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KU Leuven (3)

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OCAS - On-Line Cryptanalytic Aid System
Authors: ---
Year: 1966 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.): Massachusetts institute of technology

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Luck Libertarians? : Agent-Causation and the Problem of Luck
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte

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Abstract It is fair to say that the problem of luck has been the Achilles heel for indeterminist for as long as the problem has been construed. Yet, in more recent times, a particular libertarian theory known as agent-causation has been said to be equipped enough to withstand the objections that luck offers. Still, there are some who believe that particular manifestations of the luck problem still remain a problem for agent-causation. One manifestation in particular is the argument from the unavailability of contrastive explanation or the contrastive argument for short. This argument aims to expose the weakness of the agent-causal theory by demonstrating that it unable to provide an adequate contrastive explanations why an agent causes a particular decision or action in one world, W1, while in another, W2, constituted by the very same laws of nature and past history as W1, the agent causes a different decision or action. Given that no contrastive argument can be given, the argument concludes that whatever the agent causes is simply a matter of luck. What is more, it is said that since it is a matter of luck which action or decision the agent causes to occur, the occurrence of that event cannot be free. And if the occurrence of an event is not free it would appear as though the level of agential control that the agent-causationist seeks to employ the agent with is insufficient in securing free will. In the present study, I aim to investigate the contrastive argument to examine whether it is a sincere concern for the agent-causationist and also, to inspect whether the ramifications the argument is said to have on agent-causation is as grave as they are made out to be. To complete this task, I first provide a general map of the free will debate to locate the agent-causal theory. Then, I demonstrate the superiority of one approach to the theory, namely the alternative approach, by exemplifying its ability in constructing and intelligible account of agent-causation and rational actions. I then move on to outline the problem of luck in great detail beginning with the argument from cross-world analysis before presenting its strengthened form, the contrastive argument. From here, I go on to outline some various responses on behalf of Randolph Clarke and Timothy O'Connor. Once their respective responses have been given, I conclude by sharing some personal remarks on the state of the contrastive argument as it relates to the agent-causal theory. Ultimately, I commend the contrastive argument for pressing the agent-causal theorist to provide an adequate metaphysical contrastive explanation. However, I also highlight that the ramifications of not having a metaphysical contrastive explanation are not nearly as grave as some have made them out to be; specifically, regardless of whether a contrastive explanation is available or not, it determines nothing in regards to our free will.



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En raison des changements culturels et sociaux en cours aux Seychelles, l'atmosphère religieuse au niveau sociétal a complètement changé et trouve répercussion dans les milieux scolaires. De ce fait, la population scolaire aujourd’hui aux Seychelles ne se réfère plus à un public catholique homogène comme c’était le cas dans le passé, comme le contexte actuel du pays est devenu sécularisé et multireligieux, en passage vers la pluralisation. Par conséquent, le mode traditionnel de fonctionnement du cours de religion en tant qu’une catéchèse dans les écoles secondaires, d’Etat n'est plus possible, et les manuels catéchétiques en cours d’utilisation ne trouvent plus leur pertinence. Ainsi, ne sont plus adaptés dans les différentes classes comme ils ne rejoignent plus les attentes des établissements scolaires, ainsi que les besoins actuels et les aspirations des étudiants, influencés par les différents courants de la société Seychelloise dite modernisée. L’insuffisance de ce modèle catéchétique du cours de religion catholique dans ces écoles indique la nécessité d’une transition vers une approche et un contenu plus approprié et adéquat afin de pouvoir permettre plus d’équilibre entre son futur fonctionnement et le contexte modernisé de l’école. Telle vision rénovatrice exigera donc la nécessité de consulter des autres modèles et contenus du même cours ailleurs et à identifier des éléments pertinents qui pourraient être considéré en termes des lignes directrices dans ce futur processus. Donc, le but principal de ce mémoire c’est d’identifier comment le nouveau programme du cours de religion catholique de 2003, en cours d’utilisation aujourd’hui dans les écoles secondaires de Belgique francophone peut être pertinent et inspirant pour un futur renouvellement dans l’organisation et le programme de ce cours aux Seychelles.


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