TY - BOOK ID - 7121756 TI - The European Union and its Eastern neighbours : towards a more ambitious partnership ? PY - 2012 VL - 78 SN - 9780415612616 9780203128992 0415612616 9781136471780 9781136471797 9781317605546 9781138815797 PB - London : Routledge, DB - UniCat KW - European Union KW - Europe, Eastern KW - European Union countries KW - Belarus KW - Ukraine KW - Moldova KW - Foreign relations KW - Foreign economic relations KW - Politics and government KW - Social conditions KW - Union européenne KW - Pays de l'Union européenne KW - Europe de l'Est KW - Relations extérieures KW - Histoire KW - #SBIB:327.7H233 KW - European Union. KW - Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik KW - Internationale Kooperation. KW - ENP KW - European Neighbourhood Policy KW - Politique européenne de voisinage KW - PEV KW - Außenpolitik KW - Politisches Programm KW - Internationale Beziehungen KW - Internationale Zusammenarbeit KW - Kooperation KW - Europese Unie: externe relaties, buitenlands- en defensiebeleid (ook WEU) KW - Europaische Union. KW - Moldawien KW - Russland. KW - Weißrussland KW - Belorussland KW - Belaja Rusʹ KW - Respublika Belarusʹ KW - Republic of Belarus KW - Republic Belarus KW - République du Bélarus KW - Republik Weißrußland KW - Belarusʹ KW - Республика Беларусь KW - Weißrussische SSR KW - Ukrainische SSR KW - Ukrajina KW - Ukraina KW - Ukrai͏̈na KW - Ukrajna KW - Moldawia KW - Moldavien KW - Moldauische SSR KW - Moldau KW - Moldavskaja SSR KW - Moldovă KW - Republik of Moldova KW - Republik Moldawien KW - Republik Moldau KW - Republica Moldova KW - Respublika Moldova KW - Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika Moldova KW - SSR Moldova KW - RSS Moldova KW - Republica Sovietică Socialistă Moldova KW - Bessarabien KW - East Europe KW - Eastern Europe KW - EU countries KW - Euroland KW - Europe KW - Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik. KW - KooperationEuropese Unie: externe relaties, buitenlands- en defensiebeleid (ook WEU)European Union countries KW - EuropeForeign relations KW - Rußland KW - Krievija KW - Federazione Russa KW - RF KW - Großrussland KW - Großrußland KW - Russia KW - Rossijskaja Imperija KW - Russie KW - Empire de Russie KW - Russian Federation KW - Federacja Rosyjska KW - Rosja KW - Rossija KW - Rossijskaja Federacija KW - Russische Föderation KW - Russland KW - РФ KW - Российская Федерация KW - Российская Империя KW - Ruthènie-Blanche KW - Internationale Kooperation KW - Europäische Union KW - E.U. KW - Weißrussen KW - 19.09.1991 KW - -Ukrainische SSR KW - Ukrainer KW - XX.12.1991 KW - -Rußland KW - Russische SFSR KW - -1917 KW - 25.12.1991 KW - -Moldawia KW - Moldauer KW - 23.5.1991 KW - -East Europe KW - -Foreign relations KW - 23.05.1991 KW - Histoire. KW - Ukraïna KW - Russisches Reich KW - République du Bélarus KW - Ruthènie-Blanche KW - Politique européenne de voisinage KW - Europäische Union KW - Moldovă KW - Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika Moldova KW - Republica Sovietică Socialistă Moldova KW - Russische Föderation KW - Российская Федерация KW - Российская Империя KW - -Europe KW - -EU countries KW - Belarussen KW - Europe, Eastern - Foreign relations - European Union countries KW - European Union countries - Foreign economic relations - Europe, Eastern KW - Europe, Eastern - Politics and government - 2001 KW - -Europe, Eastern - Social conditions - 2001 KW - -European Union countries - Politics and government - 2001 KW - -European Union countries - Social conditions - 2001 KW - -European Union countries - Foreign relations - Europe, Eastern KW - Europe, Eastern - Foreign economic relations - European Union countries KW - European Union countries - Foreign relations - Belarus KW - European Union countries - Foreign relations - Ukraine KW - European Union countries - Foreign relations - Moldova KW - Belarus - Foreign relations - European Union countries KW - Ukraine - Foreign relations - European Union countries KW - Moldova - Foreign relations - European Union countries KW - Relations extérieures KW - Union européenne UR - https://www.unicat.be/uniCat?func=search&query=sysid:7121756 AB - The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) of 2004, and the succeeding Eastern Partnership (EaP) of 2009 heralded a revolutionary new form of relations with the European Union's neighbours - partnership based on joint ownership and shared values - which would complement if not entirely replace the EU's traditional Eastern Partnership (EaP) governance framework used for enlargement. These initiatives, however, have received a mixed response from the EU's eastern neighbours. This book explores the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. Based on extensive original research, including in-depth interviews with key people in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and in Brussels, it assesses why the EU's initiatives have been so poorly received. It shows how the key elements of "partnership" have been forged mainly by the EU, and not jointly, and examines the idea of external governance, and how the application of this has been over-prescriptive and confusing. ER -