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This book reignites discussion on the importance of collaboration and innovation in language education. The pivotal difference highlighted in this volume is the concept of team learning through collaborative relationships such as team teaching. It explores ways in which team learning happens in ELT environments and what emerges from these explorations is a more robust concept of team learning in language education. Coupled with this deeper understanding, the value of participant research is emphasised by defining the notion of ‘team’ to include all participants in the educational experience. Authors in this volume position practice ahead of theory as they struggle to make sense of the complex phenomena of language teaching and learning. The focus of this book is on the nexus between ELT theory and practice as viewed through the lens of collaboration. The volume aims to add to the current knowledge base in order to bridge the theory-practice gap regarding collaboration for innovation in language classrooms.
English language --- Teaching teams. --- Study and teaching. --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Teaching --- English language Study and teaching --- Study and teaching --- area --- based --- content --- english --- interdisciplinary --- native --- practice --- speaking --- teacher --- teachers
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This book relates "new" information and communication technologies (ICT) to their specific teaching and learning functions, in particular how ICT is appropriated for and/or by educational or learning communities. We categorize consumer-oriented educational multimedia as established technologies, not of primary importance for innovative approaches to collaborative learning. Internet connections in schools and academic institutions are no longer new, though the learning culture originating from this technology may still lack a sufficiently rich definition. The technological "hot spots" of interest in this book are in turn: groupware or multi-user technologies such as group archives or synchronous co-construction environments, embedded interactive technologies in the spirit of ubiquitous computing, and modeling tools based on rich representations. Important features of these new technologies are: the move from individually oriented software tools to multi-user tools providing group awareness as well as facilities for the co-construction of knowledge; a definition of software use beyond a single piece of software towards multiple applications or tools which are not only technically interoperable but also task and role compliant in a social situation (social interoperability); high interactivity and creative potential with high productive activity and initiative on the part of the user (as opposed to the receptive scheme of usage of many educational multimedia applications); new kinds of peripherals in the spirit "of ubiquitous computing and augmented reality", which allow for redefining the borderline between physical action on the one hand and virtual or symbolic on the other
Educational technology. --- Group work in education. --- Teaching teams. --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Teaching --- Cooperative learning --- Group method in teaching --- Group teaching --- Education --- Instructional technology --- Technology in education --- Technology --- Educational innovations --- Instructional systems --- Aids and devices
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Er zal iets moeten veranderen waardoor leraren beter in staat zijn om te gaan met verschillen tussen leerlingen en adequaat kunnen reageren op gedragsproblemen. Het tot nu toe gehanteerde adviseren en begeleiden is klaarblijkelijk niet langer toereikend. Het gaat niet om het aanreiken van theoretische tools achteraf, maar om praktisch gereedschap dat direct kan worden toegepast. Co-teaching, waarbij een collega of deskundige als evenwaardige partner met de leraar in de klas werkt, versterkt de leraar in de klas in het vinden van praktische oplossingen. Het vergroot de handelingsvaardigheid van de leraar en voorziet deze van krachtig en doeltreffend gereedschap. Het vergroot de kennis en vaardigheden en verbetert attitudes van de leraar en rust daarmee de leraar aantoonbaar beter toe voor de onderwijsuitdagingen van vandaag en morgen.
450.7 --- Begeleiding(Coaching) --- Communicatie --- Lerarenopleiding --- Samenwerking --- Teamontwikkeling --- Werkplekleren --- 454.22 --- Lesgeven --- coaching --- lerarenopleiding --- werkplekleren --- Team-teaching --- Zorgverbreding --- Opleiding en bijscholing --- Onderwijsstijlen --- Co-teaching --- Lerarenbegeleiding --- Passend onderwijs --- adaptief onderwijs --- onderwijsbegeleiding --- werkplekken --- didactische principes, differentiatie, leerlingbegeleiding, motivatie, totaliteitsonderwijs, zorgverbreding --- Geïntegreerd onderwijs --- samenwerking. --- Samenwerking. --- Leraren --- Nederland. --- Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- lerarenbegeleiding --- samenwerkend leren --- 454.23 --- lerarenopleidingen --- didactiek --- Didactics --- Primary education --- Secondary education
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Coteaching is two or more teachers teaching together, sharing responsibility for meeting the learning needs of students and, at the same time, learning from each other. Working as collaborators on every aspect of instruction, coteachers plan, teach and evaluate lessons together. Over the past decade, because coteaching can be highly beneficial to both students and teachers it has become an increasingly important element of science teacher education and is expanding into other content areas and educational settings. This edited book brings together ten years' work on the research and the practice of coteaching and its impact on teaching and learning, predominantly in the sciences. It includes contributions from Europe, United States and Australia and presents an doverview of theory and practice common to most studies.
Science -- Study and teaching. --- Teaching teams. --- Teaching teams --- Science --- Education --- Education, Special Topics --- Theory & Practice of Education --- Social Sciences --- Study and teaching --- Study and teaching. --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Education. --- Science education. --- Teaching. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Science Education. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Teaching
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Integrierte Gesamtschule Gottingen-Geismar --- IGS Göttingen-Geismar --- Geismar (Göttingen, Germany). --- Educational innovations --- Social learning --- Teaching teams --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Education --- Innovations, Educational --- Technological change in education --- Case studies --- Innovations --- Technological innovations --- Integrierte Gesamtschule Göttingen-Geismar. --- Educational planning --- Educational change --- Educational technology --- Teaching --- Learning --- Socialization --- Experimental methods
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ACE (Active Collaborative Education) set out on its educational journey in October 2001. At the time, graduates of the college were enthusiastically accepted in the field, smoothly slipping into the school system and highly appreciated as ‘good teachers’. However, this situation did not please this book’s contributors. They wanted to see ACE graduates as different teachers, agents of change and innovation in their classrooms as well as in the wider circles of their society. It is against this background that the ACE program came into being – subversive in spirit, focusing on the process as much as on its end results, on dialogue instead of on competition, and on learning communities and participation as much as on individual engagement. .
Education - General --- Education --- Social Sciences --- Teachers --- Teaching teams. --- Training of --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Teaching --- Education. --- Education, general. --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Training --- Training of. --- Teacher education --- Teacher training --- Teachers, Training of
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This book provides an introduction to the nature of collaborative action research, explains how to engage in the action research process, and offers readers insights into how collaborative action research may be embedded in everyday classroom practice. The latter objective will be accomplished by engaging the reader with four case studies about teachers who took part in collaborative action research. Each case study focuses on teacher beliefs about science teaching and learning, how school-based teams of teachers develop and implement plans of action in their classrooms, and how action research results in changes teacher learning and classroom practice. This book will be of interest to anyone who wishes to develop an understanding of or engage in collaborative action research, especially practitioners and teacher educators.
Action research in education. --- Science -- Study and teaching. --- Teaching teams. --- Education --- Social Sciences --- Theory & Practice of Education --- Education, Special Topics --- Science --- Study and teaching. --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Education. --- Science education. --- Science Education. --- Teaching --- Research
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Paraeducators—also known as teacher aides, teaching assistants, and instructional assistants—are playing an increasingly important role in schools. Most teachers, however, have never been trained to work effectively with other adults in their classrooms.
Teachers' assistants --- Teaching teams --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Teaching --- Aides, Teachers' --- Assistant teachers --- Assistants, Teachers' --- Classroom assistants --- Education assistants --- Instructional assistants --- Paraeducators --- Paraprofessionals in education --- School assistants --- Teacher aides --- Teachers' aides --- Teaching assistants --- Teachers
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An essential resource for anyone interested in learning more about establishing-or improving-a literacy coaching program.
Reading teachers. --- Reading teachers --- Mentoring in education --- Teaching teams --- Reading --- Lesson planning --- Theory & Practice of Education --- Education --- Social Sciences --- Lesson plans --- Planning --- Teaching --- Language arts --- Elocution --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Mentors in education --- Reading, Teachers of --- Teachers --- In-service training --- Curricula --- Study and teaching --- In-service training.
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This book introduces the Collaborative Teaching Improvement Model of Excellence (CTIME), a continuous improvement model that embraces personalized professional learning to ensure that teachers meet the core competencies for co-teaching without burning out along the way.
Teaching teams. --- Educational change. --- School improvement programs. --- Improvement programs, School --- Instructional improvement programs --- Programs, School improvement --- School self-improvement programs --- School management and organization --- Change, Educational --- Education change --- Education reform --- Educational reform --- Reform, Education --- School reform --- Educational planning --- Educational innovations --- Co-teaching --- Collaborative teaching --- Cooperative teaching --- Coteaching --- Instructional teams --- Rotation plans (Teaching) --- Team teaching --- Teaching