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Bacardi rum : een occulte oorlog
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9064452121 Year: 2001 Publisher: Berchem EPO

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Hotels, motels en vakantieverblijven : analyse inzake btw
ISBN: 9789046611401 Year: 2022 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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De onroerende verhuur is in de regel vrijgesteld van btw. Hierop bestaan echter een aantal wettelijke uitzonderingen. Sommige hiervan gelden voor alle lidstaten en zijn van communautaire aard. Andere zijn dan weer specifiek ingevoerd in België. In dit boek analyseren we de verhuur van hotelkamers en soortgelijke verhuren van vakantieverblijven. Wanneer is er btw van toepassing? Tegen welk btw-tarief? Wanneer opent een investering in dergelijke onroerende goederen recht op aftrek van de voorbelasting? Ten slotte komen een aantal topics aan bod die relevant zijn voor de hotelsector.


hotelindustrie --- verhuur van onroerend goed --- fiscaliteit --- belastingaftrek --- porezna olakšica --- falje e detyrimit tatimor --- davčna olajšava --- déduction fiscale --- ulga podatkowa --- пореска олакшица --- daňová úľava --- detrazione fiscale --- tax relief --- faoiseamh cánach --- skattelättnad --- данъчно облекчение --- daňová úleva --- έκπτωση φόρου --- mokesčio lengvata --- nodokļa atvieglojums --- ħelsien mit-taxxa --- maksuvähendus --- deducción fiscal --- degrevare fiscală --- verovähennys --- adókedvezmény --- даночно олеснување --- Steuerabzug --- skattefradrag --- dedução fiscal --- koncesion tatimor --- abbattimento fiscale --- odpočet dane --- neapmokestinamoji suma --- skattefordel --- privilegio fiscal --- намалување данок --- verohyvitys --- ukidanje poreza --- deducción impositiva --- neapmokestinamosios pajamos --- credito fiscale --- μερική φορολογική απαλλαγή --- Steuerermäßigung --- делумно простување даночен долг --- deducere fiscală --- daňový úvěr --- tax credit --- maksuvaba summa --- mokesčio sumažinimas --- crédito fiscal --- belastingfaciliteiten --- sgravio delle imposte --- adólevonás --- maksu kinnipidamine --- dégrèvement fiscal --- skattelettelse --- haber fiscal --- verohelpotus --- daňová výhoda --- abaixamento da taxa fiscal --- porezna povlastica --- φορολογική ελάφρυνση --- falje e tatimeve --- целосно простување даночен долг --- vermindering van de belasting --- veroetuus --- detrazione d'imposta --- avantazh tatimor --- nodokļa samazināšana --- redukcia dane --- Steuervergünstigung --- tax abatement --- snížení daní --- smanjenje poreza --- belastingverlichting --- abattement fiscal --- nodokļu atlaide --- skattekredit --- reducción de la base imponible --- veronpidätys --- daňové zvýhodnění --- dedução tributária --- desgravación fiscal --- Steuererstattung --- alleggerimento fiscale --- skattenedsættelse --- zbritje tatimore --- deduzione fiscale --- zbutje tatimore --- avoir fiscal --- relief from taxes --- reducere de taxe --- φορολογικό όφελος --- daňová zľava --- Steuerguthbaben --- steuerliche Erleichterung --- reducerea impozitului --- skattenedslag --- adókönnyítés --- πίστωση φόρου --- avantaj fiscal --- credito d'imposta --- belastingvermindering --- Steuervorteil --- belastingvrije som --- Steuerentlastung --- maksu ümberarvutus --- maksumäära vähendamine --- tolerim tatimor --- bonificación fiscal --- benefício fiscal --- reducere fiscală --- otpis poreza --- crédito tributária --- réduction d'impôt --- daňový rabat --- skatteavdrag --- belastingvrijdom --- mokesčio kreditas --- skatteförmån --- daňový odpočet --- agevolazione fiscale --- tax allowance --- maksu ümberarvestus --- abatimento fiscal --- avantage fiscal --- tax advantage --- tax deduction --- réduction fiscale --- adócsökkentés --- kredit tatimor --- desgravación de impuestos --- limite fiscal --- allégement fiscal --- tax concession --- vantaggio fiscale --- crédit d'impôt --- Steuergutschrift --- Steuerrückvergütung --- tax reduction --- riduzione dell'imposta --- sgravio fiscale --- credit fiscal --- φορολογική μείωση --- ulje tatimore --- veronalennus --- daňový úver --- belastingvoordeel --- даночни концесии --- allégement d'impôts --- укинување данок --- desagravamento fiscal --- daňové zvýhodnenie --- Steuererleichterung --- skattelindring --- vantagem fiscal --- maksualandus --- Steuerermässigung --- aftrekpost --- adójóváírás --- Verringerung der Steuerbelastung --- rebaja fiscal --- belastingkrediet --- davčni sistem --- fiscalidade --- skattesystem --- adórendszer --- porezni sustav --- φορολογία --- skatteforhold --- verojärjestelmä --- nodokļu sistēma --- данъчна система --- maksusüsteem --- sistem tatimor --- cáinchóras --- fiscalidad --- fiscalità --- fiscalitate --- system podatkowy --- порески систем --- fiscalité --- Steuerwesen --- daňový systém --- tax system --- даночен систем --- daňová sústava --- mokesčių sistema --- sistema ta' tassazzjoni --- regime fiscale --- verotus --- maksustamine --- beskattning --- taxatie --- onere fiscale --- tassazione --- skatteuttag --- фискален режим --- фискална давачка --- Steuerlast --- système fiscal --- taxation --- tassazzjoni --- dichiarazione fiscale --- tributação --- фискален систем --- adóztatás --- regime fiscal --- régimen fiscal --- régimen tributario --- φορολόγηση --- imposizione --- adószabályozás --- apmokestinimas --- φορολογικά βάρη --- sistema tributario --- фискален третман --- daňová soustava --- Besteuerung --- imposición --- adóteher --- tributación --- belastingheffing --- Steuerbelastung --- trattamento fiscale --- charge fiscale --- zdanění --- fiscaal systeem --- oporezivanje --- imposition --- fiscale last --- skattetryck --- fiscaal regime --- prelievo fiscale --- skattebörda --- Steuerregelung --- pressione fiscale --- skattebyrde --- skattebehandling --- cánachas --- steuerliche Behandlung --- sistema fiscal --- fiskální soustava --- régime fiscal --- drenaggio fiscale --- taxering --- imposição fiscal --- sistema fiscale --- φορολογικό σύστημα --- skatter og afgifter --- carga fiscal --- skatteordning --- beskatning --- arrendamento --- наем на недвижен имот --- lejemål for fast ejendom --- leasing imobiliar --- location immobilière --- Immobilienvermietung --- prenájom nehnuteľností --- kinnisvaraliising --- arrendamiento inmobiliario --- fastighetsuthyrning --- ingatlan-bérbeadás --- qiradhënia e pronës --- locazione immobiliare --- ilgalaikė nekilnojamojo turto nuoma --- pronájem nemovitosti --- закуп некретнина --- najam nekretnina --- property leasing --- ενοικίαση ακινήτου --- najem lokalu --- īpašuma noma --- léasú réadmhaoine --- najem nepremičnin --- отдаване на недвижими имоти под наем --- lokazzjoni ta’ proprjetà --- kiinteistöjen vuokraus --- nuompinigiai --- nájomné --- nekustamā īpašuma iznomāšana --- chirie --- ingatlanbérlés --- Mietverhältnis --- alquiler de vivienda --- Miete --- arrendamiento urbano --- nájemné --- prix de location --- rent --- nájem nemovitosti --- lakásbérlet --- arrendamiento de vivienda --- locatario --- eluruumi üürimine --- loyer --- huurprijs --- pronájem bytu --- real-estate leasing --- činže --- namo nuoma --- qiramarrje shtëpie --- īres maksa --- husleje --- ενοίκιο --- μίσθωμα --- leasing nemovitosti --- custo do aluguer --- renda --- alquiler inmobiliario --- iznajmljivanje kuća --- vuokra --- iznajmljivanje stanova --- închirierea locuințelor --- mājas izīrēšana --- Mietzins --- hyra --- costo dell'affitto --- pronájem domu --- Wohnungsvermietung --- arrendamiento de inmueble --- кирија --- huadhënie prone të paluajtshme --- kontrola nájemného --- house rental --- uthyrningspris --- ingatlanbérlet --- ingatlanlízing --- industrie hotelieră --- indústria hoteleira --- хотелијерство --- хотелиерство --- industria alberghiera --- hotelieri --- hotellimajandus --- hotelový priemysel --- tionscal na n-óstán --- hotelijerstvo --- hotelarstwo --- hotelirstvo --- industrija tal-lukandi --- viesnīcu nozare --- hotellindustri --- industrie hôtelière --- industria hotelera --- szállodaipar --- viešbučių verslas --- hotelindustri --- hotelový průmysl --- hotelliala --- hotel industry --- ξενοδοχειακός τομέας --- Hotelgewerbe --- fizetővendéglátás --- casă de oaspeți --- hotelwezen --- camera per turisti --- hôtellerie --- Beherbergungsgewerbe --- penzión --- hoteliér --- rum och frukost --- guest house --- habitación de hotel --- hostería --- motel --- üdülő --- hotel --- hotelový řetězec --- hotell --- nakvynė ir pusryčiai --- Hotel --- ξενοδοχείο --- pensão --- vierashuone --- bed and breakfast --- hôtel --- vendégház --- viesu nams --- vierastalo --- ενοικιαζόμενο δωμάτιο --- svečių namai --- hotellindus --- infrastruttura alberghiera --- gastenkamer --- szálloda --- hoteldrift --- хотел --- külalistemaja --- estalagem --- viešbutis --- regim hotelier --- hotelli --- fjetje dhe mëngjes --- viesnīcu industrija --- pansija --- hotellerie --- albergo --- pousada --- kodumajutus --- panzió --- πανδοχείο --- chambre d'hôte --- hotelværelse --- shtëpi e miqve --- ramo de la hostelería --- hostelería --- viesnīca --- Tourism --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Tax law --- Belgium

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