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Vetiver grass
ISBN: 0309042690 9780309042697 9786610212415 1280212411 0309598141 0585143021 9780585143026 Year: 1993 Publisher: Washington, D.C. National Academy Press

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Vetiver. --- Plants for soil conservation. --- Vetiveria zizanioides --- Lutte antiérosion --- erosion control --- Haie --- Hedges --- Zone tropicale --- Tropical zones --- world --- SCIENCE --- Environmental Science (see also Chemistry / Environmental) --- Vetiver --- Plants for soil conservation --- Agriculture - General --- Agriculture --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Conservation of Natural Resources. --- Soil --- Developing Countries --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Compost --- Humus --- Soils --- Peat --- Carrying Capacity --- Deforestation --- Desertification --- Environmental Protection --- Natural Resources Conservation --- Protection, Environmental --- Sustainable Development --- Capacities, Carrying --- Capacity, Carrying --- Carrying Capacities --- Conservation, Natural Resources --- Development, Sustainable --- Natural Resources --- Soil conservation plants --- Conservation plants --- Soil conservation --- Andropogon hirtus --- Andropogon muricatus --- Andropogon zizamoides --- Cuscus (Plant) --- Khas-khas --- Khus --- Khus-khus --- Khuskhus --- Khuskhus grass --- Khuskhus vetiver --- Kuskus (Plant) --- Vetiver grass --- Vetiveria --- Plant and Crop Sciences. Crop Sciences --- Grasslands --- Tropical Grasslands --- Gramineae --- e-publication --- soil erosion --- Tropical Grasslands. --- Conservation of Natural Resources --- Soil. --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country

Journal of agriculture and environment for international development.
ISSN: 22402802 Year: 1999 Publisher: Florence, Italy : Istituto agronomico per l'oltremare,

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An international, multidisciplinary journal dealing with agricultural production, biotechnology, food security, environment, remote sensing and natural resources evaluation, economics and social science, rural development and soil science

IFPRI forum
ISSN: 19338910 19338813 Year: 2003 Publisher: Washington, D.C.

ISSN: 07713312 22958010 Year: 1983 Publisher: Brussel : AGCD

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"Tropicultura est une revue multidisciplinaire qui publie des articles originaux et des notes de recherche et de synthèse concernant tous les domaines liés au développement rural et à la gestion durable de l'environnement outre‐mer."


Geneeskunde --- Médecine --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- Rural development --- Développement rural --- Periodicals --- Developing countries --- Pays en développement --- Agriculture --- Agriculture. --- Rural development. --- Developing countries. --- agriculture --- Zone tropicale --- Tropical zones --- 631.11 <213.5> --- 63 <05> --- 63 --- 221 Ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Tropische zones. Tropen --- Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation--Tijdschriften --- Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- Business, Economy and Management --- Business Management --- Economics --- duplicates available 2012 --- Belgium --- current periodical --- rural development --- tropical regions --- 63 Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- 63 <05> Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation--Tijdschriften --- 631.11 <213.5> Farms, farm properties and farming systems--Tropische zones. Tropen --- Développement rural --- Périodiques --- Pays en développement --- DOAJ-E EJAGRON EJETUDE EPUB-ALPHA-T EPUB-PER-FT --- tropical agriculture --- veterinary sciences --- food sciences --- environmental sciences --- socio-economy --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Community development, Rural --- Development, Rural --- Integrated rural development --- Regional development --- Rehabilitation, Rural --- Rural community development --- Rural economic development --- Citizen participation --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- Agriculture and state --- Community development --- Economic development --- Regional planning --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural --- agriculture. --- Agriculture. Animal husbandry. Hunting. Fishery --- 63 Landbouw, veeteelt en verwante wetenschappen en technieken. Bosbouw. Landbouw. Exploitatie van dieren in het wild. --- Landbouw, veeteelt en verwante wetenschappen en technieken. Bosbouw. Landbouw. Exploitatie van dieren in het wild. --- Social aspects --- Développement rural.

The courier : Africa-Caribbean-Pacific - European community.
ISSN: 10137335 16062000 10737335 Year: 1975 Publisher: Brussels : Commission of the European Communities,

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"European Community-African-Caribbean-Pacific" (varies).


Economic history. --- Relations. --- Social conditions --- Ontwikkelingspolitiek. --- ECONOMIC RELATIONS. --- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. --- AFRICA. --- CARIBBEAN REGION. --- OCEANIA. --- EUROPE. --- Relations (Canon law) --- History, Economic --- Economics --- European Economic Community --- European Union --- European Economic Community. --- European Union. --- European Communities. --- AB (European Union) --- Aontas Eorpach --- Avropa İttifaqı --- Avrupa Birliği --- E.E. (European Union) --- EE (European Union) --- Eiropas Savienības --- EL (European Union) --- EU (European Union) --- Euroopa Liit --- Euroopan unioni --- Európai Unió --- Eurōpaikē Henōsē --- Europäische Union --- Europeiska unionen --- Europeiske union --- Europese Unie --- Europos Sajunga --- Európska únia --- Evropeĭski sŭi͡uz --- Evropska unija --- Evropské unie --- Evrópusambandið --- Evrosŭi͡uz --- I͡Evropeĭsʹkyĭ soi͡uz --- I͡Evrosoi͡uz --- Ittiḥād al-Ūrūbbī --- Ittiḥādīyah-i Urūpā --- Liên minh Châu Âu --- Sahabhāb ʻAȳrʺup --- UE (European Union) --- Uni Eropa --- Unia Europejska --- União Europeia --- Unión Europea --- Union européenne --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Yekîtiya Ewropayê --- AET --- Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu --- C.E.E. --- CEE --- Common Market --- Communauté économique européenne --- Comunidad Económica Europea --- Comunidade Económica Europeia --- Comunidade Européia --- Comunità economica europea --- E.G. --- EC --- EEC --- EEG --- EĖS --- EEZ --- EF --- EHS --- EIO --- EØF --- EOK --- Euroopan Yhteis --- Europæiske økonomiske fællesskab --- Európai Gazdasági Közösség --- Eurōpaïkē Koinotēta --- Europaikē Oikonomikē Koinotēta --- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft --- Europeiske økonomiske fellesskap --- Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza --- Europese Economische Gemeenschap --- Evropeĭska ikonomicheska obshtnost --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi͡uz --- Evropeĭskoe ėkonomicheskoe soobshchestvo --- Evropeisku Félagsmarknaðin --- Evropska ekonomska zaednica --- Evropska ekonomska zajednica --- Evropska gospodarska skupnost --- Evropské hospodářské spolecenstvi --- EWG --- EY --- EZZ --- Koinē Agora --- Koinotēta --- Kurapʻa Kongdong Sijang --- Kurapʻa Kyŏngje Kongdongchʻe --- Marché commun --- MCE --- MEC --- Mercado Comum --- Mercado Comum Europeau --- Mercado Común Europeo --- Mercato comune --- Müşterek Pazar --- Ortak Pazar --- Shuḳ ha-Eropi ha-meʼuḥad --- Sūq al-Ūrūbbīyah al-Mushtarakah --- Suq Komuni --- E.U. --- CEE (European Economic Community) --- Evropeĭskiĭ Soi︠u︡z --- C.E.E. (European Economic Community) --- EEC (European Economic Community) --- Euroopan Yhteisö --- קהילה האירופית --- קהילייה האירופאית --- שוק הארופאי המשותף --- Relations --- Developing countries --- Developing countries. --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- NICs (Newly industrialized countries) --- Economic conditions --- International economic relations --- ACP countries --- Business, Economy and Management --- Social Sciences --- Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies --- Pays en développement --- Periodicals --- Conditions économiques --- Périodiques --- Conditions sociales --- COMEUR-E EJECONO EJETUDE EJGEOGR EJIEE EJRELAT EJSOCIA EPUB-ALPHA-C EPUB-PER-FT

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