TY - BOOK ID - 85720157 TI - Lectures in classical thermodynamics with an introduction to statistical mechanics PY - 2020 SN - 3030491986 3030491978 PB - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, DB - UniCat KW - Chemistry, Physical and theoretical. KW - Thermodynamics. KW - Heat engineering. KW - Heat transfer. KW - Mass transfer. KW - Chemical engineering. KW - Phase transitions (Statistical physics). KW - Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. KW - Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer. KW - Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering. KW - Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems. KW - Phase changes (Statistical physics) KW - Phase transitions (Statistical physics) KW - Phase rule and equilibrium KW - Statistical physics KW - Chemistry, Industrial KW - Engineering, Chemical KW - Industrial chemistry KW - Engineering KW - Chemistry, Technical KW - Metallurgy KW - Mass transport (Physics) KW - Thermodynamics KW - Transport theory KW - Heat transfer KW - Thermal transfer KW - Transmission of heat KW - Energy transfer KW - Heat KW - Mechanical engineering KW - Chemistry, Physical and theoretical KW - Dynamics KW - Mechanics KW - Physics KW - Heat-engines KW - Quantum theory KW - Chemistry, Theoretical KW - Physical chemistry KW - Theoretical chemistry KW - Chemistry KW - Termodinàmica KW - Mecànica estadística KW - Física estadística KW - Mecànica analítica KW - Mecànica estadística del no equilibri KW - Processos irreversibles KW - Sistemes oberts (Física) KW - Teoria cinètica de la matèria KW - Teoria cinètica dels gasos KW - Teoria cinètica dels líquids KW - Teoria del transport KW - Termodinàmica estadística KW - Estadística quàntica KW - Termologia KW - Dinàmica KW - Física KW - Mecànica KW - Bombes de calor KW - Dinàmica de gasos KW - Entalpia KW - Entropia KW - Radiació del cos negre KW - Segon principi de la termodinàmica KW - Termodinàmica atmosfèrica KW - Termodinàmica del desequilibri KW - Termoelasticitat KW - Termoquímica KW - Transferència de massa KW - Anàlisi tèrmica KW - Calor KW - Fred KW - Màquines tèrmiques KW - Motors tèrmics KW - Teoria quàntica UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:85720157 AB - This textbook facilitates students’ ability to apply fundamental principles and concepts in classical thermodynamics to solve challenging problems relevant to industry and everyday life. It also introduces the reader to the fundamentals of statistical mechanics, including understanding how the microscopic properties of atoms and molecules, and their associated intermolecular interactions, can be accounted for to calculate various average properties of macroscopic systems. The author emphasizes application of the fundamental principles outlined above to the calculation of a variety of thermodynamic properties, to the estimation of conversion efficiencies for work production by heat interactions, and to the solution of practical thermodynamic problems related to the behavior of non-ideal pure fluids and fluid mixtures, including phase equilibria and chemical reaction equilibria. The book contains detailed solutions to many challenging sample problems in classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics that will help the reader crystallize the material taught. Class-tested and perfected over 30 years of use by nine-time Best Teaching Award recipient Professor Daniel Blankschtein of the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT, the book is ideal for students of Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, and Materials Science, who will benefit greatly from in-depth discussions and pedagogical explanations of key concepts. Distills critical concepts, methods, and applications from leading full-length textbooks, along with the author’s own deep understanding of the material taught, into a concise yet rigorous graduate and advanced undergraduate text; Enriches the standard curriculum with succinct, problem-based learning strategies derived from the content of 50 lectures given over the years in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT; Reinforces concepts covered with detailed solutions to illuminating and challenging homework problems. ER -