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Research, Industrial --- Technology --- Technological innovations --- Recherche industrielle --- Technologie --- Innovations --- Management. --- Gestion
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The concept of National Systems of Innovation was introduced as a method to describe the various elements which contribute to innovation performance and their interaction. Most analyses refer to the description of the structures of specific countries, whereas the comparison of different countries generally fails due to the inconsistency of information sources or the lack of specific data. In this book, the innovation structures of a broad set of countries are compared on the basis of various indicators. In particular, the topics of public and private R&D and their internationalisation, of scientific and technological performance, of innovation activities in manufacturing and services, of foreign trade, of technology-based start-ups, and ICT infrastructure are examined in detail. A further relevant area of investigation is higher education and highly skilled employment, and finally trends in innovation policy are presented in an international comparison. The book documents major elements of the joint work of eight leading German institutes, elaborated in the context of a regular annual report on Germany's technological performance. It provides much more than the pure compilation of quantitative indicators for international benchmarking, but gives support to an appropriate interpretation of the referring results and suggests relevant conclusions for innovation policy. A special focus is on Germany; so the book also aims at non-German readers interested in specific features of the German innovation system.
Technological innovations --- Social indicators --- Indicators, Social --- Quality of life --- Social history --- Economic indicators --- Social accounting --- Social prediction --- Information Technology --- Computer Science (Hardware & Networks) --- Computer science. --- Economics. --- International economics. --- Economic policy. --- Computer Science, general. --- Political Economy/Economic Systems. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- International Economics. --- Economic Policy. --- R & D/Technology Policy. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Informatics --- Science --- 338.043 --- 338.6 --- AA / International- internationaal --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- 468 Technologiebeleid --- Technologische vooruitgang. Automatisering. Computers. Werkgelegenheid en informatica --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- Educational policy. --- Education and state. --- Education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Endowment of research --- Government policy
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This handbook offers a state-of-the-art overview of quantitative science and technology research. It focuses on the development and application of indicators derived from data on scientific or scholarly publications and patents. It comprises 34 chapters written by leading specialists in the various sub-domains. These chapters deal with theoretical and methodological issues, illustrate applications, and highlight their policy context and relevance. Authors present a survey of the research topics they address, and show their most recent achievements. The 34 chapters are arranged into 5 parts: Disciplinary Approaches; General Methodology; The Science System; The Technology System; and The Science–Technology Interface. The Editor’s Introduction provides a further specification of the handbook’s scope and of the main topics addressed in its chapters. This handbook aims at four distinct groups of readers: – practitioners in the field of science and technology studies; – research students in this field; – scientists, scholars and technicians who are interested in a systematic, thorough analysis of their activities; – policy makers and administrators who wish to be informed about the potentialities and limitations of the various approaches and about their results.
02:51 --- 519.25 --- #SBIB:052.GIFT --- #SBIB:303H60 --- 519.25 Statistical data handling --- Statistical data handling --- 02:51 Bibliometrie --- Bibliometrie --- Bijzondere methoden: algemeen --- Library research --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Social Sciences --- Research Methodology. --- Science --- Technology --- Science indicators --- Research --- Methodology --- Evaluation --- Technologie --- Indicateurs scientifiques --- Recherche --- Sciences --- Handbooks, manuals, etc --- Méthodologie --- Guides, manuels, etc. --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVSCIEN SPRINGER-B --- Information storage and retrieva. --- Economic growth. --- Economic policy. --- Social policy. --- Management. --- Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary. --- Information Storage and Retrieval. --- Economic Growth. --- R & D/Technology Policy. --- Social Policy. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Information storage and retrieval. --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- National planning --- State planning --- Economic policy --- Family policy --- Social history --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Information storage and retrieval systems. --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Automatic data storage --- Automatic information retrieval --- Automation in documentation --- Computer-based information systems --- Data processing systems --- Data storage and retrieval systems --- Discovery systems, Information --- Information discovery systems --- Information processing systems --- Information retrieval systems --- Machine data storage and retrieval --- Mechanized information storage and retrieval systems --- Computer systems --- Electronic information resources --- Data libraries --- Digital libraries --- Information organization --- Information retrieval --- Industrial management. --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization
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The concept of National Systems of Innovation was introduced as a method to describe the various elements which contribute to innovation performance and their interaction. Most analyses refer to the description of the structures of specific countries, whereas the comparison of different countries generally fails due to the inconsistency of information sources or the lack of specific data. In this book, the innovation structures of a broad set of countries are compared on the basis of various indicators. In particular, the topics of public and private R&D and their internationalisation, of scientific and technological performance, of innovation activities in manufacturing and services, of foreign trade, of technology-based start-ups, and ICT infrastructure are examined in detail. A further relevant area of investigation is higher education and highly skilled employment, and finally trends in innovation policy are presented in an international comparison. The book documents major elements of the joint work of eight leading German institutes, elaborated in the context of a regular annual report on Germany's technological performance. It provides much more than the pure compilation of quantitative indicators for international benchmarking, but gives support to an appropriate interpretation of the referring results and suggests relevant conclusions for innovation policy. A special focus is on Germany; so the book also aims at non-German readers interested in specific features of the German innovation system.
Economic order --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Foreign trade. International trade --- School management --- Computer. Automation --- technologiebeleid --- onderwijspolitiek --- economische politiek --- informatica --- economische systemen --- wereldeconomie --- internationale economie
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This handbook offers a state-of-the-art overview of quantitative science and technology research. It focuses on the development and application of indicators derived from data on scientific or scholarly publications and patents. It comprises 34 chapters written by leading specialists in the various sub-domains. These chapters deal with theoretical and methodological issues, illustrate applications, and highlight their policy context and relevance. Authors present a survey of the research topics they address, and show their most recent achievements. The 34 chapters are arranged into 5 parts: Disciplinary Approaches; General Methodology; The Science System; The Technology System; and The Science-Technology Interface. The Editor's Introduction provides a further specification of the handbook's scope and of the main topics addressed in its chapters. This handbook aims at four distinct groups of readers: - practitioners in the field of science and technology studies; - research students in this field; - scientists, scholars and technicians who are interested in a systematic, thorough analysis of their activities; - policy makers and administrators who wish to be informed about the potentialities and limitations of the various approaches and about their results.
Science --- Social policy --- Economic growth --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- Information systems --- Computer. Automation --- technologiebeleid --- IR (information retrieval) --- wetenschap --- welzijnsbeleid --- sociaal beleid --- economische groei --- wetenschappen
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The concept of National Systems of Innovation was introduced as a method to describe the various elements which contribute to innovation performance and their interaction. Most analyses refer to the description of the structures of specific countries, whereas the comparison of different countries generally fails due to the inconsistency of information sources or the lack of specific data. In this book, the innovation structures of a broad set of countries are compared on the basis of various indicators. In particular, the topics of public and private R&D and their internationalisation, of scientific and technological performance, of innovation activities in manufacturing and services, of foreign trade, of technology-based start-ups, and ICT infrastructure are examined in detail. A further relevant area of investigation is higher education and highly skilled employment, and finally trends in innovation policy are presented in an international comparison. The book documents major elements of the joint work of eight leading German institutes, elaborated in the context of a regular annual report on Germany's technological performance. It provides much more than the pure compilation of quantitative indicators for international benchmarking, but gives support to an appropriate interpretation of the referring results and suggests relevant conclusions for innovation policy. A special focus is on Germany; so the book also aims at non-German readers interested in specific features of the German innovation system.
Economic order --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Foreign trade. International trade --- School management --- Computer. Automation --- technologiebeleid --- onderwijspolitiek --- economische politiek --- informatica --- economische systemen --- wereldeconomie --- internationale economie
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This handbook presents the state of the art of quantitative methods and models to understand and assess the science and technology system. Focusing on various aspects of the development and application of indicators derived from data on scholarly publications, patents and electronic communications, the individual chapters, written by leading experts, discuss theoretical and methodological issues, illustrate applications, highlight their policy context and relevance, and point to future research directions. A substantial portion of the book is dedicated to detailed descriptions and analyses of data sources, presenting both traditional and advanced approaches. It addresses the main bibliographic metrics and indexes, such as the journal impact factor and the h-index, as well as altmetric and webometric indicators and science mapping techniques on different levels of aggregation and in the context of their value for the assessment of research performance as well as their impact on research policy and society. It also presents and critically discusses various national research evaluation systems. Complementing the sections reflecting on the science system, the technology section includes multiple chapters that explain different aspects of patent statistics, patent classification and database search methods to retrieve patent-related information. In addition, it examines the relevance of trademarks and standards as additional technological indicators. The Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators is an invaluable resource for practitioners, scientists and policy makers wanting a systematic and thorough analysis of the potential and limitations of the various approaches to assess research and research performance.
Science --- Technology --- Economic policy. --- Management. --- Industrial management. --- Engineering—Vocational guidance. --- Information storage and retrieval. --- Research—Moral and ethical aspects. --- R & D/Technology Policy. --- Innovation/Technology Management. --- Job Careers in Science and Engineering. --- Information Storage and Retrieval. --- Research Ethics. --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Technologie. --- Science et technologie. --- Evaluation. --- evaluation method --- technology --- технология --- technológia --- teknik --- tecnologia --- technologija --- tehnoloogia --- tehnoloģija --- teknologi --- tehnologie --- tehnologija --- teknologia --- technologia --- teknoloġija --- τεχνολογία --- tecnología --- Technologie --- technologie --- teknologji --- технологија --- technický postup --- ingeniería --- inžinierstvo --- settore tecnologico --- technika --- egnet teknologi --- ingenjörsvetenskap --- ingénierie --- μηχανολογία --- engenharia --- инженерство --- inženýrství --- inžinerija --- engineering --- inženjering --- tehnika --- inženierpakalpojumi --- inginerie --- ingegneria dei sistemi --- inženierzinība --- inxhinieri --- método de evaluación --- evaluatiemethode --- způsob vyhodnocení --- metodă de evaluare --- método de avaliação --- метод на проценка --- hindamismeetod --- įvertinimo metodas --- metodë vlerësimi --- metodu ta' evalwazzjoni --- metodo di valutazione --- метод процењивања --- metoda procjene --- evalueringsmetode --- metoda oceny --- arviointimenetelmä --- metóda hodnotenia --- metoda vrednotenja --- процедура за оценка --- Bewertungsverfahren --- méthode d'évaluation --- utvärderingsmetod --- μέθοδος αξιολόγησης --- novērtēšanas metode --- értékelési módszer --- valutazione --- sætte på prøve --- vyhodnocovací metoda --- Bewertung --- evaluation --- sperimentazione --- évaluation --- evaluatie --- novērtēšana --- vērtēšana --- αξιολόγηση --- метод на евалуација --- υποβολή σε έλεγχο --- postupak vrednovanja --- vyhodnocení výzkumu --- zhodnocení výzkumu --- проценка --- evaluering --- método de valoración --- evaluacija --- evaluare --- mise à l'épreuve --- вреднување --- arviointi --- teicneolaíocht --- modh meastóireachta --- evaluation method. --- technology.
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L'innovation se situe au cœur des stratégies économiques contemporaines. Dans un contexte de changements profonds et accélérés par la mondialisation et l'émergence de nouveaux concurrents, par les mutations technologiques et les perspectives ouvertes par l'économie de la connaissance, enfin par les problèmes écologiques et les défis du développement durable, les économies européennes ont un besoin impérieux de développer leur capacité d'innovation pour faire face à ces défis multiples. Il y va de leur compétitivité, du maintien de leur potentiel d'emploi et de croissance et, au-delà, de leur capacité de préserver, tout en les adaptant, leurs modèles économiques et sociaux. L'Allemagne s'attache depuis bientôt deux décennies à promouvoir une modernisation systémique de son dispositif de recherche et d'innovation, non seulement en y consacrant des moyens accrus, articulés autour d'axes stratégiques significatifs, mais également en mettant en œuvre de nouvelles régulations entre pouvoirs publics, recherche, milieux professionnels et entreprises. Le pays privilégie ainsi une politique d'innovation coopérative, fondée sur des réseaux de coopération entre les acteurs (réseaux de compétences, clusters, coopérations interentreprises intégrant les PME). Dans une démarche parallèle, la France se concentre principalement, depuis 2004, sur la mise en place et la promotion des pôles de compétitivité. Face au défi actuel de la mise en commun des potentiels d'innovation nationaux à l'échelle européenne, le benchmark France-Allemagne constitue un point de passage obligé pour comprendre et concilier les dynamiques d'innovation respectives, renforcer les coopérations et impulser les synergies franco-allemandes qui contribueront à la compétitivité globale de l'UE. Au regard de cet enjeu décisif, le présent ouvrage se propose de rendre compte des orientations et des démarches mises en œuvre dans le cadre de la politique allemande d'innovation et de les mettre en regard avec celles…
Technological innovations --- Research --- Research, Industrial --- Comparative economics --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Contract research --- Industrial research --- Engineering experiment stations --- Inventions --- Breakthroughs, Technological --- Innovations, Industrial --- Innovations, Technological --- Technical innovations --- Technological breakthroughs --- Technological change --- Creative ability in technology --- Domestication of technology --- Innovation relay centers --- Technology transfer --- innovation --- comparaison européenne --- compétitivité --- comparaison franco-allemande --- recherche et développement --- petites et moyennes entreprises
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