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"La revue française de service social (RFSS) est une revue trimestrielle qui rend compte régulièrement de témoignages, de positions professionnelles, d'apports théoriques, écrits par des professionnels, spécialistes, universitaires. La revue française de service social est source d'une réflexion sur : les fondements théoriques, les questionnements éthiquesla place du travail social et service social dans l'action sociale, les politiques publiques françaises et internationalesle cadre institutionnell'exercice de la profession de l'assistant social, l'accompagnement des personnes." Editeur
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Overwhelming empirical evidence indicates that new social workers, particularly those going into child welfare or other trauma-related care, will discover emotional challenges including the indirect or secondary effects of the trauma work itself, professional burnout, and compassion fatigue. However, the newly revised CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) does not mandate the inclusion of content related to self-care in social work curriculum or field education. In a textbook that bridges the gap between theoretical and pragmatic approaches to this important issue in human service work, Jason M. Newell provides a potential resolution by conceptualizing self-care as an ongoing and holistic set of practice behaviors described as the key to professional resilience.To address the effects of trauma-related care on direct practitioners, Newell provides a comprehensive, competency-based model for professional resilience, examining four key constructs-stress, empathy, resilience, and self-care-from a range of theoretical dimensions. For those who work with vulnerable populations, the tendency to frame self-care solely within organizational context overlooks the importance of self-care in domains beyond the agency setting. Alternatively, he uses a framework grounded in the ecological-systems perspective conceptualizing self-care as a broader set of practice behaviors pertaining to the whole person, including the physical, interpersonal, organizational, familial, and spiritual domains of the psychosocial self. Alongside professional self-care practices at the organizational level, Newell makes a case for the pragmatic role of recreational activities, time with family and friends, physical health, spirituality, and mindfulness. The application of a comprehensive approach to self-care practice has potential to empower practitioners to remain resilient and committed to the values, mission, and spirit of the social work profession in the face of trauma.--
Social workers --- Social service --- Burn out (Psychology) --- Human services personnel --- Job stress. --- Practice. --- Prevention. --- Social Workers. --- Social Worker --- Worker, Social --- Workers, Social
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Ce projet de recherche qualitative concernant le vécu des travailleurs sociaux en interaction avec les personnes toxicomanes diagnostiquées état-limite a été réalisé dans une approche psychodynamique. A travers plusieurs entretiens individuels semi-structurés, nous avons rencontrés sept assistants sociaux travaillant dans des structures d’aide accompagnantes de personnes toxicomanes. Afin d’aiguiller nos observations, nous nous sommes basés sur la méthodologie du ‘récit de vie’, à savoir une expression orale aperçue dans un rapport d’interlocution direct. En première instance, nous avons choisi d’étudier l’origine du choix professionnel en lien avec l’histoire personnelle de l’intervenant. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’influence de cet accompagnement psychosocial sur le vécu des assistants sociaux à travers plusieurs représentations concernant cette population spécifique. Celles-ci ayant un impact direct sur leur monde affectif. En dernier recours, nous avons tenté de déceler les types de soutien recherché dans la réalité afin de pouvoir pratiquer auprès de ce public spécifique. L’aménagement défensif de nos participants était un élément supplémentaire ayant suscité notre intérêt de recherche. Ces analyses ont abouti à plusieurs réflexions hypothétiques ainsi qu’à des questionnements autour de notre thématique. Nous avons choisi délibérément de ne pas afficher nos résultats de recherche au sein de ce résumé vu leur nature complexe et l’impossibilité de les retirer de leur contexte. Dans l’espérance que ce sommaire vous donne l’envie d’approfondir votre lecture.
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Autour du contexte d'un service Espace-Rencontre, mon étude porte sur les représentations sociales des intervenants du domaine judiciaire et psycho-médico-social quant au maintien du lien entre un enfant et son parent souffrant d'addiction. Ma recherche évalue les représentations sociales des différents intervenants.
Social representations --- Addiction --- Parenthood --- Child --- Social worker --- Judicial and psycho-medico-social sector --- Family --- Représentations sociales --- Addiction --- Parentalité --- Enfant --- Intervenant social --- Secteur judiciaire et psycho-médico-social --- Famille --- Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques > Criminologie
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Mit der Aufnahme vieler Geflüchteter im Jahr 2015 ergeben sich in Deutschland neue gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen, die auch religionsbezogene Aspekte beinhalten. Flüchtlingsunterkünfte als besondere Räume des Zusammenlebens eignen sich hierbei sehr gut, um nachzuvollziehen, wer jene Geflüchtete sind, inwiefern ihr Alltag von Religion geprägt ist und wie unter den Bewohner*innen und von Seiten der Sozialarbeiter*innen mit Phänomenen um Religion umgegangen wird. Natalie Powroznik nimmt sich diesen Aspekten im nordrhein-westfälischen Kontext an und zeigt aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive, wie vielfältig und unterschiedlich Religion in Erscheinung treten kann - und warum der erste Blick manchmal täuscht. Besprochen in: InfoDienst Migration, 1 (2021)
Apsotasia. --- Conversion. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Culture. --- Ethnology. --- Fleeing. --- Grounded Theory. --- Municipal Accommodation. --- North Rhine - Westphalia. --- Refugee Accommodation. --- Refugee Studies. --- Refugees. --- Religious Community. --- Social Worker. --- Sociology of Religion. --- Thick Description. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology of Religion. --- Religion; Flucht; Nordrhein-Westfalen; Flüchtlinge; Sozialarbeiter; Flüchtlingsunterkunft; Dichte Beschreibung; Grounded Theory; Religiöse Gemeinschaft; Kommunale Unterkunft; Konversion; Apostasie; Kultur; Religionssoziologie; Kulturanthropologie; Flüchtlingsforschung; Ethnologie; Fleeing; North Rhine - Westphalia; Refugees; Social Worker; Refugee Accommodation; Thick Description; Religious Community; Municipal Accommodation; Conversion; Apsotasia; Culture; Sociology of Religion; Cultural Anthropology; Refugee Studies; Ethnology --- Germany --- Allemagne --- Germany. --- Religious life and customs. --- Vie religieuse.
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Stephanie J. Shaw takes us into the inner world of American black professional women during the Jim Crow era. This is a story of struggle and empowerment, of the strength of a group of women who worked against daunting odds to improve the world for themselves and their people. Shaw's remarkable research into the lives of social workers, librarians, nurses, and teachers from the 1870's through the 1950's allows us to hear these women's voices for the first time. The women tell us, in their own words, about their families, their values, their expectations. We learn of the forces and factors that made them exceptional, and of the choices and commitments that made them leaders in their communities. What a Woman Ought to Be and to Do brings to life a world in which African-American families, communities, and schools worked to encourage the self-confidence, individual initiative, and social responsibility of girls. Shaw shows us how, in a society that denied black women full professional status, these girls embraced and in turn defined an ideal of "socially responsible individualism" that balanced private and public sphere responsibilities. A collective portrait of character shaped in the toughest circumstances, this book is more than a study of the socialization of these women as children and the organization of their work as adults. It is also a study of leadership-of how African American communities gave their daughters the power to succeed in and change a hostile world.
African American women in the professions --- History. --- United States --- jim crow, race, racism, professionalism, black women, gender, workers, labor, femininity, empowerment, social worker, librarian, nursing, teachers, leadership, community, nonfiction, history, confidence, initiative, ambition, success, responsibility, individualism, duty, excellence, parenting, child rearing, girls, domesticity, public sphere, professions, character.
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"Child maltreatment occurs in the Black community at higher rates than any other racial group. Given the prevalence of child maltreatment risk factors in the Black community, such as being in a low-income family, single parent family, greater exposure to physical discipline, and less access to services and resources, it is not surprising but nonetheless concerning that Black children are at greater risk for abuse and/or neglect. Unearthing the cause and effect between the challenges faced by the Black community and the life outcomes for Black children is key to making positive changes happen. Through a feminist and womanist lens, the authors unpack the range of factors that intersect and impact the Black community that are necessary to address to effectively protect Black children. Understanding how to prevent maltreatment and promote health and wellness are essential to adequately address maltreatment so as to protect and empower Black children"--
African Americans --- African American children --- Child welfare --- Child abuse --- Social conditions. --- Prevention. --- child abuse, child maltreatment, child abuse prevention, african american studies, african american culture, african american family values, social worker resources, african families, african parenting, african american parenting, caribbean parenting, how to be a parent, parenting guides, parenting books, parenting book, beginner parenting books, single parenthood, black children, black childhood, feminist perspectives, womanist perspectives, resources for social workers, child welfare reform, child welfare system, child abuse case studies.
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social work --- social policy --- social services --- social worker --- Social service --- Social policy --- Spain --- Social policy. --- Social service. --- Spain. --- Benevolent institutions --- Philanthropy --- Relief stations (for the poor) --- Social service agencies --- Social welfare --- Social work --- Human services --- National planning --- State planning --- Economic policy --- Family policy --- Social history --- Law and legislation --- Espagne --- Espainiako Erresuma --- España --- Espanha --- Espanja --- Espanya --- Estado Español --- Hispania --- Hiszpania --- Isupania --- Kingdom of Spain --- Regne d'Espanya --- Reiaume d'Espanha --- Reino de España --- Reino d'Espanya --- Reinu d'España --- Sefarad --- Sepharad --- Shpanie --- Shpanye --- Spanien --- Spanish State --- Supein --- イスパニア --- スペイン
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[2019] Le Mémento des CPAS 2019 (31e édition), le « all in » par excellence des centres publics d'action sociale, est un outil essentiel, tant pour les personnes qui dirigent les CPAS que pour celles qui entretiennent des relations professionnelles avec les CPAS [2017] Le Mémento des CPAS 2017, rédigé par une équipe de juristes spécialisés, a la double ambition, d’une part, de répondre au quotidien aux interrogations les plus diverses des mandataires, du personnel dirigeant et des travailleurs sociaux des centres publics d’action sociale et, d’autre part, de permettre aux professionnels entrant en négociation avec les CPAS de connaître leur organisation, leurs procédures et leurs missions. Ce Mémento a été affiné d’année en année par ses auteurs. En fait, un seul ouvrage qui comprend:la présentation de l’institution, de ses missions, de ses moyens, des services qu’il peut créer, des guides de gestion qui lui sont utiles, des adresses et informations qui sont indispensables aux CPASle lexique présentant plus de 100 motsun ensemble de dispositions légales et réglementaires résumées dans leur essentiel et accompagnées de synthèses de la jurisprudence récenteune banque de données des CPAS et diverses législations actualisées.Vu les élections communales qui se profilent à l’horizon 2018, cet outil pratique est indispensable pour tous ceux qui envisagent d’être demain mandataires de CPAS.Les auteurs ont veillé à présenter en cette année 2017, les dernières modifications législatives dont la réforme du PIIS, des CISP, des aides à l’emploi, la question du secret professionnel qui fait toujours débat, … et ont intégré les récentes évolutions jurisprudentielles pour les matières concernées.Le Mémento permet ainsi de cerner toutes les spécificités et exigences du service public fondamental qui garantit la dignité humaine en mettant en œuvre le droit à l'aide sociale.
LIBAR TBE nummering --- 351.84 <493> --- 364.4 <493> --- 36.075 --- ocmw --- sociale begeleiding --- Annuaire --- Région wallonne --- Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Brussels --- maatschappelijk werker --- sociale bijstand --- hulp aan minderbegunstigden --- 36.075 Maatschappelijk werk--?.075 --- Maatschappelijk werk--?.075 --- hjälp till utsatta grupper --- pomoć skupinama u nepovoljnu položaju --- pomoc dla pokrzywdzonych społecznie --- pomoc sociálně znevýhodněným skupinám --- pomoc sociálne znevýhodneným skupinám --- помоћ угроженим групама --- atbalsts nelabvēlīgām grupām --- aiuto ai meno abbienti --- ajuda aos desfavorecidos --- ndihmë për shtresat pa përkrahje --- pomoč socialno ogroženim --- hátrányos helyzetűeknek nyújtott támogatás --- aide aux défavorisés --- pagalba socialiai remtiniems asmenims --- toimetulekuabi --- помощ за група в неизгодно положение --- ayuda a los necesitados --- cabhair do ghrúpaí faoi mhíbhuntáiste --- ajutor pentru categorii sociale defavorizate --- aid to disadvantaged groups --- Hilfe für sozial Benachteiligte --- toimeentulotuki --- ενίσχυση των οικονομικώς αδυνάτων --- помош за обесправени групи --- hjælp til dårligt stillede --- għajnuna lil gruppi żvantaġġati --- помош за ранливи категории на население --- lisäetuus --- charity --- pomoc nízkopříjmovým skupinám --- ajutor pentru persoane cu venituri mici --- caridade --- caridad --- ienākumu pabalsts --- aid to low-income groups --- jövedelemtámogatás --- papildomoji išmoka --- income support --- välgörenhet --- pomoc chudým --- pomoc nízkopríjmovým skupinám --- pagalba mažas pajamas turinčioms grupėms --- aiuto ai diseredati --- sissetulekutoetus --- karitász --- podpora príjmu --- pomoć skupinama s niskim prihodima --- добротворни прилози --- dobročinnosť --- podpora příjmů --- täiendav hüvitis --- ayuda a los económicamente débiles --- помош за лица со ниски приходи --- caritate --- αγαθοεργία --- bamirësi --- finansinė parama socialiai remtiniems asmenims --- liefdadigheid --- tulotuki --- hyväntekeväisyys --- ενίσχυση των μειονεκτούντων ατόμων --- pomoc sociálne slabým --- hulp aan economisch zwakken --- përfitime mbi të ardhurat --- venit de subzistență --- charité --- Wohltätigkeit --- folkekøkken --- pomoc sociálně slabým --- doplnková dávka --- solidarita majetných a nemajetných --- hjälp till eftersatta grupper --- ajuda aos pobres --- velgørenhed --- помош за маргинализирани групи --- charita --- supplementary benefit --- aide aux économiquement faibles --- помош за социјално загрозени групи --- Hilfe für wirtschaftlich Schwache --- heategevus --- hjælp til ubemidlede --- labdara --- ndihmë për shtresat me të ardhura të ulëta --- labklājība --- sotsiaalhoolekanne --- bunăstare --- aide sociale --- socialforsorg --- leas --- welfare --- blahobyt --- социјално старање --- социјална заштита --- Sozialhilfe --- socialno skrbstvo --- gerovė --- għajnuna soċjali --- pomoc społeczna --- ajuda social --- mirëqenie --- sociální pomoc --- social omsorg --- socijalna skrb --- szociális segély --- κοινωνική ενίσχυση --- социална помощ --- ayuda social --- sosiaalihuolto --- aiuto sociale --- додаток за нега на болен --- издржување --- socialbidrag --- apgādātība --- Hilfe zum Lebensunterhalt --- sociální solidarita --- детски додаток --- operatore sociale --- oibrí sóisialta --- szociális munkás --- socialarbetare --- κοινωνικός λειτουργός --- социален работник --- travailleur social --- trabalhador social --- Sozialarbeiter --- asistent social --- trabajador social --- socialarbejder --- socijalni radnik --- социјален работник --- социјални радник --- socialni delavec --- punonjës social --- sociálny pracovník --- sosiaalityöntekijä --- socialinis darbuotojas --- sociālais darbinieks --- assistent soċjali --- pracownik socjalny --- sociální pracovník --- sotsiaaltöötaja --- social worker --- hoolekandetöötaja --- punonjës i kujdesit social --- sosiaaliviranomainen --- Fürsorger --- animatore sociale --- asistente social --- maatschappelijk werk --- jaunimo darbuotojas --- socialrådgiver --- assistente social --- assistant social --- sociālais darbinieks, kas strādā ar jauniešiem --- animateur --- socialassistent --- frivillig socialarbetare --- noorsootöötaja --- youth worker --- υπεύθυνος ψυχαγωγίας --- animador --- punonjës i ri --- pracujúci s mládežou --- vychovatel --- lucrător social --- aktivitetsleder --- nuorisotyöntekijä --- vychovávateľ --- assistente sociale --- socialsekreterare --- Sozialhelfer --- welfare officer --- reġjun ta’ Brussell --- Région de Bruxelles-Capitale --- Briselska regija --- región de Bruselas-Capital --- област Брисела --- περιφέρεια Βρυξελλών --- Briseles apgabals --- Briuselio regionas --- rajoni i Brukselit --- Brüsseli piirkond --- Regiunea Bruxelles --- regionen Bruxelles-Hovedstadsområdet --- Bruselský región --- регион Брюксел --- Regione di Bruxelles capitale --- Регион Брисел --- Region Brukseli --- regija glavnega mesta Bruselj --- réigiún na Bruiséile --- bruselský region --- região de Bruxelas-Capital --- brüsszeli régió --- Brussels region --- Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt --- Brysselin alue --- Bryssel --- Brüsszel Fővárosi Régió --- Brysselin pääkaupunkiseutu --- región hlavného mesta Bruselu --- region hlavního města Bruselu --- Brussels-capital region --- Brukseli - rajoni i kryeqytetit --- Brussel --- Бриселски Регион --- regionen Bruxelles-Capitale --- Brusel --- Regiunea Bruxelles-capitală --- Briuselis – sostinės regionas --- Bruselas --- Waals Gewest --- Valónsko --- περιφέρεια Βαλλωνίας --- Valonų regionas --- регион Валония --- wallonische Region --- región Valona --- Регион Валонија --- Regiunea Valonă --- Valonska regija --- Walloon region (Belgium) --- Réigiún na Vallúine --- vallon régió --- reġjun ta’ Walloon (Belgju) --- Валонска област --- regione vallona --- Vallonien --- Vallonian alue --- Valoņu apgabals --- valonský region --- regionen Vallonien --- região da Valónia --- Vallooni piirkond --- Region Waloński --- rajoni i Valonit (Belgjikë) --- Valonija --- Valonsko --- Valonia --- Βαλλωνία --- Valoni --- Валонски Регион --- Valloonia --- Wallonië --- Wallonia --- Vallonia --- den wallonske region --- Валонија --- Valónsky región --- Wallonien --- Wallonie --- Jahrbuch --- metknygė --- bliainiris --- annuario --- årbog --- vjetar --- rocznik --- évkönyv --- επετηρίδα --- yearbook --- gadagrāmata --- letopis --- årsbok --- godišnjak --- годишњак --- anuario --- annwarju --- годишник --- anuar --- ročenka --- vuosikirja --- jaarboek --- aastaraamat --- anuário --- almanacco --- annuaire officiel --- oficialioji metknygė --- úradná ročenka --- officiell årsbok --- Almanach --- almanak --- official yearbook --- almanahh --- алманах --- ametlik aastaraamat --- almanac --- oficiālā gadagrāmata --- oficiální ročenka --- kalendář --- vejviser --- annuario ufficiale --- anuário oficial --- анали --- επίσημη επετηρίδα --- anuario oficial --- almanachas --- хроника --- úřední ročenka --- virallinen vuosikirja --- almanaque --- almanach --- telefonbog --- αλμανάκ --- летопис --- anuar oficial --- statskalender --- almanah --- vjetar zyrtar --- amtliches Jahrbuch --- aikakausjulkaisu --- τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος --- assistência social --- szociális támogatás --- социјална помоћ --- wsparcie społeczne --- assistance sociale --- sociálna pomoc --- социални грижи --- cúnamh sóisialach --- κοινωνική συνδρομή --- asistencë sociale --- socialvård --- asistență socială --- asistencia social --- социјална помош --- Sozialfürsorge --- social assistance --- social bistand --- socialna pomoč --- assistenza sociale --- sotsiaalabi --- socijalna pomoć --- sociālā palīdzība --- assistenza soċjali --- socialinė pagalba --- sosiaaliapu --- sociální péče --- regime di assistenza sociale --- assistenza sociale e medica --- organismo di assistenza sociale --- Fürsorge --- cúnamh leasa shóisialaigh --- cpas --- Belgique --- Public welfare --- Public welfare administration --- Aide sociale --- Directories. --- Law and legislation --- Répertoires --- Droit
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