoomt in op recente wetenschappelijke evoluties en legt de link naar het westerse vooruitgangsdenken waaruit die voortkomen. Leven en laten leven nodigt uit tot diepe bezinning en schijnt een nieuw licht op de debatten van de voorbije jaren, van mondmaskers en vaccins tot de grote politiek-filosofische ideeën over solidariteit.

Nearness : art and education after covid-19
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789492095879 9492095874 9789492095862 9492095866 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam Valiz

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Art, pedagogy and the destruction of experience under lockdown: how culture defines the difference between surviving the pandemic and thriving beyond itThe Covid-19 crisis has taught us how invaluable human presence is, not least in terms of the arts and pedagogy; ultimately, neither art nor education can do without physical proximity. Like works of art, people lose what one might call their auras, when kept at digital arm's length; few would deny that the pandemic has negatively affected our ability to read bodily cues and non-linguistic signals, and art likewise is lifeless when it cannot engage with the proprioception of bodies.In Nearness, philosopher Marlies De Munck and sociologist Pascal Gielen diagnose this new reality with which we are all contending, arguing that it is culture that defines the difference between surviving and living, that offers a model for thriving rather than merely persisting.Bron :


373.67.01 --- Afstandsonderwijs --- Digitalisering ; nieuwe technologieën --- Walter Benjamin ; aura van het kunstwerk --- Onderwijs ; kunst- architectuuronderwijs ; beschouwingen --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Sociology of education --- Sociology of cultural policy --- Kunst --- Onderwijs --- COVID-19 --- Cultuur --- Digitalisering --- Sociale communicatie --- pedagogiek --- kunst --- onderwijs --- Music --- sociology --- Virussen --- pandem --- COVID-19 (Disease) --- Afrika --- Azië --- Nederland --- China --- Toerisme --- Autisme --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Vietnam --- Zuid-Afrika --- Kust --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport --- Maatschappij --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Literatuur --- Virus (biologie) --- Pandemie --- Digitalisering ; nieuwe technologieën --- Art --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --- -Arts and society --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Arts --- Aesthetics --- Epidemics --- 2019-nCoV disease --- 2019 novel coronavirus disease --- Coronavirus disease-19 --- Coronavirus disease 2019 --- COVID-19 virus disease --- COVID19 (Disease) --- Novel coronavirus disease, 2019 --- SARS coronavirus 2 disease --- SARS-CoV-2 disease --- Coronavirus infections --- Respiratory infections --- Arts and sociology --- Society and the arts --- Sociology and the arts --- Psychological aspects --- Social aspects --- COVID19 --- 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease --- 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection --- 2019-nCoV Disease --- 2019-nCoV Infection --- COVID-19 Pandemic --- COVID-19 Pandemics --- COVID-19 Virus Disease --- COVID-19 Virus Infection --- Coronavirus Disease 2019 --- Coronavirus Disease-19 --- SARS Coronavirus 2 Infection --- SARS-CoV-2 Infection --- 2019 nCoV Disease --- 2019 nCoV Infection --- 2019-nCoV Diseases --- 2019-nCoV Infections --- COVID 19 --- COVID 19 Pandemic --- COVID 19 Virus Disease --- COVID 19 Virus Infection --- COVID-19 Virus Diseases --- COVID-19 Virus Infections --- Coronavirus Disease 19 --- Disease 2019, Coronavirus --- Disease, 2019-nCoV --- Disease, COVID-19 Virus --- Infection, 2019-nCoV --- Infection, COVID-19 Virus --- Infection, SARS-CoV-2 --- Pandemic, COVID-19 --- SARS CoV 2 Infection --- SARS-CoV-2 Infections --- Virus Disease, COVID-19 --- Virus Infection, COVID-19 --- Art, Primitive --- Kunstbeleving --- cultuurfilosofie

Private consumption in times of pandemic : economic expectations 2020-2025
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789464334517 9464334517 Year: 2021 Publisher: S.l. : s.n.,

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We're bobbing on the first waves of an unseen economic magnitude, that forces us to rethink our consumer society. As soon as the pandemic will disappear, the ubderlying wave of new consumtion will emerge. This book is about facts & figures on private consumtion during pandemic 2020-2021 in Belgium and Europe, in partnership with the National bank of Belgium, GfK, Nielsen, and KBC. On where we're heading towards.


National consumption --- anno 2020-2029 --- Belgium --- pandemie --- consumptie --- Consumption (Economics) --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 --- -Economic aspects --- economic recession --- economic policy --- consumer society --- consumer behaviour --- crisis management --- válságkezelés --- krízové riadenie --- krisestyring --- gestion de crise --- gestione delle crisi --- управљање кризама --- crisisbeheersing --- krizové řízení --- gestão de crises --- krīzes pārvarēšana --- kriisinhallinta --- Krisenmanagement --- upravljanje krizom --- zarządzanie kryzysowe --- справяне с кризи --- maniġġar tal-kriżijiet --- bainistiú géarchéime --- kriisiohjamine --- gestionarea crizelor --- krizno upravljanje --- διαχείριση κρίσεων --- krishantering --- gestión de crisis --- krizių valdymas --- gestione delle emergenze --- beredskabsindsats --- hädaolukordade ohjamine --- реагиране при извънредни ситуации --- odzivanje na izredne razmere --- ārkārtas situācijas pārvaldība --- crisisbeheer --- Sofortmaßnahmen --- справяне с извънредни ситуации --- krisehåndtering --- beredskab --- beredskabsstyring --- emergency response --- riadenie núdzových situácií --- emergency management --- bainistíocht géarchéime --- krīžu pārvarēšana --- avarijų valdymas --- beheer van noodsituaties --- hätäapu --- katasztrófaelhárítás --- gestion des crises --- działanie w sytuacji wyjątkowej --- gestão de emergências --- rispons f'każ ta' emerġenza --- katastrofeindsats --- reakce na mimořádné události --- poikkeustilanteiden hallinta --- räddningsinsats --- réaction d’urgence --- válságmenedzsment --- upravljanje u hitnim situacijama --- gestion de situation de crise --- ġestjoni tal-kriżijiet --- zvládání mimořádných událostí --- управљање кризним ситуацијама --- odgovor na izvanredan događaj --- reaģēšana ārkārtas situācijās --- resposta a emergências --- Katastrophen- und Krisenmanagement --- kriseberedskab --- ġestjoni tal-emerġenzi --- αντιμετώπιση καταστάσεων έκτακτης ανάγκης --- respons in noodsituaties --- ekstremaliųjų situacijų valdymas --- intervenție de urgență --- katastrofberedskap --- gestion de situation d'urgence --- reakcia na núdzové situácie --- vészhelyzet-elhárítás --- gestión de emergencias --- risposta all'emergenza --- hädaolukordadele reageerimine --- nødberedskab --- hätätilanteiden hallinta --- katastrofehåndtering --- διαχείριση καταστάσεων έκτακτης ανάγκης --- maniġġar tal-emerġenzi --- veszélyhelyzet-kezelés --- upravljanje u kriznim situacijama --- zarządzanie sytuacjami wyjątkowymi --- respuesta de emergencia --- obvladovanje izrednih razmer --- skubus reagavimas --- ārkārtas situāciju pārvaldība --- gestionarea situațiilor de urgență --- потребителско поведение --- imġiba tal-konsumatur --- forbrugeradfærd --- однесување на потрошувачите --- iompraíocht tomhaltóirí --- comportement du consommateur --- konsumentbeteende --- tarbijakäitumine --- sjellje e konsumatorit --- συμπεριφορά του καταναλωτή --- vartotojo elgesys --- comportamiento del consumidor --- vedenje potrošnika --- comportamento del consumatore --- comportamentul cumpărătorului --- consumentengedrag --- понашање потрошача --- patērētāju uzvedība --- kulutuskäyttäytyminen --- zachowanie konsumenta --- chování spotřebitele --- fogyasztói magatartás --- spotrebiteľské správanie --- comportamento do consumidor --- ponašanje potrošača --- Verbraucherverhalten --- spotřebitelské chování --- tarbimiskäitumine --- spotřební chování --- sochaí an tomhaltais --- forbrugersamfund --- потрошувачко општество --- tarbimisühiskond --- konsumtionssamhälle --- sociedad de consumo --- καταναλωτική κοινωνία --- spotrebiteľská spoločnosť --- shoqëri e konsumit --- patērētāju sabiedrība --- потребителско общество --- Konsumgesellschaft --- kulutusyhteiskunta --- sociedade de consumo --- consumptiemaatschappij --- vartotojų visuomenė --- потрошачко друштво --- société de consommation --- fogyasztói társadalom --- spotřební společnost --- potrošačko društvo --- societate de consum --- potrošniška družba --- soċjetà tal-konsumaturi --- società dei consumi --- społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne --- konzumní společnost --- καταναλωτισμός --- société d'abondance --- società opulenta --- Überflussgesellschaft --- welvaartsmaatschappij --- overflodssamfund --- материјални добра --- потрошувачки добра --- společnost nadbytku --- sociedade de abundância --- κοινωνία της αφθονίας --- sociedad opulenta --- пораст на потрошувачката --- överflödssamhälle --- sociedad de abundancia --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- economisch beleid --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- politique économique --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- економска рецесија --- rënie ekonomike --- ekonomikas lejupslīde --- recesiune economică --- Rezession --- икономическа рецесия --- ekonomikos nuosmukis --- ekonomska recesija --- economische recessie --- hospodářská recese --- gospodarska recesija --- økonomisk recession --- gazdasági recesszió --- recessione economica --- cúlú eacnamaíoch --- talouden taantuma --- récession économique --- reċessjoni ekonomika --- recession --- οικονομική ύφεση --- привредна рецесија --- recesión económica --- majanduslangus --- recesja gospodarcza --- recessão económica --- hospodárska recesia --- decelerazione della crescita economica --- økonomisk afmatning --- bankovna kriza --- criză economică --- hospodářská deprese --- krizë ekonomike --- ekonominės padėties blogėjimas --- deterioramento dell'economia --- desaceleración de la economía --- zhoršení hospodářství --- deterioração da economia --- détérioration de l'économie --- talouden laskusuhdanne --- crisi economica --- економска криза --- majanduse madalseis --- ekonomisk recession --- forringelse af økonomien --- wirtschaftliche Depression --- lågkonjunktur --- majanduse halvenemine --- gazdasági depresszió --- økonomisk depression --- depresion ekonomik --- hospodářská krize --- lama --- økonomisk krise --- hospodárska kríza --- economische crisis --- verval van de economie --- Verschlechterung der Wirtschaft --- konjunkturální krize --- crise économique --- përkeqësim i ekonomisë --- zastavení hospodářského růstu --- economic crisis --- Konjunkturkrise --- οικονομική καταστροφή --- depresión económica --- ekonominė krizė --- глобална финансиска криза --- deterioration of the economy --- cúlú eacnamaíochta --- hospodársky pokles --- økonomisk tilbagegang --- economische depressie --- ekonomska depresija --- κατάρρευση της οικονομίας --- majanduskriis --- crise económica --- gazdasági válság --- contracción económica --- lavkonjunktur --- ekonomisk kris --- οικονομική κρίση --- depressão económica --- financijska kriza --- dépression économique --- економска депресија --- ekonomický útlum --- depression --- a gazdaság hanyatlása --- depressione economica --- úpadok hospodárstva --- stagnace --- ekonominis nuosmukis --- talouskriisi --- pokles konjunktury --- crisis económica --- ekonomiskā krīze --- Rückgang der Konjunktur --- economic depression --- försämring av ekonomin --- ekonomisk depression --- Wirtschaftskrise --- επιδείνωση της οικονομίας --- ekonomska kriza --- hanyatló gazdaság --- konjunkturnedgång --- ekonomiskās situācijas pasliktināšanās --- Consumption (Economics) - Belgium --- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Economic aspects - Belgium

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