Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The Marprelate tracts [1588-1589].
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The epistle : [September-November 1588]
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An introductory sketch to the Martin Marprelate controversy 1588-1590
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The iust censure and reproofe of Martin Iunior. Wherein the rash and vndiscreete headines of the foolish youth, is sharply mette with, and the boy hath his lesson taught him, I warrant you, by his reuerend and elder brother, Martin Senior, sonne and heire vnto the renowmed Martin Mar-prelate the Great. Where also, least the springall shold be vtterly discouraged in his good meaning, you shall finde, that hee is not bereaued of his due commendations
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Mar-Martine : I know not why a trueth in rime set out maie not as wel mar Martine and his mates, as shamelesse lies in prose-books cast about marpriests, & prelates, and subvert whole states. For where truth builds, and lying overthroes, one truth in rime, is worth ten lies in prose.
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Martins months minde : that is, a certaine report, and true description of the death, and funeralls, of olde Martin Marreprelate, the great makebate of England, and father of the factious. Contayning the cause of his death, the manner of his buriall, and the right copies both of his will, and of such epitaphs, as by sundrie his dearest friends, and other of his well willers, were framed for him.
Nash, Thomas
Year: 1589
Publisher: [London : Printed by Thomas Orwin],
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The state of the Church of Englande : laide open in a conference betweene Diotrephes a byshop, Tertullus a papist, Demetrius an vsurer, Pandocheus an inne-keeper, and Paule a preacher of the worde of God.
Udall, John
Year: 1588
Publisher: [London : R. Waldegrave,
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Antimartinus, siue Monitio cuiusdam Londinensis ad adolescentes vtriùsque academiæ, contra personatum quendam rabulam, qui se Anglicè Martin Marprelat, hoc est, Martinum Mastigarchon, ē misarchon vocat
A. L.
Year: 1589
Publisher: Londini : Excudebant Georgius Bishop, & Radulphus Newbery,
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The returne of the renowned caualiero Pasquill of England : from the other side the seas, and his meeting with Marforius at London vpon the Royall Exchange. VVhere they encounter with a little houshold talke of Martin and Martinisme, discouering the scabbe that is bredde in England: and conferring together about the speedie dispersing of the golden legende of the liues of the saints.
Nash, Thomas
Year: 1589
Publisher: [London] : If my breath be so hote that I burne my mouth, suppose I was printed by Pepper Allie [i.e. printed by John Charlewood],
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Theses Martinianae : that is, certaine demonstratiue conclusions, sette downe and collected (as it should seeme) by that famous and renowmed clarke, the reuerend Martin Marprelate the great: seruing as a manifest and sufficient confutation of al that euer the Colledge of Catercaps with their whole band of clergie-priests, haue, or canbring [sic] for the defence of their ambitious and antichristian prelacie. Published and set foorthe as an after-birth of the noble gentleman himselfe, by a prety stripling of his, Martin Iunior, and dedicated by him to his good neame and nuncka, Maister Iohn Kankerbury: hovv the yongman [sic] came by them, the reader shall vunderstande sufficiently in the epilogue. In the meane time, vvhosoeuer can bring mee acquainted vvith my father, Ile bee bounde hee shall not loose his labour.
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