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Engineering Mechanics : Volume 1: Equilibrium
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1402041209 1402054831 Year: 2006 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer,

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This is the first of two volumes introducing structural and continuum mechanics in a comprehensive and consistent way. An important aspect of this book is the straightforward and consistent sign convention, based on the stress definitions of continuum mechanics.

Engineering Mechanics : Volume 2: Stresses, Strains, Displacements
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1402041233 1402057636 Year: 2007 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer,

Engineering Mechanics : Volume 1: Equilibrium
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781402054839 Year: 2006 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer

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Engineering Mechanics : Stresses, Strains, Displacements
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781402057632 Year: 2007 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer

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Engineering Mechanics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781402054839 Year: 2006 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer

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This Volume is the ?rst of a series of two: aspect that is used throughout the series is the interaction between rigid bodiesandtheforcesthatactuponrigidbodies. Theseforcesplayanimpor- ¢ Volume 1 : Equilibrium tant role in Chapter 4, where structural elements and support conditionsare ¢ Volume 2 : Stresses, deformations and displacements introduced, followed by Chapter 5, which deals with the interaction forces andsupportreactions. A comprehensivechapteron loadsgivesan overview Volume1introducesthefundamentalsofstructuralandcontinuummech- not only of the origin of loads, but also provides an introduction how to icsina comprehensiveandconsistentway. All theoreticaldevelopmentsare treat loads in engineering codes and in structural calculations. Examples presented in the text and by means of an extensive set of ?gures. Numerous of speci?c loads from gases, from liquids and from soils can be found in examples support the theory and provide a link to engineering practice. Chapters 7 and 8. These chapters can be regarded as an introduction in Combined with an extensive set of problems in each chapter, students are soil and ?uid mechanics, and can be omitted when treating only structural given ample opportunitiesto exercise. mechanics. The book consists of distinct modules, each divided into sections which After the basic theory of equilibrium of rigid bodies, boundary conditions are conveniently sized to be used as lectures.

Engineering Mechanics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781402057632 Year: 2007 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer

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This Volume is the second of a series of two: duction of basic material and deformation quantities. In Chapter 2 the ?bre modelisintroducedtodescribethebehaviouroflineelementssubjecttoex- ¢ Volume 1: Equilibrium tension(tensileorcompressiveaxialforces).A formalapproachis followed ¢ Volume 2: Stresses, deformations and displacements in which the three basic relationships (the kinematic, constitutive and static relationships) are used to describe the displacement ?eld with a second These volumes introduce the fundamentals of structural and continuum order differential equation. Numerous examples show the in?uence of the mechanics in a comprehensive and consistent way. All theoretical dev- boundaryconditionsand loading conditionson the solution of the displa- opments are presented in text and by means of an extensive set of ?gures. ment ?eld. In Chapter 3 the cross-sectional quantities such as centre of Numerous examples support the theory and make the link to engineering mass or centre of gravity, centroid, normal (force) centre, ?rst moments of practice. Combined with the problems in each chapter, students are given area or static moments, and second moments of area or moments of inertia ample opportunities to exercise. are introduced as well as the polar moment of inertia. The in?uence of the The book consists of distinct modules, each divided into sections which are translation of the coordinate system on these quantities is also investigated, conveniently sized to be used as lectures. Both formal and intuitive (en- resultingintheparallelaxistheoremorSteiner'sruleforthestatic moments neering) arguments are used in parallel to derive the important principles.

Basisboek toegepaste mechanica
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789006814859 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amersfoort : ThiemeMeulenhoff,

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Het boek behandelt ‘de leer van het evenwicht' ofwel de statica, een hoofdprobleemstelling uit de constructieleer, en een van de basisgereedschappen voor het ontwerpen en construeren van bouwkundige en/of civieltechnische constructies. De inhoud is modulair opgebouwd en daarmee flexibel in het gebruik. Er wordt zoveel mogelijk gewerkt met Systematische Probleem Aanpak (SPA). Studenten kunnen zelfstandig de stof doorlopen. Elke module eindigt met een toets. De digitale uitwerkingen en antwoorden op de toetsen zijn online te vinden zoals vermeld op de achterkant van het boek. In deze nieuwe editie zijn suggesties voor verduidelijking en verbetering door gebruikers verwerkt. Ook is de opmaak van formules verbeterd wat de leesbaarheid ten goede komt.



Basisboek toegepaste mechanica
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9006950017 Year: 2005 Publisher: Zutphen Thiememeulenhoff

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Basisboek toegepaste mechanica.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789006951288 Year: 2011 Publisher: Amersfoort ThiemeMeulenhoff

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