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Basisbegrippen logopedie deel 2: Communicatiestoornissen. Niet-verbale logopedische stoornissen : oromyofunctionele stoornissen en dysfagie
ISBN: 9789033498299 Year: 2017 Volume: Deel 2 Publisher: Leuven/Den Haag Acco

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In de logopedie staan stoornissen in de menselijke communicatie centraal. De laatste jaren zijn logopedisten zich echter ook meer en meer gaan bezighouden met stoornissen die niet langer de communicatie betreffen. Zo behoren onder andere afwijkende mondgewoontes en dysfagie (moeilijk-heden bij het slikken) nu ook tot het vakgebied. Dit boek biedt een overzicht van deze niet-verbale stoornissen en gaat ook in op het onderzoek en de behandeling ervan.Het boek is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor beginnende studenten in de logopedie maar kan wellicht ook artsen en andere paramedici uit de revalidatiesector interesseren. De publicatie maakt deel uit van de serie Basisbegrippen logopedie, deel 2: Communicatiestoornissen. Samen met het eerder verschenen Basisbegrippen logopedie, deel 1: logopedie en communicatie biedt deze serie een geïntegreerd overzicht van de logopedie als klinische wetenschap.

Handboek Neurologische communicatiestoornissen
ISBN: 9789044134544 Year: 2016 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant Uitgevers

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Dit handboek is bedoeld voor iedereen die interesse heeft voor neurogene communicatiestoornissen in de ruime zin van het woord. Naast de primaire neurologische spraak- en taalstoornissen (afasie, dysartrie en apraxie), gaat het boek ook in op communicatiestoornissen die samengaan met andere, meer algemene neurologische dysfuncties en condities (dementie, craniocerebrale traumata en rechterhemisfeerletsels).De beschreven aandoeningen worden zoveel mogelijk gekaderd in het ICF- model International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, dat ontwikkeld werd door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. Neurologische spraak-, taal- en communicatiestoornissen leiden immers niet enkel tot gestoorde lichaamsstructuren en -functies, maar ook tot beperkingen op het vlak van het uitvoeren van activiteiten en tot restricties bij het participeren aan het sociaal en maatschappelijk leven. Elke ernstige neurologische aandoening geeft bovendien aanleiding tot een sterk verminderde levenskwaliteit, zeker wanneer de communicatie is aangetast. Ten slotte mag ook de invloed van contextuele factoren niet worden onderschat, zoals de belangrijke rol die personen uit de omgeving spelen.Ook taalveranderingen die samengaan met de normale oude dag, komen aan bod. Hierbij gaat het weliswaar niet om taalstoornissen, zoals die voorkomen bij bijvoorbeeld afasie, of om taalproblemen die secundair zijn aan diffuse hersenschade, zoals bij dementering of een niet-aangeboren hersenletsel. Maar om een adequate differentiële diagnose te stellen, is het belangrijk om enige notie te hebben van de fenomenen die zich bij het normale verouderingsproces voordoen.

Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders
ISSN: 14769689 14769670

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Handboek spraakapraxie bij volwassenen
ISBN: 9789044129151 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Spraakapraxie is een complexe neurogene communicatiestoornis die, zeker in combinatie met afasie, frequent voorkomt. Dit handboek combineert evidence based informatie met klinische ervaring.Eerst wordt het concept spraakapraxie gedefinieerd en worden de voornaamste symptomen geïllustreerd. Dan komen de diagnostische criteria, de beschikbare diagnostische instrumenten en de differentiële diagnostiek met andere neurogene communicatiestoornissen aan bod. De integrale stimulatiemethode en de principes van motorisch leren vormen de fundamenten van het behandelingsconcept, dat concreet vorm krijgt in verschillende therapiemethodes, zoals de Sound Production Treatment, Melodic Intonation Therapy en Speech-Music Therapy for Aphasia. Aan de hand van het ICF-model en een getuigenis wordt tenslotte de psychosociale impact van de stoornis behandeld.Het handboek bevat meer dan 40 verwerkingsopdrachten en 50 kaders met klinisch bruikbaar materiaal.

Discourse development: progress in cognitive development research
ISBN: 0387909389 1461395100 1461395089 9780387909387 3540909389 9783540909385 Year: 1984 Publisher: New York

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Cognitive psychology --- Psycholinguistics --- Developmental psychology --- Pragmatics --- Children --- Language acquisition. --- Language. --- Language acquisition --- Communicative disorders in children --- Language Development --- Communication Disorders --- Language Acquisition --- Acquisition, Language --- Development, Language --- Disorders of communication in children --- Pediatric neurology --- Language development in children --- Interpersonal communication in children --- Language and languages --- Acquisition of language --- Developmental linguistics --- Developmental psycholinguistics --- Psycholinguistics, Developmental --- Acquired Communication Disorders --- Childhood Communication Disorders --- Communication Disabilities --- Communication Disorders, Childhood --- Communication Disorders, Developmental --- Communication Disorders, Neurogenic --- Communicative Disorders --- Communicative Dysfunction --- Developmental Communication Disorders --- Neurogenic Communication Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorder --- Childhood Communication Disorder --- Communication Disability --- Communication Disorder --- Communication Disorder, Acquired --- Communication Disorder, Childhood --- Communication Disorder, Developmental --- Communication Disorder, Neurogenic --- Communication Disorders, Acquired --- Communicative Disorder --- Communicative Dysfunctions --- Developmental Communication Disorder --- Disabilities, Communication --- Disability, Communication --- Dysfunction, Communicative --- Dysfunctions, Communicative --- Neurogenic Communication Disorder --- Language --- Vocabulary --- Acquisition

Handboek dyslexieonderzoek : wetenschappelijke inzichten in diagnostiek, oorzaken, preventie en behandeling van dyslexie
ISBN: 9789462925670 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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In Handboek dyslexieonderzoek geven de auteurs, Vlaamse en Nederlandse onderzoekers die allen zelf een vooraanstaande plaats innemen in het internationale onderzoek, het wetenschappelijk onderzoek op het gebied van dyslexie op heel bevattelijke wijze weer.De auteurs gaan in op de diagnose, erfelijkheid, hersenonderzoek, cognitieve oorzaken, preventie en de behandeling van dyslexie. Het boek is daardoor uitstekend geschikt als handboek in zowel bachelor- als masteropleidingen, maar het is ook bijzonder informatief voor al wie professioneel betrokken is bij dyslexie. In bijna alle hoofdstukken wordt de relatie tussen theorie en praktijk ter harte genomen. Het boek vergt geen speciale voorkennis en biedt de nodige verdieping in de materie.


#KVHB:Dyslexie --- 464.1 --- dyslexie --- Leesproblemen --- Leerstoornissen --- Communication Disorders --- Dyslexia --- logopedie --- Developmental Reading Disorder --- Word Blindness --- Alexia --- Dyslexia, Developmental --- Reading Disability, Developmental --- Reading Disorder --- Reading Disorder, Developmental --- Alexias --- Blindness, Word --- Blindnesses, Word --- Developmental Dyslexia --- Developmental Dyslexias --- Developmental Reading Disabilities --- Developmental Reading Disability --- Developmental Reading Disorders --- Disabilities, Developmental Reading --- Disability, Developmental Reading --- Disorder, Developmental Reading --- Disorder, Reading --- Disorders, Developmental Reading --- Disorders, Reading --- Dyslexias --- Dyslexias, Developmental --- Reading Disabilities, Developmental --- Reading Disorders --- Reading Disorders, Developmental --- Word Blindnesses --- Learning Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorders --- Childhood Communication Disorders --- Communication Disabilities --- Communication Disorders, Childhood --- Communication Disorders, Developmental --- Communication Disorders, Neurogenic --- Communicative Disorders --- Communicative Dysfunction --- Developmental Communication Disorders --- Neurogenic Communication Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorder --- Childhood Communication Disorder --- Communication Disability --- Communication Disorder --- Communication Disorder, Acquired --- Communication Disorder, Childhood --- Communication Disorder, Developmental --- Communication Disorder, Neurogenic --- Communication Disorders, Acquired --- Communicative Disorder --- Communicative Dysfunctions --- Developmental Communication Disorder --- Disabilities, Communication --- Disability, Communication --- Dysfunction, Communicative --- Dysfunctions, Communicative --- Neurogenic Communication Disorder --- Dyslexie --- Dyslexie. --- Learning Disabilities --- Primary education --- Secondary education --- Orthopedagogics

Communication disorders quarterly.
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 15384837 15257401 Year: 1999 Publisher: Austin Hammil institute on disabilities

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Communicative disorders --- Communicative disorders. --- Communication Disorders. --- Communication disorders (Medicine) --- Disorders of communication --- Acquired Communication Disorders --- Childhood Communication Disorders --- Communication Disabilities --- Communication Disorders, Childhood --- Communication Disorders, Developmental --- Communication Disorders, Neurogenic --- Communicative Disorders --- Communicative Dysfunction --- Developmental Communication Disorders --- Neurogenic Communication Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorder --- Childhood Communication Disorder --- Communication Disability --- Communication Disorder --- Communication Disorder, Acquired --- Communication Disorder, Childhood --- Communication Disorder, Developmental --- Communication Disorder, Neurogenic --- Communication Disorders, Acquired --- Communicative Disorder --- Communicative Dysfunctions --- Developmental Communication Disorder --- Disabilities, Communication --- Disability, Communication --- Dysfunction, Communicative --- Dysfunctions, Communicative --- Neurogenic Communication Disorder --- Nervous system --- Diseases --- Neurology --- Communication Disorders --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- Health Sciences --- Social Sciences --- Language & Linguistics --- Society and Culture --- Clinical Medicine --- Ear, Nose & Throat --- Pediatrics --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling --- Psycholinguistics --- communicatie --- linguïstiek --- Troubles de la communication

Autism & developmental language impairments
ISSN: 23969415 Year: 2016 Publisher: London Sage Publications Ltd

Language disorders from infancy through adolescence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 032344234X 9780323442350 9780323442343 Year: 2018 Publisher: St.Louis (Miss.) Elsevier

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Language disorders in children. --- Language disorders in adolescence. --- Communication Disorders. --- Adolescent. --- Child. --- Infant. --- Infants --- Children --- Minors --- Adolescents --- Adolescents, Female --- Adolescents, Male --- Teenagers --- Teens --- Adolescence --- Youth --- Adolescent, Female --- Adolescent, Male --- Female Adolescent --- Female Adolescents --- Male Adolescent --- Male Adolescents --- Teen --- Teenager --- Youths --- Acquired Communication Disorders --- Childhood Communication Disorders --- Communication Disabilities --- Communication Disorders, Childhood --- Communication Disorders, Developmental --- Communication Disorders, Neurogenic --- Communicative Disorders --- Communicative Dysfunction --- Developmental Communication Disorders --- Neurogenic Communication Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorder --- Childhood Communication Disorder --- Communication Disability --- Communication Disorder --- Communication Disorder, Acquired --- Communication Disorder, Childhood --- Communication Disorder, Developmental --- Communication Disorder, Neurogenic --- Communication Disorders, Acquired --- Communicative Disorder --- Communicative Dysfunctions --- Developmental Communication Disorder --- Disabilities, Communication --- Disability, Communication --- Dysfunction, Communicative --- Dysfunctions, Communicative --- Neurogenic Communication Disorder --- Communicative disorders in adolescence --- Communicative disorders in children --- Language disorders in adolescence --- Language disorders in children --- Communication Disorders --- Infant --- Child --- Adolescent --- Troubles du langage --- Chez l'enfant. --- Chez l'adolescent. --- Taalstoornis --- Ontwikkelingspsychologie --- Logopedie --- Taalontwikkelingsstoornis --- logopedie --- taalstoornissen

International journal of language and communication disorders.
ISSN: 13682822 14606984 Year: 1966 Publisher: London London Informa Healthcare College of speech therapists

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personen met een auditieve beperking --- spraakstoornissen --- Neuropathology --- psycholinguïstiek --- logopedie --- Psycholinguistics --- Communication Disorders --- Communicatiestoornissen. --- Spraakstoornissen. --- Orthophonie. --- Trouble de la communication. --- Trouble du langage. --- Speech therapy --- Speech disorders --- Language disorders --- Orthophonie --- Troubles de la parole --- Troubles du langage --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Communicative disorders --- Communication Disorders. --- Communicative disorders. --- Language disorders. --- Speech disorders. --- Speech therapy. --- Speech-Language Pathology. --- Acquired Communication Disorders --- Childhood Communication Disorders --- Communication Disabilities --- Communication Disorders, Childhood --- Communication Disorders, Developmental --- Communication Disorders, Neurogenic --- Communicative Disorders --- Communicative Dysfunction --- Developmental Communication Disorders --- Neurogenic Communication Disorders --- Acquired Communication Disorder --- Childhood Communication Disorder --- Communication Disability --- Communication Disorder --- Communication Disorder, Acquired --- Communication Disorder, Childhood --- Communication Disorder, Developmental --- Communication Disorder, Neurogenic --- Communication Disorders, Acquired --- Communicative Disorder --- Communicative Dysfunctions --- Developmental Communication Disorder --- Disabilities, Communication --- Disability, Communication --- Dysfunction, Communicative --- Dysfunctions, Communicative --- Neurogenic Communication Disorder --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- Language & Linguistics --- General and Others --- Psychiatry & Psychology --- Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling --- Health Sciences --- Social Sciences --- Clinical Medicine --- Arts and Humanities. --- Behavioral Science (Psychology) and Counselling. --- Health Sciences. --- Social Sciences. --- Communication disorders (Medicine) --- Disorders of communication --- Speech correction --- Defective speech --- Disorders of speech --- Speech, Disorders of --- Speech defects --- Speech pathology --- Dysphasia --- Treatment --- Speech-Language Pathology --- Pathology, Language --- Pathology, Speech --- Pathology, Speech-Language --- Language Pathology --- Speech Pathology --- Pathology, Speech Language --- Speech Language Pathology --- Nervous system --- Therapeutics --- Diseases --- Neurology

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