Dvustvorchatye molliuski i usloviia osadkonakopleniia (Litologo-paleozkologicheskij i aktualisticheskij analiz pozdnepaleozojskih uglenosnyh otlozenij iuga zapadnoj sibiri i melkovodjia nekotoryh morej SSSR) = Bivalve molluscs and sedimentation conditions (Actualistic and lithologo-paleoecological analysis of late paleozoic coal-bearing deposits of south-west siberia and somme seas of the USSR)
Author: Ivanova, I-N.V. Year: 1973
Publisher: Moskva Izdateljstvo nauka
Life Sciences and Space Research. . 15., : Sāo Paulo, S.P., Brazil - June 1974 ; Proceedings of Open Meetings of Working Groups on Physical Sciences of the Seventeenth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR