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L'enjeu des métadonnées dans les corpus textuels : un défi pour les sciences humaines

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Il devient superflu d'insister sur la révolution scientifique que représentent la numérisation et les capacités de mémoire dans la création de bases de données en sciences humaines. Le défi est désormais ailleurs à la fois quantitatif et qualitatif. En effet la course est désormais à la constitution de très grosses ressources et les possibilités informatiques le permettent. Ce changement d'échelle a une incidence automatique sur la vie académique : les recherches qui ne reposeront pas sur un fondement quantitatif appréciable risquent fort d'être frappées de caducité.Mais la constitution de ces gros ensembles nécessite un soin méticuleux, des moyens matériels, mais surtout humains qui ne sont pas à la portée de tous les chercheurs. A supposer que ces conditions soient remplies, reste encore à s'entendre sur le contenu enregistré : aucun texte n'est numérisé et archivé de façon brute. Ce qui est à présent devant nous est donc autre : entre utilisation "maison" et normalisation des données, il s'agit de se frayer un chemin qui tout à la fois autorise les recherches les plus spécifiques sans pour autant priver la communauté d'une donnée échangeable et utilisable pour d'autres recherches.Ce volume répond à cette préoccupation : comment faire migrer de vieux corpus vers d'autres standards, comment ménager des besoins particuliers et un désir légitime d'exporter ailleurs des documents, de quels outils pouvons-nous disposer pour réaliser au mieux cette quadrature du cercle ?

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ISBN: 9781783300525 Year: 2016 Publisher: London Facet Publishing

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Metadata remains the solution for describing the explosively growing, complex world of digital information, and continues to be of paramount importance for information professionals. Providing a solid grounding in the variety and interrelationships among different metadata types, Zeng and Qin's thorough revision of their benchmark text offers a comprehensive look at the metadata schemas that exist in the world of library and information science and beyond, as well as the contexts in which they operate. Cementing its value as both an LIS text and a handy reference for professionals already in the field, this book: * Lays out the fundamentals of metadata, including principles of metadata, structures of metadata vocabularies, and metadata descriptions * Surveys metadata standards and their applications in distinct domains and for various communities of metadata practice * Examines metadata building blocks, from modelling to defining properties, and from designing application profiles to implementing value vocabularies * Describes important concepts as resource identification, metadata as linked data, consumption of metadata, interoperability, and quality measurement * Offers an updated glossary to help readers navigate metadata's complex terms in easy-to-understand definitions. An online resource of web extras, packed with exercises, quizzes, and links to additional materials, completes this definitive primer on metadata.

ISBN: 9780262528511 0262528517 Year: 2015 Volume: *2 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. The MIT Press

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When “metadata” became breaking news, appearing in stories about surveillance by the National Security Agency, many members of the public encountered this once-obscure term from information science for the first time. Should people be reassured that the NSA was “only” collecting metadata about phone calls—information about the caller, the recipient, the time, the duration, the location—and not recordings of the conversations themselves? Or does phone call metadata reveal more than it seems? In this book, Jeffrey Pomerantz offers an accessible and concise introduction to metadata.In the era of ubiquitous computing, metadata has become infrastructural, like the electrical grid or the highway system. We interact with it or generate it every day. It is not, Pomerantz tell us, just “data about data.” It is a means by which the complexity of an object is represented in a simpler form. For example, the title, the author, and the cover art are metadata about a book. When metadata does its job well, it fades into the background; everyone (except perhaps the NSA) takes it for granted.Pomerantz explains what metadata is, and why it exists. He distinguishes among different types of metadata—descriptive, administrative, structural, preservation, and use—and examines different users and uses of each type. He discusses the technologies that make modern metadata possible, and he speculates about metadata’s future. By the end of the book, readers will see metadata everywhere. Because, Pomerantz warns us, it’s metadata’s world, and we are just living in it.

Ethics in linked data
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781634001335 Year: 2023 Publisher: Sacramento, Calif. Library Juice Press

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"This edited collection brings together contributions that explore ethics in linked data initiatives. Discussions about linked data and its potential are often utopian and technophiliac, rarely examining darker implications or harmful consequences. Since technology cannot exist outside of social, cultural, and economic spheres, it is important for creators and stewards of linked data and its related systems to recognize and address the impact (whether intended or not, positive or negative) on the communities, individuals affected. Engaging in critical and ethical analysis is ultimately an optimistic endeavor aimed at exposing problematic issues, generating best practices and guidelines, and opening up positive and generative possibilities for the implementation and use of linked data in GLAMS (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, Special Collections).The central premise of this book is that it is imperative: to foreground ethics rather than apply them as an afterthought, to acknowledge and mitigate the damage caused by existing systems, to create a place and space of justice for the minoritized, and to enable more ethical outcomes in linked data projects. This book collects the voices of practitioners, technologists, and developers working on linked data initiatives; scholars working at the intersection of ethics, cultural heritage, and technology; and workers in GLAMS, among others in order to explore emerging and changing technical and ethical landscapes. Contributions investigate the intersection of linked data with such topics as gender, indigenous knowledge, inclusive data creation, authority control, identity management, systems design, codes of ethics, sustainability, critiques of fundamental linked data mode ls, and more"--Provided by the publisher

The discipline of organizing

Geographic information metadata for spatial data infrastructures : resources, interoperability and information retrieval
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3540244646 9783540244646 3642063802 9786610346790 1280346795 3540275088 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin : Springer,

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Metadata play a fundamental role in both DLs and SDIs. Commonly defined as "structured data about data" or "data which describe attributes of a resource" or, more simply, "information about data", it is an essential requirement for locating and evaluating available data. Therefore, this book focuses on the study of different metadata aspects, which contribute to a more efficient use of DLs and SDIs. The three main issues addressed are: the management of nested collections of resources, the interoperability between metadata schemas, and the integration of information retrieval techniques to the discovery services of geographic data catalogs (contributing in this way to avoid metadata content heterogeneity).

Introduction to metadata
ISBN: 9781606064795 9781606064801 Year: 2016 Publisher: Los Angeles Getty Publications

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Metadata provides a means of indexing, accessing, preserving, and discovering digital resources. The volume of digital information available over electronic networks has created a pressing need for standards that ensure correct and proper use and interpretation of the data by its owners and users. Well-crafted metadata is needed more now than ever before and helps users to locate, retrieve, and manage information in this vast and complex universe.The third edition of Introduction to Metadata, first published in 1998, provides an overview of metadata, including its types, roles, and characteristics; a discussion of metadata as it relates to Web resources; and a description of methods, tools, standards, and protocols for publishing and disseminating digital collections. This revised edition is an indispensable resource in the field, addressing advances in standards such as Linked Open Data, changes in intellectual property law, and new computing technologies, and offering an expanded glossary of essential terms.

La gestion documentaire au coeur des processus d'affaires : valider, protéger, exploiter et pérenniser l'information dans l'environnement numérique
ISBN: 9781784057763 1784057762 Year: 2021 Volume: 5 Publisher: London : Iste editions,

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À l'heure du tout numérique et des multiples supports informatiques, les volumes d'information en circulation et dans nos appareils électroniques augmentent. La maîtrise de cette masse documentaire devient critique en raison de l'explosion des données numériques, de l'informatisation accélérée des processus d'entreprise et du foisonnement d'obligations légales et réglementaires.Après avoir étudié les différentes problématiques engendrées par la dématérialisation de l'information (accès, partage, protection, etc.), cet ouvrage s'intéresse aux documents d'activité et présente en détail les normes de gestion documentaire, notamment les ISO 15489 et 30300. Il étudie également les différentes écoles de pensées sur l'évaluation de la valeur des documents numériques, un aspect central du métier des archives, ainsi que l'importance des métadonnées pour identifier, classer et conserver l'information. Enfin, dans un univers mouvant, où l'obsolescence rapide des technologies oblige à développer des outils et des procédures pour conserver les archives sur une longue durée tout en garantissant leur sécurité, il traite le point capital de la pérennité du patrimoine informationnel.

Les bibliothèques face au monde des données
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782375461471 2375461479 2375461479 Year: 2023 Publisher: Villeurbanne Presses de l'Enssib

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La transformation numérique des processus documentaires amène les professionnels de l’information et des bibliothèques à gérer non seulement des documents imprimés ou numériques, mais encore des données numériques, structurées ou non. Ils sont de plus en plus concernés par ce nouveau monde de la donnée : toutes les bibliothèques produisent des données concernant leur activité (fréquentation, prêt, utilisateurs…) qu’il convient de gérer et sécuriser en vertu des nouvelles réglementations comme le RGPD. À partir de cette vision d’ensemble du monde de la donnée, les professionnels de l’information et des bibliothèques pourront détecter les enjeux et opportunités dans leurs pratiques professionnelles. --Presses de l'Enssib

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