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Cumulative research within a number of traditions has shown that effective teaching calls for distinctive, identifiable forms of subject-related knowledge and thinking, yet the significance and complexity of such knowledge is not well represented in professional debate and policymaking. This is a particularly pressing issue within mathematics education, given world-wide aspirations to improve quality of teaching and learning in the face of widespread difficulties in recruiting teachers who are conventionally well-qualified in mathematics and confident in the subject. This book, the outcome of two years of collaborative effort, brings together a team of experts in the field of mathematics teacher knowledge to produce an authoritative, state of the art' exposition and critical commentary on this important and topical domain, including reports of original research in the field. It offers constructive and helpful ways of conceptualising mathematics teacher knowledge in its cultural context, as well as a range of theorised tools to support its improvement.
Didactics of mathematics --- didactiek --- wiskunde --- Effective teaching --- Mathematical ability --- Mathematics teachers --- Mathematics --- Math --- Science --- Arithmetical ability --- Number ability --- Ability --- Instructional effectiveness --- Teaching effectiveness --- Teaching quality --- Teaching --- Teacher effectiveness --- Training of --- Study and teaching&delete& --- Research --- Teacher training --- Study and teaching
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This book provides teachers with various tools to improve their classroom management skills, to actively involve students in lessons, and as a result, raise their interest level and improve learning. The ideas presented have been classroom-tested over many years and can be used in virtually any middle or high school classroom.
Mathematics --- Effective teaching. --- High school teaching. --- Mathematics teachers --- Teachers --- Secondary school teaching --- Teaching --- Instructional effectiveness --- Teaching effectiveness --- Teaching quality --- Teacher effectiveness --- Study and teaching (Secondary) --- Wiskunde --- Leraar secundair onderwijs --- Secundair onderwijs --- Didactiek --- Motivatie --- Wiskunde ; secundair onderwijs ; didactiek
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De enerverende zoektocht naar een projector die niet op de afgesproken plaats is opgeborgen, vier handtekeningen nodig hebben voor een simpele aanvraag, bergruimtes volstouwen met spullen die nooit meer gebruikt worden, chaos die ontstaat wanneer een collega onverwacht uitvalt. Allemaal handelingen in je schoolorganisatie die energie en tijd opslorpen maar geen enkele toegevoegde waarde hebben. Pure verspilling dus. LEAN in het onderwijs:- biedt een antwoord op inefficiënte manieren van werken binnen de schoolorganisatie. - helpt directeurs, schoolbestuurders, medewerkers en leerkrachten om efficiënter, foutlozer en klantvriendelijker te handelen. Zo kan iedereen op school zich maximaal toeleggen op zijn kerntaken en verantwoordelijkheden.(bron:
Onderwijsmanagement --- Kwaliteitszorg ; onderwijs --- Organisatieleer --- School management and organization --- Belgium --- Quality --- Management --- Organizational effectiveness --- Onderwijsorganisatie --- onderwijsbeleid --- onderwijsvernieuwing --- onderwijsorganisatie --- School management --- PXL-Central Office 2016 --- onderwijs --- organisatiekunde --- innovatiemanagement --- Kwaliteitszorg --- Schoolmanagement --- Lean management --- 458.1 --- Lean
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En à peine plus de dix ans, parallèlement à l'émergence de nouvelles formes d'organisation (communautés, réseaux, etc.) et à la dématérialisation des activités, le capital organisationnel est devenu un thème central de la réflexion managériale. Sous ce terme, on désigne la capacité d'une entreprise à développer ses performances par la mise en place d'une organisation spécifique de ses ressources, matérielles et immatérielles (compétences, savoir-faire spécifiques, éléments d'innovation et de propriété intellectuelle, ressources numériques, capital social et relationnel). Il s'agit donc d'un levier fondamental, notamment pour mener à bien les opérations de croissance et de développement d'une entreprise. Toutefois, en raison de son caractère proprement intangible et ubiquitaire, l'évaluation et la maîtrise managériale du capital organisationnel demeurent des problèmes sur lesquels buttent encore les managers et dirigeants d'entreprises. Quel est le lien du capital organisationnel avec les autres actifs immatériels ? Comment quantifier le capital organisationnel ? Comment piloter la performance d'une organisation ? Autant de questions auxquelles ce livre a pour objectif d'apporter des éléments de réponse, par le biais d'une analyse théorique fondée notamment sur les témoignages et avis de responsables d'entreprises, et élaborée avec la participation active du groupe de travail de l'Afope. Il permettra au lecteur une meilleure compréhension du capital organisationnel, et de ses conditions de pilotage, en vue d'améliorer l'avantage concurrentiel des entreprises et le déploiement d'opérations spécifiques (cas du due diligence). Ahmed Bounfour est professeur à l'université Paris-Sud et titulaire de la Chaire européenne de management de l'immatériel. Il est l'auteur d'une dizaine d'ouvrages sur le thème de l'immatériel et de l'innovation. Il est par ailleurs l'un des principaux experts internationaux du capital immatériel, de son pilotage et de sa valorisation.
Economics --- Production management --- Business management --- Information systems --- bedrijfsplanning --- bedrijfseconomie --- bedrijfsorganisatie --- economie --- management --- bedrijfskunde --- informatica management --- handelswetenschappen --- Corporations --- Labor productivity --- Organizational effectiveness --- Human capital --- Entreprises --- Productivité --- Efficacité organisationnelle --- Ressources humaines --- Growth --- Croissance --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVECONO LIVGESTI SPRINGER-B
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In our rapidly globalizing world students are able to access learning through mobility, through computer mediated experiences, and through the diverse perspectives of their peers and teachers. All of these components impact on the ways in which universities and their staff prepare and present courses for their students. This book presents an edited selection of chapters compiled under the theme of ‘new international pedagogies’. The objective is to document current pedagogical frameworks and practices in the teaching and learning context of international education. It showcases innovative teaching and learning methods, methodological frameworks and novel pedagogies that contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching and learning in international settings and diverse student groups. The collection of seventeen chapters offers new debate on applied critical educational thought, innovation in teaching and learning, and culturally sensitive and inclusive curriculum practices across a broad disciplinary spectrum. Of central interest is the production of teaching and learning examples that provide evidence for implementing progress and advancement in the field. The book aims to stimulate further debate, research and application in the field of international pedagogies.
Education. --- Higher Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Comparative Education. --- Computers and Education. --- Comparative education. --- Curriculum planning. --- Education, Higher. --- Education --- Education comparée --- Programmes d'études --- Enseignement supérieur --- Planification --- College teaching. --- Effective teaching. --- International education. --- Social Sciences --- Theory & Practice of Education --- College teaching --- Evaluation. --- Global education --- Instructional effectiveness --- Teaching effectiveness --- Teaching quality --- University teaching --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Higher education. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Data processing. --- Curricula. --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Teaching --- Teacher effectiveness --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Training --- Curriculum development --- Instructional systems --- Planning --- College students --- Higher education --- Postsecondary education --- Universities and colleges --- Curricula --- Design --- Education—Curricula. --- International education . --- Education—Data processing. --- Education, Comparative --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Study, Courses of --- History
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"Based on over three decades of path-breaking work on innovation effectiveness, [this work] will help you and your teams know what to do when the stakes are high, time is short, and you really to build a breakthrough."--P. [4] of cover.
Creative ability in business --- Organizational effectiveness --- Innovatie --- 65.012.4 --- Change strategie beleid cultuur verandering success gedrag communiceren --- Management. Directorate. Technique and methods of management --- 65.012.4 Management. Directorate. Technique and methods of management --- Management --- Organization --- Business creativity --- Business --- Success in business
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There seems to be a shortage of good leaders, which is troubling because they are fundamental to any successful organization. What makes growing as a leader so difficult? And how can we improve leadership? To answer these question, we have to delve into people management. This book nurtures a positive approach to people management. Based on current challenges such as diversity, increasing performance pressure, wellbeing, burnout, maneuverability and sustainability, this book takes you along a growth path through five phases of people management: (1) How do I ensure having the right people on board to foster continuity? (2) How do I inspire people and boost their productivity? (3) How can I support and follow up with people so that they are engaged and healthy? (4) How do I get innovative employees with a sustainable career? (5) How do I achieve balanced leadership? These five phases can be relevant for (future) leaders in any organizational context.
Organization theory --- organisatiemanagement --- leidinggeven --- HRM (human resource management) --- Organizational effectiveness --- Leadership --- Personeelsmanagement --- Leiderschap --- Duurzaamheid --- Diversiteit --- Motivatie --- Werklast --- Welbevinden --- Burn-out --- Professionele ontwikkeling --- Duurzaam personeelsmanagement --- personeelsmanagement --- coaching --- Coaching --- Management --- Werkdruk --- 367.1 --- HR --- bedrijfspsychologie - sociologie --- 005.58 --- people management --- Leidinggeven --- Organisatiemanagement --- Human resource management
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This book describes - in a precise but practical way - the most recent developments in Performance Measurement and the relative Performance Measurement Systems (PMS), whose most famous one is the Balanced Scorecard model. It is unique because of the integration of PMS theory (types of performances, Key Performance Indicators, architecture and integration with ERP, Organization and Strategy) with the Business Intelligence (BI) technologies, which characterize the most advanced effective solutions. The rigorous academic approach of a well-known international expert - Professor Tonchia - is mixed with the managerial contribution of a worldwide consulting leader - Luca Quagini, CEO of SDG Group. There are very few, if any, books in the Performance Management field that describe in detail a real approach for designing and managing these systems, with the amount of detail and giving the useful, practical understanding of the underlying principles and specific processes and practices that are presented here.
Economics/Management Science. --- Management/Business for Professionals. --- Business Information Systems. --- Economics. --- Industrial management. --- Management information systems. --- Economie politique --- Gestion d'entreprise --- Informatique de gestion --- AA / International- internationaal --- 658.50 --- 338.023 --- 306.12 --- Technisch beheer van de ondernemingen: algemeenheden. --- Arbeidsproductiviteit. --- Indexcijfers van de productie ven van het verbruik. Indexcijfers van de productiviteit. --- Organizational effectiveness --- Performance --- Evaluation --- Management --- Measurement --- Indexcijfers van de productie ven van het verbruik. Indexcijfers van de productiviteit --- Arbeidsproductiviteit --- Technisch beheer van de ondernemingen: algemeenheden --- Contrôle de gestion
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The Six Sigma concept has enjoyed triumphant success throughout the business world over the last 20 years, contributing significantly to renowned corporations improving their net income. For a number of years now this successful concept has been supplemented by the tools of Lean Management, an approach that has accelerated process speed, reduced inventories, and decreased lead times. As practiced by the authors of this book the Six Sigma+Lean approach combines the tried-and-tested tools of both worlds, which are linked together systematically in the proven DMAIC process model. The toolset is a comprehensive collection of the relevant Six Sigma+Lean tools necessary for successful project work. All of the tools are presented clearly and concisely in examples. The chronology matches that of the approach taken in a Six Sigma+Lean improvement project, following the steps Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. This unique layout and structure has created a book ideal for practical use, enabling the reader to quickly find the right tools for a problem and concrete guidelines on how to apply them.
Economics/Management Science. --- Management/Business for Professionals. --- Organization/Planning. --- Economics. --- Industrial management. --- Business planning. --- Economie politique --- Gestion d'entreprise --- Projet d'entreprise --- Organizational effectiveness. --- Production management. --- Quality control --Statistical methods. --- Six sigma (Quality control standard). --- Total quality management. --- Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Styles & Communication --- Six sigma (Quality control standard) --- Quality management, Total --- TQM (Total quality management) --- Business. --- Management. --- Organization. --- Planning. --- Business and Management. --- Total quality control --- Quality control --- Standards
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Jef Staes neemt je mee in een uitdagend verhaal over Schapen en Smarts. Het is een verhaal over hoe we als mens kunnen veranderen in een passieloos Schaap of een gepassioneerde Smart. Het onderwijs en organisaties zijn erin geslaagd om ganse generaties leerlingen en medewerkers te veranderen in passieloze, pensioenzoekende schapen.Hoe is het zo ver kunnen komen ? Het ligt allemaal aan de boekdrukkunst! Een van de grootste ontdekkingen uit onze geschiedenis heeft ervoor gezorgd dat onze organisaties onvoldoende innovatief vermogen hebben, onvoldoende competitief zijn en niet duurzaam kunnen innoveren.Ik was een schaap is een confronterend pleidooi voor een van de meest ingrijpende veranderingen in de organisatie van onderwijs en ondernemingen, het verwijderen van omheiningen: diploma's, functies en pensioenen. Een bedreiging voor velen, maar een opportuniteit voor degenen die geen schaap meer willen zijn. En daar ben jij toch ook bij ?Bron :
Management. --- Onderwijsvernieuwing. --- Organisatieleer. --- Efficacité administrative --- Efficacité de gestion --- Efficacité de l'organisation --- Efficacité des organisations --- Efficacité managériale --- Efficacité organisationnelle --- Efficience de l'organisation --- Gestion--Efficacité --- Lean management --- Organisatie--Efficiëntie --- Organisation--Efficacité --- Performance organisationnelle --- 65.012.1 --- 005.332.3 --- diploma's --- functies --- Organisatieontwikkeling --- Management strategie beleid organisatie --- Management and organization of industry, trade and communication--?.012.1 --- 65.012.1 Management and organization of industry, trade and communication--?.012.1 --- Verandering --- Managementvaardigheden --- Innovatie --- Veranderingsmanagement --- 65.01 --- Organisation Organisatie --- management --- onderwijs --- arbeid, motivatie --- innovatie --- organisatieleer --- organisaties, verandering --- Management --- Onderwijsvernieuwing --- Organisatieleer --- #gsdbP --- 65.01 Methods and methodology. Theory and practice of organization --- Methods and methodology. Theory and practice of organization --- veranderingsmanagement --- organisation de l'entreprise --- politique du travail --- ondernemingsbeleid --- arbeidsbeleid --- éducation --- organisatiemanagement --- organisatiestructuren --- Firms and enterprises --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- School management --- Organizational effectiveness --- Philosophy --- PXL-Business 2018 --- onderwijsfilosofie
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