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Jean Zumstein, grand spécialiste francophone de Jean, propose ici un recueil de ses contributions majeures sur la tradition johannique, et en particulier l'évangile de Jean, parues depuis 1990. Ces articles constituent une documentation précieuse qui accompagne de manière idéale son grand commentaire sur l'évangile de Jean (Labor et Fides, 2007 et 2014) et précise notamment certains choix méthodologiques centraux.
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Johannine school --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Johannine school. --- Ecole johannique --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Future life --- Johannine school --- Life --- Biblical teaching --- Christianity --- History of doctrines --- Religious aspects --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Johannine school --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 226.5 --- 227*23 --- 228 --- #GBIB: jesuitica --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Brieven van Johannes --- Apocalyps. Boek der Openbaring van Johannes. Apocalyptiek --- 227*23 Brieven van Johannes
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Among the great mysteries of the Gospel of John is its treatment of the Lord's Supper. The present study addresses this mystery based on composition-analytic and hermeneutic observations and concludes that the Gospel of John contains a deeply reflected theology of the Lord's Supper as the culmination of a deep process of transformation rooted in communal history. Die Frage nach dem Stellenwert des frühchristlichen Kultmahls im johanneischen Schrifttum beschäftigt seit dem 19. Jahrhundert die neutestamentliche Forschung. Das Johannesevangelium erwähnt in seiner - von der synoptischen stark abweichenden - Darstellung der Passionserzählung zwar ein letztes gemeinsames "Abendmahl" (δεîπνον) Jesu, bei dem er seinen Jüngern die Füße wäscht (Joh 13); es verzichtet aber auf die "Einsetzung" eines zukünftigen (Kult-)Mahles in der Weise, wie es die synoptisch-paulinische Tradition der Deuteworte nahelegt. Andererseits wird in Joh 6 Jesus als "Lebensbrot" proklamiert und scheinbar unmissverständlich der (rituelle) Genuss seines Fleisches und Blutes gefordert. Trotz zahlreicher Lösungsvorschläge wird dieser Befund weiterhin kontrovers beurteilt.Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt anhand kompositionsanalytischer und hermeneutischer Beobachtungen die These, dass das Johannesevangelium in seiner rezipierten Gestalt eine hoch reflektierte Abendmahlstheologie bietet. Diese resultiert aus einem umfassenden, in der Gemeindegeschichte begründeten Transformationsprozess: Praxis und theologische Deutung des gemeinschaftlichen Kultmahls verbinden sich in spezifischer Weise mit der Frage nach dem religiösen Selbstverständnis johanneischer Christen.
Johannine school. --- Lord's Supper --- Lord's Supper. --- Abendmahl. --- Gospel of John. --- Johanneische Theologie. --- Johannesevangelium. --- Last Supper. --- Neues Testament. --- New Testament. --- Biblical teaching. --- Bible. --- Bible. --- Bible. --- Theology. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Gospel of John. --- Last Supper. --- New Testament.
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226.5 --- Johannine school --- Circle, Johannine --- Community, Johannine --- Johannine circle --- Johannine community --- School, Johannine --- School of John (Biblical criticism) --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Theses --- Johannine school. --- Bible. --- Jean (Book of the New Testament) --- Johanisi (Book of the New Testament) --- Johannesevangelium --- John (Book of the New Testament) --- Yohan pogŭm --- Yohane den (Book of the New Testament) --- Yūḥannā (Book of the New Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Ioganaĭ (Book of the New Testament) --- Иоганай (Book of the New Testament)
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Johannine school. --- Qumran community. --- Symbolism in the Bible. --- 229*310 --- 226.5 --- Christian art and symbolism --- Jewish art and symbolism --- Kumran community --- Jewish sects --- Essenes --- Circle, Johannine --- Community, Johannine --- Johannine circle --- Johannine community --- School, Johannine --- School of John (Biblical criticism) --- Qumran --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Bible. --- Jean (Book of the New Testament) --- Johanisi (Book of the New Testament) --- Johannesevangelium --- John (Book of the New Testament) --- Yohan pogŭm --- Yohane den (Book of the New Testament) --- Yūḥannā (Book of the New Testament) --- Criticism, Textual. --- 229*310 Qumran --- Johannine school --- Qumran community --- Symbolism in the Bible --- Ioganaĭ (Book of the New Testament) --- Иоганай (Book of the New Testament)
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Holy Spirit --- Johannine school. --- Saint-Esprit --- Ecole johannique --- Biblical teaching. --- Enseignement biblique --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 226.5 --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Johannine school --- Circle, Johannine --- Community, Johannine --- Johannine circle --- Johannine community --- School, Johannine --- School of John (Biblical criticism) --- Biblical teaching --- Jean (Book of the New Testament) --- Johanisi (Book of the New Testament) --- Johannesevangelium --- John (Book of the New Testament) --- Yohan pogŭm --- Yohane den (Book of the New Testament) --- Yūḥannā (Book of the New Testament) --- Ioganaĭ (Book of the New Testament) --- Иоганай (Book of the New Testament) --- Holy Spirit - Biblical teaching.
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