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Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- volksgezondheid --- gezondheidszorg --- gezondheidsvoorzieningen
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First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence examines Britain's highly acclaimed approach to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), and its international potential. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been regarded as a role model for the implementation of CEA, and is being closely watched by health care policy makers throughout Europe, and in the United States. This volume dissects the robustness of the agency's technology appraisal processes as NICE evaluates innovative methods for diagnosis and intervention. Given the unique features of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) starting with it being diagnosed mainly in children and adolescents, its high comorbidity with other psychiatric conditions, and its considerable economic impact the disorder is a perfect focal point for discussion. Review of clinical issues in ADHD, including diagnostic criteria and the use of psychostimulants. Step-by-step explanation of the NICE appraisal process: valuation of treatment strategies for ADHD. Successes and limitations of NICE: an in-depth critique. Future directions and implications for health care prioritization in other countries. Balanced clinical and economic perspectives throughout the book. This is salient reading for public health professionals in health service administration, research, policy, and economics. Whether one's interest is the robustness of the NICE method, or its application across clinical conditions or delivery systems, this book is a singular look into the real world of health care decision-making.
Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- volksgezondheid --- gezondheidszorg --- gezondheidsvoorzieningen
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Mit diesem Open Access-Buch veröffentlicht das Institute for Innovation & Valuation in Health Care (InnoValHC) eine von der Schweizerischen Foederatio Analyticorum Medicinalium Helveticorum (FAMH) unterstützte wissenschaftliche Studie, die den gegenwärtigen und zukünftig zu erwartenden Nutzen von Laboranalysen aus der Perspektive von Patienten und Gesellschaft untersucht. Die Labormedizin gilt nach Expertenmeinung als ausschlaggebend für rund 70% aller klinischen Entscheidungen, wird jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer Kosten und des Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnisses labordiagnostischer Verfahren kritisch betrachtet. Aus dem Inhalt • Problemstellung • Herangehensweise und Methodik der Studie • Krankheitslast und -kosten in der Schweiz • Dimensionen des Nutzens von Diagnostika • Nachweis des Nutzens der Laboratoriumsmedizin • Health Technology Assessments (HTAs) von Diagnostika • Chancen der Präzisionsmedizin • Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Laboratoriumsmedizin in der Schweiz Die Autoren Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Michael Schlander, M.B.A., seit 2017 Professor für Gesundheitsökonomie an der Universität Heidelberg und Leiter der Abteilung für Gesundheitsökonomie am DKFZ in Heidelberg. Außerdem Vorstand und wissenschaftlicher Leiter des gemeinnützigen Institute for Innovation & Valuation in Health Care mit Sitz in Wiesbaden (seit 2005). Ramon Schäfer, M.A. in Innovation Management, B.Sc. in Betriebswirtschaftslehre, seit 2015 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institute for Innovation & Valuation in Health Care und seit 2017 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am DKFZ. Doktorand in Gesundheitsökonomie an der Medizinischen Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg. Lorenz Selberg, Arzt am Spital Bülach, ZH, Master of Health Business Administration; approbierter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, B.A. in Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Seit 2018 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institute for Innovation & Valuation in Health Care; Doktorand im Bereich der Hämatologie an der Krehl-Klinik in Heidelberg. .
Medicine. --- Public health. --- Clinical Medicine. --- Public Health. --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Health Workforce
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First in a new series on economic issues in the context of health care policy, Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence examines Britain’s highly acclaimed approach to cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), and its international potential. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has been regarded as a role model for the implementation of CEA, and is being closely watched by health care policy makers throughout Europe, and in the United States. This volume dissects the robustness of the agency’s technology appraisal processes as NICE evaluates innovative methods for diagnosis and intervention. Given the unique features of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—starting with it being diagnosed mainly in children and adolescents, its high comorbidity with other psychiatric conditions, and its considerable economic impact—the disorder is a perfect focal point for discussion. Review of clinical issues in ADHD, including diagnostic criteria and the use of psychostimulants. Step-by-step explanation of the NICE appraisal process: valuation of treatment strategies for ADHD. Successes and limitations of NICE: an in-depth critique. Future directions and implications for health care prioritization in other countries. Balanced clinical and economic perspectives throughout the book. This is salient reading for public health professionals in health service administration, research, policy, and economics. Whether one’s interest is the robustness of the NICE method, or its application across clinical conditions or delivery systems, this book is a singular look into the real world of health care decision-making.
Medical technology --- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder --- Evaluation. --- Diagnosis. --- Treatment. --- National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Great Britain) --- NICE --- Great Britain. --- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Great Britain) --- Health care technology --- Health technology --- Technology
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