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Dans une situation où le logement est un outil indispensable pour venir en aide à la personne sans-abri, le présent travail propose une analyse de divers logements en région liégeoise, afin d’en comprendre le fonctionnement ainsi que d’en extraire les points positifs et négatifs. À travers une approche spatiale et architecturale des logements, le but est d’interroger le rôle de l’architecte. Finalement, ce mémoire proposera une projection des tendances à venir en matière de logements pour sans-abri, ainsi que les missions architecturales qui s’y rattachent.
Logements --- SDF --- Sans-abrisme --- Liège --- Architecture --- Missions d'architecture --- Architecte --- Exclusion --- Pauvreté --- Abri de nuit --- Hébergement --- Housing First --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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In zorg en welzijn is er verschuiving gaande van instrumentele zorg naar relationele zorg. De relatie tussen professional en cliënt vormt de bedding voor goede zorg. Hierbij wordt persoonsgerichte zorg ingebed in de betekenis van sociale netwerken. Daarnaast is het belangrijk dat de samenleving de mogelijkheden biedt om mee te tellen en mee te doen. Individuele dienstverlening richt zich ook op maatschappelijk functioneren en sociale inclusie. Dit handboek belicht al deze facetten. In de methodiek Steunend Relationeel Handelen worden deze uitgangspunten uitgewerkt. Deze methodiek is gebaseerd op inzichten uit:integrale rehabilitatiebenadering,presentietheorie,positieve psychologie,krachtgericht werken,sociale inclusieherstel- en ervaringskennis.Steunend Relationeel Handelen richt zich op mensen in kwetsbare posities. Centraal in het handelen van de professionals staan vier kernhandelingen: verbinden, verstaan, verzekeren en versterken. Het eerste deel van het boek bevat een theoretische uitwerking. Vervolgens gaat het over praktische toepassingen, zoals in de ggz, maatschappelijke opvang, verslavingszorg, jeugdzorg, forensische zorg en zorg voor ouderen en vluchtelingen. Ook is er aandacht voor mensen met autisme, niet aangeboren hersenletsel en een verstandelijke beperking. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op kwartiermaken, arbeidsreïntegratie, zelfhulp, mantelzorg, complexe situaties en een gezonde leefstijl.
welzijnswerk, methoden --- 361.1 --- Welzijnswerk --- kracht --- kwetsbaarheid --- ervaringsdeskundigheid --- 364.0 --- 364.044 --- Social welfare methods --- ADL (activiteiten dagelijks leven) --- rehabilitatie --- participatie --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Psychosociale hulpverlening --- Levenskwaliteit --- GGZ (geestelijke gezondheidszorg) --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- Rehabilitatie --- Methodische hulpverlening --- Herstelgericht werken --- Systeemtherapie --- Sociale welzijnszorg --- Relatie cliënt --- Veiligheid patiënt --- Diversiteit --- Empowerment --- Inclusie --- Ervaringsgericht werken --- Stigmatisering --- Gespreksvoering --- Presentie-benadering --- Systematisch Rehabilitatiegericht Handelen --- Samenwerken --- Mantelzorg --- Zelfhulp --- Veerkracht --- Gezinstherapie --- Jeugdzorg --- Sociaal-emotionele opvoeding --- Autisme --- Verslaving --- Vluchtelingen --- Trauma --- Thuislozen --- Housing First --- Reclassering --- Ouderenzorg --- Gezondheidsbevordering --- Creativiteit --- Arbeidsrehabilitatie --- Re-integratie --- Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking --- Niet-aangeboren hersenletsels --- Maatschappelijk werk --- Methodiek --- Stigma --- Presentiebenadering --- Samenwerking --- Veerkracht (fysica) --- Vluchteling --- Psychotrauma --- Dak- en thuisloosheid --- Gezondheidspromotie --- Persoon met een verstandelijke handicap --- Niet-aangeboren hersenletsel --- Musiceren --- Digitale kloof --- Perinatale zorg --- Gokken --- Ondersteuning --- Samenleving --- Internet --- Oudere --- Maatwerk --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt --- Veerkracht (weerbaarheid) --- Persoonsgerichte zorg --- Steunend Relationeel Handelen (SRH-methodiek) --- Autismespectrumstoornis --- Relationeel werken
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"A fascinating account of the growing "Yes in My Backyard" urban movement The exorbitant costs of urban housing and the widening gap in income inequality are fueling a combative new movement in cities around the world. These influential activists aren't waiting for new public housing to be built. Instead, they're calling for more construction and denser cities in order to increase affordability. Yes to the City offers an in-depth look at the "Yes in My Backyard" (YIMBY) movement. From its origins in San Francisco to its current cadre of activists pushing for new apartment towers in places like Boulder, Austin, and London, Max Holleran explores how urban density, once maligned for its association with overpopulated slums, has become a rallying cry for millennial age activists locked out of housing markets and unable to pay high rents.Holleran provides a detailed account of YIMBY activists campaigning for construction, new zoning rules, better public transit, and even candidates for local and state office. YIMBY groups draw together an unlikely coalition, from developers and real estate agents to environmentalists, and Holleran looks at the increasingly contentious battles between market-driven pragmatists and rent-control idealists. Arguing that advocates for more housing must carefully weigh their demands for supply with the continuing damage of gentrification, he shows that these individuals see high-density urbanism and walkable urban spaces as progressive statements about the kind of society they would like to create.Chronicling a major shift in housing activism during the past twenty years, Yes to the City considers how one movement has reframed conversations about urban growth"-- "A fascinating account of the growing "Yes in My Backyard" urban movement"--
Land use, Urban. --- Housing. --- Housing policy. --- Generation Y. --- City planning. --- Activism. --- Affordability of housing in the United Kingdom. --- Affordable housing. --- Bay Area Council. --- Betterment. --- Big government. --- Billboard. --- Buy-In. --- Central business district. --- City Of. --- City manager. --- Commercial area. --- Commercial district. --- Commuter town. --- Cosmopolitanism. --- Creative City. --- Creative city. --- Culture industry. --- Decentralization. --- Elite Status. --- Enterprise journalism. --- Fair Housing Act. --- Fixer-upper. --- Free market. --- FreedomWorks. --- Gentrification. --- Gilded Age. --- Global city. --- Great Leap Forward. --- Great Society. --- Heart of the City (Kaliningrad). --- Heart of the City (development). --- Hippie. --- Housing First. --- Housing authority. --- Housing for All. --- Inception. --- Inclusionary zoning. --- Inner city. --- Inner suburb. --- Innovation. --- Internationalization. --- London. --- Manhattanization. --- Manifest destiny. --- Metropolitan area. --- Mortgage belt. --- Municipal services. --- NIMBY. --- Nationalization. --- New Urbanism. --- Next City. --- Occupy Wall Street. --- Occupy movement. --- Octavia Hill. --- Pedestrian zone. --- Planned community. --- Political capital. --- Property manager. --- Public housing. --- Public sphere. --- Public transport. --- Real estate appraisal. --- Real estate development. --- Real estate. --- Residential area. --- Retail. --- Sanctuary city. --- Sex and the City. --- Skyscraper. --- Smart city. --- Streetcar suburb. --- Suburb. --- Sustainable city. --- Technocracy. --- The Gateway Pundit. --- The Iconic. --- The Logic of Life. --- Think Big. --- Townhouse (Great Britain). --- Townhouse. --- Urban art. --- Urban culture. --- Urban density. --- Urban economics. --- Urban geography. --- Urban growth boundary. --- Urban history. --- Urban planner. --- Urban planning. --- Urban renewal. --- Urban sociology. --- Urban sprawl. --- Urbanism. --- Urbanity. --- Urbanization. --- Utopia. --- YIMBY. --- Zoning.
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