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Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza
ISSN: 18958443

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Rivista di Psicologia dell'Emergenza e dell'Assistenza Umanitaria
ISSN: 22809120

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Droner i sivilsamfunnet : Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?

Hilfeleistungssysteme der Zukunft : Analysen des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes zur Aufrechterhaltung von Alltagssystemen für die Krisenbewältigung
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839460328 383766032X Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Krisen und Katastrophen verändern sich stetig - sowohl in der Wahrnehmung als auch in der Bewältigung. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren analysiert das Deutsche Rote Kreuz mit seinem Kompetenzzentrum »Forschung und Innovationstransfer« bestehende Hilfeleistungssysteme. Matthias Max und Matthias Schulze präsentieren die Ergebnisse dieses Prozesses und zeigen, dass das DRK einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu leistet, Hilfeleistungssysteme der Zukunft zu gestalten.

Resilienz im Katastrophenfall : Konzepte zur Stärkung von Pflege- und Hilfsbedürftigen im Bevölkerungsschutz
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839444888 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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In gesellschaftlichen Krisensituationen - wie etwa einem länger andauernden Stromausfall - wird selten an Menschen gedacht, die besondere Formen der Hilfe benötigen. Dies trifft zum Beispiel auf jene zu, die zu Hause von ihren Familien oder von Pflegediensten versorgt werden. Am Beispiel dieser Problemstellung erläutern die Beiträge des Bandes exemplarisch, welche Hilfeleistungen Pflegebedürftige und ihre Angehörigen benötigen und wie dies durch den Katastrophenschutz berücksichtigt werden kann. Eine theoretische Diskussion des Resilienzkonzepts sowie die Auseinandersetzung mit der kontextuellen Wissensgenerierung im Rahmen einer Modellregion bilden die Grundlage für die transdisziplinär angelegte Forschung.

Droner i sivilsamfunnet : Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?

Naar een geïntegreerde zorg : ouderen met geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen
ISBN: 9782509031686 Year: 2018 Publisher: Brussel Politeia

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Ouderen met geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen vallen in het zorgtraject vaak tussen de mazen van het net. Volwaardige zorg voor deze doelgroep impliceert een kwaliteitsvolle en geïntegreerde zorg van alle beschikbare dienstverleningen,mantelzorgers en andere betrokkenen. Om dit tot stand te kunnen brengen, moeten de bestaande schotten worden doorbroken. Dat is een gezamenlijke opdracht voor de Vlaamse overheid, de beleidsverantwoordelijken, de directies van voorzieningen en de gebruikersorganisaties.Naar analogie met het eerder verschenen Samen onderweg naar 2020 wil auteur Robert Geeraert met deze publicatie inspireren en de beleidsdoelstellingen ondersteunen. Aan de hand van praktijkvoorbeelden van verpleegkundigen, dokters en andere ervaringsdeskundigen die dagelijks actief zijn in het werkveld, worden handvaten aangereikt voor een geïntegreerde zorg voor ouderen met geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen.Als woonzorg- en geestelijke gezondheidsvoorzieningen elkaars meerwaarde leren kennen en leren hoe ze elkaar kunnen ondersteunen, kunnen ze immers zoveel meer voor elkaar betekenen.

Maladie d'Alzheimer : évolution des dispositifs, évolution des métiers, quelles politiques publiques ?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782806100467 Year: 2012 Publisher: Louvain-la-Neuve Harmattan-Academia

Droner i sivilsamfunnet : Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer
Year: 2022 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?

Italy 2010 : review of the Italian National Civil Protection System.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1282640275 9786612640278 9264082204 9789264082205 9264082190 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : OECD,

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This OECD review of risk management policies focuses on the Italian civil protection system and its means to prepare for and react to earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides and even volcanoes. The Italian National Civil Protection Service can rapidly mobilise operational resources for emergency management and recovery both at home, throughout Europe and around the world. Its components constantly research known hazards to better understand and model vulnerabilities, while technical experts co-operate in real time to monitor events as they unfold and operate the early warning systems. These professionals are supported by a highly organised and motivated volunteer service unseen elsewhere in OECD countries. What makes these many parts of the civil protection system work as one effective whole, however, is its governance structure under the direct authority of the Italian Prime Minister.   Recent years have seen a steep increase in the frequency and economic impacts of disasters, and Italy has been no exception. In addition to increased seasonal variance linked to climate change, the devastating earthquakes around L’Aquilla in 2009 make Italy a case study for policy-makers, emergency management practitioners, academics and international organisations who are searching for solutions, notably in the areas of disaster damage reduction policies. The Italian civil protection system offers a rich source of best practices for their consideration. The National Department of Civil Protection in particular, as the hub of the National Civil Protection Service, provides a model of professionalism and leadership. The review report also identifies many challenges facing the Italian civil protection system and areas where improvements are still needed.

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