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Obesity --- Social Environment --- Exercise --- Health Policy --- Obésité --- epidemiology --- prevention & control --- Health aspects --- Prevention. --- Aspect sanitaire --- Prévention --- Zwaarlijvigheid --- Obésité --- Prévention --- Social Environment. --- Exercise. --- Health Policy. --- epidemiology. --- prevention & control.
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Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Sociology of health --- Social policy --- Medische fouten ; preventie --- Medical errors --- Medical errors -- Prevention. --- Prevention. --- Prevention --- kvalitetssikring --- medisinsk feilbehandling --- helsevesen --- pasientsikkerhet --- feildiagnostisering --- Medical errors - Prevention --- Medical Errors --- Quality of Health Care --- Patient Advocacy
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Studies have clearly shown that optimal diet and nutrition can prevent skin disease. Moreover, novel nutritional components have been used experimentally to treat skin conditions. However, the clinical application of these nutrients awaits confirmation. It is thus up to health care professionals to present new knowledge in order to provide advice or treatments for skin problems. This handbook provides, in a single volume, comprehensive coverage of the relation between skin and diet and nutrition in its broadest sense. The Handbook of diet, nutrition and the skin consists of sections on general aspects of skin, nutrition and diet, micronutrients, nutraceuticals, cancer and specific skin conditions. Unique features of each chapter in this volume include relevant and useful 'key facts' which highlight interesting or important findings of the specific subjects and 'summary points' that are designed to abstract each chapter in take home messages. This handbook will be of interest to a wide range of readers, such as dermatologists, doctors, nurses and those interested in, or working within the area of skin health. This will of course also include nutritionists and dieticians, dermatologists, cosmetic scientists, health workers and practitioners, college and university lecturers and undergraduate and graduate students.
Biology --- biologie --- Skin --- Nutrition. --- Care and hygiene --- Diseases --- Prevention.
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Automatic sprinklers systems are the primary fire protection system in warehouse and storage facilities. The effectiveness of this strategy has come into question due to the challenges presented by modern warehouse facilities, including increased storage heights and areas, automated storage retrieval systems (ASRS), limitations on water supplies, and changes in firefighting strategies. The application of fire detection devices used to provide early warning and notification of incipient warehouse fire events is being considered as a component of modern warehouse fire protection. Fire Detection in Warehouse Facilities provides technical information to aid in the development of guidelines and standards for the use of fire detection technologies for modern warehouse fire protection. The authors share their thorough literature review, analyze characteristic fire hazards for modern warehouse facilities, and identify information gaps in the field. The book concludes with recommendations for the development of guidelines and standards for the use of detection technologies in warehouse fire protection design, including a research plan for implementation. This book is intended for practitioners seeking an understanding of the issues surrounding warehouse design and fire protection. The book will also prove valuable for fire hazard researchers and those involved with fire department response, applicable detection systems, and fire growth suppression.
Warehouses --- Fire sprinlers. --- Fire detectors. --- Fires and fire prevention.
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Environmental concerns and advances in architectural technologies have lead to a greater number of green buildings or buildings with green, eco-friendly elements. However, from a practical standpoint, there is no incident reporting system in the world that tracks data on fire incidents in green buildings. Fire safety objectives are not explicitly considered in most green rating schemes, and green design features have been associated with photovoltaic panels and roof materials, lightweight timber frame buildings, and combustible insulation materials. Fire Safety Challenges of Green Buildings is the result of an extensive global literature review that sought to identify issues related to green building elements or features and ways to ensure those issues are tracked for future improvement. The book identifies actual incidents of fires in green buildings or involving green building elements, points out issues with green building elements that would increase fire risk, clarifies reports and studies that address ways to reduce fire risk in green design elements, and compares research studies that explicitly incorporate fire safety into green building design. The authors also pinpoint gaps and specific research needs associated with understanding and addressing fire risk and hazards with green building design. Using their data, the authors developed a set of matrices relating these green attributes and potential fire hazards. With these comprehensive tools, potential mitigation strategies for addressing the relative increase in fire risk or hazard associated with the green building elements and features have been identified. Fire Safety Challenges of Green Buildings is intended for practitioners as a tool for analyzing building safety issues in green architecture and developing methods for tracking data related to green design elements and their potential hazards. Researchers working in a related field will also find the book valuable.
Sustainable buildings --- Fire extinction. --- Fires and fire prevention.
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Dit cahier behandelt die sectoren waar de politie niet de centrale regierol neemt, maar wel als partner functioneert in een breder veld. Het gaat hierbij om actoren uit de niet-commerciële private sector of andere publieke rechthandhavers, zoals drugshulpverlening, actoren uit de preventiesector, stedelijke (lokale) en gewestelijke beleidssectoren zoals sociale huisvesting (huisjesmelkerij, mensenhandel), tewerkstelling (zwartwerk, illegale migratie) en anderen. Kortom, dit cahier behandelt integrale veiligheid in de breedste betekenis van het woord.
Law of civil servants --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Netherlands --- Belgium --- Comparative law --- Police administration --- Public policy (Law) --- Crime prevention --- Droit comparé --- Police --- Ordre public --- Criminalité --- Administration --- Prévention --- Droit comparé --- Criminalité --- Prévention --- Maatschappij en politie --- Politie ; samenwerkingsverband
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Qu'ils soient évoqués spontanément par le patient ou recherchés par le médecin, les troubles du sommeil sont très répandus. Il s'agit parfois d'un symptôme de mal-être, mais aussi souvent d'une maladie à part entière comme le syndrome d'apnées du sommeil, à titre d'exemple. C'est pourquoi la médecine du sommeil est une discipline transversale proche de la médecine interne. En effet, pendant le sommeil, le temps se réorganise, le psychisme se reconstruit, la personne recouvre ses forces physiques et l'organisme sécrète un certain nombre d'hormones. Dans la solitude de la nuit l'inconscient cherche à se libérer, les désirs s'expriment dans des rêves ou se refrènent en de terrifiants cauchemars. Parfois, le sommeil se refuse sans que rien n'y fasse. Alors la plainte parvient aux oreilles du médecin. La tentation est alors grande de prescrire un somnifère ou un « remontant ». Pourtant, bien souvent, les troubles du sommeil sont la traduction d'une maladie sousjacente, d'une souffrance ou encore l'un des effets secondaires d'une thérapeutique mise en place pour une autre pathologie. Cet ouvrage se veut volontairement pratique avec des exemples concrets de façon à constituer un outil avec nombre d'adresses utiles et d'explications en annexe pour mieux cerner ces maux, mieux les situer au sein d'une nosologie et donc mieux les traiter.
Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- huisartsen --- gezondheidszorg --- Human medicine --- Sleep Wake Disorders --- Sleep disorders --- Troubles du sommeil --- prevention & control. --- therapy. --- Treatment --- Prevention --- Traitement --- Prévention --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMEDEC SPRINGER-B --- Sleep Disorders
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Bone metastases continue to be a major cause of morbidity in cancer patients, but improved understanding of the biology of bone metastases has led to the identification of drugs that are of potential value in not only their treatment but also their prevention. This book, written by recognized experts in the field, provides a detailed overview of current knowledge on this subject. One important focus of the book is the efficacy of bisphosphonates in preventing bone metastases in patients with breast, lung, and prostate cancer and disease progression in cases of multiple myeloma. The combined use of bisphosphonates and cytostatics is also discussed, with a report on first clinical data. Further topics addressed include the significance of the bone microenvironment, special issues in the elderly patient, the use of bone turnover markers, and initial findings obtained with denosumab.
Oncology. Neoplasms --- oncologie --- Bone Neoplasms --- Biomarkers. --- Cytostatic Agents --- Diphosphonates --- Bones --- Bone metastasis --- Os --- Métastases osseuses --- prevention & control. --- secondary. --- therapeutic use. --- Cancer --- Prevention --- Prévention --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMEDEC SPRINGER-B
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Qu'ils soient évoqués spontanément par le patient ou recherchés par le médecin, les troubles du sommeil sont très répandus. Il s'agit parfois d'un symptôme de mal-être, mais aussi souvent d'une maladie à part entière comme le syndrome d'apnées du sommeil, à titre d'exemple. C'est pourquoi la médecine du sommeil est une discipline transversale proche de la médecine interne. En effet, pendant le sommeil, le temps se réorganise, le psychisme se reconstruit, la personne recouvre ses forces physiques et l'organisme sécrète un certain nombre d'hormones. Dans la solitude de la nuit l'inconscient cherche à se libérer, les désirs s'expriment dans des rêves ou se refrènent en de terrifiants cauchemars. Parfois, le sommeil se refuse sans que rien n'y fasse. Alors la plainte parvient aux oreilles du médecin. La tentation est alors grande de prescrire un somnifère ou un « remontant ». Pourtant, bien souvent, les troubles du sommeil sont la traduction d'une maladie sousjacente, d'une souffrance ou encore l'un des effets secondaires d'une thérapeutique mise en place pour une autre pathologie. Cet ouvrage se veut volontairement pratique avec des exemples concrets de façon à constituer un outil avec nombre d'adresses utiles et d'explications en annexe pour mieux cerner ces maux, mieux les situer au sein d'une nosologie et donc mieux les traiter.
Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Human medicine --- gezondheidszorg --- huisartsen --- Sleep Wake Disorders --- Sleep disorders --- Troubles du sommeil --- prevention & control. --- therapy. --- Treatment --- Prevention --- Traitement --- Prévention --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMEDEC SPRINGER-B
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In this major revision and expansion of a highly respected reference work, the authors have created the most comprehensive and up-to-date review of the nutritional strategies available for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health through nutrition. This new edition combines fully updated versions of the best chapters of the first two editions with updated critical chapters from the much-praised Primary and Secondary Preventive Nutrition, and adds 16 new chapters. Here, practicing health professionals will find all new reviews of lycopene, tomatoes and prostate cancer, soy and cancer prevention; the effects of dietary supplement use on prescription drugs, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease; balanced, data-driven reviews of the effects of antioxidant supplements on health outcomes, and more. By synthesizing the latest data and integrating it into the broad body of existing information, this book provides in-depth guidance on nutrition and the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, bone diseases, obesity, and diabetes, and on achieving optimal pregnancies and birth outcomes. Of special interest are the new chapters as well as the extensively revised chapters on drug-nutrient interactions, health economics, nutraceuticals, Food and Drug Administration regulations for supplements, carotenoids, the elderly, children, diet and cancer risk, obesity as a chronic disease, diabetes, and immune function. Key point summaries and clinical recommendations are clearly provided at the end of each chapter to highlight critical lessons for the reader. Comprehensive, authoritative, and readily accessible, Preventive Nutrition: The Comprehensive Guide for Health Professionals,Third Edition offers physicians, nutritionists, dentists, pharmacists, dieticians, health educators, policymakers, and research investigators a benchmark integration of the best available data on the role of nutrition in health. Unique in scope, size (over 900 pages), and detail, it demonstrates that many of the major diseases affecting middle-aged adults can be delayed, if not prevented, with simple nutritional approaches.
Nutrition. --- Medicine, Preventive. --- Nutritionally induced diseases --- Diet therapy. --- Nutrition --- Médecine préventive --- Maladies d'origine nutritionnelle --- Diétothérapie --- Prevention. --- Prévention --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMEDEC SPRINGER-B --- Diet therapy --- Medicine, Preventive --- Diet --- Nutritional Physiological Phenomena --- Nutritional Status --- Nutrition Therapy --- Primary Prevention --- Prevention
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