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Extinction and recovery patterns in benthic foraminiferal paleocommunities across the Cretaceous/Paleogene and Paleocene/Eocene boundaries
ISBN: 9071577783 Year: 1994 Publisher: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht = University of Utrecht = Université d'Utrecht,

Environmental change across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary : an integrated, multi-proxy approach
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuve KUL Science, Engineering and technology

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A new biostratigraphic marker in planktic foraminiferal Zone P3 in relation to the Latest Danian Event (Paleocene): The last consistent occurrence of Praemurica spp.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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During the Paleocene, about 60 million years ago, the earth´s temperature was about 10°C higher than today. Several transient warming events as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 56 million years ago) and the Latest Danian Event (LDE, 62.14 million years ago) rose the temperatures even higher. These warming events (or hyperthermals) took place due to several causes: 1. methane release by a change in ocean water circulation, 2. mantle plume volcanism at North Atlantic Igneous Provinces emitting CO2 gasses, and 3. a variation in the Milanković variables (eccentricity of earth’s orbit, axial tilt and axial precession of the earth) changing the intensity and distribution of sun insolation. In the LDE, the deep ocean and surface water warmed up additionally with respectively 1.6-2°C and 2.8°C. Temperature reconstruction and the recognition of these climatic events can be conducted by carbon and oxygen isotope studies in foraminifera (unicellular organisms with a calcareous test). δ13C and δ18O show both negative values during a warming event, due to the input of light 12C isotopes in the ocean and the preference of foraminifera to take up less of the heavy oxygen 18O isotope in their skeleton. Besides these geochemical measurements, a geological event is also recorded in sediments by characteristic lithology. A popular example is the Chicxulub asteroid impact at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary which is recognized by an ejecta rich deposit of iridium in the clay on an almost global scale. Also, biotic changes in the fossil record help to locate and date events in geological history. Planktic foraminifera are useful due to the fast evolution of distinctive species and widespread occurrence in marine sediments. The first and last appearance of a species can function as geological marker for an event, but reworking of material by other organisms (e.g. burrowing) may bring older fossils up and relocates the time marker. A more reliable marker is provided by the use of consistent appearances rather than focus on the ultimate first or last species in the record. The geological timescale units are correlated with rock strata, sea level changes, climate, geological events and the fossil record. In the planktic foraminifera Zone P3, which is in the Paleocene, the LDE is currently marked with the first appearance of Igorina albeari. Strikingly, this small biconvex and keeled (rim around test) planktic foraminifera species only correlates to the LDE for the former Tethys Ocean and lower latitudes. For the South Atlantic and Pacific Ocean the first appearance of Igorina albeari is 500.000 years older than the LDE. The last consistent appearance of Praemurica spp. has been defined a better marker for the onset of the LDE. This planktic foraminifera species with pustules, a low trochospiral and globular to ovoid chambers is a more useful marker on a global level based on studies in the former Tethys Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, North and South Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean. This revision of planktic foraminiferal Zone P3 is needed.


Detectie van Vroeg Eocene hyperthermalen met behulp van benthische foraminiferen : (fauna en stabiele isotopen).

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Op zoek naar sporen van het X-event (52,5 Ma): micropaleontologie van de Klei van Roubaix in de boring van Kallo (Ieperiaan, Onder-Eoceen, België)
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Het begin van de Ijstijden op het Noordelijk Halfrond in het Gelasiaan (Boven-Plioceen) : micropaleontologische studie van Noordzeekernen A15-3 en A15-4.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Micropaleontology of the Latest Danian Event in the North Atlantic : IODP site 1407, Newfoundland Ridge
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Leuven : KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Recent global warming has sparked a great deal of interest for similar situations in our geological past. In the early Eocene period (from ca. 56 to 52 million years ago), several of such events have been discovered. These events, called hyperthermals, can be used to estimate the consequences of fast-paced global warming on the environment: the strongest of these events caused a global warming of at least 5°C over a period of only a few thousand years, comparable to recent warming. Based on carbon isotopic records, several other events were found that occurred much sooner. One of these events occurred around 62 million years ago during the end of the Danian period. This Latest Danian Event or LDE has been detected in sediments of most of the world's oceans, which shows a relatively modest event lasting 150 to 200 thousand years. Its impact on the environment is relatively unknown however, especially regarding the benthic (seafloor-dwelling) organisms living in the deep seas. These form earth's largest and most stable ecosystem, and changes here indicate significant changes for other ecosystems around the world. In this study we examined a core drilled on the Newfoundland Ridge by the International Ocean Drilling Program, with the goal to study the quantitative changes in the benthic foraminiferal community of the deep ocean. These small single-celled organisms form calcified shells that can be preserved in the sediment, and their specific shape tells a lot about the environment of that time. Besides this, attention was paid to sedimentation and preservation. Age and sediment rate models were constructed for the event, which might show increased sedimentation rates during the event, but the resolution pre- and post-LDE are not high enough to conclude this with high certainty. Unfortunately one of several lithified horizons covers the entire onset of the event, making that part impossible to study. These horizons contain biogenic opal and are possibly related to increased productivity of siliceous micro-organisms such as radiolarians. The largest change during the LDE is a large bloom of the species Paralabamina lunata, indicating a qualitative change in the transport of food towards the ocean floor, one of the major parameters that structure the benthic community. This change might have been related to an increased seasonality or because of a food source that P. lunata had access to that was not used by other species. At the peak of the event, a sudden, short-term increase in suspension-feeding foraminifera might indicate intensified oceanic bottom currents. These changes suggest that the LDE may have caused a temporary configuration of altered circulation and food delivery to the ocean floor. Besides these two changes, the benthic community remains surprisingly undisturbed, and no permanent biotic change was recorded. This shows that the environmental response to the LDE was mostly regionally controlled.


Micropaleontologische karakterisering van paleomilieuontwikkelingen in Aktulagay, Kazachstan, tijdens de Vroeg-Eocene broeikasaarde
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Gastropoda en andere invertebrata van de Krijt/Paleogeen overgang in Zuid-Limburg
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Leuven K.U.Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Isotopic study of the early Eocene paleoecology and paleoenvironment in Aktulagay : The Aktulagay Section, Kazakhstan
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Leuven : K.U. Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Het Eoceen is een geologisch tijdperk dat begon 56 miljoen jaar geleden en eindigde 34 miljoen jaar geleden. Dit tijdperk begon 10 miljoen jaar na het uitsterven van de dinosauriers. Deze studie focust op het vroege Eoceen, 54 tot 50 miljoen jaar geleden. Het klimaat van deze periode was in het algemeen bijzonder warm. Er kwamen destijds geen ijskappen voor op de noordpool en de zuidpool, zelfs niet tijdens de winter. Om informatie over deze periode te verzamelen werd chemisch onderzoek verricht op de kalkschaal van foraminiferen. Dit zijn kleine diertjes die zelden groter worden dan een halve milimeter. Tijdens hun leven maken ze een kalkschaal die sterk gelijkt op de miniatuurversie van de schelpen op het strand. De chemische samenstelling van deze schaaltjes is afhankelijk van de temperatuur, het zoutgehalte in het water en meer in het algemeen de chemische samenstelling van het water. Verder hangt de chemische samenstelling ook af van hun leefomgeving en hun voeding. Sommige foraminiferen leven in de waterkolom, waarbij de waterdiepte varieert naargelang de soort. Andere foraminiferen leven op het sediment of in de eerste 5 centimeter tot 10 centimeter van het sediment van de zeebodem. Hoewel de diertjes ook al bestonden in het Eoceen zijn de soorten van toen vandaag reeds uitgestorven. Daardoor is het niet altijd duidelijk welke diertjes op het sediment leefden en welke in het sediment leefden. Dit is echter een relevante vraag gezien het relatief aantal foraminiferen dat op een bepaald ogenblik leeft afhankelijk is van de omgevingsomstandigheden. Zo kunnen foraminiferen die dieper leven in het sediment in algemeen beter tegen periodes van lage zuurstofgehaltes op de zeebodem. Met chemische samenstelling doelen we in deze studie eigenlijk meer specifiek op de isotopensamenstelling van het calciet. Isotopen zijn atomen van eenzelfde chemisch element (eenzelfde aantal protonen m.a.w. positief geladen deeltjes), maar met een verschillende massa die gelinkt i...


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