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ĄĘ - [Wirtualny] Festiwal Języka Polskiego w Gruzji
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8323559627 Year: 2021 Publisher: Warsaw : Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego,

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The publication sums up the first four editions of "ĄĘ". [Virtual] Festival of the Polish Language in Georgia, organized in 2020-2022 by the Polish Institute in Georgia, the Polish Embassy in Georgia and the Polonicum Centre of the University of Warsaw. The authors discuss the idea of the Festival and the character of subsequent editions, each of which had a watchword, a notion key to getting to know a sphere of the Polish culture. In the autumn of 2020 that word was hope, the spring of 2021 was a time of futurological considerations centred around the works of Stanisław Lem, in the autumn of 2021 the participants looked into the notion of home in the Polish language and culture, and the spring of 2022 was devoted to tastes and aesthetics and to the works of that year's patron, Bruno Schulz. The authors have shown how the experiences of a cultural institution familiar with local realities and an educational institution which in its daily activities deals with research and didactics can go hand in hand. The publication also features interactive links to all the video footage of the Festival's lectures and workshops. Bringing this material together not only serves to document the Festival but also renders it available to teachers, students, and everyone interested in learning Polish as a foreign language.

Problemy komunikacji interkulturowej : jedna Europa - wiele języków i wiele kultur.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8323098921 Year: 1996 Publisher: Warszawa Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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Neofilolog : czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego.
Year: 1988 Publisher: Poznań : Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne

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Neofilolog : czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego.
Year: 1988 Publisher: Poznań : Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne

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Na szlakach dawnej i współczesnej polszczyzny. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Danucie Bieńkowskiej
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 8383311532 8383311524 Year: 2023 Publisher: Łódź [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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Na publikację składają się teksty bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem podejmowanych tematów i stosowanej metodologii. Jest to specyfiką tomów jubileuszowych, które w pewien sposób scala odniesienie do osoby jubilata. W tym przypadku wszystkie teksty dobrze wkomponowują się w całość, tworzą zbiór niejednorodny, lecz ciekawy i oryginalny. Autorzy nawiązują do poruszanych przez jubilata tematów, twórczo je rozwijając lub z nimi polemizując. Pod tym względem osoba Jubilatki, Profesor Danuty Bieńkowskiej, jest gwarantem, że opisywane w publikacji zagadnienia nie mają marginalnego dla nauki charakteru. Tomem zainteresują się przede wszystkim badacze Biblii, jednak krąg potencjalnych odbiorców będzie oczywiście zdecydowanie szerszy ze względu na inne poruszane tu zagadnienia: kwestie normatywne, językoznawczo zorientowaną stylistykę, synchroniczne i diachroniczne badania nad polszczyzną. Z recenzji dr hab. Anetty Luto-Kamińskiej

Neofilolog : czasopismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neofilologicznego.
Year: 1988 Publisher: Poznań : Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne

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Zagadnienia kwantyfikacyjne i modalne w litewskiej gwarze puńskiej (na tle literackich języków polskiego i litewskiego)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8364031090 8364031333 Year: 2015 Publisher: Warsaw [Poland] : Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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In “Quantification and modal problems in the Lithuanian dialect of Puńsk (with reference to literary Polish and Lithuanian)”, Danuta Roszko describes the Puńsk dialect of Lithuanian, which remains in constant interaction with both Lithuanian and Polish, using a novel research methodology of theoretical contrastive studies (teoretyczne badania konfrontatywne, or TBK). “It is widely accepted that the use of TBK in dialectal research will contribute to a fuller description of dialects […] allowing for overcoming the barriers posed by formal structures of the dialect. It will also make semantic aspects […] a focal point of dialectologist research. […] TBK will allow for objective studies into any dialect; in the case of the discussed Puńsk dialect, it will also make possible to relate the present state of the dialect, as revealed in research, to both Polish and Lithuanian simultaneously. This will enable us to confirm the dialectal archaisms and innovation in relation to literary Lithuanian as well as to identify the dialectal features whose emergence might have been a result of the interaction between this Lithuanian dialects and the neighbouring Suwalskie-Podlasie dialects of Polish” (from pp. 14–15).

Dialektologia białoruska
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8364031783 8389191148 Year: 2012 Publisher: Warsaw [Poland] : Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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"Belarusian dialectology" is a study which provides the reader with reliable, up-to-date and research-based information about Belarusian dialects, their origin, range and diversification. The authors' aim is to show the reader the richness and diversity of Belarusian dialects, their position and role in the culture and life of contemporary people as well as current language tendencies in Belarus.

Gwary białoruskie na Łotwie w rejonie krasławskim. Studium socjolingwistyczne
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8364031791 8389191830 Year: 2009 Publisher: Warsaw [Poland] : Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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"Belarusian dialects in Latvia, Kraslav region" looks into the sociolinguistic situation of people speaking different varieties of Belarusian in an area that is a sui generis borderland of borderlands, where the Balts (Latvians, Latgalians, Lithuanians) live together with the Slavs (Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians), and numerous religions (Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Lutheranism and Old Believers) co-exist. All of these factors resulted throughout history in the development of a multilingualism that is much more complex than in other borderlands. The Kraslav region is a place where three languages (Latvian, Russian and Polish) and numerous dialects (Latgalian, Belarusian and Polish of the Northern Borderlands) co-exist and intermingle.

Studia Translatorica.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20843321 26574802 Year: 2010 Publisher: Wrocław : Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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